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Association for 

Image — 

Information and 
MS303 -1980 

Management _ 





7 8 9 10 11° #12 13.. 14 15 mm 

fs sil ij 


~- HA aaggass) 















Thomas E. Jeffrey 
Microfilm Editor and Associate Director 
Paul B. Israel 
Assistant Editor 
Mary Ann Hellrigel Douglas G. Tarr 
David W. Hutchings Robert A. Rosenberg 
Editorial Associates 
Leonard DeGraaf John Deasey 
Joseph P. Sullivan Barbara B. Tomblin 
Alan Stein Jacquelyn Miller 
Karen Kozak Maria Antonakakis 

Student Assistants 

Keith A. Nier 
Assistant Editor 

Reese V. Jenkins 
Director and Editor 

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey 
National Park Service, Edison National Historic Site 
New Jersey Historical Commission 
Smithsonian Institution 

University Publications of America 
Frederick, Maryland 

Edison signature used with permission of McGraw-Edison Company. 

Thomas A. Edison Papers 
Rutgers, The State University 
endorsed by 

National Historical Publications and Records Commission 
18 June 1981 

Copyright © 1987 by Rutgers, The State University 

All rights reserved. No part of this publication including any portion ofthe guide and index or of the microfilm may 
be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means—graphic, electronic, 
mechanical, or chemical, including photocopying, recording or taping, or information storage and retrieval 
systems—without written permission of Rutgers, The State University, New Brunswick, New Jersey. 

The original documents in this edition are from the archive at the Edison National Historic Site at West Orange, 

New Jersey. 


Reese V. Jenkins 
Director and Editor 

Thomas E. Jeffrey 
Associate Director and Microfilm Editor 

- Assistant Editors Research Associates 
Paul B. Israel Douglas G. Tarr 
Robert A. Rosenberg ‘ Mary Ann Hellrigel 
Keith A. Nier David W. Hutchings 
Andrew Butrica 
Assistant to the Director Secretary 
Helen Endick Grace Kurkowski 
Student Assistants ‘ 
Leonard DeGraaf Joseph P. Sullivan 
Alan Stein Karen Kozak 

Jacquelyn Miller Granville Miller 


Rutgers, The State University of National Park Service, Edison 
New Jersey National Historic Site 
Edward J. Bloustein Roy W. Weaver 
T. Alexander Pond Edward J. Pershey 
Tilden G. Edelstein Smithsonian Institution 
John Gillis Bernard Finn 
New Jersey Historical Commission Arthur P. Molella 

Bernard Bush 
Howard L. Green 


James Brittain, Georgia Institute of Technology 
Alfred D. Chandler, Jr., Harvard University 
Neil Harris, University of Chicago 
Thomas Parke Hughes, University of Pennsylvania 
Arthur Link, Princeton University 
Nathan Reingold, Smithsonian Institution 
Robert E. Schofield, lowa State University 


William C. Hittinger (chairman), RCA Corporation 
Edward J. Bloustein, Rutgers, The State University of NJ. 
Cees Bruynes, North American Philips Corporation 
Paul J. Christiansen, Charles Edison Fund 
Philip F. Dietz, Westinghouse Electric Corporation 
Roland W. Schmitt, General Electric Corporation 
Harold W. Sonn, Public Service Electric and Gas Company 
Morris Tanenbaum, AT&T 


Alfred P. Sloan Foundation 
Charles Edison Fund 

The Hyde and Watson Foundation 
Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation 

National Science Foundation 
National Endowment for the Humanities 


Alabama Power Company 

Amerada Hess Corporation 


Atlantic Electric 

Association of Edison Hluminating 

Battelle Memorial Institute Foundation - 

The Boston Edison Foundation 

Cabot Corporation Foundation 

Carolina Power and Light Company 

Consolidated Edison Company of 
New York, Inc. 

Consumers Power Company 

Corning Glass Works Foundation 

Duke Power Company 

Exxon Corporation 

Florida Power & Light Company 

General Electric Foundation 

Gould Inc, Foundation 

Gulf States Utilities Company 

Idaho Power Company 

International Brotherhood of Electrical 

Iowa Power and Light Company 

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley H. Katz 

Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd, 

McGraw-Edison Company 

Middle South Services, Inc. 

Minnesota Power 

New Jersey Bell Telephone Company 

New York State Electric & Gas 

North American Philips Corporation 

Philadelphia Electric Company 

Philips International B.V. 

Public Service Electric and Gas 

RCA Corporation 

Robert Bosch GmbH 

San Diego Gas & Electric 

Savannah Electric and Power Company 

Schering Plough Foundation 

Texas Utilities Company 


Transamerica Delaval Inc. 

Westinghouse Educational Foundation 

Wisconsin Public Service 

A Note on the Sources 

The pages which have been 
filmed are the best copies 
available. Every technical . 
effort possible has been _ 
_ made to ensure legibility. 


Reel duplication of the whole or of 
any part of this film is prohibited. 
in fieu of transcripts, however, 
enlarged photocopies of selected 
items contained on these reels 
may be made in order to facilitate 



REEL 51 


D-79-028 [continued] through D-79-036 
("Mining - Platinum Search" through "Telegraph") 

D-79-028 Mining - Platinum Search 


oie i, ty op 7, Jd 
OZ a 

- Peteanda. leak ae ees 
nes : a es & a8 

Lar Ptorerdag, Cr lonporaae.. Hb wvsile Yee. 
Ore Ae bl atesigbled Cy Latt af 

bit” teren. ae: teil patiles Wed alae g (041 - 
ae Yor till, bir he UC ODegy. 

Zee pt fees (pil 1p ie, Re 


ehilaaige "Hames Ty ‘ppd ee 

. feet sete fe cate ananitiellagey ee ee ee eee 
Yporie. relty. Epi: CAs ey OW Lo a oe a ee “8: 

aes yey cam cree tf fle py 

Me Fri dityprecangi) Gif ege pean 

COPIA... Hiceny ge ett O Ladson eens es Cree RY eke. CRIES 04 

OP i iaty es 

Mh, . Que! sit adil, ST e cn et Gel os Aeene re Re : Let NG i" 4 

Se toe a Suet, rain. 
GH Sat ys it (toll. for 
fleck Li tle. Ale bo ESS ES 
Plea. MioCeve7Hta.t. we WE Wore ted. 

olin EBaatpeiggeoe fs eSATA ae 

yf Olezr0. 72 Ledirie. , Pete 

’ oo PHE LA&o:.- 
* MEN".% ee ii. a. 

ct nee hrs Y, te 
i Hew fet fe woe . 

Bs : oy ; ae : eB fons bree yew CEE 
Lao cay ae =e d 2 os 

iy ——od _ haere actus be a 2 af lean 

p fares gC akg hes 

; cere ied 
| Cif basin 

Siely fur Me (fol LL ol 

oy S59 

ea des OD es gy A yore 

CEtK CCL LG1 epee a oie: 


Agee - hObre wiih i @ ey, pled: ; 

“Dye ae Ps LE fe ace cof cla He Leecveerniee Se er O Cais 


Bete eel Me MLA we fil a Ww * aLeeg. fT SELP om 
AMES Cee. LEU Chest PEGG sly, i : , fe 

ECE. LO! cha, et oe Ae That ih tle Go" os idee Gok 12 O-+-¢ én 
Mh Me Fhe typtttt, tensed, Lte.cleiglies Dx. ea 
LZ 2a ee . fe 
Le Gwenli tae ae AP, 

aS om CSP B10 hae 

fo Pepe E? sie Categ Ce wncl 

Ee ces 2 He oe ee 8G 4, y pebir? 46, | oT Athi ad Carat, Mat yo 2 a 
tee. ae ae oo tl lle Mat arkcrip fe 1 ea etn ol AE. Chane Pat. APA LZ. a Aa 
~s lil fro ees AOE elit LAL a a -: feats SAL Te 4 OL _wsel. 

t { eeasenee ceo. 
: es Lg we he bo 
ey, ae PLUG is Cavers. Lack | aa ; CED Mo Chat eae ee 

C7. Kiss, ten cle nwo Le VE Brtraler ‘ 

we | 

wee CE Dial” oe horn be. “pioeee: i ee ae 

: i ene Beefs Pe Catone 

7 fe Laid 2h mn a 7 we | ce a ~ Seo Lp 
MLE 8 E Sttrul ye LL CECE Ct. Lbs i Beng 7 Senay 

PECARE | | : : CGEte 

ne Ol 

Fix See ae Sop ieee sa: : oA aa ae 

Ae Cok = AG zs por y 

Lp a 
Aone : cabs get 


(Cre ae 
Oomph eg EL eR TEP EE Foet. 

egal Geely, ae aad 

Miehhiveg vt erg ite 

wetness Legg lar Za 

a oo — 
red. . - a 
x ; hy ee ria LZ 

: agin 

Regen ete 
Pets . 



sito tt etohsbth: Lacie ati ieee ea 



Ane Say 

MOR o 1 

I Ae oy 


5 Laflez 


ew York; : wy — 2 mas 


| era 
! i DL - 
. pat es 
; me ees 
a eo eae 0 evsfar Ela ~ 
Pe on oo 
Go ee ae: 

Ae Ca a Se 

ne Se a a 

KZ AE: tat 

: rh ‘a : \ Aeisonte, trifine bg 
a — saat 
Yb. Hard y — 

Meade Parte, 
hard | 
fore lod autrver , Sail aby Maced? 
1d Arwueph faker Aerne be haved! asd were Aaubfaly 
Hud god bby fiver Cacepler of bach lead, ey 
fr led , Aewente, Connity, tle bak tte, tortoig 
d heap dha wk fortieat. 
del frond ledar Gall, focal Yeavt ta FM te 
LY prvewred! Meu ceery fall, ol Me en gf the 
He : fron’ ucte bale buch. 
eli” pom a” tilalaty ff te hes creck) heer 
ty heed — fur tel ea gor. 
Je form fount” bake , © taut proepeslez 
fits wb attett gold bat we far tet bead forena 
bt wheel: bends te lhe, buch leew. Mee bbtecuven 
S 1006 cueloted eau 0d lage by ff euch, 

mrt oe apis ited Deemgsnc sane i ee He eo, : Son cay th, obec hE en? 2: 

tet aber, what no leek lead ob fomnd. 
4illrnyl verter wisfistirn wentl vindteaty abema, 
Gf PUlliban accel tly earugensers cb He fe covtines 
Laed Tf may Well be There a builelel a1 wth a0 
Eraucstelory fir aabyles Gf t14 Liesd, Inagpit’ 
tad alee ccccmay tht, verte flesu JO bt 06 gh 
Nitin, . Le lorw tse wets, hale bei, 
bn pik tearee our tried tell Crneuve le~ 
“ea up", tiled I anit be edt bideed gow 
trany tune Setecuen 
Gaia thivy tea 
A Ege ty 4 


- “y, eee 

bed ro-ef duu wed beic 


1 je 7 wile Creer 
_ ot. OK Rrets . Ve! 
Duc ~~ vo pete a Deh h, 
Maile Io 1A- 

Ce. w ey piles gets Civ, 

ie pn tas Soe vee a The orl 

Chere Pots 

: (We Ice had o& quan’ ae A 

TS Chenu aot thes 

ae Te tiie a 

Mitel Wwe A | A ae | ae 


Te a earn ere ne eee, 
Ss nt por fe oe 

i Ae oe Be | dy wb, 
j | Chor Muy dy 8 vias apt 94, 
| | | 

Guay a tt | ee 
—~ ee | cen ees 
[aa Pea eek wm Tanna? 
| OL dy CORI Sond 

| Ue CR Nee es. 
re Ci eee Ne nee 

x eet re. Were Lon 




Soa Longe oon Lk x 

|, An. woe Sheet 

‘ és Cae Pisses Aid A Lita estan ES ee ‘ - jad mantel 


i a of ‘oe fre) S- | iA ‘a y mn . io 2 

Maine tr fo Sates Dee aa ng, One. te a eas Do nen & 

Owens Liaw eve al, pore tan. > an 
oy bec a wy ‘ta cer 12 acres 

Cals Ae aon cae: ey, FF Pe os RB 9 , = “Y bs 
UN EN Kea Y Ds bar ie fron Vrrkex “XS . “ ; 
Pd phe Va pee a cies 

‘ | i nent eA A ecwajey 
Cr dC bly ot fon ‘ot 

- Oper Visas ee “4 ed ch ad he. 

Roo rowed ero ATMA 
Ne \e De Menara 
ae: ene eee Oey 
1a, ' as fdhaveases os Se SO 

Avon, aa 

GOs. a 


Wy, one | 

eat | 
wi veal 

oe tom Gates Fool reaal m 



Onlin, afte Ss 


e flak. 

PEAT be res 

oo ONE x . 
ONLY dagen, 





ee \ . : 
LOR. OA WA ene 

Sox wheal watt SMO ou HAL AR Trou, ssontal QQ we 

— eee Weis Qorcands ane Seow eas Lueohis © 
\ Maen NEL as 
ie WO Ne SSAA Sila aie ke Yeoh, | 

AS Ws slants Bee ee N\ BNW Yo QL ‘ 

mee Noe _ | 

Ng . : 
S) Woda. SO, | 

. pS ~~ th 
Od es) OAD WA AAA Ba Yaw tt GS 

own das 


W.S. CLARK, LL.D, ee m 
Py 7 F 
; : aes ; ‘ 
. PS me: it yi ; é od 
Pa ‘ q ye ; e * a\\ —— TY 

oe HOTEL. Ata, Wj th. Jeff lop 

. Ze 
i~ pi ere ey aor & pe. 
a7 ag xe ae Oe ad gee Pre He, 
J te. ot 
Oe ie ies aay ake Al Phece Ce 
Se i ee P of righ ee ete. but 
Erez al. & hor? "9h. Finns. THe. 

elegy He Foti, wher Gry ewe 


ort ae Oo BEE. ce Loran ee 
dat ha 7 jor oD ers Li a Ese 
Ps Cae eae v edi Mlentatd Lebf 

Te Lb 

b eae Se ee 
‘ae a Ss: 

a height doccech, 

Cwekk $fen8 f Figueroa ch ap 
Wee of tune Get tbe: x ri 

ota Sh an Maha adit ns Kone ites 


| (ce Naw 
: oe 

Arrccg ed. we 
DEcctle bry 
Ae ae ea 
: E/E 

Pow ol tee Bewewnle Ptreceed) 

fee PRS 

fhe lated oH é 

> saute ox Cal al ae 
Wilauiaat’ ta” UI 

a Holand 


, tits Wn) lee Cho - 

. Yes _ arte hk Abad 

SL te ee 
yor sviarte vifclere te leah Mes 
Pre bitte Whe toraltecf. Mbtor; 

Ye Nnovene — A a Moe 22 
a Prep Whi the CO derdor. Mefo try _ 
ees fovsie We Beer ~ 

, Of Or Ue 

& Weert, Stro J birce Cdberued or F thang 

an Cinne Leolkse bn hes Couimlry , lrcef~ 

BBS onae m gee Cea, 

G07 19900 ss 

gl Oofle 
Rte vith : 
eo Guith Garr aleoree Aan 

lA ae 



Ze M1) uk Ae Lice 



Meg, (22-2 

Ly Wee, Ar 

do lo 

Sin Lox 

Ts ie = 08) temitecc Y brapper rh ee 
. ares / pete GC tree ea 

= Wr afafoer (hene’ ne er 

Ontyrrvwek_ Caged) ees. 
eos abs) repecan ee 
Clo Urabe alle inesiie bn Seo 

Ca cl. 

iu dee 



~ favs 

A 4 e is iw an $7] hes ie 

et el “bees 

Stes zt. 

~ Comitinizn & 

we ay eae a igs Loan 


a a é 
ah How lulge- XL WALL be tow. 

fet.d Oy! 

= A 






freee a 

1 Goan et PR 



9 Creek 


‘ Ly : 

rig! Ge so! 



Fel Cuthy 

f x 7 Cone 

rs Pee 
BER Begs 

oy b. 
oS be 
*. Nt \ 

sii Nas caged 

> Srery Rel” Pe 

io bee bbedaiieres’ (w he rae “) 

pele, ye 6: 

Pie ack, aca en Cdtiece . 
ike be Kee aa aoe a eye ey 
ieee. 1d epi OT a ded reeds 

AD coo, eae ¢ prev Aa, Buick Heese: 

ne ; ff Ya peek - fo, 
oes yet i) meshes” fe cae 

ees Gar. abel : Pres. yb Aura 
nay, 77) Ee SE, 1 ge pe ‘ . 
: tae: oe eben. , ’ 

: Lied i: oes Pa : Peete, =e LAL, C. 
| Te, fy Fe 
ns ee (nits toto, Pere cs), 
: Zi ao 

ek Beet ie a 

nea tie ag 

ars “Sctaetdoie tw 

oe ee eee 


"NE, yrntrnt Heer Ae 
oie ae “L4. a9 

: if Poy ha oa 

Dhenb Ws hee AH Ahh 

Gps Leg bp Bly! Clirlly Leb inee 
pret, Gee Liew i Al 
Zr} Mitn ko L. ee veer. 
. Eel cinonsertig eo 
1 a 

JOKE YE Drivel” aleorve PLL PDE Soe 


€ fo" 
ZC Dia. +Yyy Lo yz Op. dy ; : 
<2 a 4 a edt”. as Le Co LCA CEDL¢ de 

hia F72¢ Gian 

a ‘3 we 
ie Cae or fl Pirie Fem gH. LE Zebtr ln 
: ZB Le Lay ibe xy ee YOR. 

e. ee KE OV” LFitye Hh. Porc rigs 

| Heh Gil 
vie PS WH 


pre A} Bae uy ; 
S Ate.) LD. uO Aft Ei heats ont 
- Van mo tbdwspe Bid) 
LST ee ee Ie Mos Pais 
ere Lgl eke: SB! AS pf 
: om eres Ct, 
Us yeh. ba/ Hee Site tS 
gol wnt hes « aren sneta Te) 
he. rere sen My amg eben ye oer re 
RA a pth Qhy bff nail Te Led POL. 
Pree, wae de HheS OT ae 
& ew ae Vigre Avy rack | 

PTT eerie satan sition 

On ey A en 


Cen ne Oo age Sass oOo 
ERE. Co Eoin 

yar ood a De 

wets ere OT A . 

ie Fon 7s ob Pha los Feat 
i od at ha 
4) : oe) 

cai 5 
“sgt? A 

wat Gpeuey - Yasteel. Ht 

itil oe ys Lez 8 
reals CoA, ey, | | 

Jean fe, 
| Pa Stati gue Aaa ta Fagt 
mo a co pes @ is as fe 7 “beg A 

Seng cme nen ee Ta ne meaner 

PTET ITE A et Roem ty cob oe eet npeneee, 2: _ 


re rey Fan Piet olen 
S64 O88 phere. flor) Arotabl, Jo on tls 

RS Lbs fot baores prong tant oot te sped : 
+ (BFL, Corl arin Yi laltte 

a ? Phila ae A 

‘8 oh 7 
Me - 



; ALGO, Jkot Hie Adu fn of Mi poe) 
7 tat ot there Coal Bes Bg fon wo & SO Gass 
Gta of flab ; Aoerey Kae fovofrr Owe. 
of the ee CUD Larweg er CBee hy entitles 
whys Caney | Ly Fin, Willems, 
epee, uk ore pete: a aaa hed 
LE hod DDD hokilas whr Jl rl inn 
“i fern ot BOOT BEA A Bah the: Poi Ld) 
eth, Lak LE got) . 
ella anc ch cae le fon 
60 ES 0G for olay fa obs otro for7. | 
Ce alo erp alc at | 
7. | Abi Sache 2 frrraciocandr filed | 
‘ee Ae Mi. 2A ee af. . 
Wecil pe, ahBitreT fag phere D AK 
Kak Lo cy fawihar wh gw A colle 
6 beh ox bain | flr On wks sty a. 

iad Sse i ai Ri peta om ol pile SO EO SS lea 

: Bite tur. be kl grr. bak wa pees ba 
noth Maen ena Apogee egmna 

or Coe fly y, Moms: GE a ne: 
a fg BOL + gfln-d Pope: 
Lol, Yow wipes biflprrnej Kak De fo 
ch py Core, olen CL. ges on BL at 
hucbole on thi MECHE at $0 tiuly flr 
(iethane wt eh 1 ak the pat~ of $37 
fer for Paay pane 6, 0 gute to PA, | 
fw kee tbh, foark ofa Phanwh fae : 
DU pesieoe JE, % 

4 se a 


ves Ls ee 

pent 3 wii by | 

[Me Inti t 

; S . : . i ; 
esse a: te Sty! Popes ctr~ 

Yo hd S MCCO Lar He L oy, le 


: ¢9- w fle HOWE ILO Lec Od L2H 
cx, lens Wie woreele Luteo) . 

teey-orguctligry/ We 
ie tee Ache, eee = a. we 
: Ge lected DH. Colle OF a etal ie He eo 2 

Core ty OP Go, ttt) ’ 

Eo ee. trata, CULM va feet he (BAA, SWACOY 
Gfendnt tbe cetey CIN sree), 

levtD lito. Ah at aus Ler Parte al. wee 
SO) © clu (GHEE ; ¢ fete 7 Ley Wie | 

i lods 1 Ao i fetiurvig 7 gla td avd. 
by Luitlirling, Ce Atti Le COW, Gf tach, 

CtO. Pitti Lett igh Fi OU LC. Me elele tn 
alae 2 a ; DX Cb. Go Oh ule ncaa 

Vz be tine ve MDS Ae Dun 7 D (itr tray 
EUG a mes YL Cle velepeclcead Pace’ 
atthe Ot Hey BAL btw . 
Ss Pop he Dye YPU Ls One ee. Me Leet, 
Mlev Hil okr~ Ce LO 
fs aut! Cictty, Aeoad a) 
Hoadlimth ” | 
un OES, ee UY ee UE le | 
| bie hi Lt! ied Mis t Yllibe p ob Cnr dere 
. re. LAE CU “os Le pane ofp f 
OMe Ved Ll ACACE Coie Mette 
og. Ll“ es LK é lo . 
Gn rar oe, ELIE ee Le | 
CY Nl€a btw hi Fe He. dh Petere, (COLE. ‘C, 
ce lil, . Se. 0 acl} Frwe- #6. tte 

ey oe i Cr GF el ttptte lees , oO LY LET cece 
Cth s po ce. gig CLL - 9 Lf Cetin ae 

Sh Dn cle Peni a 7. 
Tlirestd 4 Gow need cts a ac 
9 Cun WC, LU Of foo~ tc 
“peal Ani thy con O. gl gy AAS; OO Kew 

“a OY bud wieds i peote Cs 

SS et ee A i CNB ANE SA sh Wc i I SA t he Ds ik od oy SAN Nisei eal Haag 

Biombaid J Co, 

| hg. gt. a oo 1/7 

Coft anathema ye ba 
Ox Clatinnn tune « Coffe Mh fotrnaky tbtcd? 
cn eae WoT Bh irl: Co tte! Para bate « aa 
fan ie Le an St ae 
a wrth Alb rere ring,” he yeoe maaan 
Capen rr res gs arte 
To late fipady sarin ard a 

eV OUR, 

ie we EY ur on 

ooh te pple oe ome 

, b cagfua _ be soe pa 


"ee & al 

bre dine. Wudls is do but legal Cournefine= 

Neha: Dung, (574 
Qe Jor 

: Duly 9% ene sey en 
Onyurny a ts uthaok: gprcrtitleey Peomced of. 

a; and. unl. refily pe eam: 
AMenamca— bee aa. IY cau 

haw, do Oa ORS aR ea sa 

< gl a oii be baying C24 

“araapell rane. frotictirdy, 

ivrilie nda. bed Cte gant whicst Petit 
ae with one. atsoctadte id Of Woke 

fine, ane. Cytetiads Manerghe & City y 14- 

Ane Uttar which. He Crnrtinces 2B Chit Mined, 

 Vaininels, Wirral wbstances, aieo all maining 
Nighds in Pervpetmitg. Se tee Sa 
+ Myre ene ure had. us yet prota but Cha 

Ce furl Witbier and Hit ba thins 


from it co a burtileiny Yard Qandt Wt, dra 

ertittid 6 rriticr by clacree of corel, ae thae 

Counk, of we thatl fray up ME overdue toa 

Fo cnark:iych get damapled form Mang dikGitT 

frend Of Cal negpar diol Jtecrrnaine hemuay 
OR KE thr Bis Iino = 
| pew you ALI may der.y. Sean mate. 
Ce. Cnent rebate turbo (I ratteer 

TE Stes sim Vewuipiuers « helices of plaitruiny 
found ba bebefirnios, i trein of tabetube be 
. Koen Long Gf tet=rvese » Vets. tad < 

ben freadiiw Oberg LO Lede been Cate) 

cakcly opr iferdic Wis ths ffuirh Hon thin 

oy oa wth Die basis 

tea He hed merer been fytust Clacutirre 

Us Yprune egencey for al at i ache 

Fombad of CGoe., 

40 BROADWAY, ROOMS 55 & 56. 

| 7 Au Yash Jy z 
ice ny ae 
alt feacres Oud ore, AbD the me 
pe 2 Org PE hatecagecs mp Sogo 
res en) heerrtbhicet 
ioe 48, a 60 Leta ty 
voy fe} ei ee 

I fon npn ape Cee 

ays w brn Sy 5G : 
PB rubbfhe hr bana 2,63 
: : ' ’ f J* 
: re A ciate eae — Eo “S29 207 : 
. Bis, ais 0 Hy 
Pladfln ve Gout ye, 
Done aaa al eae, ae are fe eS 
etaree ts .Canct, = oy - ae 7 O@ Y oe 
Malathets crn Cs SIF EU Nag 76 go, 4% 

Honbead & Cc. 

2 bu Ooh gg 
JS out fad am. ; Lun, wittsA OP bax 

Ox Cec ame lo fresec ania White 


Chenllis , bith prrarieee- ae 

os Ze i ad Pree SanaLe 5 
GELES 7 Pa enenrcan. Woe Brrr 

Zé Welt 

aid Cin ees rid eas AAS AES BER TS AoA Rae Bukit eeuDA TGC Bb diet pAa i gih ealeace nll asic 




Nes Be Nac Pee hy Pi 

| ISA. Golson. Gage Sianae eee ea Oe) 

Dian Bon 
SP anth at Bordple aes po ah 

ee ee bs olay. 08. rere Saas - 
Anfrle,. fy 
Vet i“ +, oh ti y time 

Gat. whee fae net ‘roles 

br Calle flats. vanes dypeot 
D. les earver. aoe ee fort adie 



"Saturday: afternoon, two! mon ‘Avho 
had fourteen \years mf OEP 

Aigging « woll upon Mr. Browning’s farm, 
some-miles west of, Contropolie, and ‘iiithe 
{| Ditunock neighbor , coma into te atty 

expertence injitaksas, { am prepare 
Ps wee lo lvelthe fur Heat tie - 

Hb ‘de , P ~ ‘| wittita lot-of peowtar.minorst-“spectinons, 
tng Tana tn th patate, fake G. s IB. A A IE WN WN pi § Ss 9 = }| These specimens were submitted to-many] 

Norgsong, nearly -all: offwhoms pronounced 
Wipecedary ; {them sliver oro, {Mnally, Mr. Clarke, of tho 
Clty ‘Poadary;\and Dr. Goo. Brown, deug- 
1879, gist, submitted a portion of the ore to ohém- 
ical testa, aud both unrororvedly pronounced 
‘tho game ‘almost ‘purc*platinun. ‘This‘an- 
jNouncenent has created quite ax excitomont; 
‘}4n' our city, as this’ mital Is worth morg per: 
ounce: than: golds It ts largely used in. alll: 
eloctri¢~inatruments, and+-fs-am- essentias|- 
clement to the, suocess of Prof. Edison’s 
famous clectrii light. In tnet,’ Mr. Cdlionys 
ag offered $25,000 roward-for.the diavovery{t 
of ‘this metal in‘anything dike largetpranth|: 
ties, + efits a ge esa td 
| For 'the hirformation of-“our renders wt) 
[Biv 6 adpbeaogs tdi Ohanbory’Knoyolopredis|i 
F, 7 Lhog shud othor svorks, ‘upen the qublity, dogeripel) 


ton and péouHarlttes of thls metat:. 
‘|. Wobstorisives tofollowing descriptions 

‘| @Poat-t-NOUM, or POATENUA. A mothl} 
-Jof the voor Of-ailvers but legs bright. Tey]: 
ipapediii¢ -gravityds 20, and insy be-ancrtaged 
‘Thy heat nnd pressure to 21,5.° [tie nurder 
‘{tiaw-iron; undergoca'no alterattor: in'nt, 
‘|reststs the actton of acids, f4 very auctilo, 
and‘tapablo | oft belug rolled into. very: thin 
: Plates. It is the-beavicst und least expansl- 
te of the motata? ; 
‘}) Fn Clave, nceyclopedhviws tttd: the 
followings: 0 \ oe a He 
‘}  DLAFINUA-s one of thenoblo metals, 
iJ which -Inay Lo obtalnedtn mord forme than 
jJoue, It 1s only found in the native state, 
{usually-oceurring {0 small -glistoning gran- 
re ‘jttos of a atcel-gray colory which always con- 
‘{taing an admixture, in-virying proporttons; 
of sevérak otliér’ niétaly; most ‘ofowhich ara 
rarely found except tn assoclution with pla- 
dinum, Sometimes, howatan, it oevuys 1 
Ingres -of the size of a pigcon’s egg, und 
y pidocs wetgliug ten, ot eyen twonty pounds, 
ave ocenblonally been found. Ithas so far 
only been tound: in payingt qyareities tir 
Columbuy, California, Oregon, Spain;! Aus. 
trallvand Russia, here are Lut two meth. 
:/ods of obtaining platinum fu tho torm of 
Boe Cel iJingots froin tlio ore, 1. o:, After tho-removal 
. jot tho metala assoviated \ritli-the platinum, 
: by Ue successive actidn of nitric-and hydro. 
chloric’ acids, Tho platinuin itself.ia dia- 
‘Jeolved {a ‘aqua regio, from’ whioh ‘itis pre- 
cipitated« by-a solution’ of sal ammonia, in 
tho form dof t sparingly solublo-double sult 
{a'his salt is washed aud heated to.redness, 
and the ‘chlorine and ummonia. expelled; 
leaving the metal in the form of. gray; 
spongy soft muss, known. na spongy vlati- 
num. (tis thon iitely powdered;.and:slinped 
by intonso-pressure into a- waas, then OX 
posed to' Intenso heat in w wind furnace, 
and formed into ingots by hammering upon 
its two onds, * * * [Tho othor.method 
fy too Jorg for nublitation:{n? te! Nunva:] 
‘| Platinum’ exhibits a blulsh-whi.e metalic 
lustre; {tis excoedingly malleable and duos 
tile; und ‘is vory infusible, melting-only bo- 
fore tho oxylydvogen blow-plpe, or in u vary, 

used for vents for the Wi 
late years.” es } 

tn Attileld’s Chemistry we tind’ the follow- 
ing: : Plt Pa Tae aed 
' “Platinum, like: gold, usually. ocouresto 
uaturo in tho fraa: atateythe chiet source’ of 
supply boing Mexico, Brazil,aud Siberiac It 
is separated «from! alluvial soil by washing, 
‘The chiet use of platinumis in the construc. 
tion of foil, wire,’ crucibles, spatulaa, cap- 
Stiles, ovaporating.dishoa,. and. stills ‘for. 
chomlcal: manufietwro; “The-chamical paal- 
tlon'of'platinum {s cloae to that of igolds-1t 
{s\hard, ‘fusible withiigroat diflou ty;-not™ 
dissolved by hydrochloric, nitric’ or'stiphu- 
ric noida: and on tly affeoted ‘by alka: 

Dealer | . 

°° Goufectioncyy, Frags, Bosks, Stationery, Cie, 2 & x 
ps J culend Hol Call, Cigsediy eos . re . 
IOC Cleves: Aue 
a Mle! b2fp, | . a 

ae: y Pegi, ) G2 LO s0H ut 
Cbiiteetsll ge fl cttw, | title! CLC, CLL 
Esmee ap Feces Hey, ear Sccdipele, 

Let, VIL, LOGA. 

Stowe feb a ie Z tho ithe, Vo Cone 
i fipahhs SLE Giff 

hecewrad 4 Be GL ethvevuee "Ie EZ ZZG 
B hit pratt tf woo , Sf “acces eB Laue 

Lheey gel oh ce 7 J 4 
td - aca Misiifiell, 

“sy oe : 5 | 


OD SINC eS aaa 

MI Gifs, Co, Map l oe 10-29 

aay ae 

PCIe oom Cote Gokd ecu 
Wr Can tale HGS Contenk Ind we oe 
An thruheryl 

y Uftman cencel aw) we Ae a. Cer for” 

Comte Gime YU tan gett mv urbe, 
Yn tenalec, tate F prckene Cis t long. c 
-L My whe luncll Cr dean Auntie oeins 

Cree ene Hk haar carg : 
hfe free of-hand UL f 900 fou 
Ping tt. ase rarcgrae es poe _ 
tan You tan Bo vg bells Gor had ‘ 

Poet ane sai aes 

i. ; ~eyatttY) ae ee Tous 


Atl Boomfild pal Nini Ca 

Nevada County, Cal. 

(Vath Titoom field, hag LL. ete 4 

Ja Clem by. 

ere ree S Sef. 
Ormbiaedy Oxpreas, oBout to afte, 
28 with Talon gui tinn de ) ele atk ollso Ts : 
Che, Be Uhg: Stan pron frimcns wot aie ah thes | “tine of pet ; 
i Tw OLAS eS ae CALE hema l Boyd Speen, 

teins wes eat stip ee aa 

: tt (eee 
The poring fore POTN > ee Gs 
fe buy, | OS tbe 

GEO. A, No, eek B Ans, Fea , OFF 7S 
Pararpeny, Supreintann, 7 : RTARY, 
FIGE 0} 
‘ hay GFE OP naa 
| Ww 

Vellow Facket Silver Mining Co. 
Bald Ml Meus. Le 9, arg 

CF Uf Shin, & C 
, PO cor Co PRR P),, 

i ee Se 
4 (277% 2.f Lhecle Weenie 
Shab Lone he ee Ch. ae fe Lv fe ¥20-22.0¢ 

2agth Mae acl Bek ar 
SET aa Cy, Mosc va oA Ot. CL Leek 
foe a fatto Pr, fn Ete A tA 
Poe Se oor, a mcs fis a aon al hae 
w 2Oo we arab ten ale. “9 iz fe, Ltr . 
oe KA la Blteuca, Keereel wae’ 
ya fe bX tthe bee Hs “a bn dt 

Borg het Corea. cary a 
Ser auk (te tated, Leyaces Ao 
Lev fi Aleem A foe f (a Eoin 

027-0f/lix Lovee tet “Ye 

7) vA a = af 
(ne ee ot re 4 5 aan “eg 

el KE (Sle 4 vapors fags ah 
ee ~ Den & aoa 

a C . CO Aettdh_ = aoa 
hes K fos vel 7 ra fies C. Qo an Lee 
tepi ow fe er Ma = 

Spee ate e1fy Kher aan dey Ao 
Cihl a eon fle- re a7 ae g 
ae LEER Atiti; Te Vat. ak 
ie) ae Pre 7 Ae tots Ama 

%y he ee eS ee a | aan 
WY icne ie 

CA) Ghats: Fo 

iain BP ah a AA Sock  ai AEAT  s AAL A Al i EU ANS Nhs 

ar : 

Hpaae Coytet/ 
Ail tt Oa Zi 
ee sticetae 

ge eit 

LEI ce 

es hye, Poo 

. bf oe 5 poronudiias oe 
Leland re 
es adden 

fea at Gort foe 

Boling ph iets ae tinct eect ant ALS ih niche telaeigt Mead edi i peace Sea sti Sass ne ct bp sa cnet ic paints hac tb a eB ST 

fe AK ely (neat) 

ae ae. Bib pay bith 

Mig Shays) alt the (phele) 

Mons ame pis Sect gk 20 

(tin wt 

wad cucbdegiilie 

wth fo pions (oe 

Ly Ge Ly calif (Lledbarss 

Bittle MEW Ce 



I ie 

EEE = 

Wi steed. Pho aser 

ee fore thes oar 
sb02tU fide 

foorfed je 
BOM SOC 0 ees Oe Ie a 
ehiitalls Atavl y “en fecep A oye 


ZA ee LS nett 

; J Leigeeent ty a pedi ae pode Le fie 

oe ey te. LK CGS well 1 a 
eb 1 Ne Ger 
COE Lat ad YEE 4 b Mae, Ai pact 
Ctity OS, Liqried GE Pdr togetoa) 4 Lew 
UWE COL Lhe fed Ctr 
Meabieli} Hil Dow g LH, Up liiirn . 
LEE E) Crore 2 
Le MeL; p het abenpfe Gad put 
ave eeudiinttc Life Bec | 
D leet. ti tor Mite, bee Hew 
piney . noth feo bate A 
be lorngeld ¢ on (plete ae Pore; Hie 
bas Got Yote ia Meleipes . 
rite M pb faite 



Be roo <4] Sve Seely LS es wal Dnt 

Ait th fy A pitied Gicforiuk git 

aingges, Owl god net one Te 

Ab Bieter KEL, Soe Bibel) arf 
oe ae ek, “ber Latetes 
Pe— BLetrwtelies tt Lie tee pele, 
Lig ests nat howe veZ0 Cite ptiet 
a ¢ 

Hiey 2 or : 

\ i J 

. Oba vepecsted 
arog is x t 

ie, } a Dede") a 
BL geo LEA Jive) ot 

1 fe ~ MA a aad 
yp" di HMLCEES, Bteted PELLD PEPE 
J ¢ a 

Eetitend tro fi" Sib erred “Loe o Fr gpow dimen Bho glee’ 
ee 1 |. geclogey Lelia Wale LC. gine 
PEER EE! rlesf “ie ra AQ Ciltettet “7 a Ppt tile 4 Mile te Cz Ge 

Lf, Zz : Oe OE 
Mel lia kegwipe wtliey Fe. bevnte. Lr 
Sy = es os Lo held - 
ee Gets Llides pr gied, Lbthe, 
/ pte ’ F t . ie 

22 08 AOL LI bay 
AMEN EIA EL bY bee Wot ste jet | 


2 Pot 
: ae 
eld L. 

‘B Ae Tf" 
di Le fp flan 1 you fal aol 

REE Ss tare nice Veins Nias skid ahaa bias Bish tid ahs bad dateeiber ge A Bal 

nthe fein ofall Hoo ed) Letts flr. liom 
Ji sal pre (winiils ppb Z mini col 
Pe gaa Lace ee 
heey agoaial aC Ug eI! 

he Wt. better» Cerner aa.ttlew ; Misi ad 072 

be ppanptan ordre, ESS Me a 

Gaiath, gedieves a Puskch en ge 

LES som = 
? Wed wath, oe 
as 2 spied gifeh pare 
| ce fieip, EF te Lead ron~ doug, Ss le 
| Sit her tly Acie, Chae, OLtl bed Vo: Fin focday fe) 

! pn aaes aw" en, Norte fy Me é i sag 
off Pat pre aw bbb, lof: Bis oe ee earctae 
74 pees 2+ goceLb, me Ca re Fasc 

— pel mntce Sle, UobdinAL C, Oya fore 2p Gilli bre HE, 
Raia: ies wala Vira. 0! lame akop b dwelt 

spies Sa si ae sali Bisa DS pia CA phe ary 

ion: Gage 
bom opr, “nthe ZA FP nae By Pivctbe Looper CED Ca 
fate reer | 

| nS ieee, wrth iljye PEL 
Vhiacd leernel gee. nee for goer Letend 0 gpa wélb ve 


91g oO es 

i Ys ‘ qua WN 

Nae dW 


. Taeleaon C, Or 
Waal elle, lle , ABM? 18 jp 

a. fg Tes: ia “gg 

bec S ee . 
| (eves af 4 A 
Ler Aeetsects, Gauche bernlents teledb, 
5 OL clel » &k fler~ Wee teg po 
vas fore WA Cone. Clalit Ss LO Le lL 
Met be. ep fee dlectel” Me” téseeef” 
Ltt. forug. Le) Ae, A fb ec ae 
porter ae iia fred forr 
BPILUMEY Le $e: YY . Pteg: Le gflcceres ‘ 
Cee Leven cond. proeeucl Gerth, 

a beer” ea ALLELE tectes fecal | | fees a 

oot fh Corll, . eter. Lede ff Gs - 
hone. aereed dere Chelle | 
be . baad 20 ff P2202 ei7ts LMF 
Cr ae Jt fevve £ee€ Ue. Ltt tteti4, 
ee, the. Shietled | . fobeuat 
ae Vee, Peerlal ete ies ety, is 

arom + eee i mee Nee Price a 

atte. CHE: 

a Dia a id ad eet asd Se atic aL pies 

Mine, Be Les Cae dee epee BiZE, 
yee “ae. hecfifbe Leck Le Lee Cocalig 
bee erg 2 frre tis Latin’ ee 
tiwicc ly | fore oop oy eee, ; 

a? Ante Lhere- voces” Lets ee! 
flee atte atey: wheres Tween ax hal 
wre woe, Ledlge Lf eee > ewe 
Sa J Clesne Bee 


Lo Zit he eof. wee ° 

Lovee é) redelea 

wena ger Miedede fr” 

Za . wag ohe=. stipity 
et A hOpeece” COted  ttu wee Bheerte seLebas, 

dere Lh vse LLG, be aleew one a4 the Le Lf 
Legat: 9 ; eee 
Se SO 

Apr diprrae, Cb Le the Ch vicpoete 


Lheel S epee 

heiting we allag ills 

Sai hy ag i WHat 

PRS eee EEN 

: Cbrleeles Lallere fpene 

ii BRED ITE da Gee . 
Leese’ ee fevered Petlisg | 
DB Kevevved aig Peles; Pig ran ALE aes : 

ee bs Bae ) Brel shortened Beet! 

; teal he. Breen aezerte the: llge 

asi Briba Me LE Alsi ite 

ae les Creech, Aud below fed. 
Aalbeceee yo ference Fleet: TAIT 
Godel ty te. ahove  pecrrae/ 

a dawg. ctr Bh feedime LEE dented 
aA ivele . toy, ee Agnew but I 
tlo pel fpowr~ totes. hif- wrelt 
oe x UMECPILL bf Oe, wie feval Lore 
thee Bae 
Comnce Kitz arth sudech Bb teetty 
ter coat tere petted Leones i 7 44 fy 
A, Ca pei of the. ee ines 
to pow aa itz! ae Wow tea 
ottey- Cirretfecnclewee er 0 tats Lhe: 
ee of the: reg erveecese. eee 
oe then” es Pree PY es a 
gcilun Uleiel feces go ld tne 
Attire. i pes Wes ile Le ae 

Vas tl, 

BERS wa ss Fa an a wd ne Sint Dinca Rie i is BY Gh 

Ue cau ee wa ty ee jeaS 10) Seabed die tk Soltibad add 

a Sadia OVE! + xf scott mt bn lan + 

am wf ith ee | 
wi (ie, 2 Rar dned dug 

_. | 

Po hu ier “Te Se a 4 

nr ae LE, Leto 

bear, Me Te geen & 
| np Ap a 
a Sane 4 

Pie hinkegacie Qe 7s 
ay ae ea a ree 
Br ME eel ot PE 20, 
ee ae een 
Be fost En 

pie SY meee me ee | 

Se ee eee ENT 

aa Nrta. | | x in ii 
1s) a 43 AF 
oie ae hal jel 

nee os PSOE Carnell tind. . 
OM re8/ PBEIG 7G. ' ; 

x We CLIP TC. 
Dearth s 
a BITE LIL Bers Lc LZ ‘Msg 
Las peck che, frit», WED BIBE TE: 
aM17e€ £51 PIT Creo 
Meee. ace feces LMS peeteg : 
Corsve Feld epee g20€ gee, 
(Fe pe YL a7 W74L£ wes Aka 
; ie Cdires (Correale 
oe Shbvl: % aK 44 oe 
: le Meet ler a eo aig 
[stn ce peed Tipe. pect ir pare f= 
Caer. VOTE LB ela XY 02. <tP peg. 
fried je (lial? I Yea. 4 

| ee ae ers rides Pheer, 



. 7 
' : {2 



Mee ee 

fa gate ene cattnh Sy Wem igi sie oe! 

te ppg We. pre, 

a, LHhI20€ 
npn har pwr. Ue oe Thine 
mae ie MELE | ete ee 

TPE | ere Ce. 2¢_) 
i) We: Ieee j 

(0995 aPTe tb; A Za 
A ete “1€ eae Weer 
a biegeeLri1~ Ce pies Merze. 
Wee. hyp icgelAds Moje? . 
Car yer cada oe 
 DeerZ 1eti fy 2 

x A HALLS CF age TQ 


- 6 7 
Cercle 1 as ees 

(ey Cx of € het Ba 

NE Ip foe 2 ~ ~~ 


+ ; 
Le ce Lp “é. ee 


ee rs 
ro a Jyepa3 a 1 flo Lge eee is 


ane Som 

- conchae Lethon 

ees pene Qn ~ 

a Ste 


ce heey SNe 

Cmte ef OO Gn Rerun ow Sad 

“Wore ay pe OF So Bessy om yom we Booed m fob 
a demic fe ty (Re t bus Conetantnntace” D nurps + May 
Uw Utd Lane OF oto te bey Pornarrgy gf Pac Bon Folly 

: 4 rode prraut-ot- acrnathte freee... ce ae a like 
¢ Q + ‘ ~ S ‘i 
6 pA Tne nw Rees Mites 4 
: 7 
fy bs href a 
mol BER. 
St hts hE pa, ee 2 z Z! 
7 as ‘te bees SRE ede ood 
eo 2 
_. BeBe 
hs ee fe a AY ZS: ae 
ve vi pre al taal = - ° f 
oo ae: 
* ‘ Pe . ‘ : 
"it ss | 
aro a ote Le bt es : . ca = ace 
SEGA. oh cote oe oe - 
1 : Bes ~- a “- - a = = hr 
| ‘. af 
Sr ne ae 7 es a Crate ‘- Be 
: “y “ \ ad ™ “% 4 
is EN oe a atten! estat a fo 7 
oa eee ike ; yu 
; — a 
a sn enrietty ies Oe 

thes, — ; ok 
WE wine ae ae Dheine: of 
Lots a Le 

A ftit tt costed, Vet O Oto 

Me IOC net Mee g 

HC Gags , i pita dl eae 
She so, re rc \ Very Liq ft p ase 

7 UDALL AN i per 
BAN ~ WS hie pothe din LAcNAA mee 

Bic a aon es ee Gusher’ ude ot ile 70" a a ae 

es ON apace SN ee SN ae ss : } / 


\ , : 
eo BN Nw Sy ON ne RAR FF W's WA 

bp / Vlas ju CeCe ye b- pew se. 

SA . . ~ 
ee 1 ~ ~ : 
Swe Nr aes otc J Skene Sas a ae WYN, Crecerc Wh owe. Le cles ly ter ~ 
to . rage 
e “a 2 
@¢ ~ . 
Vo “AY. Baas : s Bm ves > soe oe 

A. heed “ TRS eee ox ge 1s ot oe aa 

ee of uw hh Fay Ue hoe i ae few Buia 


LIN Wo. aan ~ wy ® vee, sas “ 

Pare NBA MAN KY So a yn NARs aa yee 
Sus wassaa, 
’ i 

: - e . es m 
i oe eae a Ce ae rere re : 
ks ‘ ‘ = , eu - ae ta v s. a we ef] ie . i, Va / J s 
Fe ctie WE EG tad No NS ae > ers) Se i ber me Co eee Pie k. 
: : ~ .. # é i 
BY rn eee Sk Rae ONAN OS way yO = wuts. wis. i Lee lurect (om daepi. y ore Ns Pree 
‘ ” ~ 4 / 
, oa : ~ . 
wee RA TRA y Nv sexe bite Y ee Sebi, Whew in ee, 
: s Pee, Wis, : 4 
Pea! REC aaa: thie ue oes eee ; hey WER! Ake Cette oe ea 
FAWN Ste PAW RN A wealth eh el tg be gts le Cy pelos [iibiererm 4 lA me 
my ‘ i : 4 ; 
PRA WE] AR YANN RA OTT 8s cee eshence: Hake a Ww date. pipe bie ot! Url tet, 
: ‘~ * ng 8 ~ ne » a ; ‘ ae pe 
ae RE 8 XN Nes s 4 w ae tle / Thee tet — - Cag oe ss 
oe eo he of ; 
a a Ys Vom DS eS Seay Sw . yon te vl decree le fewer se aeatli d 
. . ‘ . nosy Q ae 
‘ NEON ee an Deal a. | ore = BN TR Wisuitcs ata hte Qi treegpia bar corde, 
i “ ; ane ° . 2 : a ye f 7 
Nene bose ca aaa an Sa oor rs we (te “i ee be tele “eek, ben hk, 
i ae ee oe Te Seas wD on a B. ys 4 oe 7 he Cetin : 
Pere, See kh. 
. H ie Sw Cary # E (- 
ee SN wa SE Qa Bas we | ee eras Pa ay oe uv wee efev ww 

ny aie 

Hwee te Obtefece cl 
Cle oa reas Serre ae cps 
raz Ale’ 
Yel fae “y heen or , ete 

eee ef wt bened ak ~ whys ia eres S Ix Sut, 

{ we oe 
AME ee 

Cows thee ray 

Vee le, Geer ee Sak cae 
yp? Gy 
b Aeesy Bol. 

Lod. clice is 7 Fre Baip=5es 

Alice vlrye Lyte before 

ae &. C66 GeO * 


ee ee Se 

yds sae a 
Pd cal ge ance 
aon 7 a See ae They 
toa Yh Poreteces é et 


ROA, ¢ 


gore Coty ees. ae ee 
(Prone by Le 
Z Cicbus 


Osubsal Ccby, A Ur /879 
brite Farts AG. : : 

Kalin, There vs a frarty or Yarn flare. Hewh- 


weestes of from, Vinee be Hiatt fire for carat 

Litavr ov Colt. hay lusty late barn, Heat fab 

ae wiiaes © Dutt» tercce Pratt's tare ao Bb EDA BETH eins 
| Mrcufites of Ore Nour I am of He Wien. Hat Yh 

Bee tet Gret. bedl Ah reauth ff 

la tas Ob aad 

pa aVA Ae aOR cy eo a 

| | poses. 
oa we Ale arr ee Se eth — 

ie to fle poetwett Bas YA Toa LA Cty Le 
ge ee a 
CkLo« Lo ag Mel ire te i, Pte es 
om ae flowy en ace ~ aoe el. Phuce Primed 
eee fpetorfec bl tpl (ott, Te Vae ess aly beetje ; | 

LSA priate Lz t frevacbls eee va | 

gos ees Kae Beulle ey iar ae et 

yes we a asd 


Soc wb Angie We oes 17 et 7 

hovtinetrnghitll, Qik wie Repel [Bell bag 

S yee CM ee yahal: Sf get eee ms» Khvt-etreds 

at thelial ey ae Ear ae ie Leds 

price Hee thal rst be of mre Oy teh He pre, 
Ta G RK GMard) 

Bs Before eh Be Ihave Mba ofipel 

7 gmat oot pig F Sari 
BES ig endl weg. pli 
: pennies 2 Te J fs ae 

ald I safe LIF Lact letiot we fel [27 Pose 7 
of Fie pouruabs frvobactt delet: rffecs evel ee 

aes De er ; 

AE & OF 
LG ar : theater, 
N Oo iti TRE STREET, L, 
ie New York, “agit, gy 

th, & a oe 
Hee ey 

Vous Le. eM Sear 
bimantt,, weal 4, Perey 
= Arle v7 sas an Wei bmme 
Cx ark i ee ttt, ie dels 

wu QUAY fea “a Preth 
SA Kas Puma See (ie Sau ass . 
pares a Gany ct a ae 

a he 7p au oe Y 
| au n~ > Nee bn? 
A RAM, ee ; oe Ah, 



Porawenn 7 SUPERINTEKDENT. : F Bronerany, . 00S 
= saute ks NS WOES ae Sys XS Yssey ys dS ies 
Ss BS FFICE Ak eh ne ‘ 
nn) Oa > = ae DS $ ax ORFS oN wy NAS SN ek Sh 

EA SANS ta ss nt) ANS a re al i NDS 5 & ee 
Be lee aighel Salven puna Ue _ 

oe ys a Oe . oN 

eV AN ih 

ie A ay > = aa 
Peay day Sal 86th sis wo. 

7 Teil bilis WEE SEN Sa aa Sa © ark wi 
sy oO) Donel LGMEDPDYy : 
Ortli — BE Ne Bae 
Gi eee A. ae A Kek va < s 


Z se Do K, a: oe hee Pte ae: wane p Foe aan De an . 
tha * hae de me 264 Ss i aa a Kees CLC ero Aly 
J f?77 gi leet OTR 0 au a Sav ar Yee Li 

fy rl: 9 cence en Cn cee he eo CLG 3 ais cl. —_ 

LG f - /. 
be Lhrattt0 aad Ae, freee chys Ge Loe ee Fs 
AML igi eg 2 Fr od 

2 z2/ cri, CLAM, Clee 

J 3 we 
x RIE WT NA CfteyY a” Co-e-ee i Picci” 4 # 
= De a + SS “% tos ie je ff 
V8 wf Lbs Lei La 7% ern: fo 

, es, a ® ae oe “C ” 
ante) a fa Vie JX ee mye 2 - 7 
EA Cede ie ; i 2 ee ’ eheotis 440 he Se , 
is 4 ae iS 

Srbelde* YO 
fern | a 

es OMA » Moe tad Geis ghee e 



a Mliak “a Lia. 

YA 7 
woe, oO 

nD Pohid Halavnad 

i. Saritieug, Gaal ye Meg, Cli s 7 
Jace the grtu "va lbh acy hak, aftr vr d- 
wy A heat Xe rh 9 Ale ae ieee 

ye Pe Hig ¢ Cine ” Wigs. i; Hy i Np 

LZ, tes fro ~ 
0 fv OM we oe IG 

ER A ea 1m, he. oot A 
Oh prea pe eee “o Peco: Ba Seen 

the Yee Vash x Ze Geist NEL, | et 

4 tt aa “ert lg ¢ = E me aK : a 

2S Sy “4, \ . 
i age Os, ‘ aN Ss 7 . + * aes 
} ge < ye a oy Cages ree {.. ee. ey of Mae 
3 “ \ At eae Oi ( 
fF. : : weer an 6 
wow 3 Coat \ if 
Te ON. . KS ot 
., , 
cn : 
fhe ~ NN youass aN 
mp * : he Ch we 
rot fees ne - . 
OER SNS AS Rw : os Re 
4 Ne AS, N Wh 
ie REN ae 

or : Now 7, oN M ey 
his rie cae wr aie. ar 2 Maat ne ere rae & 3 

wean we tt ae em sv Shs do x ul : 
2 an . ~s x So YS Ne ’ sk Sevan A. NY \ 
Z ~ E> ox NAS Sy. . bi 

fenl - 
Lf ye eS. ’ . 

Yul ca et 

~ ae 

2? Yai 

: ros 

, " sy) 
0 Ni 


2 gan 75 

VR tye 

Pe red 
ane 2 fe 
Ge ia 

é fogne Sd CH y 


rwhp ¢ 

us 4 e } NY nat ye 1 
™ ! ha yy DUE A 




oS , sears 

Wn De Pex 
; o Ogres Free 
ny a 
Le ve eae Be 
mycin, 0b 

Lge 0 4 

nape 4 


“ad Per 

Pests Boek Pe 
Y yy 


of $M 
ry prem, 9 OT 
ef Gt 

Wr A 

preheat 7 
"On r 4 ati 



ae cigs Le Mt y Cal 
“Cag 424/899 

he wes “of deg ae 3 

Werth “f'tbg7RE . 5 Gy 
7 ay LLL ey 
Lew POY lt res 

Gfaila Lrytelay oF the we se Sit 
7, pert ct) wee Yala filalesece se BS: wv 
Chile CC cule thar ae (ie 
Hy Zoe Ct) LL Ld) Lf Lee radeX) fre TFAz0: She. 
VILL Gg La eel: PAE LE gh cowtho iteO 
We Los tice! Var Lf cd) esac: 
Cott titesttdes Co oO leaf, seat os flaca 

hak a, hy aA», SI’ cocll, eos CY oF = 
[LOOSE CLLLEODLG fie OX eek) Sey ee 
hae, eae J 2 ae “ ue 

oe fe es pe 

sigh 2 ; e 

uit hi Aa etd GN che aeRO niin Sid cB a an Sle bad hacia see meLe pie Kh ie Made Gah Aris ba ain tS phe heen tas 335. 

State Board of Geological Survey. 

Goy. C, M. Croswext. C. A, Gower, WwW, J. Baxter, 

| Se ) Moro Fee) , | 

We have thes day ferwatded y sapeteshigg 315s po oy ei Merton . woosbyeng 


yt Va 
of bel gre jgee,.. Bite Gi Ceol the Geologival Sut- 
accept auth the complements of the Beard, Rha aoknorulage tcceyfid on 

the accompanying tank, and mal 2) Gow. GB. a Coasweld Leonsing, 

Gours aly teuly, as 

a Secretary. 

i CD ere li ig 

j ty Mo 
Caylee ik hehe 2 

AA Cabcvore 
Baek aE 

, Aear fom 

‘ . | ; 
¢ & wee zx XG 4 yet: DED Oe ee 

Z. 2,2 ae 

a ; 2? 
tet CLEA MOD ete Coe, “4 7. te 3 AH wee On Cen Sem 
C ? er) eee ene C, is a ya 
‘ a se 
BE en ig ies ier cag wre Ahren Pin. ney Papo eta RAY 

he y 0 
nO oe ae re warile ns A Stet 2 Saree has Aheee re res a Ore, f 

From ames 2 FS AAT es Hoe Pees Poseck Qeeemce le — Deas C 

gees Ag Hac tao Ae pe wrll alfa) » Pree’ wt. ae 
Fornell aay on aA ey fie — eam oe bei oe ee Deere Cig 

Com pencil Sr ete eae L Pee ae: CE ls Gees 
Pre ee ae ee Ge we ae IZ lei poe: AD 
Pople PreK focee Zopiag es Co wt fate py uss Mor ae 

. a ’ 
ie Qtore ue pes cl: a ea halon» open oe ee reply 

free ae Do et Ef ee, EE Py ae eee wes 

Pitts Gti Zi ag eo nn Bick: CL Lae neck eae a fese— rs 


fiir ¢ es as react, BO ere —— 

t 4 ry . oe ”“ wae 
LF te pow ae Lb ee Lenn ee Ze Aww el 

bs ya POG Cais reek, . L wre asians’, Pree ee 

Cee HL Gino haih gr ee LEE pow ohne 
ee rr Pa) ee oa eZ ee as Nee ee CeLe2 ae Ga oe ee ee 
py ae PE grr dooce Jobe ppm MD resect 

At SP - fe Bh LL 
; we oy tet F moe = tee“, ee Abe OO ed, 7 eee 

Pe aD i tome Sli 4) stl am floret as POO 
Greve , 
a 4, ke 
oA Cd Pek yp 
( fE 4 iy 
OPrvrining lO (ce , 
r soevinelt cate a eye Ge Labs. . ! 


PF Ons. v92; 





aera aaa 
An hao. Geen re cog Np Copel 3 
fre Re Werte L aet porte af 43d « neta 
as roe Lid | See ae ri Te Mag 


atlanta Taba? Me 
thst PS chee afpeclt ep: Gi 

Lo ov Cam frraeed © | 

ie hE Guat" w 

“nati ‘/<_ | aS Os 
A fe a4 
att i: *>.. wee 

ES ea 

: 2 cS a Ses eae — do: oke z el TO 

Olen. seh a BIB 9. 
A. Slam pe ae 

oA ae ace 

. tee DR tana & nes orshor, _. f- ee fase Neo cs oe, 
ba wah New f Le hove bern roe | tet? one fbwan al hon J 
7 Eee 

¥ (ntahistys Seat 
& oe 
tg cue eee 



RY Ly Rho ch 

ye. ih LAW , baad JL ay a 07 oan 
De DD fue Jl dye oaders: [oe a 
of Loe Dif gia ; /?. Oe Site, OTe 

uns. es De 

ls aye 

Piaf Elaine (ice Cotta. 

aN tis As piss ib cam 

oe ~~ 
ah ihe 

teh Ai, roe eae ce 

af x Hh Lyf riorl by He, 

C tonare, Monier pelea of oe 
Gitd Sta alt Magrtgend the” 
orginal later fore peter Lipibe wilicts 
eS | acecs tar vee tov arewer Le cei aun, 
! reper] for ca ee pelt Rare 
: | is e a Ye, crv Oolor ee 7 

Sara on Sel dawenanety 
~ oF, OS A Web ind. 
- ae aoe 

Sie th ns ai REA TR AC aA ee a eg alas ac obese See doch Ieee Mia si 

eae Ae 


Mare sitter Adis eth 2: etn fb 


: m nN se 
Pe ee aN hay Ss \) he, Laas BAL 

pre SN ao oe oN NS 

“ ‘ 
Ses ws as YEN oe A AY ~ Ne” NN oN Ba Sau’ tS 

: s: a RS \ 
as a = aes mo os = ‘hans 

DAG ty \ 

\ e fs wy . . , ee ee 
SS ~ os Exe roe *EsvhS. ee s SHIELDS Ne 
Lee cas Seg Now SING. Xx ee ~ 
~ S aes ae 
N ees Ss Se et RO ws SAK, ey SAS ay ye ray’ 

BN seh SN 


A VID >» ws Dose Saw srwerd\y ore Monge 
ea coe : Ss ESeEKS vio 
> ie. eat aes a BS 

we Aven 
\. 4 if Ys, 

tas eee one SNA = Nasssy. Bos 


ree ad 





es Ce PMI ed, ae ey 
formations, Kwitt Kank th Beart | 

fon ad head Serre eh a a late. ang 
Oe On en a Se Cay PORE 2, bet 



le ree aa 
letacld etattinnea frome anther acl, 

cosine Pe i 

ip capo ite.) 2 

C Kaotivine, Ely. 7 aie 
aolek hha. wtithh ~~! 

gh Mites diane 

be ee oe hha ork: 
ane acs yeh LOcrrak g 


Chk taylan, Okie th yon 189 
WA (FSS, . 
_ eT RT 7h, 


Ti baer Es ts Ir Behan, 

ppm poh trp 

ha, 2, Br Unibet hi Bethinans, 


& pmictiias es ae neseshih of gowl eed. 



dium, “in the Oamea Site, cn the 
ie eas the Down, ads, San fale 

| V0 oman vo ¥f. vile sin Tad x 10 
nur saan be ibe be os Arithi~ Cher 

bia a che 

C. “& ee 4 ve & OCG 


De ese ja a 
Mit Hg 

: me 
s Sz Je Cty feo valk, eet, 
due ee z pel tee ThE. 
j | (ix las Lededad LU... peo Fite 
be DP fade Ah ep & Bene ee 

ee Lh, fist pe hae rape eee fh 
igh, dh Maw oe De, Te 
eae. of fs. WE fac, fut hau 
Mea kg # au Ch. Ch aud dos 
Cutting jek Ly f ary Pa: well 
eng f Lh , feeefe Le An Cush on 
ones ve (ae ne fe of then We 

4 é ( : 
i, . (led, Wolace, 

ra CE sacit Hee: . ie 

re Oe Shc Acct. belo p 
eet es een doves So. ted, 
ey aus. Corsten biciet, and Ls eh , 
aed veel. Le Malate bo & fet 

Pail pare ae oe Sarin Eee oa eae E ep teat 


ne cereteng en terns coum an reverie enn wnt mannan eam att be smn tnt heen iat emiane le ina ene Seinen ace iuthened stateside 

/ om sin . Lhede shies Ev capbeny 
bed, P fe 1s bwedbdor Ari¢l. ae 
Ay pawn, boeing © ae & doy. ey 

Mock afta Onimnvrag — banlhealp 

0 / ; ‘ 
LAdt Aokegbr Be il Seale ts haat ew es 

P end. ma (laos Ailoah © hear ¥ Carte, 
WALe + Wer, pany eve Licey he gum Gree pietes” piemeaes ca J 
pane: re dint Me 1 eee ¢ 

aH ae fy buf a ¢, y : . 
es iia: bas he a rtd Aisle deh ml 
a : ae 
vel eS eas © havdifucd phe lial & 
de a + i. obs Comer clas of bolk . . ’ 
Lages ak a pene ' 

fm ‘ ey: 7) fl 

ors Shale ae es Cag Hl 


ah (ire Carre! ay “pty , - ; date ine Guth tet Cn "a bs 
Satan Set ate cea ed Ot Wi t, scale Ae Stet oth cae ene Sea a 

. Directors: be A. Gannetr, 
| pein Bb N cIsc Oo Prest. and Manager 
a a) a*® R S Ss ay bi « 

| ee Canis p® a aNd Pry Jous Hawston, Jr. 
: = a A ° G Chemist and Supt. 

Cnas. E, McLanty, 
ks Tasiiivetine REFINING WORKS, 

1. A. Gaxnerr, 41 16 Mox ery St. 

San Guanwio, a5: aie 

pee Y, fess wteche, es ae 
a LE of tee ee 
fort Drsede Potet Meary Are Nd lead tors 
om Mtarm this Coa, laevi tlre 
ye whew YOO are: sae 
= ee" Vom tatgeck | +h rer tha Kae 
Varese ele lr ungfronaTinwst toad) 
ia want OVC COLA, ae 
feed gee fag’ 
Saw Brat, ae Ce Lot Lb | 

Cie rag an ee om fue ally | 




SRA Saran cto Boer at ad ed ene kere ad sonra noone ae EL eee RE ee Tee eae Pee Tee 

oa Ya.) oncltthey poe Pecos erva bcd leer) 

PLLeU Seiad Lofton Da fifeerthneley 
of beg ce jase A oy) 
ge ae gi bts” Charette OE 
jie eee Can bit Cts we 
— Bi Want D ot 
7 Gy ler fr orm grow lohrorered-a Cu 

ses Yawer Dard) 4 sa lai 
A face fees clive g & Se Sarah As 
plug tee oS org Leay eee 
pf Ai Cecon/ i eee ee or 
ay ee Y- Herod battzcind, wee! 
OnacTeD VG eed cod erred) tered lo ad owe 
en Yvon , ora yew ply 

Aaa Hoge Ley 
Barb he porontil Cebit 
leer Aer 0 20 opel ws tarvéid tlsere?-~ 

IZ 4 llbyaly aviator) oe 

nnitieng See ay 
Ait” plevierind LZ; wet bound peal 
lle aa; BY wet he Ela e” 
rs, ae | 
LT GUC nak he Loiflrsaiveart : 
ala fl Litt cnet biceceey Eee Aes, ek 

—au cian, watlee7 

Alte tee ey 

Ciceg rr 

af i Ange o) a / 19? i 

Nee A. Edi AW. Quq- 

Leva Ki Me fo: Peter 

7 ot Se ened y ow re by ie a ae a ay 
as jaw augue Ramps o carbo § RMN ALS G hy 
ae ern awe ONY, eramply-¢ £ lan ag vghi at 

which Ida mrt undurtand Bin le Beams 7 ee 
i: uray qué ural, wg - al aA ta dint aba | 
Thy ule mvaltir- (P Viney Ac okey kau Chu rtset 07 | 
the OL raroke yan. A anvcly J nr one MU Chwarae sete, 
hew LALemnnndl AY boraght lame tb by ry pai 
Mad wy tien OM AAV LN: thes ONL ‘pyarteds..$ Dread! alka | 
enpley y. tel, RIVOALY in 2 Ie) ee ty diwk kA 
Avy. i ose Phew ris. moti ww gual.a bende f 
t fi UU. pena as a. Tum. G beso, al lem ty, Ae Cheon 
: Rely "| 
A. & Kovdbwe 
thy jt packages 0 Ow. iF piclatduele rn ome ia petal t). 

Ri, Cat aoe Coa hr fem. th Chum bz ty G Cas trina ber ‘aid 
noting ee i 

Wi ace oe 

a vrnwremne: ent cen pa sienconnte rt snemsnerpacumternt ho eee pumntncemannt meineneenryss mantel 

oe : f : 7 
. & 
Le cee ge tt a RRO ge fn EN a PRET eee ght 
io 8 

i eis ao of pakye~ Cod Colley 
ee J ae totbh—~ SOT BS 
| Catena ed hgh AP rosie odie n 

° = » & 6 lube Vhne 
l Oty ra ane lente, x Rm ee LOG, Suen i 
a) NN hae ¢ cy . Oey ‘ “e ‘. o : 

. “Jog . i : es a 

is v4 me: Fe Vig Ate, YOR 7 ee, anor, he. 

: for ot a iy <A Pleas, v POLE foes the foray, ra 
A Gece 
| ‘ . Begs 0 Cop 4.9 sated sly “Leen One ye “ a 

! alow. tee C rrr acke © 

Lo = Cheep neh & é Cr Oe 
hag! ett: mr Sea Sap le oe 
aes oe a aie few OG ag 

pe t : ae. hefort, OFLEA | wh, aie ut Hlausg Thue 

roo, Lut Ltthe GAA Bu, roel, I oie Covef{vilieh 
hat howe Lite 07 A, Qe shgisr ‘Viter- ¥ Weer. , Ak 
Fat 94 Oleewre, oe he Irie Luh of Yous jesce divok ne. 
a : | 
J Cone furused zou a bare Quoruty fk, at akirk 
notice Uy pour wilt Let jus Kear free yore by Ya Biree 
Hast I le nt jm Lon Leek § tht. 
Sine. CL oO fe Bnei HSK 

| ppt Cag flalirery 4 Se : 

Paitin Colin, Cag: 
aati. abAhr 
flaw Las Cale, Pin oe te whieh 

: Vege SAprwkcarr be of wot 
oe Ey ers plat flee prece Ut. Zor 

A tix cees Slee aia wtert- aril 
a ars fishes ee GLE Gogo hate 
Aarrel wer, Ahelof Wavar atebhe a.crnuck a Col 
Aart feay baverk. Sheet Pteve JL cir 
os fhe keal iecreeh ; anel 4 ae tol Rite LA r0t-all 
| A Vomlel net oor Aig & GEER IGA sn I 
| Aeapar She Bearing? a an, but r2r0t- fhe Ly2 aor 

ACL ~— 

gecanlilee bo the arenes of dhe eee 

| SUN Sg eas fl aS, 
ae Wheat vi the rrvankel-arater of obisinn ; 


Wwe, io He ey rr fitrctun Ke neg ota x, Ae ° 
lox Vise: hened-of- fat Looe bud hore rag fy 
Capt Hprfatint ptm a 
pis bin hide) pl lPRay WEE The, 
(ie, wet fre Sut pip mA laste Rt Orhan teIX, 
ae ee ey 
aes fo oteme ty DEY WO tarred veikins 
Tee ate ming ht hehe rablte th fetes Bano 
Wher Cette, Hates joel tn hadley Prue pd 

Se seni SRI SAL ste hice ohio tbe MA aE cata is ed 

Jd Mette toucdkeL, 
h.22 foor Je, Pcthebed mse 

pevrttffecl siplif™ ” 


for dil mime a : 
Lam Tae 

ag, BBG 

539 —_ 
son Letits had fel firme the | Meet SOA GiGi bby 

os lod yt ose ae | oe 
elt. J dain! fawene tae | FO Helden 

Ee ee at fo 
The Had Pocime pile, t Ben, |. jee ovied Gf 10 yeast, 
4A nt Trdg, pe tubetgutasly | Me gare.ct 1d, at Hel sepete, (Deed 
: Ce ee ee | O Leave:of Be ary Bee 

dare panda tet Teme He rypeot\ “Ge 755 oe 

: ee MEAP sao cate Ha 
| Md fom Tite go Te te Juterms hrc 

doe Neal bb pre orien nn 9 et at levator pet 2000 fF tlre 

greg wry lator 3 Bie toe freon 

0. 2S ty 7 ; MS. Worrhd cPone a acene/| 

Jam 6, lov Gillen Lessee Aes He wet 

oy Optra, hmades oie due bees dear 

Wet, is over Gre below WP Luifrer Suter > Lpe, Lam i ) 

of fe od Piss Bo Mehett jbace Atti dhehh? fend a mile Tow 

Jot btbnanin ds RO mrupae GE ALTE SG 

wend ne At 4 WT LG a ; d 
Savivel ot Ho lilt» at Ardick SP thal eacd oer esr’, 
one, I ted nly 20 cmmdés TP ancl OOvmeLBas ther fligcee Vimongeelpn 

Henke wet wreak Go . a triliact wat non plas lo gat 

dd wen detag 21" fet WHemls  D yas pad, fr the fo haa 

on Hes A etic gamirded Pornsky forme! 

| ay fs 

: el 3 - t4 ral a 

) sak Te! 4 

‘tecbern ae Nes” 


ass fib o Ls dee hate hy fe 
a iy . Lee Cis 

foots ot me oat Wee Whole Ito — Sn 

follows! beth 
nity by ir ¢ Bending atation for comparison, and the Com- 

allnea igo beck to 
tewnernts tdelivery® 1 Uarope: ated Moxsnge, 

Dab, mt sii set held teat Lid ‘lah 7 aela In trans 
Tite in TED. MEGHAGHS a ade ja de livered by reques! tot the eel er, under the cenditio 

mage ro lea n UNIUE 

a cents OWLS re a A. H. BREWER, Soo'y. BA __Nonven es 
(\) Otc2d See Date Jtbdewil. BE F LP? 2: 1879 
, , Received at, : As . 

id Coline | 
| i Brsbanlioie 




la Got - haa hi ra ntrccee Mwrhtich, 

ee ee) 

i Pos : 7 | ( : 
ce oie 2 a eee a7 Ce al 
ae ae on 2 poh ) yng! 7 is ie | 
en. wpe oy Sng nap | | 

D207 of Ty py VA 
Spee IT ee coh oy Sy 

Go Lele flo 

inal a Ent oe ae re Oe Ee aE ee EE EST ey EO 

G.1, PRLAIRSON. ---- Proprietor. 
Strictly First Class and Morlorate Charges. 

| aaa Cty, Cal Qurg.9.AP Yq. - . 



| Bins iO) >) vt are 


> Rage fem 



Dit, hong fe ey oh Og 

ea Lp, 
y , 
aS at i 
\ 1, 

x ROE Onn 

3 enD 

doeest. iam ae Goes | 

te Sas 

= gar] oie 
jay i gle em a eee ns ns 

reba Coe 

beg Premite “Gf bncmaeok| 

in ~ | 


ry ee 




: ; 
nwnied aly TRANSMIT @ uty on ondtttonty Umtting Sta Vabilliy, which bare 
ropa SoA ba met tn fhe ountun stallion, ip coranattan, ond tha Corn ; 
wiay will wot erty Talla for apeore ne 7 aelaral in trenemission on delivery ni Lydia be feat ad 
carttumace eh UNEDRA TED, Haancaw Road ie seta Gy roqneated the bendsty unMer The andlitone } 
‘A. R, BREWER, Seo'y, JORVIN GREBN, President, 

AM sew ction naan? challenge a: 



ah : APE o _ 

BS A shah Ch ce Ad se ace rue ANS ON BANS SOM LIS ND ali in Uta Maori witches 

Ee See Deere Te 

we aAls 

Pandid teeta keives Wisin aLicetic ne ACenm actos bet eH ks 

G08, Day 
on Ae. a He 

Baba i ME. 3 saiblin® of e034, off? | 

f CR res Std autioste bs weet: “eH 

TTR Ww ‘ 

ie Milton’ Mining and ern 
Nica, eas s 


Nae ae 
Racy Pi ile 

- d aa (repow. Clit wae EOS 
TA a i 

Bek dor Af 
Mead sd, Lr , iJ; 
ceed) the C6 th cla? Ad han 5 
| a Se ihe ie, 

ae vt! Cee brie: CG Ue MOU) pret ei 
lroate iy. . ey oY A a Cf bora fe? Che’ ( foer ” Life Cereus 

(ow ry, ve ch (4) tet Apr, ead AE: a ne 

0 By Berge: Cs ae anf ae Lorene thee. GG 

flex wouds, AY, pe ae pen Ee swothy ffs wy 

A a a t e sa C0 Vee or Ey en ee on Al 3l 

- (apo ~. wo fler eZ. ey Hage hee fur Any va Minor 
ten) Cau) $e \Setuy oN ‘ . 

| a 

aS, aaa beak ey 

Fetes § ee ee eee 

adel on atop pan 

Ee dap tm by Pring ~ lor ncaa a 

Gaurd Sy 

a Wi 

| bal 

es gee ig 
AU Cvbrw 
Bch rg, 

= Vi AE: AZ 
Stina Bhowfb he, Hiet#, Fle 

t& Lite Cee a Yi oo a e 

a. Cvbeee Lio (Spt CELL aa 4 L Hel Dhl « ZL; Le Zo fo 
ebvite eloh LL) || 4 wb flter Ole; Cha, 

Lee wack Life Yeicatl, Z Gon enef | G W S1te. Zé. Veer fo fe pia aes Bong Ze 
Werte: arr a AEH PRES Y vege P| i. ae ae o X Mrz YL, Mang 
es ie Seppo rigs alte 2B LA, hit. Mid, “Yi oe Ln ME Musictéh 
wiley nce ara || lls sintl gf ugsd ule 

DLL, SPL OC. tri F2u 0. GL le ELS eloriail 
Mitts irae ard DP eave z 

BGits-tiel- Gish, Ul A tips on “& By Zed He oD 0 UF Ue Ae, Pao 
ee Z OY GPrz otek f. Mafleelpe. Ina Jurrre, Lhe flan, Mlagarsee€ Kr 
(ee Gide fit ug Of Bey a. - Mtwvfl Lv cry D2s, 
GE Sia eae paige, PES aS Atbipe Hop» | pig Le of Le, ina 
Be Sebel nn. ve Lg4LS . ee WA 2, ca aod wile” Lhe: ge AFIS; APSE: Ke 
— LKertfegke gore BO ft, ra go i | fwtlt. LE Sf ee 28 AGS 
<fngs Bho Ct lpn l One Gea. Le atepall. Lie, pelreosr var. Mk. 

PR £00. “gtirettll BLL. yp SCL o. Otde 

ae He 97224 

Hterw Weel, Brsteeten aa Le. 
ps foie fo Old biomed B 

lave taped a fe Lr: oe SD 
126. 2. fal f> pied o ASLO Y Guirdeby;, 
re, avs Nope 7 go Le fone 
Zw, 4 Alb “+ 

Vira P earerb eve See 

PERL fre LMM tate’ 
Mp itd wie oo Oe 

Drfeudieg ore tty ernceded ett . 
' ELL IE pre, pct) A.€ 
Higgs © Ad eS) feathers fe La. Safety 

a Lite A AS lr: Kielllel-Ling sued Lary | | * Ie 
Mig OLE tf cantly, wo antdle eta 4 

he Sa a ai EE ie tb Si aS, ly 

“tif Lr-mnewsthe- 5, Zhe Or 

os IE, creas feel fgiires. 
Iurkite  gpacc rteeicee: ter ethics FP 
Mtl gtk thee felts Peart 
Ch LW ee at JE Bal pipe: 

AE 2, Dhed Ae / gout tele Ef ofp 
eng thy Ste, [STEW ? 

he atticle ba. ple, Marvigrutbis 
fey L, Med 9 Seneglp O P20. Geyvred: 
MELEE CaS ALL Rit, L407 « Sore LIME 
fire MLNTL ye ect Lfe-  Oasmever. 
cA i tie? ell Ss Lege ft, “hecrineret ff 
Let; Mclef t La¥a lp ttty) Lp L 27 
Lit Mast, HE tis feat testi Ttns! 

Cree liegt tree Met a Tritiey 
F7 4G. Bcc, aegiine enced | 
Lf wt Greer eng grote | Soe Ci 
Lifg gine ifhaac® cn Le bm eo. 

f. rd at Lele. Pte Has Lef 
Ate 40F ay pore aitehe ze LE: 
MERE LEE Leg. £. MP eta. Htc. wrx gece; 
CULE Yor 4 O Petit Zeng {Devore 
4Y Brose li for, Poy, Zt 

p Bet an ea pbozenLey oF ae ae 
Fe, : LO flee, KD, Lee LE, 
Cn GER. Oo ttte 

We ire. 


eS ema COE OS ne RIE PT 

Bicaté a whe c ADD 2 Mewar 

Yor Ti ube _Yoee OFLLAL La), Lisa 7. 
free. Peete Ublidtteste ,, Grr tote, 
per se Eelin fake ive 

€ fem 17 Lote Le7 Lf fn Pregge 

Ontitts ens VLD eLAILE. 
Guelé. SLL —gete Oelecirind, 
: Erne Liitty, (Cwrtits, , Miagretdtisd, 
rlittrw ae, Y20. ‘BA Pe Save 
Mitd’ ds, ne Pts ptteras, VEIL, eAtt.tre), 
Ol Gt0ad bl onen pie 
ae I ie per ieee Jeg ceok (?) 
a , ma tlF*‘ Ma. “estamn 
AL- Lr bre fice Atitred ¥oreac Lye 
pues Me tly , — Aree te 
Ba PEA LAT oe LL Yor7. _ = 
peel Hhed tabs.’ ee 
Saba gr 

ka. PP E4 y7ttgép 
bret fac “a Foe ee: CAL) 
IPPNES phe Mama LEG ss es OD ce 

An, flan Ate:, Zo eles 

ah mite oll’ Sp ge corte 
i. AME A Pitre Cz fate EF a 
Kage cole Psat OVD Bteadaet 

: SF tetiasgagfnis at at 
EE: Pe Pade eae ; 

‘roug “Pigg 

ee BLED pling on iia A ae. 
a eeunead b Or icad Gag 7 

Nee ete aren eee ah ne er errntomttitma mt 

pocsenmnanemenaennnenaanes saben ‘aetemeiantatnmmanerarramnnenen 

ies K Potiegs (fore, 
BS. Ae fpelite | opePretS) beater t- ae 
f=, ves pee OF, sitet cP 0 IC yer 

: See ff fo 
ng, Mead of Bee te Oe 

pep CLL LE COIS, 2 
Nowe Bey al ens ha 
Meat gir Pe Lasik ‘acy Tene 
M2 WEES re 209 contin’, Lag ; 
eae pile ee ‘i Ctx, led Le tf 

Slicer” ore GUMEG , GLE ft> Yeon Hea. 

ss LC oy Gi: Be price, MN. ting. 

Hite jet SPPOANALL, Late we. MEP ID (®@ SIS <— 
He ee Pe, Cpls ao ae tonnestedify ea 
Ker Pt tay 

Ju pee: tf, (rte, 
LEE Heth ee Miles 

Co. eee [Za 
att sir¥ ek LrPten. ore ce ! 
LF Pee. PELL, Ae tte PL oo 

Pap ee, of Menattiley, 

| MO 4 geeks elt éGibcpms eH 

| Wael C PRED Yd oe aS gn | 

Fidel. LP prick” SE Auth trrnte , ; 

MOEN beted, og, ik Foe, ie. 
fEoctlet «tie wor coe 
Dog. foe viacde, B | flaee ele gek 

jttf Ze.C pie? flied 
eee as Ale, 

Fen Cadet Hig . 



k \ eA Z P : 
2 H : \ 
a8 r ‘ ae 4 
. roa ale een on aden. Sag vo}, cae ww aeaDd AAD / 

NY <— Las eo! Gir: Lee aciffon of ip 

ae CLarrad / ite els vik. ae 

a An be aye date DN one “a 

pont sa ili 

; el a ee 
Outage Y eVvees ML i a A Ok eee Be — 
A A a re ! ; 
Ve Ntdn Ase y btm) weeeeeg? ; rte Onn oe pea etd 
A i 

f ‘ 
é ya f 7b bo. @ ae a y Dh epee 7, greek eee, C 
&, [ie Oa dant Lan KEG Dew “= pen Capes “ Fee 

ee 7 20ee, eee “ cane sos ae he, eee a 

’ ( jel 3 Lk ee : ae L bag es bate ees ee . 

ad Mo ae Mleves- oe Ceid.. phuay oy. ext” eas 

Sel BPE BWCEL. Gt pada ote Otte i gel” sar ns 

pe ae \ Aas Aone , Goede BED, Be Sees 
me? era, eae J Nr. C i = 
pun a oe fusy. om Pode v7 puoi A Cae 

ut A oe ew Anttht see e Cen wn ee: eee Oo" Bt 

Lar Z Cae Apts” Ley ail : Cons Lece-e, Pers f, Cece lee 

t @ a 
eS Aros Aa wie Spare L Bows i 2 


are nage | 
. Cae of ect J RPP Ati : | 
wbCoto vont oar aera te ae ie Gon bac beat Bens 

Ulm Comercio, Lov whnaelk ue welt ahi. Gs 
Ww AA tworree Ce ea on Tent a, SR eae Te ee (oe 
CA Pan nero cae ee “ty arta. 
. er oa - 

Meet ‘ 

; ; ” > 
teeakt a ae ae oe ta cae es LL CL asnonn oe bomen 

Zp . 
uae basen thanachote eee Pit ge. bo Libs Client ina 

eee ar why Le. Pee haa aetiel, Lima Loe. lla 

/ 5s a pial, 

as) ma 

spiced ite cite gle earnest ee pee ty ae Lk Lt Co 
Leet sacl aD tea hte 

‘4 . 
cL woe ad be alte Loew it 

: a” 
isd pene oes. Paes an Cone ac. 

Pe /. Ab ae 
Desh eel: Leen rea A DMs Caan ng lt! 

f Sa 

ope oe hie Lew lh OO Ma if 

by. yesh 
a ebetcet. rk, Mites oe %... 

ae eh ae 

Et EO eibati tet Jette ila gle cl gna Engi teeletet lle. 
he o 4 . : 

5 yee 
mobi ietetite sgeaeetn eben le Oallba teat Aah iOeIC. ata ids tess Metta taste peta 
petal, heuis 

ies acted lasany outs ey Neos 
g i 

patie tH fost atte , és 

Bete dates, 

ce {epee 

nae soot He revatin Lt el fet 

ee tatinl tbe 

aaa fins Spa Gheitecttt lt 

r v 

ett Lhd fe 

eile, ne ah bi lhans tteatfe de Cem en, f= 

ahd. ae ae ee 2 

wwe et Oleh a Gat en oo 

ae: oe Seep eet ated. Lal af 

7 7 a Hone 
ee ey : Baten 6.4. = pesabilei Aerial. toe com 

i ‘ La 
ape bet, bute te, Hsiang eMart RY LEE Oe, (7 ar eee a Poorer AVL AM vob $07 

mee se es 
pom a cD LA ye arabe re. ee. 2. dao etc MO ar again’ a Fh ane 

ae di ee. ’ ies neice AB dek, souls Be es 

dna eo fran. dhead te Lae EN Lee! OO EY A Pa re ee Best ciate wee 
ele Let ee ces Aevet. A$- ee, tr et a Ye 

; pee ts 
fete LETT LS Me hE BAO | Let td 

hw he dak, hadith — 


AEN beets Clb SRE Barta tthe Cnet. ee Aap nce 1 Cane ee 

mp lalintife thee. pe Bese reel 

en ee aL etn LY tonnes eo ae Z, 2 Lt. wo hits es negara ica bi ee en ded et casas hie cc a ate a Mo ik Atl Nes hy Joo oan, ener fie tasrate 

wi ichrben taf m ae hal. oon scanned ae ant cane eee cnc nents apie tae once ects pniene fang omtewe es inn ane 


pases tas ers | ha) es ala. se ee aR At 

Baw tatty ee: Pets. 

ee nether ekeZs 


ak, sa Ce pAb le. pees oe ew 

Sarre ween wt nee te ee et Wo nent Sh on ee ne ee pein tents eceenan me 

dats sito ee te. Lb aaa nae ies ty Oe oe Be A 

Saaeedeaiet enema | 

Sl ewan! OE EZ ow 

o n . oy - . a 
ms Me aes ale pL hitb Cee as, bet Lf ae U Sed Lae ee oye eee 
wo Z . a 

fh rs wee ash ha 3 Peisidinnd: Mtwad ba he Eaves sete 

op at EDISON, °., | = 
me is t Ce P) ae ple : 

ae : ry Mal Park, Ne Depeccnennn Dyk olf 
ee 7 a . # 


eso cer set sts wnSandy 
wii’ . : 

vie ane wort Ne 

ones See dana Sau Rats WN: 

AR eoere| nn Sewn od RyrNGrnn Peakuncend 

A. hdl Ales andl, 

ealer in 

Confectionery, ie, Books, Slationgy, Ete. 

Uewwlernd Gab bal ipl sg 
SC Odom, Exp. 
tothe rae tel tacit 
wltitgh, — S42 ates kona D 

, 9— 93 ott a, Liecl ve Allee eZ 
lhe hid Ct CUE 

ao 3 

— 2 ‘\ fy Rear . 

es os a Ondthia Mhas tmctat apace 
ss = ve Hoyt hownact Lt Ul ovgecl 

ig a 

2023 | cen wh 

3 — 
we © 

ee W. 
WetCuce Ths enticdg ok. + 
Wr t0<0. cee ASU 2, Wp. “COCA ee pene 

ee oY 3 — ee, 
= Coste tome Te Sole t Bo 7 
Sik Moss 4. ¢€ eo teen ; | Aenic Feske Af, 
y), dee ee | Zane Lak Sopic Comerferbep ec | aa 

, hectye’ bf Gti Cites og o leecbecilorel gow hetecech Bheve Mo 

teweaebryy of a Conly bp Wlshe Jue concd forriuse ty elles 
od. ay 1 ee y me ft. Aer Coll” telifeser tee or rod 

hil “tan lilt pu bad hea Prepleti Urey hf a 
es as oa ee: Pag eicg mares Ogege or ce, fo, 09 
Brig: fof Wer hawk Lomas Joa tix toefpviuntin. Wise Mat CaP 
a prs Z y Aefifhlic, Klacle Inte tbeak Ghxtms Prvteas 

Sas Gl Shave’ y cu ache Ll , heen. ty “oferty 
. Seay, ty Jaa F HK tes Ontehnae , Chills F2 haba pi ene 
pete An alent and foil 7 Fiewgle Cegteanilitiren laste 

tiers a EP eS ne si 
1 SP iduised | lieve Cou as haus Edy Mote eb, 

bart a io 2 % 

Je. Aclteq ada. aes Pe ea ee ae Hes Ceateris 
fe yp. Watling B Bonementects litera a Mis hence gry. 
cleseves Sntt, be  ficanae kines Wiser, obenae Jeti 
— Gor tall bed Cribs <o OS Carctder Whey eC as ex. 

cde Gt , By she Bis Paw feel Lesteg Or CES Bf Lidiny 

Ciiquueia , he Clewil Manner aud © bere rage a an) 

Jt Ae J pov hettenied Z, Pores AVE ete ties CTA 

L, Cee jue fuiliaten es aa ga Nal) gt a Laiaygls 
Ja flrefin be, suk leyfutB tecetinlelite PUG, 

i Mit Poted as poeta Bou. poll hay fo Reece te Soe 

ti beden by bfore uti o UE tinct tas: accimioe 

: | Mifliredt fee Mh, oC Gre yn stity Maus fat lia: 
ss ~Lity eS 7 3 Hetaust sfomngy any rston LEGS HE 
whe CO Bhetrit fe Hhongp Wiel be_fortalg, pect fo Mi Once. 
aw Ms flack a Wi Riley 5 panccde OARin, Ms Meteg 
81% et Fa ecve, Coudiita, Sone hay Seater and 
fs Me AV HEL os Vheai Dea KE Pczy Ue hefewite ou tll 

Maal atid ee pe alee, uth Tein, phe aceefltLe Efi | 

Serle (ant ha toa Volituas i By shlabis 2) 

Hac aaa vie ie 
pel ppp ily! age Fs Nig i 

(Pion tek hp 

eotpriae ee 

, ye Geet) Vaceol as sequela Sy 
Yow, Le | freon La pect of Lee Geese, 
Bley 210of forr a OY ae ae poe 
Chie Me chedar the ae Gf wteed wee 
eMrcady Ler goer Leal: J fervent, Lafle. 
fer secagy fered the Kearl?) tifa Vl, Yorn yhouk 

Gf S beni tea pe flbcatty aanl farenola— 

Lite J Giec Off 9 euler, wa ikl wheel. 

proved tsuter lla Losgpope @ texslee of — 

Lad acca” pate on Jetllenon. a he predesete of. 

7 | ey lew y Ske, ke wench acaccak for, Rey 
Ntestr cae agp. puertles ¥ Cae lee 
Cttessecl fer ay “fle acceso Cee ere Harry, 

outdoors , Ce. perae yy a lip Vilbron py foodiate 

a Pe Sa, we dani the ath Br tele 

 herighont lhe gabled Ce Ff a7 kis bored 

louribeiy, neeneas dase a her Le, Ve Gface— 
ya precpardiry Paertrig YY. Gag, oll leg cased 
wool pi Merch o ey é Madjeel) a Pe carne feed la~ 
seal Ue fottly "prec", eecee Le Gb cwtth taad 
; fact a ee a ee 
any & he wpelld”’ cep GE | feces a tfpear fee. 
te Cuek Loud » — Ke CB Lleviey. Cebial tie oe 
shared fac acd dec +t preclude Wel” Ypo 
trac a Mreorry pwede dt Drely Ueuiz bogie, 
a hae Lasse! teens Ge exe Gf taekse 
of bedhead , ower 0 termnte of lesen és 
teor tobe coeveiley, ey Pree ding Glertude of ar 

Lire @ ee Becee 12 0e le, yp feeder cg 
Wheel eo-Wer Z Loe!’ 0 Lom LS leg § Cer MED terrlE Carlie 

width eltortov coucl ge-daCerrer & +brcere age rele = 

Mor ed y. hydhecl line Bee A foarte op Arloze, Sper 3 

pllr ete eetete, 4 fae phan (Breen VLrull— 
Aviw a @ cbereeste Pg heck. op ce fet. acer, a Bats: 

wet found acngfliuty wellale & thueitt 6 Yon 
ook. thet, I thats ableie [ab Cl cbeee of 

Wi tad? tenses, tole, Beit Clea ah U) pee 

acd bate, blir 

M0 Olesen ke, ¢ 

4 Ba OT: ee “Cue of: yaw Ferner he 
of wg Waete- Mal — Set Ober Pecproctch te. 
a ect! pow ech? Laceol TLY more conceited” 
Pe ae ar IY ei 

Dara ; Yu “ef 
ta & torn / NELY eaet potteon 7 eceef owlagud Le, 

/. x. 
Baw geu eecter¢ Aen Fare... 
7 a rd 

PUI CVCActtl- 

a Yon Lertererel wrttle ce Cle 
Cbifornate ea ced” aes oad joe ey 
Hegard ee Oe ee bansitedig < 
Uiratey x a feb beet whet 3 Math. Py, 
tums mieten db artnk the ignite. lets BoP. 
GE caw fer eect ott tle 1 few wored ~ 
setiheng Cle prcoe Par SAM per eg ytd, 
tee bac pend We. ardyr rie our” digs ccntritere day 

om Wt prcte 55 of cruct pl, 
fou fo wet accoscene tic, fore Saco gall ee Cle eel, 
a a cecPagea rp, bes Ys Levee Vitcateler ke 
(foe Mik Maccel of tecercerd Che welt oF for JC oe 
EOL fer Gat powder kay fal) taekenly 
Aft gucrleicloes wee! Soberun, Reset pte 
preo wy, i fren y eee ofka @ Ccratrileradee, 

Gece tity Cr o weceel 6 

+ One. 

jeter ak tS 

! ner ae 7 
' yes Sah OY oy 

ae see. axed mee 2, 

tr Zt 


bf ait 

i { 

if Conti 
: , , oe een . 
Ait Ahain Wn ions 
' : % ; 
a ae 


' Sgt ae N 
eta ie £Tr Pan) ont 

a eer 





a oS 
- 1 i 

: Les 
ON hy le 

Supt % ay 

pal an crmayne * 
Cat? oki Be Ce HE. 

| SS YWrur Mane nA Olah 

; aero yay Si end. Peas 

“f a Wt KY od Yo CET PEay 4 
Lobe or beo? br, Ow 

Cf-g Dg . Cy oy —CLe rete 

Department f A privalla “ie, 

Wastingion, DE, . Aiden larg 

pb i% Onn Lun Ca me nn hd 

1 GOBBI sede bs. G eeoreonae come pon De wots 
ea es, a a VOU hci, eho eh ated 
es Be ee TY, DY pal trast ve 
dee. rea oe ere ee bute as nlf 
aw id ree ae: a an Qi. 

ot Seen PAS 

Potro Saaee 
; omer ee Ar fp , ae ae eS 
soit i I a a ae 
wn Vann i caaeans Le a os 

SE Ofprrerrrrey crue aia cee Saka 
be Ole os: endl: Silas Di ORE Le aL WIG 
 macecapaniay| eeeADS) Ces; Os a erawr 
(eae aca Wr elirethis cs Ltrs Bitd 
a a wer oo pew Lot pus 
ete Poste a De ft Pe ri Sus Bk 3 

ent amen es pam ine of Ee omg pt 

phe PS : 1OeL. es ee 
aaa ee ea, eee oe EE AH pee AR De 

“G i 
ene aes ee Opec fle 

Y Renn i eee | 

vt ISP abe fae 


Pe ee en ee on ee ee 
eee es, ts ee eee ansaisiet ee IN. 

2a Beeps tae) pS AAEEIS BOOED see 
=. tt : as ese eee hon. 

ee ee LOL SS tbr be BP Le rr fpr torn. 
m Se ble eerily Brann re 
SE ar 0 ec) he Ce 

atttWitiwl Sti fil 

& ClllbhdHh 1008. 

ie Be Yi sis. HE 

= m oe ; 
AN at 
) ws Co 

| fb pe eh < 

{7 caces aaa je, 
Me ee ey enh ee Dey 
(ek A aa coe se aca aa 

| oe amma 4 7 A 
Thagee, a> F eis 

, On Sethagg y, | eed pee 
Cn, fo free? Lea SEL Cran sPig 
( When Pla teem ov find ate 
| ale JL. af en HK pec). Pee 
peli of Phat. Poe Sa Aes 

Vo ae gi ne a D oes 
ee a Oe fy SN 
vba LE Zoek Se Sn hek 
"PL ces SRE yfo a ALG 
| for RK. Cons You poe 
eD Lf lon> teller g Ligh oe 
ne a Oe ee ee 
Sa 4 4 Cen 4 au Beene 
Pisa, 3 Pep eet, Bess 
DBS ax Jl ee tt ZS ype. D> Ara | 
Precio “Cs. be ess 
Hogs cone thy, | 
se 7 ae | 
a ee - eae MLZ tc: 
Sat adhe ey eae ee 
Rie ites 7 Pita Lo Parks | es 

ne . Kt (0 af . 
o oe i. owe 
VWI bn 

Cres) 2 ty ee 
Vif lateneees 

Tp: wy Zi Biss, 

HE, Cede. Pe | | 2 | 
Fang igs Pui le : 

ene eee: os 
Sf eos ves we, ‘deg ie 

: Vix oft * : Dio L Cau tip 

td tolgdt beg t1 11. C202 a. a 

f ae 

bey hk amass ae Z 

f 6 Le eye ete tO “ey (pf oar”d aa 

cos ts CU .ttact’ poe 
Mery Ma O) Ca. Gece low ae 


Coneeitrations BK & 


2s, Ye y poo toner 
db you Thectay I 
fat Yea Gene ie 

Pomrall ih Re tI, 
Wheat Leave. ese . 

Su opof Rene Oh 
ct Jered ne 
Cre, ee 

ye dp eatecce gO 

‘Que Nias Arr htney 

mp Ns: Organ Ge week 
wo Lea ain, 
rad aetein ‘i Vaud een a! 
i ee at a Gls. ae, oh My Keo, 
rhe etal ih Cg nmin 

COpdte 1 hate basen for he 
meet Rerckuess | . 

Settle ove eee As DZavetl/. 40 ( fAoat Lan, Sos, | ay SDpbenee, Se . 

ate wee . i, alsa; 
(oe Dome Grse es hes a 
ag Be Legh Vee Vis bar, 

a Mipl SUE VE 
y eee. / a 


bs em Lb Fier CS Af 


(A ee 

fo Gittod acta Sl oad tat ound 7 ee prt 
: Ae gee es, “Tee as peer Se 
ty... GE ner eZ Mev beast ie mee 
Tear. gabe tt akl- the satel 

: = Ll ZF. ik frre. CLE. Ae ef 
Adee. Ea. africa “eee. or : 
PS a oe es ia em BE, 

9 spo: ae a" 2 
er LOC Oy, Lee. & f2 SPM. lias ae 
os A gl , Z a oy 
Cad Bibe Berrlorcan. wee Cad o agp 
MA lira CHIL bx foes CO act, ge Ce 
| ae 

ea C, (Dr ener, te tute 2 LF oe HL . 

ti steak gf dt fe rae es 
ee Oe ChE a we MOTE pee 
(bps a a eee 

ee ath. LPir LOL. LG. a 
Tiles pe be wer LOAD. 
Caos hove Clater.. Ls 

Lee Pe we A 
Bile ne Jes Ps ee 

Miho; Cel Het a " Clem he Que... Bes: 
ee oe Le: oS 

<— Dil ee a Le as . 
a eae “a ai, sia OP ear Kf = O22 ad 

fle ha At A pepe 

PR es 


we he SOC OL: Ef eve. nd Co 

Wood -y ie oe Lop Pe. e ee 
Spee GEEZ Boric 

a i a Oe. ah fer, segs “ie 

SECCBY: pein’, . we 
Ae BHA. a reine y See Core’ fal foere OC 
tne, QertKe Cla fl GE fli lane. 
a AE, Aen 

loon Mee Ge i ee re Lb Le 

CI ss ee oe HIF pe Oe Ae Wtee 
fey fer pla teidal oe Poe: 

LA er lige Peti! 
Malte Se ae 

bat a inet 
(0k nels, Qak Tepasge afr 

a Ls 

: a ye eae. 

5 il Cc bj Lia, Jd Eagle 

Clrhee Bayle Ce Mc Pa 

HE aa 2 Lt. “Coe 

woes AySaentlil to 

mal rm wey 

Gogo wat fi Vey 
Bf AIOK Cong Lk Earn 
Ong, Mond. C2 Q Prax, o Ae 


o | 
LA. LEC A bat, 26.00 

AL efor a VE lz ee eee, eel 
Mtoe C0 hee CEL 46 arch ex Zoe Ais: ie 

| D hil? Yjore Go G9 © 6 SEE, on 
Bil Cf LER EK CA Hee AL Ge 
pa bef de hog ie- en soe 

ky Wy he ¢ [Poser ie ii 
Wher Looe beiccl, Lb lien, 

Piel s 

: Sais sas a ae “fOr oa aa 
| tn Lhew (eet dor leas, 4M 

PY ae Ses ee 
PMA yyy 

OPN bred i 

T. A. EDISON... ', 
ne 7 ahh Pale ba Maes 

Menlo Park; N. J., 

Wile ie Sena 

Ouge geek AA fkaen TE. 

6! Y 

TEE Mii 

(ery. itty vs it etl te Eeiiseagy 
c Yh fess ZZ e- pris oe DLO ae 
all. ts Oh 2 Ceecs ~ “etd Grieg te 

iat he You ak ¢ ‘hall like. Dalen 

Cale, fo COMALOE LO” QS fete. GS ig OM fe tester 

eee’ Mitte eletde hes leel PPLE = aad 

tate Bo. Mec nlific. fb OWE Lt> 9. <— is 
Lhtscthoke ; 

et nots ee Leis 

ty Ss cic Gd Liou lidbfulfide, 
a the 2 2 Song ia 

an = Lye A <clelleie.. Qated cs ne e 

\ amd L. We c- ¢ Ee . 

} a ee oe ae oe . © ie 

L pth 1879 


5 ET Pa 
2 ‘ ee J " qe 
hs 7 oo =Monle Park, N. J,,. et ge 

Kay Gr, ay ; 7 
OL. Ra. Amgorra Tre ra tere 
ORite QAR Wiese Cor hang Preiser, 
un Wad Conk. ur eee haf 

Ue eb COrnvcd So-9 C tow a “Beta” Of Er, 

ne, Wie ee te Of Cee: ad. free fos 
a, i ” 
“~ noel ere ALIS hit Fry 
(9 # Me Ont Ww Ko Ctw ; Lee FLO 
he Amfrrmocteon, YY 7, COL. Le oy oN a 
. Mes G. he Cay 
oY ei ee és ne urn, 
9 7 

es ZZ D520... 
ne ee . 


y oa 
Naw ve Lael ul Moab olnoM 

. e) w ee , 
| Gana t Bay 


} , 
ih AY reyes doy y 

ceo vig vs Bath gers auras 
+ + 
F \ 
cae : ; 
wad LaGhe utah a = RG \ Vek rasa. Fo. 
NG un \ \ \ \, pea Sousa, Ch ne ed = . ’ : wr 
\ ; 

‘ny ; : 
yy SS SK x ee : yy? =) ae wh oo xy e 
nes S.5..9 DRS ake ws ane ant. iJ = oe 

Be SNS NRA AS ~~) 
t SKAy at 3, 
~ By H ts ‘ . 5 } 
2 . ayy \ Yoo - ‘, 
at a SNS Ore) jason 
Fs Lath % 
~ 7 ees Sete Ca gS 

Way see - 

Bin sheet wet (0 betel oe Po, 
ey ee De teg hK ig a7 ft 
oS | Ox FC S89 

3 om 
O pas, (6. ld o-pre. . 
oa fw MMrelir feunk A. Gm fa 
OD) ec Ore | | 

ay 4 COO E. tof OOO LECCE Acar. hrevghe Vig ete 4 
Tate. Ghth ie nae. es HL ae 

HR, fi lite, htt thon eter a. Clrberitet¢rey 
Mb reves > ler MorvEe ceLolececiwuhk for es Le | 3 
See a CY, COOL tebee. a7 Ze etree. Be 

‘fat & 



ood wove we Loy, rae Oh gs NOE, Za Cee chety 
| Alt Bb ZOU Ve a GOR ‘ Selerer, ( oe, Che, tlewer nt. . 

le oolfleict ences tfucyfed. Dass aa VACA MPL. BRK 

COS Frel. 

' EY 
CAarcteresey GF frtitcae CEL oC. J etirtitit.. Kick the | 
i frrss LE Pecreg dias 4 tb 6 Je ty ent Bem ceeg, 

tle-g a Se ii e LE ODDIITTIULI ELA, Werlete 

9D tert. tah flag suseh attintin hh a hed Bias 
| Moers Boer Cectree org oe Yee Ue ADEE. ees 
erteat i oo = He bewss D thant fe vA rire. blec Le org. 
iW the. AAR. weela ‘1, the. fading, a bavbab ly 
Aede week tte, gia allied! TE x Ly oe Ctec€. 
| tAh~ Cte Otte ~ On Deed: ip eee HET cee i SP thoy 
j eh a ene Crete, pf the Ce ei. He, a por ae He 
Lee bp veh Ce DP cme 20k HEMET, fertile Hoovers. 
bore. ca the atleed, Waslile, Claliactcheunt, ~ 

| Ga llaLertitt, Vlofiallaceciae, ¥ PA eiLoa epee, 

g . : y fi: : ‘ s 
is vaiflfocse Oley potty Jer (og rig. CLLR Sf POLAE 
peat (OR SRMRIEE ae Bget: S Bada ele h neti a ent wl Pay 

4 Ore ddrorltl Mle. CHL, Aldea te ALE flee ctttees. 
4 Aleve pl, al cicwblae o The. a as BEC EL LEM ACH : 
7, "to Ad dbf Fe Le eOle Wee Meaepctrecet ati Monts 
ELLE Cl Ola vert ote. 1 AOE LOLS fog iL Cr b&b lieal Cx cree crccwlbereg 
Bee tl waffle, CLL 0 & ea OVEE va Ghee FILET exe : 
pigs he. FEL aa ee ll UM WeCCTRE, T SG Ctrl COCO OC Heatéh, 
ie eee eles Ez ea abel bets. fre lolly POE C HLA ca 
for et Lede OVE, ee the PUCC HEL La toc, @ Bad. LO AELE. 

| i i 
yQAle/ et of Le crece [e . ss LOL. PPTL. bt DUM ML. O27 L 
fi Paftie tag pounds K/te Par cated fea ZRLE & om Clif 
fat cages = het... PCH ag. tfc ©  . gerd PCC ne. ceweret ot ze 

Let eop~ny te. ptssctivecrmatere te bracZe D-  prer. 
Cl-Be g ecscleduy pe ae aOR Ey, oY ie seagh LEE 

UA Chie i ees 7 

i i eee Lf, Oe, POUR  b0. oheee Veit AR cee 
elecleicel Su vlad Ce CRE x eccceL iad waliee. 
a Mies force, a ‘atlfewe « ee OD»: 
ys eR P 
Our CD Pee. yr leecls ae Bo p00 bg Wa “of force al | 
x Cf peas Kelficag,: Wie Borin beg “ea CEL, : 
ee 4 yy, @ Z 
atk- GP ssa ea ‘ane. Het ato heel e Z rr CALE... 
Ltteet., ney So dE pot ® & Leen (bere 4 Atl. CG a 
ley CeCtatt he, a aleat etl ctipeintle fork f” 7 
Za le beLecietin lle as a (frewes DP pect, | 
Oe or Leaky G l ctor ; 
CL Zz, ANCE 5 CPL: ete xk. 
¢ Wi Vie fern Chast aetiy), 
C acLptet) — Gyr Godttolie. 

. Aye Fe 7 



vee, x. a __ SUPERINTENDENT, \ ie 
SS ETE <> \ ts ow AY SE) ds ay NN rom Y ay Ys aX . SS Sf 

3 ~ J ICE 
a, he / woo OFFICE, eRe 

—_ \ 
aha Ss * BD PAN 2 ~ vee 

we Safes AGaing ae SS Nd 

eo = oe boll Lbele, be E4L, we fs ane Aetna LS 487 yA 

ad eet” 

Ce of SS. Ve ee 

2 . | Doe 21k hg os 
25 L. CO pa 

i Lilien wy Was pm ttle si Lee, 
aa -7y tee Vie afte. Vas Limes poles 

fie *. ps 
beep Piele Bi ihe Seg aide: ~ reece Bore. 
pn =a A fer Mitefx a Pitre Lire Ker2t©. fae p, a > ie 

Leith Ae Le ee a ch. om 
Ae 2 
A S 
A = Ae Cc Zo. lo aee: aoe a 

Sh eucl 7a Meft as Liad/ tae ye See 

ve OOa0d Vn ~ Leia Wie Do tp oo tle ea 
fpf Lie = Hk shoe 4 i we flow ae es 

_Ylatd- 7 Avittg um (feug areal: Ge. J ae 
bain thy Qu Le ae soe tease BF 
wie pu tt. tue. Lah is I ee Beet ee 
Mian vA Abbasi Ee L400 tea? Cp teij-3 ee iy 
frente porrthatly hid. lew acak ~ Go re 
pe fear tres wees oy aera ee me ey ee 
A Lim werC Leta, Loo hw Lar oe he < gee ee 

POURS Sake : STRATANAUILIN Ys eH on tlh @ ‘ ‘ 
htiiww B S? tele C227 Le Mhaclej 7 a PDAeigceg 
Oe, es 

fae Med this 
Ky ae liegg 72% 
UEP WY i ale 

“oe wo y 

ony f 
QS, aN 
: ‘ ati C 
: : ae XS A AS Se 
> \ P SN 
: , ae %) ay be 
c~ ihe as) ss 
ae ye ey “N =) 5 \ a c 
Sy Ries ec aA 
AYA D> ay wd a say ara 3 Ss SASS ms 
~“, nt 
x a ee \ sy 
RD. a S 2 te won, \. wee ay 
NN » c Sw ~O i 
ead Siva Sa ge SES s\n meee ST sey Uy eed. 4 
Se ‘ ; : 
a Deak je eee Saar ow ea eet a: eed. 
; . Ne 
. x 2 \ S a 
a uate, WO asace ast aks ON SS LL sate Nose on XD 
a = 
_“. % ” —) hes Yay HAN rar. 
Coos _ 
G -® 
. on . ‘\, : a 
"D> ges Any sd dS > ee ) aa & 
oN Ae a Nok = Ss 
We aS ay PPTL aha . ON es ry Qrax>y. aN oN SHB YH Von 
a! ~ \ Se * 
é > Ret Bi Deemeuned in ; > 
ty OS Law wrt >, ian wayyy Nv Weootagy a =n — oe = =~ “SNS . 
as ee Z S Ss. ‘ 
a é < é 4 
ee ds Sie 2 Soo. See SB. a ee YAS, at AON SN 
‘ _ 
ee Mo ON . BON s 
. : Ye F ea =O 
aS Seas Se Sas. OS. kansas SD Lis oa want 
‘e i ~X _ or) 

N { He Sue 238 ee 
> aas Sy — 2 aac aE SO Or) (ek Retr Ss dads He 
a . on sy . ; oa “ie. 
= 2 mason tS Ss see ab. Ys ‘s we: : EN wal \ XN ay 
‘No : 
3S 2 sa = Seng ie: 2 dah, PHATE as some: dy Sates 
: . 

aaa vis ke 
Gb os wm ata et Ro > ROS WS as on 3S MA Sy aed). =: 
‘ % hy: . 
Te Be mmee N get ab et A eee 0 aa nN Doge SM ace aN AS 

ee cee 
Ne = Uy hate 
dy | > SA deka BY \ 
req g ity 3s 
3 | 2 ee 4 
Sen ae ee 
Gof Ae Lge. Ae ae 

Phat go o eaee nolertstieecl Yor VKHate Pare 
Vfl Confront, Has cue eas Sane ae 
Great Qin dkG Ph, At f outiiner XK cicercoe, 
Whh Keuw Fhe Krctirias, 84 Jue hear fone 

hop ¥ S¥ Ue 



yeiion pf _ Zo: BY. 7 

pecbineg thet 
a Medio ay ya [EL OL 
con oF elect erg ecent 
tn oth per eee gee 2 Lie lise 
tig hh te eyeweees, Shri 
Con bu eg oper Tt) PrRreeee. -# aS 
geen tly, . Pon feces 
cgo~ SI tir ar gaa | tt PA gt. 
OD h ae UNtO Wen gee ot ter rering on 
peed Bui Fi ev aes, 
Conel ty Aceh are Eeciel tok aprriat; 
Gortel veneeg ka A pope e- 
eee ai MLZ obennel. 6b... ee 

—H-.. Le a tek... en. od on Ltrele 

Me ey cc oe 


isla is I i SNL SN ae bo aie achen AE st ia 

heh hia sia BLAS tytn Loiiaa 

alive wb risus tiiesétch ba Cr bam bded is 

up Co bycitet Bl cee. i ca tut, 
Gerowe twist Pir og Joe Cone | 
Ctrsel oF n-co oof tong Comp rrrreat 
a 4 _“@ ,~ “Le aT Meta 
lf _ FAW iy tt tprerc cer 

oly GOL Onell Zerit Bey a ay 
ee ae ok > igemaee PrteLeG6, crmet 

Cr LoL es 
es ak os 

Cle44 oO, 

Pe Ses? ae aD 
oo eS Own cote Bee 
Ce re Ge peameiae: 
Say So ZF oo qe. - 1 fod ise 
CO -41¢. Lean oo ee a 
Cprtriiery Crrnel ay —Lhap ese 
ftnet At Arr» Leon Wig a ay aA 
te She Pailrigsc/ om sor, 
Pore Aine Mere’ Leu, is 
Sted _ or Geet, Cret weg Sooo 
—Beo per fle, hans, Te Ss 
[Pee iw. 4 

pe eee 

Serene eee aes | 

Bh JAMES Boru, 



ey evn Anette ola fier LAW 
Ct Prvper Mea foreg of He Frew 
Gtirtnner ($e ee 57 of the O-fel . 
verte} A Gerot Geen EG Con Le 
Ce EE eT frercdeg- ZG ZB 0 
acs Jrrteeer, yrece Poveren gA 
Teg Re Se See OG tHo—Cereccg 
Erte4 2, pryrry ALG Crrees ‘ 
- Fhe ek G0. Cenee amar 
Cn ZH POC WY C2 tert 2h 
Pree ry tt} fen fer a Prregeer 
Come lelereCier. Melt Sop Cr 
—Chivr ape Ze Coney for oy yee 
Cres ee ee pee oe Pitene  Ganaer 
Cadtand. tin. Bee ly Pt-eteete 

| ate a1 A_ oLxiez Arjun o+4 NG 

ee ; : Fyn eae, X oer 
Cotte ecko Pee Mey oC P oa iedteen (as 
are PR) tren Cnet epee hete ee 

<J Anarietel ten 7Y AGRA aut Pal, N 
Ls: ies Meare. He 5 Jerr ce _ 

Lore Fant ae et ee Cae A. Dirrre, ¢ 
veg LEE adele ee £. Le. \ 
See ee Le triente cy 2t eo 7 
ACO —Linive on Brg —Ptenete Comoe 
oe ap egy a, es aregy 
a “of age ALO 
GOA BD ais aes Cie on. Ap-hOe 
No op Aa Serer “T124 
Sty oe ager a a 2; | 
Y Y Jean Ze Col af Lbe-GuG 
abe ffeo: ee Ae 
event Lh KR omnes 

a ger A ent fo Repeat Pe 

PP) A. blew 7 
a Be ee 

/ AiR, FBLA 

$M bE. Chine, 
Metal Cuil ZL, fh 

Suse giense a 

FF: eg as meat feaa wll lar 
“Cpa il ho Napier Up 

Apres we Dr foe to. piste Hid) ak 

eee vee pod eabenig Eo De, | flee E Va 

| eee Mehies He. Gi 

r ws i Deli pa, 
fr Wildl he #20 aoeclat ates of 
Je, Mt Wb Ge 
blged J Linas Xe: 

wt hedld lure on 
Cite Mee Wage detheg, 
, eA — 

Ee, | 

| whl Sp elo 
ey sedinia Medet ofr Ole gpunme? 
Ce sae 
| Gate Tilieg w-Tce 
LOK Ll Lo saehs Loe 
a Bisgel ie ti 
Ls YrmctD of have ate vd gor 

he lb gl’ Lad Lr-. Lit at beet“ 



o Ait paca pmol 
i of AAs :) alittle penser lio 

es y LG Ldbece fp A he Geaewe.. wont gee Te 
ef fig he Ze tide OS Lite a Esgef nil} 
Lt pret Mihe, Me 

L yl 

b. LY ted p24, Pa Oe tag Boe 

wz og yfwbinien eKutlhih Pelee 

ped bycowucke Lbs Vist TEED 
Har? Levu 2h Ab 
| Oe [0 ceoned Trae oe. 4 edna) 
am Cacia ies ot 
Lies depitee’ lords a “iy eae Of 
Clit trues | Far erallack 


pene w4 | 
dt. fe , 

Ke bi shevinie, w& yy 

Lhe wiral | 
pig bce eee eae 

“Weed ioy ° —- Siege was Daitr? Ce Mbild Co 

fz — LEFL 
py ee pias, = 3 oe Fie Ilice birt ase of-2peced rig 
bbe: fe eheonlbiny lglvay, COS wlital K Bie. pwehwecet a} LP 
MALE 4g ieee wh f He grit Of uae. da Guchecblircy Miri 
cella ld i Darn and cetalion) a ee 
bgt etite gum A yegy icp fVepuael pecwtliaee Mitel) 
bee Lb Left trinaucde 2 nlp), Esc Bbtectf of Hecisiate Le 
Je laigllia, Jtoatetlis Vlbandea sian lag bade gt tea, be 

/ <q th P. P.BLATE 

hereto a “oA? oe : eae alle i tiie Maer 
pu Bee (tit) Uf baofietir lo Lage LCA 4 
With Whe addlelizigfa fea -cabe ig GE, 

uct ey ie fo ew Shee s wd ate obi led trol gent 
Ht tae Bier lived Dp Lz, ea pile 
Lint je GLE. MGA LA a 

CREA tae Gt [Oo Lalbteble 

Mianslit Uber fare , Dt crt Fab 
fal” fe peled firm &. wed tle hifedtiag 

qeredt Leoftw V; He. 

otinly Zee Lact off CO LZLE, 

feed f each matesd of Mitwéiite- 

Paced A Mel 

tae Bie, Pe SD peat ra To Oafcrdsdly 

is tefl CV devo, ext tees 
Ne, pe ee a 

A a ( he 


jopeiilt LE 

easoa Cede veebnld aghboy 

Va Mespranbdibele Weortlt0£2; BA 
Hi gh UAL } eal Je ne tee Ting. 
glib, if Puentlr He ghey, able 
pte Te. Pade Ae kte 
aeeised wl qc fy the LEAD 

ft: arly. GbE. Luh pelo of 2 ca 

a ae tees | 

Feel w at Bir tata Aig 
z Ht Dtae thf hig? 

Ze Lrwuddedly tate UWpef 

: Md. Cibikte Pav Late le oo 

ie tf td De Ante] dr, eA Wibien tif 

SAL” Lo Pp Php Fob les wt Be Soffibey, 
g Ltn lle Phi LO welt Ze 
OPOVE: fod B Cagre ef tre oe 

Fb heels, Herne Fi a et: 

Male ae aa ea Ge 
01 rTP Durer ) Tifitw Potala 

ricco of. Pate Ze E LD vy 

Video Mme) A yrld Gey Lol Aba) 
Ae lia pu. of Lteteoclle, AC. had 
fo LK: tue Kee Somepgerag JO © 
bead tf (4) ——— Lf. tt beige, 
pettel vuntl, cere d Hed Uborbnep a 
Cott p2Ed tw AG | IgGfF ef 
et LIP, Npuiag ded 5 amd 

filling apg seall fl ford 
Hideegleo, FIELD Cf bei! fr spon, 

Lf burntidc wl tI Gtr Donaroter’ 
Bbeved c thitera Wore, Le Lee 
LUPE: Sorbie Hig ae Ze a 
CeAtle- nad, bog alls lt Defb) tHe 

; (lll 
the Bo WE Grblig) Pott ffogpee 
Doravesucr’ ip Ve /larclest 
fe pied?” Yo minalld. Het clipe 
Lo weelt mtb hed oxllecled fell, 

id WLl F 

ok’ Aten 7 pete Lolo? (we gle, , 
emg Hin. ly Jot eat putt He 
Hee? beented Gf Bbvrcd powceel 
Hiatt fir Lect L£lEiabeoe) me 

fol ostinato agnted If mad 
Gue- betthe A» 

A WA o 
Aut weerdlnede T2627 serve Yall 
Lilt probuced. Ln Ae Lief ? a 
Ludlieusd popbibs LU rretof He 

ise p Be puiblle 1,0; ¢- btllber 
U0, locate. Bic gon Bete nef 

pg eo ee. . 
Gittd Ub gull Co LE 

the. while aR Lill) 
I — 9% Hef L. cog 

[Megeee cad 
Iindige He th ae Pn 
Lhe cy Lrg: ay ae 

P wat yh a ard 
Dea 24 verily of pie 
ple “lo cre TF bow Soe Lait 

ple L0- wie ler He fees, You, 7 wept ¢ a 
Lbsiges waar Lettepd Ae died cttir Wlab err for phil (it teins cringe 
the. Ma. Lb LP oreciutd bad ; , DeauwtATbS foe philly OGDEN a 
Drie dimen SIL a Jer Heal gf- dinette fittee Gold degimes peed pttee 
Pe ated. lecl’T oraseaprazed Pecanty) 

Lewsettils for CheTbpt toe) are wg 
Leatéliils 6. bl (P. (P base fou ped 
Leet Avcrgy corsets aed & re ey iat) 
Jsw Hb, Edhibprs, aM Pe dete” 
pee- CHtte- £0. cone pled led qccle GY 
Leb tieg LO EON: Vara le: Gp 

88 APS ah A Fo BREN 858s Chanel Sie eh a Niobe fled i Bona 

abl ela ath hb Gi Ld eh tee i Bc ad Sancti aha Laan ta SAE Se NE sia A stn Sai 

frrile coridgr) PlaL gee | : 
tio ofigll cof Had thlerilly fat 

ets ands ite Se eahiNciacbahc Sai Na RA DAAC Gy a Sh 

Ailaplni cll : 1 at 8 Yike: County Mill - ae Skier Rime Mle 

Cousle leiiy. dnd" sign Cy glen Hd, ce ' Guashingaud- Sample “hig Wie. Genientratiig& LO, Ming Werke. R: 
aa Moshe Be Ba lleee Oe a : Gilspy, Belew ak Gol pes Works ak Stieris Hines. 
Duill Dethie $0. Stew Goad: Cte, ig She oe Franke Ballou: Eos 
Sends leds hte Co" Col : Se oo Wi ‘ea Cocck' bolle ol" 


a eee 13> “iy, 


tack POE Gi ics 


* ae cbr, ett tie aa f 
Lo twk Ld nie Preyer fv ee ee per ily ah 

Pray Auvk ee Np. awk )VYre0~7 » Qtfrew KEV, Ary Aipetiove 

the frme oni -he thon tue edt Yat! Cw? a fund } a, 
thareMuae ce fe Pipah fou f & (Miyeutrd 4 SESE bitgs 

bh» ire... he Are-he a el Ayefer eles: LAV 0P FE 
anaes al, ee i ne ow Whe ny cua it 

ee foy Ue le Vy & Caos py 2 
CE rbd f Akeceh, wile Lt bre Lach ag 

for nee: of enae and vitven ka C4 de Cri? lehe a 

y) Vi eae re deta ces faa ae fe AE 
| sear a raed ie eee Leni bogs 0 wn'be, 
De ante ab, a oe long Lo’ ae < 

capa iby arab) 
af it Sais ork arch : Ching 
york me yo foci bed td, 


\ No. 52 BROADWAY, 
Ye pet. 

suri spins ltis ncn | Sesun pasta pigrcusitns 

Sais Nain i De a AC 

Blank No, 2. 


‘Thta Company TRANSAMITS ant DELIVERK messages only on conditions, Ipiting tte Mabltity, which have 
deen asssnted to by the sender af fhe foliowiug messa.e, . 

can Mathai! uly by repeating « message back to the sending ateffow/for fo, @ Cin? 
many wilt wot hold iteelf Hable for errors or delays in Iranemi{raton or delivery of Uaen; tey i) 

Tol mesaage ean UNTER far Ain: " 
named above, 

a =. MA Lael WH Gol, Crane oe, 
35 ae a 7 Pe ae 

; fs a buster Gul Lote . 4 SL deb Gtk GLE 
4 3 Hh Pes / Ode CV UlA | : | 

Vel fark Hf, 

li, ih on Giere oh. cg to hee 
als de aa e. ey tO khtiwy ‘ie Lue Bye, ESE a 
JL Ritiay rr LEN aa ’ Tie deity = {blac feo, Ole enone) 

G1 OP TRS pine atl ceo oe Hn frase, 

| “eo epee ees fu (Ove ; Ll ot! pe yuan 

Cp uetth a! 

Phe. oo f 

4 a. ee 
b DL eee Ulverrs 

Wiveees cl Listpo he Ours fered Maeprrnr 7 Ag. 
aay) A, Vy ra 

jt (ne by 7 ify Ltn {7 te) i Sem Ue Loceechec i Yy 

De Eth. Cofix jell’ a ls ol. G Lect (en a Jtecacermy) 
Phx: ees A“eele AED pee 1h bend Prec Ny | 

being Ov Mitrruk a i PAva.cel ere oe ¢ — _ - 
as biing 0 Kidivrs frreter L get~— 

Jirnot Het 4 hegathnn OO AE rE Dev wrCex~ 

/ / 
TF oxen firl~ Q es hh i+ Leviny iy Whe ere, 

a] ie. poet ae ie L ge Bac 

Mo ALn, Cle Se sar fren Phas on PK jes Qh, 



t. ,, . . s i) woh a 
: my N, ‘ ar 
. SY. v af . 

ey wN ASS a4 

Uatl a ye re ee Prtsfon liar a eee 
Cur els Dre. t~ We. ae: Yara lie Hien 
Dall og 0 es Beri @e 9 bviy Bh 
Os: Silene): [4 S25, Oa Ly oti es bee 
ptt raturn J Gp tt Y Cele fer Loe. of Zw oe 
S2/3 62 They wit @eeg ~ Ye ease Ok pt ~ tt 
Oe Caine ee haben tows Mae Bis: 
bnttll Cea “ea rerio, a ey es eres pet~ | 
Ai kill by Fee Iocken ge clevbefemnarrty (whet. 
vara Li Wy plore: Hie. FRein. L2f cleft) br heer 
Ph, ee 7 Ve. Paton! “, ae Ae Orn fh frucrngrrteten 
Pie Ae ; a 2 pln nn 
fle ie ge hes. a MeetLe~ ig es ies uae 
Or Bin ce ne. (La Mangk filer qs oe 
Pratey lho i ae 

- oe iced Nea iss A Wwe um Ut os se 

peek PLA 2 


hem ALL a. wort ale - iu oe end ee Sy aaa 
Pe bnaserce fo enc, eee Wen ae aac sami de 



Eon Va Wi disg Uiid Ot bsetraghe 


edo, Flea seth ae Shee ut a 2 4 iat re 
an cane wen aca 

(ug | a Lavvagua oe el ad 1S 7 Pe 
Pinel Ll Ciena 
Wy ede. 4 cw C pie 

. fen +3 ; 
day Co SL Ce Oo. Prientrat lAat 2 

Snel 70 crth ¢ Bre. Caer CGR, 

teats a Ween beth ea L £. Sasi, ° 
Ps fie - ra SOO é 

AL Coal eh ert atl ‘, Pe ey LS oe ¢ 

si a wutel attend . Z : A ZL 
Gad ate Jtlrer eee adlels Cece Les : 
. i 

a poielad fe ‘tac fe 20 Cy eR Reea a: att 

5S re: ey Meine the Agheet ee eS 
+ v 
“et Clee  setafte. we oriip oeecent Le oe 

ne : Bele Ay bee Ge Kil ceteeegh& (5° 

“ a 

= Cate Aber £ fo Bierrhee tee Lee ae PBI We oy "WA, 


by att Beois aut BLL perce vitind: 
L t 



wt tx, wa Daas Ficd C slo vo pou ace (© Gea - 
ew ts be rremrel. lta Lbttrat, et the Gewh 
a Cf Loy . i 
Chop ‘ a lie ) tale as tet Al ePLhH aha Je we 
) f, 
ev, Maver babe tea es a Llc Cy. cle ee we 




| sae 

| yer ee Grek yore Grv PPtl , wz flat 


bee 6 & Pret ots 

pro tbe oF ree olen sicatce 2 Le Ccftas/, 
. . 0 *s 

kee “ey Jeg : ‘ ; 
AAA th oy, CA etre, 

% ‘ , 2 - 
J) err PROEA LNA greet h eur Ye ter Cbeelra 

he a 
beyihd Lyilm, 
ce ed A tt 3 a 
7 cA 5 
: CF, a, C f Oc, 


Lee SOE hy 7 

a / 2 27 4 : 
Z ’ 7 : 
y LO cite vere cl, iain par Che 
’ Poi Dou og 
Orenlals Wa ween Doe woot 
a Fs 


: v 

eee ante —— Aen atcike iE neem 
Ba te 3 hl Gale er, 

PATS ppt tye cab Aneta: 
Foto Gu Si Ja Sa 
i Lhe Egflecet, — ie atrgrae pe Leite AN? | 
thes of Og, bac = Cagzeuie Lan 

: fared a... J aera LOD pal fat ates Sie ey se 
7 TF ve Oe ae se ap tle. i EO. oo 2 Heiney E 


Hf f 
. 2, © Ane _— vice Macc Lon. L pas ese 2 
[gy ep Lorna toil 

fotaee Lbet~ thea mat. of. (EVRA ET Legh: aon Bote Ps oe aa A 


eg Pe hos eG. SEZ "Zit am flied meee tact tte 
ae Oe ae Lebar ale Leatatanssel ts Se 
| Cali ffuela ihe Lan food np LDL. wi RET Si i 
jes ie ca wbbattaly Maad= Ze ee ae 7 
Pol geil he sazpeedlicate Thi. Shes en ms 
eas Firlactiara tai Leonie Mat cen tisys 

fait LEE Ley i 
i oebca ania’ Linde Le sib aigs en 2 Lx Le pe Lites AP fh 

pt Qe ness 
‘. sig caper 

Oe pee 

ry aes y ae On 

% ot ae, Pe 
be has ja pee, ere Feria pf al Case. mz! 

iy ONY AED it. Adio. Mite. Poe 

pone ang nt 1 Mikin fog 
i DO, fe Uae oe 
plete i eis Leg AE 

: cee a ae Lie ee an 4 

tn Lee Sie ep FPG gt | 


pF cov ate 

- ye pats a 



LAL. seats Dandies 



te low gy neleet Silver iijine dp. 

Badd Ybite, Aen, 

ma oe uw SG rh - Wf 

TLGA — ee 
Rabo A x Pile pee ee 
Hee a Slee i cic ae pa, eee Lahn 
F Zeslfe % fe ie ex Mic 4h xwh_Koo.000 Se 
tan Chil Bm 9% gp tw — 

es Cally PO L phage ae Os Zo as 
17h Aa bw Creech ste 6c cteee ie Ae Aire 
ef ca font Leon eg Conte kh ae Lt 

gucatilg “Le ce ’ eee: Dacre LY Si 

Dies. prea at firlecah Klorlee Le 
crnedic A fee tug FHA~ Le eg ee 
Ve Z LUALEr peer At hy - & Arn 
oy Joe) de = Ae SES pee 
io tnothe nig wel fae 
Jrevipwiteing ES eee Pay eee 

PReatDent, ft “ . i 


Bel low Backet Silvey 2 iipuinas 0. 

dull Shell hub 1 Sang , 
‘OVP deems Cag > 

ein eee 4 = of 7 
wees Ja ae Ne FECES: 


st ae a pies ban fo Fo 
ao / 4 Z. . 
Ceee: 439 peck ee’ a fo oie pe atv : eee, 
OF eves ee Clave Mec Zoe cily Be Ze 2 he) 
7 age oe a a rh. ae icin soe ane = 
cv Le Le Ahn a ae fees Cree 420 few 
fie odfin a Wr Oo Faetn hack’ tes ce a caeiea ol we 

Orecetimeatiig Fw eer, -Ly - kntane, 5 aan 

fi ¢ 

Wee Viteda Cane. 4 betes Ax Brrab_~ wee fenw -Steer. eee 
om a Bar pret 4 Ae 

Vins fae fete a Le oes pee a ny by, 

1A boll Fria Zee Cea psae 4 Cpt eo 

Pr tuk, th, Oli hig found aoe. ne 

dhe Byfe PZ eT eae pany ae Leg. S z tL0g ~; 

5 Presipent. : —-. i “SUPERINTENDENT. . SEORETARYS, 
>. scene “Re axs sd dad see eyo Seta ay Sb fy owen eB 
7 ys = 
“SBOP waarsmisacct <GSOFFICE Gro, EN se Tee saat. “G 
te ETS AX 
| ; slot Market & Silyge Ain o. , 
op} So _ Bs fag WE wae SO Sa tart. 8 et aaa os me 

af. a “fh . SZ ssh nS Wire. Lei? ‘ 
C4 LL SO. Clete Ww &. Saass wrk. : 

or, \ li Co EB Aih sf cc 
5 (De es dias wees, : 

Pass 26% Lill eesere hs nee Gl Sear, (# 

~ Glc4th. hat 
ge ae - eee Lip tee h. 

Dee oe Pe rae aA Par 
urik a "teee 2 ttewlrn 

Oy-1e.eell let ee 2au VP Peg. fois 
. v 
Va Paes ely a LL", | Ee ODE pores 

Merwe ntit[? c fev 
OY for. i A a " 
‘7 LER ip on WIRE | ‘reece tlt — or porh Lia meer a le 
—_— / 4 a Y ; 

Dyke fom & Fie Levens “te! oz [beet fee or ya AH w.1¢. 70 pe cecesK 

7 v . “oo ; 
-f Lecel te LL Cr La £7 Z£-07 toma Oke. ff tee era a firs >e.«7 

ae 4 ‘ a 

—— a 

Mo lclor- bitten ly Avecaleee CMe = Brorecee baler Lee ae 


3 F 
ete fice} hash — /< OM Preece ch Wwe a Ae #70 Jom 2 Wi 
: we. 3 amu etiea Jens tame 

al Loic. S60 

ee. -2bee 

‘ ae ae TE am L066 es Aen 
= ee 7 . 7 Lf 

er it | SE ee ALLEL LI fen e eReL Cre os ai ~-  cteerl rial. Leer 
eonHec ‘L a He lttced’ feeee we @aee te ho~reech —. rae oe 

: yy, oo? 
tae! ceests; 4 Ateee co a sks orl esis shee ne Ste A, 
a ; 7 : 
waeea Bpee CAH Beereeg oh. Gere - CALI eG 
Poa ae 

LB ir Pantin Ae Bad? he Lefece oe? Pen 
in gan 9th bee 

a Cc KZ ew Ltt his tiga Bafetey a 
ip lam Bs. Ale heey oc Ly Pek we 

Coerk fetlew£ Z 

TANT °: 

STO ANT De? a2 - 
2 eee Le 4 Lee lous Va Cate Cece sce 2€ 
eis, ASTI < A e 
BD BnCtice ee 2 Q, Bony Peete oun a CL? @ oe 

Lan ~ a 
ee SIGS ge 

. ° - a N ‘ 
fie ae ae < 


7 oN\ _ 
4IZ2-O Lice SN 
. tA > : om 
: 2? if Sf ¢ 
EoD ‘ C C 
a ? \ Le 7 AG 
- ‘ a 5 
“ey wy ‘ ~ = werk : mea Ewe 
~. <e , te, \ . . or iS ‘ 
by Screw i ay os at OEM Ls We ty Si Sorel s wt ov oe REV Eee 
Z kK: id 
eat 25 z . Be 
we ART ‘ > an yaa Bane’ es ae oe SE . - mgs ks er er 
bie \! 
ah cout oe xe = ” ~ g ‘ 
gh - ~ = - . “ : 
N oe * SS SSS ay : 7v us Ma oe Sey , \ Pott 
ae % . 
_< x ae 
« c 3 iS " 
' S SAS WY YWIsr GE. Seis esas uss ye Vass : cy ON 
x xX " me 
x : = 
> * saa pak an ps : » ‘ Same Ss 
ae so : — ee t <a ‘ ri \ 
t z D, ‘ 
gorrraats vs x 2 SS Sa ‘ a moe ama 4 Sieg eae oS \ * as 
- a ee * + = wee Fioad 
_ . 
ee hi r M 
3 ’ ay 5 Fc ess ig Je. Nak f * ra “y . 
3 a is 
ae so et \ : 



a 4 . dain ty dS ite shi ty = IST AS 
. S 
.t € ~ = ra = 
Dass wr Wasi hd Vrs ™~ ee caaieg Foal = Rs ee? 
: R ws ad. “of ae Peed 
a : Q = cS > 
Woes : “~ as ‘ * cored : 
s aw Nye ~~ sw aNTT HS, toh Seek: a Payer ake. ee Yacecy ¢ Slr 
—> =~! 
: es \ = a 
yas dome 2s a = Maa esac.o as sa255" SAyypaads S)-. Ya ross ce 
‘ = 
AS . ' : . oo SS 
yey = De Sarce ds dase Shas a soon ls Naan a : meet, | 
| : ook TOA Soon Daa sae yo Nar seo . | 
i - ™ > : 
! on . aA" = ; t 
an Te BES eta Wome 7 ~ Fa DS ee OD V8 2 Roy oye aya 
. x , . ‘ 4 . 
ety AS eA aS 7 Be oi Nene! XN ane , 4 : 
% my Sa 4 ase os ae es eee ON “AAT SDs oe Msn wb sy 
a bi 
pare a > Te ae \ as ? ‘ 
i asd. ss. aah. 3\ Wrr.s dass sk ear ws 

hi ik Cote ted/G, EL; 
| SY sé rk: 
K : Fi toe AScLidbcow 
/ttnlo Gach, 
Miad. Leg 
Pi cur Catlin 
6 Ce Se ees 
is ailrw Barta a 

wn A 

"550 Yreka | 


an “ 



| eee A : ies (eatin oe. 
| | | Sika Cocentzy, Dace face 
ones , Aecthito Se ew Cae ae: 

heres | be ea CV CLE 

eR ceed arly, SE thbihe cheat Oey tal, GC oe Peak a a baie Ee ea gt ni ae get Sa ye a oe ee ce 

efereth eae Aoeccpth oil ars) ptt Le arty 
: bern, ALLOY ee , Lau LLG 6 oe Gee see 
Senwflyre ALE rere’ sos pecetpeed ok or 
ipa ere fherlun el Cry ferire/paLicy fitonva 0, SDS Oe i 
Viz ee gigs Te fei: (OD? NAA LA PALME teeceg) 
L Goa Aifoet: A. td Ce Bertil 

resi pee pean or Cevinttle Crt 
Yigo2e a 7g na Bow ee a, 

wate, HY eke CAawte £ i iis atts; as, 
nb. Pcs pews Fe ctl 

ee 2A cre fee 
ay oa oa Cet 

es za oxhee wip ee, ar “ Zt’. (adits 
Con OF~ ¥ teed ey 
. ae. ett Aer” a ie ae ee ro wad 
eo len AUaLe Crbo-co Lorlat 
well We CACC GE | 2 pws Cetg 97 ae we. | 

er oe 
Petters ee 
Toe 7 . ‘ 

; Dione... Ae. 16a ad 
ha e x 
| | 

Dee vc a oe ede | 
heck, or gas pc en 

3 aflre Oat rk rose eke Lilies 
i BER A bet act waits 

yt Mee : 

Ie hea 

on Mii ee og SN Pu I ne MS 

oes Moc lg Xi, C, 

 iaibaks ror er 

| entlktetygn F ey ues 
ng alte Ded the jeg es 

Dene ho: ant Mee steibar x 
ond Heyl) Urdag pend Tabs 
ao Lpte CBee OLD Ce Ge 

bh ted 

Li D rnoriagd WF MpGpm | fpr 

F80, aoe WOU on. The LC) afr, AK 

Lit rag Wfented TF Le thet Tw Pe Se 

: Keer Tie ell r inch etl iif . 

Ky thee. 

stant parceed pitta Grads t 

Phir S01 bb, poe rmuntbe of 
Mirage amd Ur beiemuel fpr 
Sonigel Sear. Po: yes 

fh ee gs 

Cart 5, Ce pic. 

AM, | op LA. © ot ies ly, 


4H 5 Pe AR Re PESO 
PeE ee co Yorn. Ler“ wai ese 

afer serapfiend anul 
aAcoaidy, a.° 3 

pin baa 

tir lltensburgh Ov a 

ANilA Konig, iff 
Qo, Ook aN 


oe j 

d woe oe ahy 
we aan 

abidsiiiis tint vewrsenrrervsshtshitie's 

is . 
Xr “ 
a]. “TT 
G : 
{ Pa 



Blank No,.2.°~ 



ra a : 

ating a mevasge back to the sending atatlor 
salntranemleninn of delivery of Unropoatod 
ESSAGE and 1s delivered by requestul the 

Vpn oed Z ne LE OOS, 

Le nee ra es 

Nits CC at roid 




"Menlo Park, N. hed 7/ ar ‘ 

POH Coie. 


Shed 5 ae ly hat S$ cm 
en pag eX ep. ‘i: Powrs Pricl, 
ate o: ; (O07 Gnacdonatld P 

amb Bs ane) ni i ! 

| Menlo Park, N. 1, Leh ae 


a i 


deft APO ge 

cee ears Pees pa | 
Mor bees 

a Aur tok | 

Zug Ac ome “ a flee ceed - Peony, Pipl Move 

? be eeette- ee a. Ot LL ce. Gee lawn), oy loLae «€ 
G7? ee ee 

Zi etl geen, 
Vigaui a 

heer. ol (a a tae eey 

JteerThep ee, 



v4 f fs 
~Menlo Park, N. J dLES wg 
BG a ts pees 

ou ard 

UG apd ee eg a? 

| | [he ws TO 
ye YN we a NE ae 
a. Seta wl as ott a yy Want “ 
ot ee . ‘ NA pw 
ee [Wee yl 

* _ at wens ste 

oN ‘ : 
Sana aan eeu NOVO ANNS SERN Ba a ‘ 
Ss : me thy at 
fo POS Uy 

mt se NY : 
opiates | hes one and i 
yew EN NNo Lt ata ation yi 

SALAS SS SARA. : \ Re Rat aut | 
: as ae aif cals 

N\ . nS 

: le 7 : ) oo) H ay Sap. ES yoy : 
\ ‘ 

oa bi : : : IS ya arvy cee Ore Tee OD) wry 
. A ( \ - q ¥ 
Woae ® ? Nes , ‘ oN ons ‘ - 
, Pree aS Sine 4. “Qassossi SY Fs ny Jyw yy yay 
at : ~ ( ee , #2 4 
cae ip Done hy AMONG 
MF Ay V4 
*S hc “ . . 
WNW “ a or rene ets Pa be a or} 
\ \ 
ett hy yee y My te tte a. Ky yor Peas 
, 7 ‘, ; : 
ry aes ah ea my 5 ys deena pein aa Fe " 
2 . na \ i 
Nw ae ey eo yt Ye a Wee ha 
i fh 
4 \ oN 
i i 
| peewee Y Oe 
' * 
; , Nee ne 
is : 2 : ya Qe ssSif ‘Non yes QU 

© N aa 
% ; MISE Ot 2. \. »\- Ns Nae 
. oe BQ, : Se ‘ Ny Aw 

we. se DIS SIEIN ONO Sy Aw SN, ‘ 
TON seen so P 

Z : Ee 

any pee viet Sp : cay nod Liew tL Stog thea? 

for Pigs =e A-One ~ of Mary fer 
Yo Ce opp Cirne o Ss ee ae 
ay ae eee ee Auzt, oan, 
To Ceisitees See, oe ee een 
Coen tier pene Cling acl weg Perererty 
MH Prine oS forrnet [eOeCice in Lhe 
ok, Peace nF Cenec 2 2G eae 
Ateneo! tp Kardig Gleomet on any 
Oh ee LS Sn ta perce L 
dees sgn coe RNAS fo afore, 
ae Core te gre eset ot the rolex 

ee ee ee ee kee 
fly Solved, uel (ff C&er | Leer. LEQ eo 
i Oe ee Se Te 
[Peete Door Barr beter ery 
GEE, Cate ee ee Big) eg ee 
\_Gor sed CPi oltnt onoegh A) poy 
Pha potter I tnenBin wats fey gop 
Vie edt fe cen es tu, Sovmncecen ee EX 
thet. Gree trey Le Senet, CGN Bui: . 
et § LEE te parce, _ Ao 
Ler-heu 6, a Yr eayene nH Se Zee % 
DAD foo the Bees Lae YFG obrwets 
Mt Hog y'' yer Wee Cogn, Cota, eta a 
ZS trial for Pog Aibhfeemet oo 
fe) Greet te ke a. Cat O2+ 50m Cr -Lhg 
Cmate SAGs. herbs oy Ah Con todd 
Eee eae brent eee SY 3 
Ll, trcer ZO bw nek Ore Liat. 

ae oe Bitty ae 

, lgesl tgs fe Vibag Gofal 
ee gee phy yw 
oe, Peo pt i Ta 

Win ae 

Lpurectl te bribe rde 

matey Alar tif, ad tnifipencero Trine ofp, Lhntie Mshif 0) 


pidalele Ra esto tas Bini isis pe a tvidAt 

feserikee Nia etiinl adios! 2 

i Del BORIS AAR SS ile 55:3 ati ltl SN Rae hn ab cin eA 

Z “ vt Se ce pee = bbaath 
- 6 ve as 2 dara ® Rn 

a kK. ae aan ae se ; ALLEN & oe 

*Roapway & VESES 8 

ow Yo, PAM. def. Let bf 

Az 7. eae 
nr , . {ASTOR KOUSE. § 
Pens Lo ee tained. 
PAE hic SO Ga fa < eimai, Roan way & VESEY et. 
Ste ty of LS DS oak AF ; 
| a ne 2 
AC U2 ga oe a . Ch. Yosh, 7 

ee how ts Come’ 
drm m | Pm Kok 

: > ALLS 2s 1979 

Mt, Fb ae Etre, . ‘ 
Disday Pabet gon Cy. 

tnnill Ertnsy a: feankage of *blnak Qenrol" 

Seiten sass! Acomennaer sy 2 daw ane 

Mite ont Know -Le Profin moece Gt 

Ate ancy Cll, ham arom Fillings sor 

v < 

UEP oli at 
EGR AT, 29 


Duteh Bak. ( (ee Co. Cal. Werclous bes 22. 1979. 
Ihovnou A . Poli ; Loaf! 
Neav Aw 
(hough a mney whom J mut m He dar J mol 
Hel this lawn oy ht headgucvlés he Geld flun You ek, cbt York, feed 
Kg, Chath Cla amd He vir wining Commpa if Ha Blue dock" Hu bert 
fruige. plac mining distil of tr tet and rw, luckily, J get olf hue wteaol 
cf ol the played cul “ton * u Gold eum | 
J tuvuved how fuvsdoy Imcrnung , tep TE omel joreacactecl my 
(tte f ulmrouchin be VW RL Weblo Bankey anc the Welle Fargo testi Unirn 
Agent amol a pournadl fcenol of Wu. AP, Gero h tke eculleny anol lino : 
if this geuffmon t have Geom tulucluceot fo We tuner , Luperrvintolacts cual" q 
Lone * Hersh the divtiicl. he lux Locke externas hom below Colel Mun fracas 
Vevacla ase dima Ct the tour of Hue old ecver cy bode wor at wight avgls will 
het wow {otloweal by He Ameucan , Bean Yuba cuncl other Miaw which suo dere . 
th the Channel to ftom me be five miles untle the quavel ov pouy olde hills dich 
Orn Augysoul K eover tHe Ged oxlénd abit let dlimee Oeurts Hu rong - thicee luthr 
cat fm one te fue fumadnect feet huh ond mony hour clitajpearecl bone He 
hy chraulic Maony ond we mew repcagactea by hc facta i te [Revers ounel 
Camyous and by vol holes Joo fo 500 fret oleep ot ebrwt webuch cloplle Hee bul 
jock iv jacked - lu dil in He hOwlik Bout feaol  @ povica v oprourel Uae 
“tong lowell ond Vwldle, showing im dome abfcdti te thet cf Veleonue heat tut- 
be 0 mtd xlewk. Au Gold tun chaunc ty He donu gvowwel but welh o Cloehen 
Grol Ovek .. itt York, Un Bel ome ect long have te fotle mubyecl wilh " cont! 
a tonglrmncl€ wluch ts vey Rar work but which Leu mol . Alia uit 
dustiiok ty Covered wilh ling (Humes woruol down snewntiins § oluiehe, el) ul 
Comyour nuct olan of ofl Inds , neur on woahect down wt « tina nud the free 

- wed 

aaa at Se SEE SS SEE MATa BA AMHE Nab i fai PRL SAMs RE al ees 

i Hi Crumley allind cay by doy- AC He our of Wutél Hal, You Bel, Red beg 
mec Leet Yor fall cits Dew. River and of Gotol Kan wsts Nok Fok 0) Hu Ameen 
fuse Ieious ane oll om WE ane Cook anc the qaowel to alia Gut le Covels being ciffucnt 
Ke Gotcl Run oune fail aulr Ihe America That tailings oy och ws allvacleiny qual 
clfintion huw, He Roncheu ane deve fom thei {asvwn by Lene crud bg {irr 
jing upp of Ke wen ‘beela by te dru tailindy ound He Curls Cutt opp edintg Hie 
fruultcr worling of 4 Sums, UF bo question of Snilliow m each acl tuidl, th yore 
out gor ola hom the hy drole Wwuawr , Au tu whieh yout fu nulicrlecd by uf Hh Couta 
tou? cleerole ageusl“ fe queer quod as huydlrousties . Uru tan ior of fhe conten. 
tt nung Mon ty He fact the Kean River chanel he w puleol uya 160 fee dep 
| will a aolecl rcs t} Tailings AU the vines om the frote one wevddel by Khe hydrous: 
Joel. arment mosses anu woslrol wile the fumes aid Cavuedl by lie ual, | 
walir Hrviyls done nuke wv bio of Homes , undlevewnnieli anol taawnelr, ulich wu fitted 
wd all ancien dh aiffes , Quieleilver is opuwltled along tke Howe eaeli Olay owl 
He than up felts place brut omer o moti. Ge Yoel, omg tte neugh point 
it hich the amalgam ome bre geld full one comorol af Hr efron cyo omol 
te als omeal heavy dom Halden ufp la a Aeon Muovel Vi Wie 
tumer (me man i generally seleled t phovel te amalgam, he oh followed 
by Hie prima who Cuvued o prt tute which the amalgam ta jurureck ) lituu Ih 
Ahovel round b hace He wat ywwhing Harucyh tle lume, cute iu whol he amd 
ti Wool rome ane worlling , He walty Conver te crnatqam to lhe book of Hei. 
Aherrk ancl wares cut the oli, te Houma ore eleanuol uf in tur way form le 
heaol Ke the Quer wy Comyorr true which the mu fail. The books onc Here rurfalerect 
and te paper wilk fll frac of waloy ldunecl cqounel the bowk cmd the prlliiney lf 
th fe Hume  cijatn wndl Way. fiom 2 5 pois aon cu wat at toch vinrk 
anc F Counae Ih ponte wumben oh umes - 




fh vical [nr Te tw all Hie nue veuy qual’, af thew frac dj Vet eanre olvbats 
vient , gest ent , seyroutiow ancl yorrphyre yet J ole wh belene Head cl wette frend 
teu bb any exlouk. At You Wool the bok wumer ov the hum whe can pon we te 
nel wonrclrful momen wet cw 20 bbs of cll yet we fouteol lb clctect A= tut af 
He Aone tine much four work tam he doe i Ili fabovaliy , J fro Oldstovered 
Hel working up Ie qeun Wres iv the te cold weuler of a nuh Hume and uncly 
a dacueng dun Commel Compelé will oa fydrewl, awk much , cal you may fund 
what J, cleaptle muy hard work anol eau, fave failed ls hind We We Clr to the 
ewer uf thas place anal val comounls of Out fiom posal Hing ho fonds. 
fie buyer pone fhe miu ancl welts if trol bor hedwaclf yok fu novo clefelel h, 
J have anol wilh netting tuk Huwclitens, neughh thal wen , pon atl classes cf people 
lune amd howe nade mou puns J onuuer le Ha Coonowen o} Uc Krom nr 
(atte ) who will of sonee qou ue would Gut Hie Kinohces if Qin. (EQ J care 
levey fngel, fu Jaya Ur wil he a plas fb lum be clo any Ahung tm ha pie iy 
You ouicl he vo the King pan uf His Place he co very aayiou li yt you Hhols. dad | 
if you will rend fede oe will your Aig. oF vorcld be geocl pobtey- | 
Nty firot vack wor bo Comyon Mtough ultch the teaLings fem son o the walid | 
wuf bute Flot wun pam om beer way fo rar aiver. OWE Wiel, the cuoney, ch mow 
chamng up ofr ao yporr put endl J world ove a lange omc: of clit + debs, 
ext J went ble the Polar Mar + Fromlin wend wilh the Jupeintindols oad 
wore! wm ofl parla of the niu ond ot all drole - Pritloy afflevnern J got tieveuple | 
cnc Minléol fe You Bel arcl Rol Kog J warltecl curd oxarmenecl Hom mt all chvecttaus 
Cut in mo Corse way J Muu of PL Vu Yoh Moautolung v0 the du peurinticlint al You bef 
(lewacte Meyclrourlic Niu. ) aud drm UK oy dout umes anol pues a He Coole tw 
toa Well Micwn miver and gettiiuon, fu place hotwacl]> at youn devviee lo anemer | 
an qucuttins you mcty have fh make, hts adele w Muth Fh, lu foo a Ott hu 
you dated Arp ui! adresarol bi ti Aly unree mine, tf ts wo lintgor worked bul was me | 

ausce } 


His Leo po, J ftowng Sonualer fie Hu Doe, be wk aul comoer UT 
JU jul@uud fen You Ibet Actirelouy surel yeuevolor (tHe iy ns Auattory fu) 
+ weal ls Geta Run onrel but tn a Powd clus world , 5 get ets c| Kies bel Lk ote 
nwt hele. cul. 
fu Awmples J hove sccurecl cnd whol J will mol will Hie litter we firnt ducle 
povrls of the focke tact uf A, us un uf You will hina ut Deng tin =: 3 hoyer you 
wil panenber uhat J hor wruttir , thet auch jou wok pa you clo vs tuyperable ws 
te frelel yet J howe dou. all thal J told by Duy hard twevkd onrel tpurty owtd 
howe utteeled tes Commumnuy om tie matter. J howe falldo well ofl Wide ona 
elorses of Vina uf atl matinialdds omc moroners anol have cétleeled an anew 
t} iupromation Hrect J lujae KB matte of un be you . J part fv Cheveldx sau 

hipung and wilk beat urthes ase 

. ‘ Le 

t. Cfheanr uy fim peur tn Biel Canyon 2 (Tau tits clout un Hic laulings 4 Geaw Cow 
fixe fackirrge Cornel: he worldrol until a fink wo yuu PA 6 _Prmenicoun Wee te pun th 
plarnus. Meudll cout ota $1.000.000 cuncl Capulal Comut be grt wah th oltre geal 
bo acttted . 

vie failungs pom Bian eae ak mouth” of Meeks Conyon outol tm Comyor . 
3. Cham wp obit, Frowklin Mine, Hutch Fak, Kno J} His chink coun Ge acral , Donnfele Cordis Goal 

4. foilionge Rear Reser 

5. Crrawel Frosh hin Mline . 

6. Goouel, Polar Mav, Muteh Ao, 
7. Revie hem abut Got dirk. You Bel. Galt eesnuved) 

@ Foam flames You Wek. owe cmos uf thes clade, uF atin brooke 
uilh He amalgam ond duypevolecl uc the pfrvel . 

gy 7 OV ak Mor Hume clit . lof pom abvwl 20 le oud cn Run. 
10. Aubphali. lange oiucunt tA tho Poole - 
I{. Gola Rum - Jax qrowel . 

M2. From. flames ; Gold. Kun . | we hae eee 

er cae — 

i a i AB a a a on al gd te 

goo SaTEa niece 


pemnmatnserecoccsecast OLA ASCH (NP LSE Lit STL 

a Parkes. 

ee dee as On Cl Oe, y gine 
Le te Pree: aac. ee 
2 ae Ve Se a ee rae c ho... re eee 
E a elt. he of. Yr . ont fe a 
a CL a drt ot He ES DTCs Od. : 
of of digger G tell. egy ts 

Ahnu: sera ‘er we: 


TE Toe, tnrle'giy he. DBA 009. om 

the Bender £ poo trrcller On. - 
Og fe lg ee errres,, 

x : U i) CT: agbf Jer ihe con Cent 
Sad rat. ¢ ile & a Ow 
ee L ie ie i Gear tere af hey. of wer a A ies: — . Aire uf, 

ds, won! he sped Deere 
( Bddltes ides fale om . 

eae fputy, (2. spadetey 

INSUIO RaLe Ye 9" 

| Nedlinglon Mill SakeCounty Mill , SivceHome Md 

“Giashing sind Sinpling Merk Cashing and Sampling Yorks. encentating Schinpleny Meike 
* Clint Yollouk Yur Giltypys Hallow & ‘Ger I Works UMS Hamey 
G valerd, nile Lead Cred Dealers Well, ile Head Cres, ankliwDallous Co: 

Georgetown Carbuk Cele eadvileLekebobel! Georgeloun;Chartackilecde 
“y . "9 

Uh GA. din : : 


ttle tet de BR ane 
sai sob | _ 

| hick 

Georgetown: Crlborale: Ow oe SSP F- 



j Iardware, alin, Sted, afron Dive, incr Tools, 

—oneSTOVES, TINWARE, ETC..g7+-—- 

Aid 2 General Assortment of lil Hin 
so erate weights an dl Fg nor Gadisg. Salt LaheCuly yp Mel Ad ayy 


| bit =. eat 

‘ a Ut Moke ey Ane CY AR GA 
i SLL BB oe eee 
ps a Lock but he mart 
s [pe beer - au Naas MYK her ch sen 
Keone 7 11 Hee LA rhetd wy 
Pranket. IAL drt, eR Geukes 

4 eee 7 rpg 

D oe “yop og 

Cer een Tnlae a aa ae Pe - 
eerie oe R Saad 

bald “f pk ns A 
Uerey nea hthe plat age oe fea 

Si LAS iit SARL Na tis lah ai 

‘ss | KinleRea Kf 

aes if DE sacl 

tung clutly rece cl, BOO seed 
eae pg Pug | 
M fire 4ttn. | weeecluae flit Moff 
tte the fotornrr,. Sfrlet igre 



sh . a, eer Be Can Cilame~, : 
Fs pee ee CELL EGE gr 

et tad) tution, gormcr . 4 “ee 
eee ae me FS. gia oe EX ae? Ge. 


NY Ne . oo ~ | Seer NY , 
s ‘ = IS SSS 
yer « ; 
rere SRLS, = a a Bieta Sak a. 
x, a : \ .* wi fa a AY 
pS es SX 

% t i SS NS Sees : IQ 
NA eR, Teas Ne 

“\ . yD x . ~ fi : 3 : MN 
~~ ~ : “yt \ 43 5 ne ~ 
~~ = es BS 4U ow } 
I ae —~, re ne x. Ps : \ sa 
a La oR a Hy PASSR, ——N apy a w Qt “SS ‘whe mR 
—— : oe se \ oie ee 
ees | Sy st, ‘ mS? ee. ~ CSR, Se 
. ~ ~ . 

. aN 5 Y 
Ss = mits Gas 
a BREront 2 OAS a ake ; ; e ‘& \ 
Are ONT ees, oe ee Da eS ~SSERm GAK La Yodan 
é sece ~~ ar . : 
AN RR x on ea 

nN ~, = \ . on. ms 
_ . ; o : ne 
ek Oe eS Sah 
é 2 Wir ote 2 iS Mo 


aa BN 
ey a, : ae 

GY ash ae AMA E 
, se CFA 


Me pk predarneal ae 

Le Me 


He petuch of fem GE ey. 

eee ee alk 

(ee ee Cte Meee! ae Ne: 

Prereiolauin fo (Ee a gh 

2 ee ane Cs tee He Petey AS tn aah ofes Le 

| thebty anh rere oe ee Lan ao ken ae. 
ere ieee sare pes Kfpiscin oneks 3 ee 

Auk, anconfotelul_ 

ieee bata Pau, glee Gp acta 
SM coco Pence anes Be ane (ence Oromo 
a aesighs one op oe sh ibhine, “7 Dpasr loth bk 
crs word Ph al ok ene ene Ser AT. anne 

jet boinninee 7 a. Bayes a gp food. bee Orn 

ir ae i eee ps oi Dine ne 
Ateatal . ae 1s wk by fn eee Ow ee A 
Oe Oe WY 2 wotonn 1 wemtel be PG chen e 
erelCpering a Gord me cosets, 3 Te ces cea oe ae 
collet —_ fovohars, Gud LER wok Ee ees ee Hors 2.0 
Hesoange or xenva tre Me herring off Vesee — wer then of pola Misia 
Sign Coma ov be Lore ae pat flo 
af CL eta peenrneniiy geese he é deb, ceed. ve Qe poo 
He danol ae bi Ooh Le, eye. hang, frorebolidle | 
6 jt orem nacht rlagll Co tas Ai teas ree | 

toe intl Cove P pone le fects rede . 

. 20S Bross 

at —— Z : WA 
Lidinont! Hil. 
G@rincesucle, EG, ELIE ae 

the deiicens Brig, 

aes 275 Washington St. 
oslo, cca 

| fe 
ee aig ee foew 
Oe Wot, PE 

noe Very, aaabls, a apa kan ata 
sia depoaititot Saeed 
sey hise aR ies peters to ag hy jae 

PA a 
: ree 

Lb, lo Jabba, slo 

“The A eee Crrrans wn gee ee arvl Cir Aan } ib Cie 

pees 2 brn) Chine eve Qu UA A wc Ue ~ 
‘Ulee che: tice atic, Lastoend "We WAG hig Ae ae eh _ 
irrarrwi YC re Gee | ra 
/) ae, ef 
ad . a eh f LX Qe 

Haset LO UF ie 

Me. ul Cieske Hes | (Clee; 
Adeur Kir. Pa ee a 
et oe Lhe tower 2 jowted op, Cee 
Airedale thi 7) Mel G. ea Ge Che th bha 
Cece whe Seu a Lo int Via CaS Cte cet tt. 
‘youn, ogre ty loan theb Xt hg OYE. saith, 
ox bak i d chil Yat Careelleuce He - Ahwhii MMU + ey ell : 
al tylref x tlh ih welt Ce whet uns lracrl Qed, 
2 ailuliul ue of awh, oceure ux te tua 
Sy eis O Dreay- ee naa: to a 6 Kile 
Ig lr by WB WARE GG (pow 
Mau Yl loos Clef Bhan pees Rr deverak 
More iro Ws flaws. a, ‘aa - he Lp HP tort 
nf hte ture 3 htt be KGpe0cl Ta fferesnk 
, prvee Clay Tad: (boa Mill séye Y fDi) 
ihn how ay} he’ ‘eh, nay Mire, ag you 

ef ey of i OE, He a0 thi cy War 

SL ESteeene a weatante PR ac need oes Tea ns an genet oneree nee 

eer ee icy ord 

Ol. « fh da Abas Pace ue tad Md”, | 

Quart the Rosa , X La ivergor i oe he bth, Te) 
Dooce 1 ita Kx Muh il’, a Akarcldl C Pe ke Merce ; 
ae Vimas HOt hud haf nee CY) Khe: Ya tially 

oa oe if Ler Ch i 4 litle beat by Aire 

oo Ue Aedalts &s AY a vy Sep. Cnoatd/ 


ty. Gruly veg! 


iv -¢ 


Marry Vin 
whet oH 

! | 

| \ vey wire, oe 

Cond. er ante oka ae ee ce 

Oe oh. Pree Pras feaorbe bebrreew GS ro fn ugk of Gore o- 
Urev~ The Cla Ai Be Daefri. totus) Se 0ab0d. ag hers, 0 He 
Pris on fart, Me OlarFic ne crn “Whall m0 ev hrc ad Bfee Horn 
nee Ayice L hee 16 or 20 Klee £ oy nv uct: a trey Mea 
riled test Hee fpllregedk vite Ante bee Ke Gtlaihed wi 
fhe fovedla Ql Cand ent actin ie oe JS bert ce pask 2 ts fhe iar. 
tee, aay cee on ha Pe. ciiffia., Spaeting tm lurk a wpotS 
a Crack, Me cane Laete ty frk fat 5 Dretarers A fran s 

@ a olin F tg. A fafa. bre fear tree brn, Wells ding Ee ir, 
‘Lay AACTIAL o ee Loe Beek. 4 Panag Hereck 4 ree Jody Affe. An 

bu fee Gre ch te hicks, hewr nthhinde trier. a QYalaok nl 
i. Fog, Minar2t caccte Caet. Ge Pa 

fra. Cite Hag Put areck 

EP in p= 


; : yy . L2 Per 
AOS A eben ci a ny ne eC a ne ppt cle. Alpe tb, CG 
Z “x wo ‘ C 4 
Riles est : eis * ¥: Co oa stan le ead NN 1 eigieely Bs ares oy Vw 
= Bok yeti Pong oe hier, Ere Couesegs a Chg G ey: Dry we: 

i heey \%e" Gove, en! Geewt * off hefornifecrd ahruk oe ol whine’ prresregd 
: My af Mee init >” ‘ odd pemte ho flecgdice' eee? Pern deheng Ma dated: thee. ne 

Cres he ae haw Oar dS * 4S inde Mee aaa a aes a Oils bul Nees 
ae tae » Aileg Pea'veerD hav pds sett th Me hehe of O comity), ex te 

nie rvva ste oe . CSvee \aeeee” Ceided . bch Chee. tuere ee pie ON Ale fear forsake 
aif PRL texte Jan Oheder’: flow ae is eae Be: Bt ghee LiKe Le eBid; 
ee boomy etfeentiy Alben: Mais fo ba e* eeana’ ep a> * ar Soca? a 
ae es yee Pepe bechinned, oe ar 7 acemmr a entia bike thal lank, werk Oe 
Gein adh Ober Gee da Neen la te Sie a> S fdsy MFetns 
nif vrhhs. Die line D tree (ri Uris, of 1° Creare ar eae, foes 
2G ee Vetheg? AI as pati aie he; facta be i he hs ewan Spl) se 
| eect mg! he’ Clder® Min GureR >, ledafeeA tn- oa torrhe diver seis ts 
Lat EO eb coins erp te “ery ations fe FHS Ceieral Peete ee Oe 
af “Cahier fr unvwe> ee a ae ypeesbiry nosnker vif hasbstrrerrs 
Spee pes ton play A, ve tes fucer ypordive® Se) 

Neve She. Seaeal yy pth owe rior cs by wrerherg, Ghe jee 
ae autre fogs ids tings off Preven tien, ar Ai Santo fn - 
vont be, booted offct Wa. bacry) stern whock Var cite Baw to: 
bs Sha Vero “yy Aevert, ard bith SV bale phe koe LAD. Sen 
» fa work G2 alae ee ais SL fh ty hs heb tf bseer brerrPE . 
lau the Hege tnt. corel cbitidanale®® sc. Prt by be barn, & weg 
MitS tench rffler Oruamt— with hice, tts frrbatle ba Gels liz. 
Ap-otunr wte tle forered- a. Lert, Weel Wek ex gro Bnd pd ebro 


ee GF 
- day cb : F : ; ; 
Len foraverebey btiat LaF of lard. ferhafo ee feed ie Bhs Aiyrrn.. Aas. 
wer been hay pecially bethared errr pref of ha) wreath Ls adden 
witht why Unveet). th qt ef. wrt) trnfety pry! a Viger Crr ~ 
Pay ee etbillstn Legulas Prenmesey, fvbenfote VN shive™ ., 7 
Meas ar fa be forfrtafagrr.: 46. Chose. won | Gi pence: hornet, 
o., thet. dota, bre tooge Port bers... Commer tlhe otter he, i) Roig fie 
dha tents tang (wt) of te ye Meher, Lhe "Pitbruacs — 
oO Ant API, Morogh. : (Np Aten sy: fant Hef gecithn =e 
5) hlecf, deeraber. , nto hk, Ge. wa,. poe a Poth im Moa __ pee 
ORT aac Ly SA Kbonerece ates: is é. fi pfoks lee RS zs 
te Wo Cun ot ®t woe pig. ert. enc . od) st Soe Be 
Pai acd ae ee ae ae sees ee ft, Ae _ 
Wyre eh es a ee Ant, fork Lag agp, we Me, de fc bre tHe, 
A hase, A. ovement fa her dy rey ftome i... Mei OLE, anh tig 
re etbly. wo, a sen. ang a OGN Chita, eblaphitn sore, Bloke 
ess. ne eae ecrbarento, ek ho.  oreranernece ern 


f. Bove. alle. oes as, SWAN SO SN. A otk 
; ‘, S y 
; + . SZ = Ze A, at Litera rt 
Aaah GAN osuboaeg ge ONY CPA SOA SG, ot t 5 
REN pan ee eo NS ‘so \ LesAberasgif < esd 4x gare aS 

Some Ge nr NN eee sary ath SANK Va: A Ny age ays yar Noe sh 

LL Mex Kons ee Sed srr ace, o seth LR. @ 

- “rE Ys wA rea oN ape Lote 

Sara tl ee a Decoene siete et Beet” ex 

yo - 3 geen ae t aN ys fe ah = Dood s2 pee ae STN apa e bars Ny aa) 
: \ \ x 
ue oN Mea, ase ago Niseit is be ae city No Seta Ay gts gn, he aad apNgg he 2 eee 


Sus 2 . . ‘ F 
petted we % me aN 54 aah Sad Jeans g e Nad oy ON PER IET SN Davy Peony dy t- 

Ye partrentethe Srdosioes 
Leal Land. Glee 

i rssna ii BSN i i RR = ra aint, Ab Wei AB TO AN rae a a. 
hh AA Eclim, , 

Oo Ris Si. ZY. 
Wie ny © ay Bat of Ae LET LL te 


Shines. Whane: Me le : 
be lentaiig Sifeios lind vidoe 
t ep td, eb loon: Hine es 

Prua thie Hullo. Lp, 
one ms Ch eat Cre 

aC bate ‘init, hes 28, 

P. H. MELL, Jr, & M.E. 

>tBepartment of Naturall History and Geolosy< 
Uw. : : IO LON Seon 

- Ct bin, HE ack 
LA) ‘ Ce. a) ‘ ote A 

C ua ert tw. Ce 

“~ a Q Ae : 
Te ey vA tec Salve! 
es) ay og . ; 
ses . a “ ee = 
2 ns aes = Lis chen loon ve ya, goa A CPR AL 
“N ‘4 ft r) .f 
7 Laren + . med 
are) ts eae (EUR os ( fee } Re 
Peay pa ee C ' f , ~ 
e ane, “= eM " oe a ’ f 
- bore = fh 2 -—? eo ee a er 2) ee Uy ‘ ‘ WE fk \¢ eg ty SRO 
"De ook eee . a - ey Roe ch : : fn Ss 
Nuh Ts rp COs NYY = j ay ty oe a ci a re a | yrs CUR Grant (yr 
1 bay AT Unie ee the. i) cha cAC ley cana ON 6, Bre pues Wp St Lage io 
n ae : S 
rev Vk ( ute q ite Lou iS RAR). Ok Cen deta atte: TLAAD 
\ : ‘ = 34 ee ey cl 
wk’ Cas Sapna Neto: AR Gy URE SN 
: = ~. , vag le OF 
Nis Fosse ens nO aa Fee Ae a 
roe 7 : 3! pat 8 = sof wei ata le 
: eS = : lie ro ee ACO 
Leena Valeo k- fod ay ta Ay in VAR i. ft vbr. Aes. un. <s ae c aoe 
1 ( ee 4. Vase. OVep As ee ae fs me ENE 8 knees ve ee eae: 
ples Ger sac 7 fee eR ee ee a Seg hE R ae la oa 
mn U4 a ww Mnad Aes ort. VWs a kaa is icles \ ‘ aa kee, L. \ 
x BLOM n ly : uy we 
= ner Lane ( cla a hen AAO ston J. ON i Be : 
1 \ \ ia) sae . = is : 3 . 
- “ S fe pee, abe fon NALS vt OQ ef F oad : ; 
“oo ae ge ee ( 45 . aan Lama ta Oe ad Pao! Ch atten, eee ein 
a : Ae a RCPLAT oY iS Ee eee He rar a a ar 3 o y 
““h : j sibo rs ~{ inde te re “Stu : ewer 
Bes use Wb eee. Lake Sie ORR IE Tee ae 
UF ak, rion’ : > ft Clee Ve Phra Raa CAND YN 
Tr t4 t ANA AX - s) 
UA et Rater ares Or % 5 e La AL eS, a arto f - he, Cs Be 
et 7 Dead WUC! ALAC ) 
LA 2.) bees any ChAAARS a a pehage.. nee C pI \ AL AEN 
eso a een S chy vror SCRA RABAAA A. 
a re. \ f ‘ Ce ee aay eee Chis a Carers begs: CARAAL PB Cig Makan 
NTN OT oe ‘ ‘ = 2 . 
aaa ie ate : es oe Le pee ss wee oO Dri ne, LAA 
LCRA Were CD Chere ak ue aa J is, ox c te ate 
tg pos . so a wa a ALAR AD ea 
(ant re ee i Yoo unas \- waa Pave ew. ee ae) 7 £ , 
i pe aaa Ot fe Ae canter San oes Wiatssrdd 
ae teers oe 
a) ads N PS Ut Se arth a AAAM © anal aes 
LAA, Ann: i- a" s, : 
eae rel) . Kes Pach \pe Ti. Jarre wow re) 2 avs nn a 
“NE ht ROADAA UD a, 6 ' ‘or 
sus if tee MS in We wie. ANON he. . ee vue “Cn The, Var me 

‘A y “ Ch oS 

AA Nar ke AB Are Urreernnt O yt Cag 5 Co Aa es tAS 4 a c 

. & Ve aan S ct nw, KA AS Fes Ge io 
: an Achat Cos aaa \ Pa CO yey. ole Ns rae P 

t GE Ne em? AACS 

! ee ee 
: > Tm A f. - 
ie ok Pur SACL Tn yp 

@ S2 ~7 
‘Menlo Park, N. J.,. ( ot <o” ee 
. d , 
Ay eee ak 
(hb-cke Y wees feet 

ao) hare L yo hang aes, og >) 
ee —— Ad 

—~S7 % Se ti ves N UNION 7 = Z POONA 


Me Che Lea, spereclon 
sai a ama 

rhe YY Yiwig alles ep Meigs Zs Hise Z My 
Ags & McA (0100; AM Mos lon bec! Med hd fe Me, : ee on 
Lei bee . : : Leveled: Detect. . | 
Hee a Tey Se Se hen 
: | ellj dined is ° ? ! | 
a as ee oe ie ve Mae 

Basie’ ne ENCE: hth wl ct ON eh i + crecrol Lex fae ie esha, 


Pe Ee 

4 ieee, 
% =. es ee ee econ, ees ime mey vy BO Denes ee aA 
org ohinekas Ber eee ee a Oe a a Srigex! nee, fect 
pac aaa ees t ie. potatoe, ee Ly afocare 
flo fol Tefectty, 4 iets Herons ein Oboes Ces : 
a fand pated GPO eh oo Rosen Peet. Abe =. 


Sevewl | aes @ oo geek ae cng: a ane ras ‘4 3 
EF eas | sree 

© etl ree be sss Rs oe wre) DS Reet! 
sees la ‘eb eee At a gee: fi 
i Bbeinealant aiel eae y Lowey, 
de Me Ph * The 7 Actin | 

7. wr: oe Fpvfocth gt ool eens 

Sponurele vey: FY Sua bi bath wool cbf facet" 
ogee) 2 5 ees oe Ia in oe ae a - Sis 
ma OD Cow Pisces sasat © foe ee toe =) OO Lr 

LAF ha 2 Did ALA Re 3 LE tice 6 See RR) 8k: pany 5a cal a GATOS A RICK As A Sa tk ll a ah e Dis od ad ge ia es aes 

ex Aewwe x : Meer we atti f eel oy pune . Be : 
par tore ayes S mie ileany a uae ee, 

hae > rex O eatarfoten, tren eg. . hie Bed ss a 
nee . 

Buck, fours Pl TT Ohi , Bick rt oon eee, geese ae 
: Al A ox LG, 2 OQ “ttc Pa ya SEN GES 

w Huh crn hel | 1, ae PO Ae ee (fe miarae eases eed 

beled —s a og The ae a7 ttm.” pore a Oke ds t 

oer See  Fenvnee ; aed Sf _the ee ie MO Lec ; _ 

Le ote. ow, ae nin pel yest fachisd s 

Ee a arose 8 As ox oo agen SHA as Lbs. 
ee eee = Pecenieg ies a ft. teres eae beg “: 
NS ee? ee whim foe Wes 
ee PT TOS ipo a soe SS Ay ia 2 hae Le eae , Coe 
Meee eens ‘f 0 Deceit Ess, pve een: Taba PD 
ng ro raerc eae ae Meng iy tant Asie? 3 
i by he “ ery us “fen 

ereklere Dear vances 2 me 

Nel Lar rhea: OK tracer 
l hoo Ce. soni Met sami” 
on porgl th, gona Me og ae Ly draukge: Peareriing 

thie ep Ke KE aed any Oboes = fond nek A elif ee 

__winettle nileisvere, TE ged 

le he th end of Milde 

who ke, 

eee 7 a of Mew, YL tool ox lid. 
- we! mg C 



Ae = Ae feat. (hear. fii ttntle fl oles es 
oy ea 

« SEPF. IF : a op lee jill fp ll, SS 
e yy, GGFR ge SF oe PR ges CF @ 
Ce Mp 1b 65 df FOG 

San Francisco Office, 777. Battery Siveet, 

J Goldwater, : - AM Gollwatet, ‘ 
Fhrenbersr, ots -. WW Uy, Ye VWibwyll Wh, YA Ye yy Y : . Prescott, ot, Tr 

BGerveraty Crovsonitsiongs Me vie WG 
ore xg Cater Pied We 

Te pre gt ene 


Menlo Park, N. J., _Ce- ines Sem Ui 

: A xo ROG, - ” : ' 
NIL You. febemes fear aa 
jac ue Yous KR 0. eet rie plo a ea 
ne a et nae’ : 
J. fre, 

a Eero 

94 BEe rn ee 
Puente $ Veh C54 ~ 


eer Pree it Be 

ee ae at ma 

Sp fee a> air ama ay eal 

Nev 2S . | Pee Inoen tober, 

ree CS: i os. 2. 10 SCs. re 
Colfer. <a. Dak > @ SZEPS 
_/ > 

Tiel | ya ee 

nd Se 
ao ae Ye oA . 

es, pe Pe ws Life Son os lz 
=) ee CL tf he rece OF oh 42 €2, 
ge —~J Wx zea efit ae a re aa ee eh Lay ‘ 

chee re Oy a aa c& On few ace n, lech Clipse. CFL AG Crack / 

becca) Ph ces. eShnl rey herd 4 for Joe sf aye 

gerent . i ff te Jove a: 9 fal of fll bois cea? ets 
he ido Lape haa Hers, Lee’ et red feih on. batifae 
mee ~ acl 2A Be Ailey of ~ Ac? Rack, 

°o 4200 TEL) Aawil ge A adel, an) e Laren lek 

Mod ve oe 1h bro cxecel ae Y ct 
tefade lh, (aare 6 lh. Drwrclcl je eget ila cae ae 

SLeecl _ uel 7 he uel fo Jrrsek of. 
ed Fs ~~ 


CB. C722 Lf, 

i eC LG 

Aig Bspeely OV OM 
| leg Abr ey gee 
et Mtxls Pet? © £0 

Eo bant hg EAA ins 
VARS Si emi a 
Ss Cen} “Let | Z 
LIT EE oe 
AS 4 ‘ J Yet Z 

thre. toavin te 
Ye aie Gomer get 

| Aebecilged 4 Geet lr widle Joo 

Aonclleeie are of arabice To gore, 

a oe r 
. ‘fee 
Se cy ta eet = 
pha Ae 
7 NSS 


Def Pua 6 = fey 

. Mh we 4 EAt Lor Co 

tll ae On vferlicrete, am a few 

| ais 9 leads. of ovat [Leet nate? 
Ht LD wok Se wile. 2 HP 
Dore “Shall Kaur rb tyvraantut— 
Come Le frrrentire— 

» AA Ph@iceew will mytansbfioned- 


Bote Cee 


ry ea a 
SA an 

Martes Yow Cae Rd Gpfewred 

Yow at 4 drejolra V Yio Wil 

¢ Put mck fee. 


aN PHS kas aa up hc a ai esp miigits lodnina'ouivan 


mo x ha 
Loin wecevele : Higgs a 

| Villliebrict bie. tegiin I fave 
Feta core fer We patt-Tiro wete, A 
Gebitd C ee Baf- Gor Silo NMiriig ef" 
Henwtalsrget? Panty of 2 tyillbd-¢- 
FL, i ee. ACLte Af ales wee AZ Bape 
oot SLANT 200 vt ee erst egies 01 feced 
porated, Abecdet Meagrele, Cet iii fr 
tinue Burn PA erred ree Httacsteeing, 
f. (OBS, Micce-}es Att pete. OP? Ze ie 
lf GO ered wherrwoutT Het 2 
die peipile hettalel? ate muptlifleed 
DB Meri areyere. canld wea cerveptbon, 
: miami aa 
:  posedlterdiltcotpedt woerkt Stan. Lt) 
Ce ged ferra tet lai WE 
waele pratVoeetcleil 9 FZ Be pes i 
a. OMUMGE. er a teeleD 3 EX Le Paes 

Si gra ni rh i ich nich chi dl ceba i A i ‘i DNL eh Ria ARS lit S's Crnestscniviaseieaidcaa, ee ote EET a apis a cS th lite fA A aR 

, J x , oe 
Sie sige oe HEE: PF yea eC eo eee 
te (ila Meee thite-, : 
Oo eee A, 4 
io = a phe 
fe debtin PCCL of egeeid: LOC , LO ada LL Vater, 
. 3 Le pit Aa s yp” i 
LA Glib S the Cpe. Bleue lL, AB pepe? 
ye ” 2 Pa SA. F 7 ; : 
ZB Fa fore Feb. they rotate C2 fiver pth OL 

“49 pen? . wy ; 7 - D 
whl Lien, weivetate waccr they forid otto 

ZZ. te Ativencerd | Va ier veel, Lf dy Pi 
LRAHE- 4 CC. tes LR LOCALS Bete peace? 
eats fpr, had f LY a hue off 

. C 7 _4 ¢ ei . 2, 
oe 10 FC for Bitnpnge C ble, Veg Chey! 

Opie Or-tewvavteALS ; 

Mlefigre. DB. GBM UTD 6, ~ Live, yo aa 
a Zebeta fe Mbkee. fo pred lo 
pele bred viet Pig Alien Hh: betes 
‘Ofte te pret Laalrte Geto, 


TD An iN aa Na li i Reeree’ 7 ee ee ‘ 

: Choke 
| Hi 1 a dive a 

ie Lexie Ze Date, 7 
peti 1 (0g Ses. pag Gori eae 

A Beeted /Wte’ Borie [ 

ee MEL Le kader 

| Mica fe. Aa 7 | 
4: VG HELL Ag BO. AY 10 

Lee ee CS 

bigs fap tepntixP 20 : 
fille, (x, : 

LI. ee Se ua Yet | 
| Meche alt Ma te- ws ee ~~ SI | 
= PT inne re | 


Apy Bijele | 

OP? nt, lb ZH LOZ op Se i 2,40 

(22 fetid Fe. 
ees, és Seats. Se Ni RE del retetl 
CCE byt, Ly, GF LBiwathior AGO é “ sia Se goo Vendo! /. 20 
| . Lteezgeddorg~ TiO I Gp ation. BL, 
100, LOS fog Novel e, ZtO e ” vA AL 7 Litre ll 2, of b - 
| Ze De Lb, LA Mo D2 Marte Ye P80 
4 Saft Jenth, Oxtolbieg /dO\. * J b&t feacnes gor I 00 
SI Cratte flor” tyoflp © pi goh » Hh. Ss A Lat... OF 
“UY - Drew Pare wf ajo fo | SE tele: Wry, FO 
» ST, Lat borou LN tide, LDOV * Ki RBBB rn Cafletd, ~~ KO 
397. GA Hate Oo Met epaulir DIO z . SE Fits, Mie) VO deve lagst Posts LO, GO 
Jr: lin AL 1 2 by Mafhiiigt oe Ho : 
tii, ao ae Seed I A iicol ted t fhitan RE S00 
A Sime?” fie pea a0 6b 21, Sp bavtth Bryan, guide, it 
WN ae é Seas we wile Mall eg | 0 2H fll, G Mellen MntesVkbipgy A380 
ae ae Leuph lng hetet sa Keoki 20 W saiegae fia co sae ~ ae LOO | 
26. UehOT Z ve ih MUle¥ it Lhe 74. 

L4 Lepprli A, y 
eae COL CH 

oe to 
i a . 

LEI 3) 
Jr a WA ( 2 

tig. 5. Z, Mirwtellbin Monte ee 2 20 
b. Demev rte, end Eth tit» yet beee., 70 

xeittecrved dieh (hes, . 

ua ss (Ae ete 2 Meadtesdrertil 136, 7 
= SIO RL, 

| PRA 
| Git id. Mepctestoreeclle, ag 
2 Lapgyy 1 BF py tbe, Aer 
2 Lawl Mel Mige "20g. 
24 Juuditge) it lelerly foo’ 
ethewelEt, Jt, 
ie Crilage dem. Gu, tlle - JZ 
ap Ale ttl “we 
as Lr LU. alae To 
veg io oes TZ “ 
Pk re oy nen ty ae 

Whetbte Pet le 2: 
4 Chilige Mipifbs V Clot ae fo PO 
Ze , Geode VK Warducnn, 4 f0 
od, eg Soy, 1, E (Ne or 
fp BLL 
9. Met EMA ep Bae 
LOLLE: bpm E: ECO), A E, 
Marte: vs Achealle Ore€e cas 
. a Mtheocl le Leip tevéle 
" SE. Contltat hrled, 

Lh pO 

g is Fite Chee Jp 
Lleie, Jb, @, 

me OAL 
2 ro wh LG ees, — a 
ae CER W | 

A i 


“ps2, latex ble, H.C, 
Mize dated ‘ao aia ane cee) 
12. UC Meet 2, 70 
flargastiss, Jb, €, 
AI. pa hjute. bg Vel fear o 
AE IL eS Ze 
2, ( 200feec(h Nopeeyd, JO 
0 yy afte Pas 
har A YT 2rckiles fn 
SOE i _ a a & Bia Gade 
» Le “Oe fst bidichintle, 2.60 
_ AetibertLle, JZ, 
1 J Accgge Aevit tne deg. —~ LEO 
C0, Sree! Covel plot ie 
Bb Neel bat 

«0, Hdbe  Ganatvet lo, 1 
| “wae poncitrater /G/. oe 1 

2 ee ak 2, 
22, A &; aly casa 
ake i git 
" pat Luge ae Loe 

28. moa 

2e os ope a Qu! Sth) 

. ectaita, Ge, 
ale oo de be Och PE 72 dha. UF ei 
cueh of Head TLisei)— 
ie (Bk a gia Ly Lo chi az (4) ae 
a lefet VMlittifct,- me 
Gg Ceedety Ay ee fe a wee % GO : 
GF. Pe Lege, AMOS Lt Chitlit: Ue, 

Lal, e Mgt M6003) 
a gf PPL 2S 25 


AEG LI r geelicapaitedle Me2t, / = 

ae Lethe. C7 Ss aliateiodies Sco, ss 
Ee. dele 7VGL 2h 

ie ET TT, 
athe ne Sn ee Me ie a 


—- See, eee 

| Bret tifa ae: of Ze 
five dade of Mipretarid pie 
Lkibarnea 26 Ciatieesl Ay 
Lit iv JarCb Lasob aa) “OB 
Fi, aclaactoieg) Miraad fos sey 


| LAlBEY, ; . et Coal y WG, PE (bee. 

roped 6 Lippe etaicK 20 legs 
He poseottte®) weal ib: op a 


, g en asco Ce v4 

ae shes eagle) Wy Clic = 
oe: ; ie eS at 

- Hh ae Desk Ribu Gd 

pose tes Se secretes asicat eae tas ataticaiea las a ualiefcaseclaancel, 
pee Ore Nis Soh othe nite ve i 
Gea SOA La terran et Meade ht ee ea Sa ee a 
RO oe ey ae Spe Se 
ee anes 
i i ‘.- 7 
b apart eens seman me sat siiia asi eee’ aioe <ecueran incon i anh gio asses ant baie agen, res - Sa 
i \ 
| : 
one ne aie. ane Ses nee Sata ge ha 
: t 
Bt ets tena! maz w2seArS flees 
. i 

New, dreds woruled this thay jl = 
ee ee 
Trnany nt . | a) eos . 

Luda Junction P.O. 

ponerse le 

Zz eee ae Mirag Llas fore Bed 
ng, Se ee ge oS Shay wll lian 
than ae (piidilDak) LE pI L221 ss free “ootrr— 

+ Luca fre. dE noth Cz et a 
ar clara 

fe PMLA Have LBL on are 
Segk ee Ho GOO. png Ce tbreliedé, 
we A a 
bed Lee BL, EZ, ae See Crt tort10g 
(fect off Mimagitis ud, abht 20 Lhe x 
‘Y oe few FLY --claeve LF ites meniiveatt lect tguel, 

ef SS ere. I I SES ioe sl 
Sites aed a piles Ya trey. ; GaDiw Lat ALF | 

en yan a Vai Aut, the glide f 
ana CY Kid Log ibe 
tele TP poe DUE. es Bee 

lel eta fT BCC fp ome fer” Oe 

leg oP Mevice ys, an Mtrcaglé: wget pment i 

aitddoes ( eanectan, } LeéLee24 qrdtatiiage, 
erm iia he Ge Aa oo 

Ail pire ve Aetwel fora 
cAtELA , Lee. oO Bee Alef wef 

val bs Aes, A nleoleyo Ler LEP if Pe 
Mtiagls pr. Kiaefie. Or. Jt, C,¢ ¥ Lleact” Tet pire 
hed £7 aiteed ; PC Bhete erry Pee 

ae Lite a fi dic He tentittitend AF Mnpiagee 
Z He. “fee Be Spe Vitti el abit ob, (ozececagps 

larg vag: seg Soiae 2 fio De ee vara, Z 

re Metter Pi ue ee 
fate Hite iE Had pon PiltzaCe” ee foe 

ii pew pind phan IEC Oo. ym 
F038, — FO — Bice 
, AE atl ttiatle § pe ea 

Ll aoe BO, , 
Albis Ye ES, 60P hu Li, ?” 

Hy ate Ds e 

=’ aes Wtf AE, me 
Mite. ae hifi stag be wea pete od the ld 
Gi eles Lf A pee, on pawns Zr LaVotttten) gi o, WOLLG. 
PEeE HO Se wet waglf 
~ Leb f-Y foe paeae: Lfte : What abe? MeO 
Shade: rt £0 i sata OF PIE oe Yoo chee, BY, . 
Kandy Vu Kove Bern ye Hades Lecaadivclla,, Lie, 
Corte Cgfeg LO Le toe >, 

‘ : : ss 

: ehh Meat today; 


dhlaide Allines, 

Hall County, Ga. - 

er Ok JE. MG. 

Fat cae 


tee (U) Pecchib. Bo of. 
Ctetptocle y or 

oe Tae aaa va 


Gog Z L be 
| , AK YEW TG 
Jhig decal ype 

GA Lelie ditty fr le 
|G hetin» Hw caramel, fe 
| Phas sendin tie ot cafe 

ene sae AN me ae 
ANS med | 

oe Gatuentee Gh 

| LI] Ock MAG 
WJ A has | 

 Winecet barb es re ee hey no, tex 
clit. KC thre. le Ged 
| Kin fF Volo, tevrere Cur lb- 0 wx, 
26 Fak tis VIAL Ge SZ. 
leven. eis inners Gel fons 
: eeu. wn GM betes bed Beted 
hfe Macs lon: Tes, RR tbh Le Jao fot 
es Wc. Grech Geed fret por Dh wy Cohn 
lacheeck $3 Coeg Orn fren hng yi 
A fron e- On any Cre te Mere View 
: Phen Jrwt had ter Cain peese LeeflL 
Ylree. Yk i. A chew Lith etl, 
! dre. C&tr.e 6 Le tn fare Tlid Pei 
! QObnule @ bh het nbs Le. fer 
Kin Paligh te. Sk A 


ies Mite 

Sie SA AAA EATERIES § la RECT SSC Si a aa nS AL 8 AA de ah iscsi nin hint Caen ain ba . 
. i ne RE teat mel re ot encanta eal ne EE EEE AE 

by a Cou. Cele wth. Mitch abs efius 
VA Cecnw J” [ee be fom oe Pe 2LELD 

Yew Heseu Lh... Sheer he hath leat 
Ma ly te Stra ck Vig bet GP Fer - 
king ttlnetQ@ Liane, “how Cy al 

Buy Tan frp Le. 

CP Cece tof Le bft<> 

eee 4 Sou CO tie tx: pif (Agia. 

Chu. lla terh eo beter lutig Jens Ey 
Aevaderte MF. ; 

Arie It. falicas) 
hea Poa Ten WA yore een - 
ves ae Sa ae - : 

Le, Ke 

Ve head Bbhry a FO Atti. wet, 
Peng kl th O haw hee b 

Ache Me If Ou. Whit? Lim 

i teGs wtlK Atal K fer 
or.” Jl Lu oh 


: M _ S75 Bez pe ad 
A Wrtk oa rll Wk asthe. pew 

ac las 

(OWT PAA fee EV : aa 

Bees: Ke, ae hecee Hifermereg | 
re Ske ra 4 fered (den pintey allt hv 
BG U bits BEE beta EPs 
& ad the flrmeagel Lrind tn Fle Core 

4 “han tr Aevt he (haf Ghaceck » bude, 

Aandtieg Cifteecae ce BQrrar/s Coane Are act’e, 
(iy Mee thant of 2 

ah Lrttaty tlre pertew ALE fepa€ 
We yp ya Se ee 

thet he pled ff gree teil foul Goer 
pelea te foswe rir Sher Lakgecf” Sth aE Lady 

Aho “fo, Ad av Cxee 4t Bees Bt 

“WY tet Letter Suc loner bare Go tewiege feeg” 
Ypaue ne WN ebung, Vaborg b Mews re Gre 
Ausene 7. 

vee ty Pade 

ci yin onnslidated Alining es 

oe ee 

\e My 
WDPY™ Ang 

Gan Lu. 1adctaca, BAL ELIP silage 48 79 
Cae tins Cg 
We LEW oe art WN Z 
PO carb 

form bat 9 haves Lanrand beens | 
ae ley off online @ frien rb nn rw 
. Ba aad Me inte ble Brrew, eS, 
ey era 7 ea ae th p 
ee eee A bein, fru 1 ros eae 
Putin Ob and eee asi 7 
er Newerlewh ous aa AR as Aine he 
ene Lis, Pla fLenredtl- -}raus 4,700, ‘is Gy | 
(PRY an 0 ee ee mes thy ceet off Hey i doa: Corl 
4 ent int, qrbet, W417 Bur oh WES : 
feos Lk Z ie To Een vgfoh Vt Proeks, 
tee We Khetoruny, 64 rhe He Greet, 

en Say AB Ke aol, 
oe. yee ee 7 APL book 
perk Art frre ele a a 

. nn eeu vu & Ng 
za Gre ~aa Pirceeda., 

cs he Prey re a TSO IEN 
eee. peed oo 
Preriy US he Trt tel a BYLARH ewe hr, 
Cnet mane Cretey Qtaptan gov ov eS ee eS) . 

Bis aL “yp RM, sia: Bhp iy ee 4 iin x | 

aia | PE eae Aw es rsp GE fewnntee 

law Z- Lo ett, : or O AeOley lil bb pi Vaae, 
DS gull | Cole , Bre ear 
ig mat ene aan 

| — Opwditln. Bue Oo. Mune , Cot.ig. az. 
Seat Konan AcEsleam, re 0 a is un 
a Reon pine 
ee oJ) Jove dlubouyedt pupplying a Wrwrs of Zo Det | | 
- xpuotiong, 4 be aM pup oy Ke ines in Hos Onion, ab KE tonne Hi 
omic Kall J wotd be able % oo ao hebne mew. in pufoly ts yours of tel olur , , 
cue J poi ‘ leu fu th olink fom eods Daan ies ia, tyne Ge 
‘oli go my He ruler, ck mui who ook. of this Comyon . Beal oly elec) 
ub eye a year omd tw it whol rhoutd hot been clean ws mollor med 
vegies hom passed. ws ean uw amd Secon tdingp nol oe ow a toed. 
N23.” ean up agar hm Fr omdtlin shi law of Hees oliw’ com Ye Anvedd .” Una : 
Oak th His divk yum Havush Silver Tne - Yo, Hu only Mune who we He Silver 
ow Ra ob Aw Gel ren to te 3.0.4. © Y.. Tt vou, bmath samc of bona 
imaltor to Falta ouk of Hi Hp HL Franlthin irk Hie ormalgorm , o quant 
{ Le anc. omoalgom to ebrubltus ane inte Hie tBilingp . 

5 Gut 6. ” fon the Gomks i} opine » J follows the syimun rr 
ie : how. wt ed y eine (Wetter Paul. spothivr eonlh ts He 

wim , He ‘chomnels ” wml : uel” olyeoait J arowel 
Meee ata eae takai a aes Wine a 
We Wor Hu proeiolue how ponnmung 60 . 4 gnawel hom the a wot Olean 
4p pees Amare rane th aan 
be grains 7: gold. pumpoved | 
M09 Hnwrur ole Ohare ih. me luv eau q & ee 
Auk you. Any fue Ke oboe oye back dh fe omalgow . At | 
Aha omalaoon ol Oheurleor io tokn Hh unnsa m tonge felt ! 
Hea Hat lem owt i eer een italia Hi. whole 
dak Ub mention Woying badd with te banoulgavn i We i duk tee tak | 


Mm idl wil Hie am alg oun tl which ub ane » auch bight that when bit 
We oxjurdach fhe Yn en mo Mul Fo of me warlud cule Loourting 
He amelgon ome quickrilvw Vehindl . 

Weg. Ya. YEt. Yoo. Fak or pau cyroud ot “Moth toh “(1) 

Sera the Sune Pun que. M Chev oflir the long anos. ce winelgam 

() Teln te Aa seoktiveol port om { oxeell’ trod uduok im beers Cuvyied 
Vibe He Hailing rowshl: 46 th Uti anigel wiht a cucu qwounk 2 
Hie ty um ower “OI oa which erlloli oma Rupa baok . orntalg own 

‘4 cthur syoltin iy ontleoticl fun the fool oh He pluie paren 1 Mor. 

oe 2000) ond the portun that yuu t Hugh the | 
iver Toy. ML the tibinno the Ton one ovow walt wk aimee Yon 

tnodueda Ut acum jorbo thot on anton wil ww |e - 5 pow ute 

Crue you mn Hol iF cles wel pun brnot into the umes . rr jroo fi ch 

Grawcl 9 ton brought wy To He offic bn Th Heatinwl oF each as p (alu 

ee th Yeon wi oo pen ‘ths hod the Ph. Gy new ctfisiuol ( es 
wank BH rrequry mink ownol Oxomunudl OF tin Luk foilel 

fie 7, Us Wn the (eunom hoot aww olefectil Ph tn te Hunua ¢ v WM a 

jeares tuk pond clowy ov quowbie it Unk soajouy chow shi thou oe 

dh chown cond which fla ov ae onus of pynilir, om aecounk 
a oevdad fF ue oo o while muti whid ow om Kur what ty eall 

induud wt owl Ha vin 

jolvee Paunsdl Hr. Cotteol oy “ys ob Well. So 
mt wilh ee ek 17 Ohinatfun alt Bas That Sun i Qauje four : 
pawl quien wp th Chime tcl a Collect Phy nmol wos 

olueed, % thu leadling Gwehan, Chin Ke, of wo Chin- ein 
os A Aves of inliodluctins {e Lunhing Ati “iy Ohi 
_e nen ome The’ uh Lhols on. a : Heri 


any Crete ond aftr cloe immetfoation omc tPhneco tumiatinr J oak ral, de 
Cm ni owe ns amy ae ool yuu u Ler ae ie 7a 
work b Ke Oni Co. 1.1. dunt, Aap. Orville. J frond races op i Me 
Wont tb mw Hod uf co fumol tuk ww puch tonal ormmunls thal he aomds th 
$6 He tink wt Sree. wills his ie Owned Ho it ome wet apeeol “Ke price ob hi 
ytd in He Leow which OF woule ip the Ph waa puaw! im ony quadity. the 
in tt own on Very lng anol fox tu o Mai tall 40 Hak if ale 
wor fum UF erulol be Ad oy sourdl Cy « Qt. Haile the juroclucl oh He 
clewm wild wel cyeucl to cyreun lo the oy. of oye. fu wih Rup o portioulow 
bovidowl ot his mul eam Wp omol will {uk cu now fhe yuu. fia pay gruel 
7) ih the wal: hmm anol Conti Hi ual Hoe tow. 
Pika J wank will Ton ho fh the Tuatil Syelcon of Ht Chiu He Cong Kee 
‘owl fhuwwng ont thi. oupfrourte qeictonram wh th bug Montid fav te fowa Gide. 
tHe Vols oe rlbhotiol aa Hue we in os ot om tine fad a 
wirin obo torre Chine tu nds played owk eniiclen 
_ cuccl a angie obvwk Lom oy Hea wi. We Said ri 
‘yon omd IKy ebuattvel onmumol ur fur oll perils bwk wa savvedl- kur. 
t cundk §fvcuc b ok ao Tae m Dn db the owed oy Packinn._Aruy cut of 
‘Hock racl uk ow PE. You wanti “roe rom ur catthi jreonter heap Aan, 
tin I lay bo Hot a Cow) gel atm aol db. th VUook romnd fle th 
: ¥ mg old Pare anong atl Cfiores ayauieet He Chain 
hut J pnd tom Ven ying Ho’ 0 Cummung a1srol Luoplori , Rewrwringy 
the fling tat yaks omung Hum oma” He acral plapiolily wile urtich tha 
townumieelt wilh tac) div fy all povists J Ame made ta pou fy ak 
wilh ppotitenus ond howe Uiwowroubly pales wp amd tabla 4 Hihy om my 
Vi uk J newer Suck bul ome whe poword Ft ond Re had brant what > 
wor in Orgen. M VYeloow bar on thie 7. Fok of tie featiy J culo mel one the 

aL SRA SLi aN A Sh A NS VARA cA a BaASE GSA VSL win id  GTg Li teh aah silat. sed ehhh cs abc goose pectin diad at taipnigis! agibitcss 

| total am fe Aad wn TH of Ts Flat. 

A few avade year fuacl-way wifi Ong Kee omel Ang Vuk wo much ao..trat 
‘Jom always qunm o Coa whor J eall or fein ancl om cme occawim un 
dome fd but J made o Kin oficlee iy ot bette Thon Chany Hee ibrolucs 
ime fe oll Chimur mw, om dun Aa er wih Lae z the tack 
Itoct du will uy att Ph tie wins com pow d enelon you a earl. The 

| eter J trou rund of quer ut fe me — wer Iie fehas ins omy of the @nsiyed 
J hl gat me oth oatinn tu my move onc olawt ploy Hu “10 Sovue ” 
jon inn. co Utter to quill o formic eobte autour warttin jm Veoutiful Chavacki 
Ly whowk 0 fyuon yond Uy |rapur Jon te nly Sudip OF uioh o Wir tat 
the ‘old inhabit " com puomundbur ouncl Jd dupe fh bk abl ty ole nicl with of 
J ayoc Ut a yori he fool bow clown if JS qu tack t Hwy i. tne Te le 
lnneveavl ol the Crom cut ful whut thu Chine W. axe. Worl % quer cle and 
May clewy my tor Chik lett ome elit ely’ Pactyam “uhich Be 
‘pconiul opppnoneh 15 Platimmy J can get the fohna to simneanbr, Prunyh 
A Reid i QW Pout Gb te hom S frau “om i Ohving Kos Cawcls jroeticl 
| Wh . hin. mw is clit de Chine win ond J Cam day 
| ay Kat ctl Ph. fem 0 Yok 0 thal & at im ute by hum uth be Yona, 
Guay sign yon wich 6 aah oul 4 ant will be oeudlel wich 
, plioaune Wy Wn. E.W. Fogg - Ronk. Cnovill & : 

Ghia wy if. Orville » pliiakd on i bank ch feather Quer om fac o | 
“pulotiry tk rw oor. bemg th Only mot o wit Or. mole 
roll nmuming Comm tn . Mak tk He Weeea a ath the duvrndl 
win om vad. ama O the Oey but lace Uaul owk o Ph. etl 
this J mou mo roy 4) Mowe clea amd. dna Havoughly ual Jamal 
oy Io om your anata of public unpormation . ba Hu phouk tne 
fet J Rot bun feu J town get om Pienelly at bo bay whale 

ae Cont ‘fudge Antgendl Arucibs £4. Nw WwW, Urunly Hrssnsiany eis 
Fraliinoulty eile Ainilf. 2.00. Fong, Bowl « Ox. fi Wuvk. We WO ewy ott : 
UD! pest, “Loilér Opal Worry. .C.xogay spaatier cf Gov. Ge, Rul 
(‘bin teagan ot Hie bun Ye the lancust Youna Ure tn "), Oot. cot) olay 
Hons fun thu Mrroun ding Ms . ov a he Mae omol by ws 
nda U apt a chame 1 ald omol qu information obrwt Ph). CA Hal 
Miad .- asHouiet. Cal eit yt unk. yt Ravers cmd in shart oubowk all rhe 
pple au dh Onrille. abl of te qunttinen ort wun w fur vtirceléol un 
tmuung omd ch ‘ me fe hile you im any vriguiry yeu mmoy faut 5 ov 
with fe mah. S ow aloo mut ov ony ceguointid wilh toe lasing Seoundeel 
who timer wv (ioe fou. Thre is mo olrubt Hal in eauly olay om oumewwh of 
VA. wor bound m Hu Mune oluna lacers ond Hu humation ofr He Uoleawe 
Couuly ‘Mhews thal te muh Ie fu but urn mown who oun a eloum oul. 
wows Yo aetl Ure — wd) Hin ibn t lugiey - crm sme omel Lees by vow 
Aonernly Hel wor J ti usual tuel Huy suum to Tome ok fe mone dling 

J phot clio Ph. wor.o tug in the mune toe omol Herswmmunol Hes 
ual $100 w B00. de ow une Avon you th cleuclo ik. J ave 
And 15 ome owl tovol in my fur oUF wor mor for a peur 
bninkt tweuptiom J phould exiltindy belie fat Rall mat ie the forme of 
aL “torly clo" min - 
Wa put in aboot” wxny gulch amd jowrnt mana fu ine wtich 
J Aaa oh Going South. Mrigprons Flor. Churcher powine Rk hill. 
Quy ee M! oh Oro. Lyrae Bon. Riek quuleh. While Rook 52 but J 
NUNIT gy » meek o Tia th ich oe hang wilteol by Cheiuee 

Mutu who on wow oy Hu Coohlowt ) anol a gmat omewl sue 
Auiomperor Glo. Ghompans flat ) m the ve th Fealtor Qeoer odeuk | 

2° wiles fw Onitk ond im [rine yer ward 0 great andl buay anya 


ww wh ao fue io om fb Laem wa Coin om Hes flat iD CAH olatiuol 
ool, wk $500.00. yh oo vow fumor ole quuttionon omol Qowmw me much 
inform ake olowh Hiv Aon cunclung Counli . hin yore o the oper part cf tF | 
wink Wao Kune Quanlf muning amd he ty mour aver cf, hy Aten fin hon. 
the Jaye that tun om irunl” of Ph war took or waatiol viv Guoy amore whun fe wow 
Wwerfing UF but lots wl Hicnk Ke amount Hak cout le doweol wrulal execrl 
2 oF O wie. He Ras abou Los. of fom Ph. scurect Ls fim has w Afecovnunr - 
op muming & mow olom on te flak m ceomnul cb ti fook ol wat anol 
wwon wich w th only om which erwtol tk snaole owotable oxerpl” the Deum 
dp Nt ©.W. Comminy “cowl (be ennnied out. Kea th He Cummins who J uroll 
yant in omy tout J iiltncll fe nee art Hi Wnuis or Wor swine. fa call 
pat od puliodle but tHe wim o i 4 prand Litt of wold pee 
bivam % o He Dowis qui oF Way Oreck ovnel tris elowin ons te A fovk ave, 
Ahi dart” oh Ph would IK 0 Yuewla tiny onal He sohome tb Cumamniucd 
to a tn, thing m le Woy i mumey malting yok Sth nll omy ub Chemicul 
Iam alee 1 vik in OF, Cummings Ba rowel ds A ueual Urarfer wh 
jurlir ne willy Aelwnns Not ta ty Pomel” while te om aly We puro vl | 
umn hw a oly ule your proells which thy Wik one VU. WDovaclotn poe 
re ie Gayl Hs aig, is ray amy a dh 
hall ts mudora pmol fucid paulo f the Mik. 3 oo 6 “Revo He te 
| phana om whun Iker pclume ont enw m fod for J uae fv 
hg pnt which & fe ona abl He ph omed qu wll tht Guhrmatiny |S eum 
john Fd d ym a Ctr J pucuicd non mn , i 
| si GET eal do won mg iin, OGL Jd pent te | 
yen Ae Hoot qu noi dee atl thak you cam olruk His Motion - Rubio Ur 
5 oh gt Bagh uit 
J wa neermpomad i my luospecting m tia Flat ty ‘yp. {ack "Prvere mu 


hte seth men yy AI. Caf, Ue ts He ounun Of te Oneill Wining Suni. Cr 

oun, He tik extinainok yd oni in Het Vieonitty. Oy He A luk rn He 
dd olution cfeuiny wo got Ph. uxny pow - un ow fe 2 ov 3 akin, Hi 
wor He eek pot J home ye suck ima 0 purvpeeting ti. us elowin ws 
aw in po” muned by V2 Psu + WA Vroel Wis cunun of HE Lacking Randlevone 
Mu in the County omol see ies OF unnulol Meg wr on ay OM... 
Mon pol fo qo im wilh Hon to op Hits ume ck urowt $5000. anol 
whilk 1 would ke a ba Hing and a Choe om pr getdl yet 5 enw te 
to great nuk pv Ph. Hak om, PE bs el eat anjoul. Wt Rowe i ov 


_juendl of Choaus anol will be plraud “5 ‘oonuypencl’ wilt you . : 
WED WDwaitle claim & om the Lewk of ancl Hite culo Fett ine. 




hae, Yi 7 (eee fa oes 
{ F Wed. was Acs Leow cop” oma JS worked tn the Yams abl olouy Hie Clk 

qrrawel wilh orca amount ob nok domo , mot nn fang brlolow cand Lory 
volition of bnanbliec amd Avyrentine pebbler.. Aolduar. OP Pever , Graville 
SJ ode FH He Hondnicls anit yulivday alfinmeny howing frowe that a ebean Wp 
war beng ow ten. J leonk hy WE Jos. VY. Vern , the fee. of the Hendin 
Won, fir Ka clean wp wor my biol pack of m pool oh the Ocne wme cUraniclnud 
amd wach will aut Ii worked again. Wham cowrodious one emunnreol of Hid 
Maik ax yon will fom a fuend m Ha lorle owt vin ht oem oh Wt Denn 
iho Do MA, Cowttonon. J puednd 0 romble cy samol fom feta Bane, 



when ymin to wholtl m Hu Weel Wemels of tte WY. Sork of He Roalfir, Mix sniily 
M. of 10 Gun. S dour ential Wotgrmuny Hie Pty, ot og ban allie hin om 
Yow wll uo Jun {um him» VW!" ISeav elaine Hal Ae’ sees Dh iw Add iat 
amy eolel roux UF  wamntiol . Kh. anon whe hewglut me HK Jonol Rene a0 
Much olicuel ov Ha ey of Colombia later. S hope you will kup He Gast 
filling wm Wal” duction fw Jin mun tok Ur will tne years bo dlencloyo the 
4M. depot im Kes conak cum allowing Hot Uk ts fume tm HA cmewwl Heat 

You. puquat « 

J Menl fr Fabultion femorrewr nigh omd wt bweabig lt He wis in thal 
‘Uninitu. S$ dove oom cicy sanaatrol willy Va Tries + Veil dy tok plac 
both lol fovbeteum minds. Wt Pia oO He Wet Dhani omol Hew ay 
runing Comp mm Me Pomae cmd wil ual Bom ino funk J will’ | 
mole wp thin bv o Win Yyonnuol Lyomnets Dre years “4° gown Awe - 
| noe” Ue Hho jolovee ubowk tb. ob Ph to sell iw hin Talk tort iF fo! A. fam. 
| b euloluwt ml tk andl pened Ur to Arvomeis and bk ott Trac of vb owmol 
Aim J Hw J how Loose tui tn Hompeoluin wel or ak Wonton an 
th Me to wpe im AK Foulatium wnoumltiins will tard iy. | 
AWW Avown ve Quincy Plumas Os tills om Ph. i cleo found vi Cofehen F 
Sacer tills Kal Ov. S$ Frowe aut WW Wfting Hi Crivnly Cheolt of Vanes: 
| oe ee se saw rere “al imvitition % virit foe 

i him. wll abileun ool all waitin 

ft al meaty i Use Mt ; 
| i lo oma oll pk we 1. Un : 
ia oyoung yen wibhup 

ee SP ad 
Wy ewe leis Socal 

Ho VEE, oe ie. Cflccl. 
AEA ne brtonpb GL 

oe 7 
CGA SOG. Lehi Votes tyre 

we od GE ee flak. 
LEE: er dite is page Biles 

dey, ified! FEL ae Zee Latte, 
LLM LES A; ined Y LA. Ye. 
fen rehiey tit 


OO eee ABLE, Loc EL Ze 
rs Bytes : ie e4 , d. 
"Des 2G ILLS 2 Cs nips tee. {y -Med ie Ls % aa 
a (a lake” Paty, ee c Wag 
LL, aa Blet Ai py pit tlhe sie =< 

uae hes “aig Mee hatt Dale 6 peneiein 

| i é HE 
| Zz 

geet f LE Shs Ket, rages 

| Share Diba ey tir tsi 

aire Ss OV WEE ad ste 

Mitt. P2tepi Bhied alivet” Giles” 

ches a Livre fod 

po = ist 7 bial hl ey Gow 
pettobee) mpi. Litnapgle), ay fed Ay feliz 
dete tut Bhs Of lg) | tecalittie tex ~fasp A anhig 
Alijlfted Gov 7 Hon sla Lickee, Geri mn set neff tna ton 
Lytbeate a) Ze, Bo wwcua\ Se, Ste Y ert Gif 
iy See feo eB WS Lette a Lptlt Lh Sends 
IDEN TD ig eaee Se, 
(aH Pa Bre ( kifuee oz Ge egestas 
lect Bey tan A Louily barat pp Le unad. afagle 
cottnn ad te petentAn pupiedltbat* LL» SD 
I yptib Lx gadez bg Zé y, Vitibbuiplisle, peo Ge, 
tei 2 me, Ad pay EeA een Cl Lhe LF - 
eet 7 Sohne eee H 0 ond Hitt zur, eletlf 
: ee ee Be DB aLecuis, oe per ee La. “V5 (Bisel fev 
Cepek Neb Gy 

Pier timey Et eid: ue te a 

: z aes oe : Dib ; 
Vtetcieveg Ea, Ce Se, 

BaEg i saiaheait  Yporee. Bee 

Sts Cee Ae Lad: Lp E- 
TEL ED Let vbr po 
ee, (eee a 

Goes es 

(ore ttt! welll BD PTepacg/ | 

Fos oe pet ert cubs 4 fee da 

GPED onic Ps Lem tie? 
 # ag Tas Oe Ma; Jet) 
| fe wares fou Bie Bale “pal” 
| Med He eee Nan 8 CrtLE HOPE 

BEE Le, Hue. fe, ledt/ A 
| Me 6 LGA het bt, pile 

Boer” es 

tooo ty 
.T. A. EDISON. ,; 

a C 2 = 
ey Menlo Park, N. Ja Yet ee ven —18 Le 
mi N Ce eT L. boo } na rh my y, ee sk 
i yueee Po ‘ : t . ? 
Ix yan Or RAL L-L Cy ea Yh Hava 4 Cow 


da. ee SS vYLd é f hon Me tA . re ead an a) 
ar 7 

st gle et A Hin (Reade ~ 

is Te: ae 

he CG oe. G KAY salts St q xe tT 

M40 am poke og 
Dd icdto Te tale 
7; a: ores 
(acre te Cee FF eed Ce 
Cejedies C 



WW, 22. SSL o.y,. 


We. &: ree sis 
es a 
2VEY, Fe is Enotes 
ments ene HO iS pia ee 

ied Sore, todas trai ase 

“Sige pe huigat gape 

fiw 40 Heil Hl 
NE Lg GD Oy EGS Woe 

vary ta Ve (tlle, Few Geted POD) elf WALL 
pes bef Cwed, Lil priv OT CULE, EE ga HA. Abroectidde 
Fr ot LEB ted fae devi Jay & Se SIA 
¥ Ainee- peor detected TF Litt ofogre flott 5L COPEL feck 

feat, wedtler ved he alias wdras Corelle eforegd, CALCD. 
we ite (fe- 2) Cattle: CO sv rth nrete or } Hiriline lr; dibecerohie 

fect. Dy hiliswtli Ey, he. pe 7 ae 
ccceriting le Dtrhitle, abact Md mele weiter dee, fle 
Yhectt Idiad pelttie. lickin Negee lige son few 
WaLE C+) oy Z 2 EX a 
AG Nt. fee deg for dias Lert Pine , eT mee 
Hed ‘April Font dete ayre Lh ot? Poteet ace ot 
. Irgine, LF allt Heer Z gene LEo pee, at Lhe, aleve tole j 
Phe 1 -10tstf? Leif, Bikey ceetd / Sale gerd Op 
Me Vigor ity cate ! fell perf gurlrgiel 
Mildiele ime Meu. ‘Mirifbett Mute an Poteet unt Hh 

ae er reveet 

tome Letts oon Hib, Doyb, Geer, ragcl hace avivef 

thee fre! MWilet Ln, igo PHA! LYS pre” 

Satlats Pyne P tev PE Excplcter tx Jb LE, Geel He 

Memwnetetid jue gowally, firs Gupe, 
Gout Tay iilig 

BSF as ch AG SI NCL d arn eda od ade id nd Scania hc hes ad Yih ae os aol hada esa 

fein ihe iia Aol ap Dis Le hala ot Ai 

LECLAG - Bee tt 
Sp legit 

Biwi th bbc page 

7 See Oe Zoe | ee aan 
ve a tet LalBeall re: Ate, Lief GG Lp pies well ethan. LF 
tif I ae wo cine Hi ce oe ; 

ee Gitte 27 ft atm ee 2G) Le 

OOF £8 2 es Otid for ee ee 
pervs Oa “s ane 
Ae Kiefit re web hal A Miblls ota Caarnge. 

i get nie B 70 a 6 nse me se acto yA 

avn Bit dll, 

oleae fe fl (edhe axle An 
bas eee foe 
des Cis Bes 
Bred tet Hat bev eat eof tie Lavette 
Mitr” Merle ha hee fia , 
ete tisataicttly, CD uve, 
“hprtale ee liklezZte,, Prdr tl 
VE gel. Ateepid hig CODD ax, 

oo aes aoe 

| Yim a ory ang mage >) 
tip, Soe OPnewseed oevw ef 
ae eg See 

YE ete > tL. 

7 Pees Conphaed alage £ 

pp meer HE ALP 
Ww d Mi: 4G Jihlere Cy, 

Ze pie : 

Ze ley ct ios es ng Ca 

ye oe het A (Meo. ae re: Oe 
PLLAlIH/ £9 ALG 22tk Heel vacl ee LY LALO ; 

: Arai! Heater Wee wet) Zhe porelo 
SBOC La Se ieee Saag Co hewlett war 
bts. Cyc Dy ba MOlacKn ta F orscleubea. 

DE ae Yon, Car¢e thin wr Conlsay All ; 
SPE ee Creve gentth CE OL Peek. 

‘LE Se om he 2 thw tte 
vpn bane sa oes 7} 
feo ~ ae god AeaecictiTtls Retake ics : 
AE ee ie es si eos 

tedoe fl LP5, ( Lhb p20 fier ofan 
| te wa Alon po om dij 
Lin at Gut etick end ts Z: en 

G ZL: Je tf P20» Loy ’ oy fi 
Loo feberreed itn, | 
Orr thte Zez LDD2ATELA/ 
ee ar 95 en” Met 
WA. Keg hat. choy Chat weft Poo 
a heh Juccande. AL Otrrcl de. he” bape 

| oy Le a Wacpccleg lo es Cor2ed_ 7 

(idence, deh lle, 
Mit TAGS, 
Wee. gt te; Ebadi, a 
| Abe date es : 

gee then Pltachid (i facopofte pat” 
Satrdict dente tle nw radty LILELD 

_ lke éF tend hea bomated, SP ivenet 

; oe Crt, heee Aermifleae ate 
M0 hentes avd 2 weploag gt ips dete \ 
poretdedl tue big flbeo K pel tof wll 
| "CON Ween : : 
| ; . 

| Cr wai, prt Piped So feep 


warlid tt tee for Bem f°" bap 
hen dere CL pee CELE toe 
Mit He fel ele Gr Bo Lrd 
helrat Lawerfocl, Httg ou 
tatty, prittel Temuglis DP Awe Hed 
aieLe} et erilltiady EE ante tebieg Dey, 

Syl feeolD frame vty tmco 26 
Bed 7 irae Bence tl Lt all, 

Cot 2GE Lif Curllizarb fle, Y, 


ge as Melage, 
(Safer hn tag raf 
ae ped ee 
te 2d Jele oglbad-P olg fpoleece tice, 
070, — contd Pe matte Hitt posnica ip fey 
20 yletd carne, 

PSL ELSA ve Lion tptib gl 

pen Ltt Le Lett ese wre, le 

cll a, ti, DAL PF intles fbr 0 Hb, ftttonee plot soo C22 tt sargr, 
Abted Goel Peaeats VY Lrunti Hott MttntinAt®: XsxT tne 0p Geseow, eT 
treco J&%6, Claas of Syl d love Ae muriruad wrt iad annenhe 
Je crt Hate: Ketan ferent Hitt, Putlly bye GU pat seae Latey peo. 
7280.00 - has Keer Lites rap Hote, tftie dtimneo pe ees efor V— 

AA es ics iets Was miaiaitagitiiie Be hh ale Hh a cemkl 

" G4 , Lt, typer BLE f Pea 
Vilica fie. Lied of one fensrabraitgy iar 
"Bed weet pill” Fah seat” diy ween 
Cradtittl, pel Mow lPagee, 
igiiiw ID rbdepe el aly Dre ramect©s 
ky. ad ntteetater ell He YCf 
Mla teyJ Lptgd Leteve9 alge 
athe. pie Lat; get CCV Attn) LELLLS 

hit 21g lefty, Bmness mice 
At AN, fie titbrrovehie; Cle, 
bpote t. Diag bipralte? Y petled Lrg 
a Lette of Land Opti, Waa? va 
bn. Wott Tithe dymec nilie [itl 
ld” (Pueeted, bir bus ¥ Cafe GOL) 
Aitwerroiel deca: te wtih Here, 

|. Betits{ 2 Jt, Nridined Jie, 25m, 

prow bolltrcs ¥ 2 se, Vigsaaed Cilucobc fei 
at SE, Feito Mt. Mat forme. 7 

fete bdly teed and welenee weg 


Le £9 poine at nece, Bos Bi fhted 
Mc Mtl) efor hace filer fxd alee 
WED mone Hef bed f a Cabifirnce 


A. ag ae Serres having’ 
pa. pitptcvendg Wee pletied teew 2etet Jey 

jotta gel ag 

pees) Cicdts, eG aed 
a Mieeh fed rrig pote Beet Pcltd 

pies cle acti ae ea stg pt Sica og tad aes pss alg Daa 2 

vert taser akin bese lywio Pe 100 goned tetbead Bee 
phe er Lipaed (of Plctoesim? ae YLELE + mgt am 
Ma tre Mote yeti tether matt BY for Words Liflbee Veres, Bp 

oe Sivan eo fe DPrlorretew ¥ Yolts vnner) at be Ogéee 
CO Geto bof Bnd “Laas Big bet n ae 
(Rt EE. ae Ce LF ttClte’ # wede? foore ra, ao iiss 
at thay dlean S glcZ Pare on iol Auclaie Herp 2A Fo 
etaeed and a (vimdlive pile, Men, pI ED PM ras orr~ 
; Mabliogd shige Ss eae Pasties owe ie 
Keser gigs ey ae I> ee, 
be rite hee geen, ZZ aE Cha aes igead Len A - 
Lf, Pauasts laeg F Wilticlt ae fc x 
Littnerrehes yl. tng oh, oe OZ, Eyring 
wer Jaw le2 ey bgt oe. lee 
JU Wad Aas oe: fice f il agp He ere oe 

ies bon Geers gecciyt ng Tit ad tered 97 Chee dicts 
fifi fet Pact, Oe. éo ad A ODE Alen * 
digg divin nr. Lee pes 0 a gbis- lid 

I lewined fore Mt. Poped of te. Cell Ped %- tndiffind att wt etd” 
Maer ¢ by merit brn. tleve * LG tag EES ie 

i uit ess ue oo 

Zw, 1 Porm Hagitbiwer, 

aay a 

Mh aed He Le ern apnea LP tut ton 2 
ae K reilice eect on pleted Fa waar oe. a Gentile ye 
Coe Wie koe ft pihed Leh re EBL , 
Paces: | IHL Ga de lett trees” Merb; Lr; hy "Al 2 

fre Be Cur, Pe ie Mee 2 £6 fete, Lob Lee, pti Pm I. Ab as 

Vil upttlen eo (so eae bik Citas Aercede, 
Chivinpth et née rintleeLeiaed wtlef Be He dounwte oe siden 
ee ee Ay Tita tora ade "bia « SLL tr WL 

fod arledhom of Fe (PlLe¥z2ttin, 

M setscbibiliy (pecercbiig 4a, 0 of Oe cll gilt We 
we fuer ent Dott Neila Ber teal  witin. PF 
Leer Sere. Sigs ES tak pole © acyl Joppe, eee Ghee dvett1~ 
thbt, “Cat befeot P lit. Had Mpeed bF tf , 

Dixe cleshly nlbedlel Pom. Ciyper Hitt Mt, Clebers pafbe.ntofir lt. 

cant Z. IHL, “a4 ihe laf weet preBe: 


ede 48% 

— Ker: 
‘Ger @s aye ALAIN » 
of. ot Exe LON MWS 3 

© s See fo Py eco ari 
CL-we bore Toomer 

et t 
: tester ke fav) aed 

WSO md Cire 
a aa ae a oe a 
ee Oinvi Cal frre 
ee . . é: pare a 
| ae entinel, iacbhh ane guarag gh 
te ace Tedelitanal eee acres 

at sul i gan ol event yh ee 
4, ie pope iy sy a 
Bee man 

ont 7 

“Hho Gp 
en te. 

| Oni Co. Cut, | | 
04 ei. Jvithe . Rusti Co at. Yod.s - 7. 

Neon Din. 
Dy peeiel ob youn teiorom cb Ooh wwe 
J Monta Chucku 4 aie reauill oh elem a ome om Hie 
own ex ol ucu Aono how v yi Hume . 
Me hada of eh nea tilt fonge ene We Ph aboke 5 he 
nl us ancl YIU Howls Kreis oh 0 way in which Ub oom be 
“el. Whilek Ke comotoom co been’ nultell im He Crueibtr Hi 
pores is erntimually oevmnvd of vox omottiials puch 0 faol , 
oppor Goyer ‘ whieh oovnurws quostclins on und im His snow, 
br Mouting te puja Clow - nouls, vun 99 Anis odio wit Hu 
Otol Hol elinoa UF Ww Cul inks x gmall Gon eotlol o “bas " ban. 
Wott. Hw Wie Pl. is plecmmed sae he hiv inottin oid wnernppevall 
ws Hits Gon Gor. MM elimi tu amount of Vim tie Ink rm earl 
a 2 hrownols a Wie de woh uot & doe imu lon whch 
Hits Pe com i pat omo. 1 ovol_im Ma will senol 
ou a pmall "ag Y hich Hive Ha a rok Pe cow 
hanall . oS Hour onctirtra, yptténn Yeo anoelyais th 
fe fund Yount pow » Ha” rue of 4 in poyivig, buvcwditien 
cage se atte ht oo Lt Ay pontl will ke eweteal 
ay ciel 
eat ‘fu 4 un en ti ree Seal Qi 
Arumeh omel W)oaqy D daw tie im He es 
a 40 mil ts Se ot. this part it te Wek fot ty obwwrl— 
Maced windling h the cleeyp Conyors of th Aiea Yeroola 
lot (ills , omol ta re olrnorl Ue by Chimeat Wns . 


4g omnel Woayuils Omekr onc ommona fe oe Ua wk 
ib Mm tovnly be omol que atfistinn ia He Me ‘catleal ty 
Hom . Oy Fruich Ook tHe Ohinese unoter on oto Chinese snciey 
who mus fo 4 mock rome Of {ong Cfont , owt cluntyjud o Vou 
oh coum , ww ounce Meow. Yonrir ovsol Peover | idee Hrvtoller 
‘Foot Syouttn Avni one otftins i Hi ae fue Chine dre“ working oF 
mM Mow Hew ponte mol orn ung UF in itor jruinilire iow 
dieening wilti quichailver oud olypenoling on yiiptles oval Yousif gyri 
% won du geld. Fur dp eure v9 te debt wor 46 rout Pr omol' of 
Komuaud fhe eludes ond poclora Ittoriahly (it Hruiol ack four ffinecs 
af PS went or Dow. ol oluat omcl suickud mk bruh 12 
Neots th Pk om Sniolium’ “Ge ololeuk omel anak Ave peootiol sivinuy 
om te Ow to WE Honlow Aten whom J fiowe Wotiertéol sie 4s 
malta. He doys lak PL i voll ounntifies cy otways bound at 
Iie Ou amd fu will make inguin’ ol trol the afovinty ond rey 
ft sym up. J fae got dong You intireariol ‘oli, Ae a fe mol 
wtiliont Chinamoy J tour yer tetlud wir. Ne toll am tot fe 
Tiocl rund Ph wht fe wos wore on Romyoror's Fok anol that Pe 
Kiuur dh Clinomen on the Yoti Fok utio fool frumd Ub. S owt a 
Yond ‘i Chime teter 6 Ha fol mam db tu Orns (oll 
far Chine. "4 fo om ow ontin i} iu Dix Company, how. 
Mw: fmq You ovrheinig fun Ye fork wut tr Th. amo b kel’ fe other 
unis Hak Pe is mae wold. — Bettoeon Allen omd Long You 
omd He Nines ane Comyn § viitid Hi now m te Yoh Fork 
gare Frerioy Cuok will wow know what te clo Uy Hey Svarol DF. 

Ihe annals of Frenchy Creel Coté lange omens df Foumets ome ie 

Kh fiaonustts J pus ton nut bk dome beiy fang mo in He m 

Se eh SO LL A hE did cald hn n EE AES A Elle Dass St oid Si ada Sd tan as Lena ae al ette eae bats 


fins wluely thaw fnaganents come - J prominol Aten t6 fet fun Retour 

Uy oy Volue ca ooktoreledl “lh Wm out will be omuelr Abtioicl if yous 

Coun Wel mk amd fot ome Ruowr- You witly fh eovweponol wilti burs 

adds Hort Alen , Wouwtiin Hue FO. (Butte Co. Ne io a jupneent= 
wie jroyuclir fining mn Lie om duolion Ho a while mon. He 

' Whuws © Canin) Bor onc Hin in the onountiims anol watery 

Me japon Yovt Fuk and French Creek Comliy. He wo olererdnel 

ifm ow " fot} Royote anol olf Am ch 0 bite“ Guk J Krnuniol funy 

0 quot jusugyh homo . dong You omel fuinoelf ar lv 
melt gre ftunols - ur fac bin “Woettior iu o Cabin abe he 
Ovi Cone, do thal” Allen vy Hovrughty puotiol both obmub tw 
whut wicl Clune aniners . 

On wy yuelin fork Fnday J tbigvosphid Yow omol eeerweol yur cones 
m Aatiwoloy Hie tatty pant sw telicyrom J rttinn raul) 
ond of omee extlec ar SHY Pre and this omornog et tis oer 
Hak find) ond peti url elir wh o Coilntiek wih ya fining 
wh te nih fo euek wclucwnels of. om Heir Lun m bord of 
giving Hum hall Qotal jrooluc. att Ph to tx your. In you teteG rani 
you ray Hat tf you eon ek enough , mich Onvlfinets you will eveer 
juoluction wows ak Oroville. § oo iw Www moe ais 

m occounk of He Culel sol VA Down pk auck towing 
ed own as “Adin ik om ae cl Pr ound he. 
Hottie ‘buh J HiuK the but lon woulll be wt bo enter inte 

| avin out pulling up nol eum Ate 
waa m Hi omol Hu meal Crumtion Rwwwr tok arcok amis. 
ot gold one look im 4H Hoel Somols wk houning wo Walon Iw the 
worting ok Hitim Uorke wom hi foos asa memory wit. Yow i 

Bic ch ist Sh last 


hom wou im opwotinr ta Onl whine fue doriolr eoulel Me 
Wworul cll fe nun wll mark tier own plows fr towing the 
Hoek ronda ve. which bug a clad foo f thon wow, Hey wuld 
i atch fo aul upom weh tow as Yor might Linol oF petite fi 
i wtuch evtunty mud ook be me fal of the geld ruevveveol, 
J WU CL cue if oyusout Cv fis Tiliiys ontol wrol ofaclly udtemu 
a plan by which Mok which co ouw a for enuld tk race a gout anol 
would cuwhttr wntir fale ee Hi hut aml ar He loa 
whieh uel you eouldl fold 6 yourself by Aeouwy regarcling the 
nultiod V ea He a to dow tu gil. * ed 1 
Suneloar you outhor tuttr J howe puevive from Cumuunop . ct wnbl 
Muw you Hol you cu wel abou mm Your ioea of He ywelmens dh the 
“Gilonga vy Hut rises Pyclroulie anime - uk thie pichmes of Hie olulnis 

a SU, 45. Co. to awk ettir Known f ony one tin U io bo Hie 
oD. |wofele Hiraelver ond when Cammenga Hillis op His pick tied oly 
leery oe fiom curd fe Reap gpurt about tk ke by on mad 

hoy J tad Witt roy a“ City ” mining dharp — a toss you 
ae lb fiandl wit ey ae ie 7 
J Aan turd hin Munutous wun ourel jrrrfer tira Hak Pt. ue 
forge comounls fins ‘ent hound vs Dok ounol Grin Crunties , 
do liar J Honk 4h information eotoctinucl i YMA Covelis buoter which 
was sewk Tau dy Gait io pubiakh amd Jb will work uyo Hore Coo 
m my unto tp th Jom oovind m atl fons be make 
pom , bypu Hie onow polls mol tank tf woul te heat fe go tue 
ouy J hom cle iewa anol Plumor On. 

Som Ww Cwimeol Hat Hf, nuk dw onl ty tu dat. 

tuk Solo wk Sntceve Hak UF is im gpronrtcty in ok it Murs Yok 

EE SNC Lata et ia Pian aR ee ee MO Te Te eo ee A TT eT ee ee 

dlevelopecl, ono ur ty oly ly dpuading He un omong Hie wuming 
amd pruapecting fratimuG ond geting Him nultas opurto fe fuel 
im the Mone Mot you will ek Awilean Pe in the quantities cou 
meq AS I towe befne wypittin when U Pas bem suportéd ue 
Hie muines of eorly ays Hi Gans of puvers 92 How frelole ane nour 
Workid out omnel one cleciol H You - ho clevelope anim who ‘Ph, w 
fuportéd ud puget om urns ouffay , wil every chamer df 
He. hurng Found m dmoll quantiles ly . Munk eden WML 
fi, Cal cones braces of Ph Aut theo to tar hom bung om imdtscation 
Har UF eld be fund mm tem uw qu tien U om ekpieemt peavey 
Was mode Wy hope ta Hol you will ewentinally th purvawoleol ly 
Hi clurewven of, the fonge Ph. oleysoatls tak mut te tn thie Mate and 
Ki wit clowklters be byncuoht odbvut Kivugh We ottinkion wow 
Long ealled [6 He muy Umpotine and value of Hie wmetel. Mean - 
whe § would rugqeet tak pueb aces on we Wow pours Hic 
metél shoul Me vieitél ool thi jorooluct peeuvecl oud tp tits toler 
Mould meek” youn Orews $ will mokk Nad Oneqon oma work hum 
thener olownrwovd . 

fe hag of Hack Aomol co hom tie pockons werltng m French creek , 
Atk gold ib in ur Hi Donel being ugk Wom the sweleer - 

flu bw emliiaw what J Hk b kk Pooymuenls of Gounels - 

J rope the bight 7) boomung oflong Hi posts of Chovy omol wile 
ok uth VJ 


bey Mt peer eer Tat ony pesivens wessages only on conditions, limiting Its Habillty, which bay 
aan teu the sounder of ¢ ba Aig mi nase 
te warded axatiat ny repeatin back to the sending atalfon for rompa! pertson, ad the com. 
ty faa bia far ye del jays in ‘tran pan maleate ords' heey oe pra mts ne Bios: 

ce tea UNREPEATED MEMSAGE a Bd te delle request naer condition 

names ved aboves 
A. R. BREWER, Seo'y 

Date sh eal | 

Lele Bt SALI 44x 

NORVIN GREEN, President. 

Tecmo at. 






aa Vo-o- or 

x or 

Juow 4 7 4 


eG Tome Ort) 

Bi Peeiis Ba bub d setae hs et Sead a ad 

Wego mac Lonah ae 
| Beaute ("'« p. 

Ee as a VA. Jo ‘¢ df 
“gold Sample Hesndy, 
2 g r= seh, 

a a Eng 
DE - 

i SUF 


lov 44 | 

a ae : 
os “9 | 
c (hese Jrcccdioto 4f 

465 OA ber 

iGo a © aed NN at 

f ; Ine 

They #. 



ie J 

ed oO 
Sco Fta le Vand t nw - 

prt pa & tesa Wabde yes 
., iG 

Ayvedle, Pee A rege ees 

oe i if be actly 
untl ut dew Ud As ral wa oo i 
- Cw ee oe crctl A ly he. 
ere: rt Ces tte i poten VW eta free C. 

; Aa AUtetey o% Teo ne (Com wee 

Lowa tt, 

Ka oe 
Sh ane Ouran! ; 

Povo Stil fey rz) 
N64 ring urcttc Rie 
a wbebite f WW 1B 
‘Our als ot Ut . 
ue Frat. We 1g fa. 

ie mk, 

ae eR ee 

_ homed above, 
a A. R. BREWER, Seo’y., « * an NORVIN, GREEN, President. . 




thie — aaah ih DELAVERA mes eo a, in conditions, limiling Sts Hablilty, which have 
been Lt 

‘ony by peentine gelack to the sendin sage’ etengans 1 Cont 
if i tantalainnor delivery 6 7 tinenpeut ted Bon 

jee re re oF | 
il fablearerm ,cATED << a je delivered by Fequestof ihe sel TF the € ondlilon 

‘Receind: J/ : Zs 4 2 es 


Bh Vole ts ALG wel wen lg AEE sereaiees 

Jue. F-0p, Etledpu) - 
LAN LE pote forve A adedet Gd, 
Arefewed 3b La Lf frted VEN zedtrane 

Aw Lath, porn Cvatlicdy, Genllste 
Ly Dr At fouenea2 Wtf 2 lrre Le 

Lag I Aare debited Ger beccouttige- 

af. ag 7 ts Bee 
Le pect Al MY Hite, prcarle? 
4, ” fA eee i Z 
Mig” Ped Gow nee of bE) 

ir Ad Zp 60 Ml) ties Bee ee 
“ght Cbte BeP-taas ta bg bie Ce. oF Dirt. 
saaiter pore puedes ee Sy a 


LIM, KE : fP2:; tb 
oF Le PKG 4. 90h oe PLE y (PEL Sa a 


cn Ao PL ete of”, fc PM peat foe 

aaa Med Lf PEL? PF: “a LMC 
BLA ED | FES = Gonsed BE Bie ff we Le 

CA ff fo O yoed I, Kes Hee CO & pet. few 

LSre wil. POA, pte ptr fre I, ee a 
Wet. fee ty pap iOe j eel Jibes fo ao dogs. 

Y Biadalé All Ppt OCHO ea Mee Lae exw 

Le, Mf Bee? wl bak: Bets Ye. y) a 

dle et CE elie co ‘aelited Ww ELF 
eg Beil i Ve oy DPatrwbntee se fe 
Bes Cetpe DAY r79e hol BE), bite 
Clltlon, gle thi. faci aid ad 
Bo Li lols acca UGlS He IFC. IGebe 


“Lb ilet ne. FEAL! P? Lia, 


Hes Lii07HE- BL 2° 

Ste Sart baa ¢ 

5 , 

Jaw De nid. 

La Aes _ ay 
ae A6 an | 

wae bic 

rr Wik v 

r 7 > ome: 

css sc nest 

| ‘ Bpats rah, 
= ig Wr rele 7 \ 

ea VS 
é yw” oi? 
quo | 
A ao | 

ee 4 . Beg + Lhe” 

ev liteEED ALL, 
thug 2 flllea } ed peonce est 
gfletveriiz hag og WLLL Ep 

Ytttttr- VAS" 2. Ga, Ges spe 

weed 6 fore Wie pal Ltt ape 
ue bey 

a ee cud 

dbagle a felbrt a ae a 
CtrtetiA Aagpe creel G MAE LAL 

Tpideitpés £V rete 



LIA, | ta tet-obeesbe, LBs 

LY Hie necoregpmngpiig 
es Gat C 
ati~ Winoztle be, IPL2d 204 ffaef 

7 aa 
hd f? yee (gL P EC 
LAE HOC, Se Me es 
piv gh Mill Gurh, at dreaded ler 
forne Or, tilt oftle, . Med Pp 
autpont, Lf wetgles gel FHA Ln, 3} 

forges. Bgc0 ant 1 
Ge AS 


Pes “he, Guerv< pe uf; : 
Gr ia ae ae 3 

a err Yy. 

urd het 7H ; 
5 50 : 

. Vey > LE 
| PM : S of, Z a ae 

Flags Fy gyn 

Rca Cath vn 
Rites il hat trang cmt, 
4 M0 Tower 

1 Ween oN enRarn COMPANY. 

‘ceils Fite Go ted ta byt LR ANUMITA 2 ne OELIVERS Messages 01 nly on a conditions, Hmiting ite Mabillty, which have 

ea rr wily pe repeat nocaage be ck to the atatton samp parfaon, and the Com: * 
pany wil elt linbtctor ermuraoearar siete nlstion or deliveryrat We Meapomtod Mo ‘ 
st n UNREERATED, MEuuAG ppend Le delivered by recuesto the ae 7 Under the coadittons 

a4 a ant 

 owthere Avgquotune saw? 4a 

ewe Ao ey: thes Tene weg le 

ery ee Celta , 4 
ae wk a. aur 

SS a Shan 39 Sa eh Sa he bt NAY tiga ey bb! idicsinte snared Vicese te T#SL ISLS 

Wale A bee Cferde Meet Lo° yy 

Wry Thy W Wy Hufess Se Lee tego 
CtrheK- TW rte Parre 

oie A es 

Ya SSI, Heer poe Soros 
CrcKd Gogo Sec ho center are honetaz~ 
freee Merrectetd re refeteies . 

Oh aires fang geec areas Jets do 

raptor /wopertecs Lb wey eberennT p¢ vaca | 
i OF wre A ext, Seat fpervornrecuet Anccthes, : 
Ch a- ey  frrrcce. CKerw /ten, or-he'ebh, 

ceca hf HOOD IND PMS PICK Lehee ek 
Aeiel evere of the: Uvatedy Gerebiores 
Prreseeet eine de Ie POA arf: 

Aad cer (fete AltereccecE " frweec Sve - 

Vition Extesnrev, bedeot fire OF fronts 
tte regret & Ho Cave (Trevetd, 

unt tte treeafoaretue eet other 

aramits, ncietiot Oxy, Che ego 
Cur wade ane Gagt-or4e Hc eLong, . 

yi = © Naess 
Aacuots, and +Cder erat leng GF velo?” 

Yerrer tesoueters 

COKET WP. Cergrs a 

goa Chet €C ghee Ke 

rrctante cued faring Of goeer 
a ducre-cep frlatecee, an FtsZ) 
Aarts, The tteoune Wa ad Lae Ar erbag 

a Ait. terete ctlepene av 
Socen ee. 7 LAs 
aloprle rev Gf gow prta-tertrk 
td frar fas ercagacel blocr of» 
DEO ae 

if POO eT Ct1-2efey— ALE 

Che eer ete rsevrier , Jane vaticear 




’ i {epee 404 

(} ok dee 
. Lor Kvy fife eee Me oe ; y / 

CARY ut ANd ¢ 
ita 7 
(CX OAnng Y ee. 

gp OR ye ef y 
CHrte. lity Te Coeren 

Lek A 


Tes GF Siem, Lp 
KIEL, Ciahadamalie 
Loe ge bias Pia eae 
Mer Faw. Geren Gold bt het hs Matt terme 
ae S tran Worn L, lene Metts 4 
OG8, le (Lal tid ae HE Cove het Ze 

Ringe ed km fae, of cera 

' ee H fhe Egeal 7 sa og 

lau wth thak lo Fiveke DS SIE 
: Cor ALE. Shall f. Ca Gtovtk aeed~ 

Vhs ee we 
4 fe me Ex. engl 

men  Conrtiro. ant ir ink 

eco Boe othe, prior wy. i oy See ai . ; Nee 
clont- fon wae Heal ie woh tha, 
re nee Ret is, 

40h g 



ai +f “L 1 


0 rv Le Ge a 
Ee ae 

( ) fre \ pe “( Ne eee 
no Yost Ae ou WAR. 

a Ww Corti HT + 

f) ne odd ca a ca, 
AK bead 

aa fc dil on 


y : [/ oy 
| aad WS (ie ft { ( 

|| Majo MC darght 

bury 2 
Onov:  QRQ aw Pe 

& OtKeteR 

> ee moke Coline 

qurng Como sees | hot? qotd product 
Cant you rroke eunsmm eombinat onion 

ysl Revi pein a 

cou produck un a SPP ae oof 
us WE Vran half qh 

product Tethf Ucnease Mer 

product pets chan qord wr LP 

7 Conn Reno 

; A aet hs Cortiact 



fe (4) 
Yp re “Ge Thay Sing Wa d Dhauy Mie Mri yur y 

Psp OP es oie. Oper": Leube bn, 
Mah fKbeey. Daeslt 

huis Glow, Soot “Cherclorr % WA. 137 
tif. {-& G i cur £ aes 

Aer " e. 


- Vewclynn hi Lye Pret as eer ere i Caen 
Peer ef ana. ircah. © ve Levin 

a ee ~ 4 
PA cree rites od 

De we (tc ana ee eet OUe, obu- oh Qereety p 2LLA 
— y eneme | 2 He, 
Lui flues OL ay Ech te of rece Ke cloner AU 7 o- Cd. 
periting Ge We ha tleyre euch eens, ac’ le a a V2cEe leky 

Criri sug tae ee ce , Hay cE Wiel oa Lely kf, rn Gh 

frtet Wises Ts hae iu ae ak Or Last he eee apr £ew 
ee er geet wee bar LUELG hues Vig c 

hele uw 

a ee eet cry wolfe 
CL er a ee > oh Aveta radi Ys Doe 
x Wo Cea IS jes 8 ET oe LD tae we tu ce Bee. Vig 

i Maes oe ae Getti.tls 

oe clo-o eo. deced— 
Ax. #) Vicente or, te i ee Marra gy 7 Lecuy he Zita oo 

Af can ft secollan” Uteedekl cect Jy rice fere UZ 

Y ire: & es 2} et oF me Lisk rE Deru fle’ NS 
ah Ibe tO fe Jj 

O eeseseus es il: a pects. SUSLL age 

o Ri ltee (alt oe Sige, g 

bayy7 rele Jeeeee ae 

eyrsak Kok ——_ Meu beccdle he ie. hee Lem Decved ceed 

ibis ubeh Mba Ui cm wnikist Sok ES wine hE Dati a 

sai rh ant ilet 

Sk 2 a SecA ait ai ase as Stas be Area pee git tala 

, & tev ardich of ayes ak arry- VigP is ufo 4 rele ble 
Por, Ob e fad: EE wae. flinse | Audtl~— torneo 

a a es Ticny jr a FevsGas ruetlay ap~ 
4) Fi Lee oe befire LA: baccric eter hints J 


pelcneel , fovied a Ppa. Oe tle Tag Voge Ait — Lod C— 

hewducech Pauds teeven brights rl ler oflac, see A lMeahs Tig 
Mhz avr, eg Depsiifole Reul Caecce ee 0 aren wk 
Levees Lid ww rec Dlieccr 

ayo A Krug Mle wa Ted mG feller au el apols— 
Dee vet | ome ee Certriliy Le a acne a vv afeo Lull 
Beer frr10 ere — ii paaih YL, metal peed ge rae to hh ruahe 
Termes ool ig ef be Ler key ae IE BA foe aa Fi 

Fy eae Lil ef Cte fortunes arlrche agence A. : 
aoe i hue Pca rae acguarniilaner oh Gb) apa 
ele Jf, pp a of Wee iE oe Ola. oe 2eeer< , oe ee a ee 

ve coarn forsee ok as oes ca eee = Dine 
conte ae decd. oe bo al/C re a 

pe Ore 

var 4 ea forsbably Jnr Mabie go set ete 
Gury Sie ? “at uu hao whore pratretaly, ace Duet 
ote bu tee V Concer OT le Paes af Fla Liaaky. 


ray ty 
a make ayy eet hace 5 ee ress prathay 

ald te te aury UAL , CLV. ¥ MK oun 
5 ale oe pyecect Late fant. ate Aownrte74 (a Sei 84) 
(Cenied brie . 

BSA SOA SURYA el LT ID hai RT A ASR AR ANSE pi AU LRT cle ia Suse aac 

C7 ‘é oe Uti) A fo ; yo . . ae 

\ yogt Lhhay, BPeyft. Lh we > 
Liigflea grunt Chawhir, IS 

Yh. Ye bast Chon of lek W vs a tre en pte fey erer ses tigug, 


a) : 
wlegseces ¥ é Aeusratiry~ —~ PW euelk Uh Prreecerfece Lurt clu’ 

prtice Irn. Be Mae um? 5 ea aitns contin Can both 
eglit-crnul dang ack Kare lA forth 1 Assist hed hagth for 
n~ wes hin wok, agood phe Tie fas bh dousalee vesatide Hac fhe 
POND Use Se brs ie tle Pe ee adrawlage feeecl ext OX oeteituttern 
OTS CORR Saf eeyln Loe |, we hae all te wali bere 
je quan preg hi~ ap Laid suey Te r Lgl ve is Fhurfec ld coutil. 
ola ce ade Gc einen Ge Bet Vleet 
On: Alabyiok Deore le glee! orien p-— mor gee Oe 
lureraged abet litore0e — frurmyear ~ qs folie 
Corie pan hbottor. prarch wttich 12 crupecr Mi thaete be 
be Kr ifaty vrau wk Laburrutpeol Caw af acurer orty be cline hy 
Aasy baghk., Aersicg Mon ong Mt wale Lo prec oe taf grevek auth. 
. Vie olevanly, jee wobagh guscl lata Sitch Le Bee SOO 
food Ate lay be, whack. wantd cabs Png alae 
es wey an dbuudanec of pone, IE proper Corel he Sitesi teste cx 
Goon aatomullge one wiley © wel we Muglr bee be abte Lo 

ee Ce meager ase! / pay ay 4 aug Loy as y cayere ee Ree ; Lier Po 

Jesefarileve C hy oeneaee mor gut wack forofin / VC Fe. — 

Lange Beige ly tp coe ch _ hasl Preys, Lf ¢ Fotki, CS eta 
ost fcr anand ail _ ae ee a py meee ove cla wa 4 
ehuy | ‘f Ihe, eee ae Coo cec eres wool me vel fan ove t gel Oe vhs 
| Comtsl Leah a. Deceledetl web eay QA SUEL LAL A eer PATE or ee 
: Oleih _yt, apply. — LL L crak Gas Saeko _ ib “s 
F A bor Dr aly, vy @ealleaern pa ee evete <2 ee “ay atte. Dal Q 
Yon pelosfer Gas ame bicsnaise. ot ~ if 3 Jorn fru a ae 
lo ph ed pa 7 ocatly— ; SD rhurctol LG i Toe <= 5 
erry cree olor brrath,, besAtove: oe wor fdeur oS 
/ May a 
Pereceasfrrcl , Leech DA Letee, A, Prefereccen | for Hevecee or ose Tbe 

ae Mer» «+ arwl acemolly Doce Re aaah Oz oes ee 
Won aa eomenre| 

penises pea ERS hs aye NN 2 oe 

renin ta yest peel ereancibire 
whe Wty on. conorcler rrey reyeeeem fever bly a 

Ries. Ai Aaane—peceney hs RP St LS Tay | 

atelepy Aw hcorte foabe Miah Bite de havbesn ee acd’ 

eich p ke ae: DB eye, ww. Chet rrr 

Ze Pye 

YO Sean hel ereny Pere OF | benny en 
Berend rr. — 2. ery Tih ees 
Amt eltacas — 

io oo Rew Me serine - 


PES DE oan eR ere an ee RR NTN pee ne eT ge ar css. Waal cit ch Al aati Bilal 

rage Soe eee es oe 

Memon We. 2, 

apnea as 


Bee, SE MEG, 

ISS La lt Ne Lin Ll ass iL TAB fa aa Ae aT 

< AVE Sin or 2 ae an 
OLE GO Life F gy jo 
Cok 22, Kable pte Ulbule be Mir. 7, Drrneo Lil alt; Be: 
« 22 Ayn Pge Gage. BIS  'Z, Mtcigle zracbyirecDt Wile 
23 Mepgs oom Loe frn_Wllel BME 22 gb 
23, Dwr, LG Ho” J. bia UL, Ceehupe. ioe 
pig 65 /, oo Oe 

is Maiti» IE | I gst satinge, FP 
25, a 2.00 +» JO, Za) ZA, i, 
28 Geento ep Utena 30. U/ Mepe DB Eexdvodertle. -2,.80 

Z Pruneo hclly Srtied, PO Lb, ugg M0, ASO 
« SL Mitd hilahel PLYA 00» 1%, Marre Nive: Gren, 2 50 
Jit: 2, Neti ly [Pedourt, (tla, AE» Hee Aape te Fy 3 
\ I Senne hap tNinte, — 50, Hh. hp, Vlilllett Vttyllor PO 
— 6, . a ‘ So 44 Darbror Ngwte, lr 2,50 
Z, Norte Vtapge WY dng, 22,70  % ZO, Jhibdif Vitro lee? : 
«  . kansth Niele, 4 I0 A wad get Ve wet a 
/- Gare Ty [lounne, 4AF0 Latharibjute onrthed deg: eae 

ye ] Wate lita le nD, 1. GL, \ 20. Migs PDfh 26 
FOYT 0 F7ED.60 


en aE 

NS lak wis SAA hati ht cinch ta Me Tek Hien CUS ic ccs ick cin acca A tdi es cn tehianaL amu Ls a 

22, Jute Ge Mclttaeh bi yr 

« Ff Grail 1 Maras / sel, gigs 
« WH. 0 Jae WV forw ftp ; 
| Cyehe Fale (2) 22S, 

EZ Be 2 
de. dPidh Wi IE 27-,, 

| | FG 
fos ade Tee 
pele A : ie _SA- /Fb. — | 
Malan dite IZ TRE i 


Bi,” al (tein 

to- (we 

PO Messina, @ Ye6,5¢ 

Whgacle he, BAe 

Ove en? 
Cin Pow, MCayeor Zt. te Ce Gh 

Ea f. ee WA Prvalh.. ee otlgs 

f be ee, Cae 
| ae a LEDS fe) rn 

e Sh ages Mth Lei) Wie 4 ao 

bo Cold ake, mA) Qo ak a ere 
Lt bib ee eg ee 

ce: Lele: el baiab a ai, etean 

‘hey ye " er A AM 241M” Adtay 

Jesn La Ye ee See 

, 4 
Cog ee Late Self 






| oy cacy Yt Lies. aetna EL 6 


hear Foread CA 110 
Merewy TEAK Au Aeecun? of Your hac Paud Brvtuplnunt ex 
Ftc be Crack. S aru Great tutirtia aun hij 73 bow Gow Cote 
Geet PemcHhauy poed ex Kal” Ge. aud hfe yon tlt wer bx Céstd eo ; 
Zeittch dy vity ote ying Gu a Leis fret Tl PLtitttl tL f ere FUL yualling 
ele Uyeliuncus. tb pedrtwe hiring Pr lid hel Ctuuchirable &Gturl cu ty 
"abenviey [cine fir Gf tin rind d thal Ketwa Goa vutFat UF priatd 
Ung sa but Alyr tng “Me few heb tu Gy Ts Yticl? wt deck fore dl Weer 
ye /. tuud of ch UM Altre Spfeirustuec Tul Che tae AL W: Kiuwr pee Pal gre 
ch dhl rat Pet Lik Srin to ey aa. tk wa Get a fone att 
fe fh tL ie a ‘Ceeupra serfr Bei PCE AFIS Afferent 
eclerd. aucel. ; tek va tu af ert praohed Arun Te Te Mex Aly 
bo of cccotl 160 Geeck Cadahee of Gar wed Cea cut foun “Lux, 
trket Kew of Q wcFol vr ef A enti be euclhia calc 4 Cer 
Va writ Grek ly ere oe cP heer. Cece lester Gerry GSE stag. 
Madpeenel i bd aig ed You SflerenecsiFiny ere FE Feil 
tel Fhise/bit yun eee, hie Cw CéhLe vA Mis, Satie thea? ef Aon 

Og ones ac. ae Lore fren J 
; ahaa Hu Pf? aber 
atte an clout _. we ae, 


mark uw aad 

Winerding G Co. 

bas. 21% & 216 Geand HMicet, 
PC Bee 1236. 

Son Paantisit, Dae QA O79. 

= CES als ae es t2t> ap Aah vi 

| ee, 
Mor: Ge | oT 
Ae ay esll Earns wa hi bechinn ft GMetan tt, E. 
7 A, . 
ror ase bgd arte Ria ee a tama eae 
bead u tap bh, J a ea a See 
Ok CO BR, Joe, Bavth. £ bee Lee 


| D,.. pret a Pegs aA re 

Jae Yi: Cut bet fereee ee 1 as pave taerina. befor a Drew 
Ors poe ALB A ; a aa mee 7 Ce, oe 
Louw @ee Ses, ox Orrnn: 7 etter — DY ae Aen 
“oe omy poctevcitm eo dco Dy) ) ee yp Greed Hov 
Ware re fata tox eee etsy Die OTS oa arectith Leen 
Hex. rreg eewetly p-ufafo Ey a ple J tg os wigs 
eek ue fama vraolovnn gene Sippel: DO ececel, 
bee Vie rae. eee te ge ea % yee 

“e7) PR Len, ete y ome Wren /OU. oer ecece, Bere ae ee 

ro (ae aa Kaa o 

o. Loo Toroa, 
Cob ne Pos If ie 

bfete, a epee. fet 

:) Ry 

he tend me Py 
ae ea one Ureree 

rg a 
(th were 
os of Mon Comdruclin 

“Hi aim abocond: 
Yor irae a oe 
rae eS 
m 2 Gott ¢ . 
ie ne 

SG Furnace Me 

i Len waaugens a : 
Cy ey : 7 

Cui. ad ke 
ee Dri Poetike 

= So on dat oa T 
Yeap at {}, Fas » 
S23 LH Sein are = 
= = £23 "i oe eee i 2 
“G5 gS didi,? a7: G 
efi uy Vale Haake: 
= 5 a eae ifs r3Sss 2S 
z; F738 eae Jee seat \\el 
2 ak “TY i ge aes 
= 2 uo BS os Bee = av = 
eer eee = “3Tee Fee: 
Gig {ete aA 
a eS eae oe ~ gee Ss 
 f 4iqilslag rete 
ory re qi2v 2 7- 1 ie 
ae Bisa ees a oe 
aed ‘S%3 3.3 sy ce Eg wise Fé. 
3 \ E88 sage ae Rea © = = 
I Vaaze pitied a2 are 
ek ee Pee = 5 = ; 2 * 

oo Joes 

iy iio a Fiicinns . 

CO?PCEY Pr D-27 ef ceed 
wwe ebhaing eee oe ay a ns 
| TS LU ge OO 

Co jiat- Weg yor LITE, erties, 
pps repipectlee ie tbat | 

Lecesrecl, , ie as Sas 
a, 097-2. Pe, SOOO cass la JR : 
Mow Oii fe eee | Aa es Bie. 

si eer eeighe Co yee ae Gare ee 

be kincdantegh y, ye ee a ON, re ee 

speaker fb vee hae WS ot 29 ie inte 

Saat tte lot aa tae Md At Vb cd SERN be 

r se Ae 

nce Pre 

a Xa, 

5 by 

ie cat Wy he : \\ \\ 

| AeGfrhe be lt nif 
Fong FA, ies. “y ; 

Reritnckin/ Wis © Ye Laboatig He fort 
[iit., Mifanctuig eeflaaeiy OE Ranafler J 

i t ~ 
Pluk ve. ha Lonsei Cart tae, Prare Cane 

: } 4 ao. | 

| Yr, , om Fg Te Oe Ble cent a ey we | 
~ Sig oo : 

Y LR ae Gu Ma Orypouat Celtin 

Roreh , Qutk 

Wig Sarr flee pein G wee ge ah : 

v ort Man (of ow rece - 

al edn Va inhis tod selec neni ate ee y 

Ce eae e ee ee 
| J eoner Baber , rot Kafer | 
pS, Bock golem, Lo cng Mtl Ay Uae 

fF Busing ae 

2 = 
| fn are B Lame om phan ge 


Wile Mears. OP te. (som pom 


“YO vo) ‘ f a) ra wee 2 
Cf. MSDN) fh. Whit; tw 
A Yung lida A (ning Migiling [A Uifean yp 
A Gs i HA ay wo oe yo Bo ea te a 
~ batiinofe MwsM Mere br! Berle br: ‘ 

C fu, fr (- - Mee i 


Ll ee Gk ek, ct sede . ae 
Zo Cece bh boomy ~ fonaten, e of (NE ogg Pore oe 
eel ae Le det fates, SL. Pe a ee es wlth 
Yee 5 ee f pg al cs 

ie ane pis ceal ceed yn ee: Af fereuk JG a 
[reer oc. enn 

> ee 

eee | Seer oe On 5 Cured ee 4 as neler eee es w Lette, 
tock rs io atc frrrbonthey enn Penn set. een’. 
Senses ~ a A Dries ost Kok 


ae ee ey: 
“7 ZA 

| ate eee oh oe eS Gorbolera  .aeree— 

aco obig akin - 
oa ee Ene 22 ze 

Mwiicig: Sime ad °F 

wer Eneg Fagen ners hgtha Sri Cur fot. Dez cee, 

1. Hd 

Li es bh coe petecue oe ee ee esi 78 56 
Zz be hee ae 

Ce. 5 Said Trin 2-8 ext 

vA ae eek am eeu Ce aoe : ye. ts 
ie y i AOD Le. eee ; et ae 

Qeer Yer eee prcerutececec ecids Qo ver PCa eae. ee ae 
My aie a 

Cor Fh, fee eect. cece /~ 4% 

ram ee wee ei a ek ade Ss ole, 

he Bi eke patuthy Se Pete ee. wef ly oR. af erect: 
a ae aed afooy Gaerel ahs — Tees 

eee oe oe ill 

fF ore oe Pob-t cence fog bonne ete a oo. ee bo ide | 
oe en CoA Ot 

tA ove F weg BGS Sec 

rs as Opi vy PCL ee ~Y (E ee : 

4 eae $ By. Bisset 

as Sia ERS CL oatmsge 

Or vig eeu oes a <u aca ia bee Chas ETON tun 

a ae Abang aa 

Zu & Vol = eee Ce aan oa ge whe erank fol re 

ae, aaa ae on 

rn ae a DY rere 

= Sg sige wt. Lo 

a Le a3 


ees L orwrwro. 

Elce — 

ee ee EF ET ae Ne ee eT eT PTT nea 

We Hag ner Gun WEST Dealer NM. a 1 os ai 
No. ——Upergrge. Pte , shegthy een 
Craaliagtor: fe. hee. 3049, 

iN, bs 


Sak bem edtal la tN 

de al Sasa pee 



aye dk 
aM AT 

it sib ANN cto N 5 hati si Ne A haa A ApS LC DE at oA WD bina Cesk Sti CsA A Ee thet oO Ta cts ARE ek ue Lys BSsincales si es f i nacastc 
fs wens sas Sag ek 3 it Blea vad hed the ey Mbp ised eaten uabhine Shiela 

sas Vw a +n .0, ok, 6 no th Pisa lod ts 
¢ Ra) nt plea, wl Buk Gettin. 
a eRe OG Drain S Cem, GRe ofa 

on ikon ny PUT a Ketge | 
agree eta (ites vt wa Une 

(Sones, O-eC2 © ‘ = _ s 

OW RAPER OED orn ny of F 

a ee pee Actas ae rn 


pect ween crane etna pate ie ute: Ste ent Ca lie eid eee enn es Bg pd Ls epee sen 

FER Pera reg eT (oe OE OE, 

) Wid Codes: “Ceca. Of Og, 

WGsse) pete, 10) 295 '6 Placer ctepnit w vo ita 
[ede oo ee heer UF canny ancy 
pet cw Aiba 7 Je Ur ene y acon - Cease senck m damp 
Jat mews omel ff Us Centon a snfticainl practice Ah UE, tase atl 
[atk Gacatnee foes: 

Z [dena Qevewhaw and Cano bh UA. Arege Boies Wiz. Jah, - 
SMa. Ua oan Prt: aeumict So enol fr tie cherry - 
4 Mile Wining franmal " sabi 4 Drak ww Dit eval + offer 
Weer TW Maio Ceerepontlndh frye Ta 

PA bpm ym Vgrrenaaitle « rayon - 
Te Bae wnthac | peowall Croentemilents aching Y omey tam 
ane ole ba a ae TH poroncte ee plane w Onraferitc 
fad HE sha Ka oats He ed ee carffcocanatttc 
Jebomolat™ [or MkLlurycc purperso - hes felons, wetseee as ceoie a 
I> Fenn CN aa Ei ee 
oe Hlate. Neu. Whack . avs 6° 
a ee 
oe Po ae 


me poli, yee, 

| : | 

ee wink dap Le Mts fnew 

pnp mal me th mate me sale fon ben the bot Gani 

eh 1 wool will te pbrmad tb de angling i terre — 

Ar Ga. Wb geo. 

Qui. Ref ones eee ee ner: te. Qeta | Pe te Wate 

aamch aumey amel fhe thimles Hoy urutsl tone. He snot of ot could Le inobd (lee oA 
Wht pnt abo, the, Crab ot fens A Adopt qrmattige - Dendl ands — 

Wb. Hine. Matsimel @ Gram 

oe ee 
We Lane uBl Henle fH oe eote) sauanoenbaren Ce toed 
eae anene [ete Sam enelepe by tail. wok 
shia yp Wile Uriah on Vales leds epee pa 
Wis eel Liter ff. DD ara tea caine sane 
laidinunnind do frond pra, Hepat Hh. World fr sony eer 
pune thy tay thine Crcksininy qpraliicr of th. Matale tne with fe 
aa Werltumy Capatoch .. ey wll net tin mae Hee J 

Tiaeienet tater 
ilar aeer ie We pd Cntr , 

ob Dheesi ey AAM YY 
lhl Cet ee ae Os” 4 i GY OQ. 
med fe”, A Pear thi, 
(ene, Ree Jon. ee, (Au 
Pitch fhe tk. ae! sds é. Lf é 

J SES eee 
chad. eat ‘: Se ydee 

, dhe 6 o7 qrahe ee. Lage 
wl whatewwt wdreat ube 

Copies Md fa 

| gornedit See eel, ars .efhume 


1879. Patents (D-79-029) 

This folder contains correspondence to and from Edison's patent attorneys, 
along with other correspondence relating to patent applications, patent litigation, 
and other patent matters. Included also are other patent-related documents, such 
as patent applications, caveats, preliminary statements, and a few printed patents. 

Approximately 90 percent of the documents have been filmed. The following 
categories of documents have not been filmed: duplicate copies of correspondence; 
printed copies of Edison's U.S. patents (see Thomas A. Edison Papers Microfilm 
Edition, Part _I, reels 1-2); copies of Edison's claims; other inventors’ claims, 
specifications, and patents; correspondence and other documents concerning non- 
Edison patents, except when they relate directly to Edison and his work; routine 
bills and receipts from patent attorneys; routine correspondence from patent 
attorneys regarding accounts and fees. 

Application files for Edison's domestic and foreign patents can be found in 
the Patent Series. 

emnael a. Seapell’g 


Fmerican ik Soreiqn Aatents, 


(P. 0, Box 4689) Ae Yoh, Sam ae LA OT. 

Mea dw 

frwe of poterday 
Roud ~ I ancy herewith wo frome of atleime 
Aegewung powy egnelinn anc wilrttiwg othe 
face mmarked sim ferecl — Le with be beet 
for pou & sects Hea clrewmnrk vv ewrtfor ky 
ao the Humch Corral wilh ref centefy bo the enbf- 
wcolé of a braey nebiiruy unlies the Lottinscr burl — 
ES Re EES Gs ee ee To olla. — 
Sf qr erme t Vhs Clg pre cans exeerbe the, 
Yielsiiaw pofurs of Comes /iine — 

ours baby | 
Se 2 i 
— Frewhil 

Pemuel 2h. Servell’s 

Suevican aud Soveign Latents, 

0. nae Hew font, Nn. ed th» ap 
LEY baw’ 

aro Wee « 
GL the ee 
Wy Saxe DU. Lhe: aloyy (hthG 
Oe Ad Buca Lerielecd iia 
ie YE Seg LOM. Care, Yt0L EI av 
ACCS tN AS Lota lle gin lettrete, 
heer, % 12, LETTE, CreS-anb LUA) 
flericterig Cpijpitieatlicr , 
rsetaes by 

Boe, Bhatt 

‘ Pemnel 33. Servell’s 

Ainevicnn anil Foreign Latents, 

(Ob fee ol beter & LZ 

Ze Puli tGffcce 
Poles thet Cleve: 1. Of Often ofefile® 
Bilced. fo, M4 GL LlhchicXiot M9 ota 
for ol Ueber ELE. wee a? allen 

Lh Sa Sen tee L0F t. othe. v Lets pele: 

PO iit 
lift le. Cnr aay cae wileif brtnel ll 
be. Ol€. nee ge herrcoctvaks a Cy, Ce, 

ebgedtiines Ue Zo. Wee. Vor: lier aff (DTS 4 

al WC Misne, We ru Ae @doure 
Led J ALCCLVE Fie Gee Am a OP 
He 2k ste oh ie 
| Kephiets HD Deke 
Loe FL 
os 4 

Oihiee fore toe 

7¢ mags S STREET. 
iw SP ia 

aa Sf: A 
ff ops fheaiou He 

oe re al- ee Lh 
7 =e ae 

A . ‘ 
(gig " 

™ be oe ne J Lows th beng 

dif Jno on pucifit LT WENTY mee 
th MU. Ly wey ded wv ais 

Hh marecliwil} Mur) ae aS ey penne 

Sri i She is 

re ennre terete nsenenncacmemannees came mre heme ot 

nif, Sa 
: Ade _ - 

msi are . nut y eae . 
3 in 15° 1 . 
NY ca ; ae et peur 
Hype Wr 
‘ “A 


} glous 1U 

MeaStjorbe Feu. 18, A549 

VG v7 | ‘ Glee vs 29 

F (ly Been Sis 
Sow Ale aly iCdeceltiore Aon 
Jratat a Shy fae aga Je Crtcit 7 
Chic har auluete lac pct 
of “lloocls ‘ a lone: Mee Mr 

Me Cevue Abt @ are A wee vf 
Av pre hick clog lief cles Mg (thw 

| Ohainn , CG the cure guc¥ Vim ce oa 
: Ano: (C , si zy oN “ 

{. _ HGinan (Tt nell Cl Me a CL? wa fpr AAS OD 

: QV - A SENS 2 

t TTR - Or AW) Poe : ten ollnrckd be. 

. _ JZ. - . “i : 
: Peewee (0 Ow (Ue Ry ~ “Atay bu 

if -- os leneg ue ( ta 
doc (a der oe Ate Cotte Ae fm — 
- ch weed clan t Pitt ci du-cac- 
oe eineeny ae 






| if ta lhe Re “ye 

i fj : ee 

j C/ evn flere 

| g. 

Cy 2 
ee PS ena coe alla a i 

J cesird ar erase 

ond purnrehe ~ holes tan. ne gauss od 

6taawns i ee wee a EE 

ae (ae ES 5 
- - Gaia eee 6, oCLe. Ca tr o-fee ae 

AW “weep non 
pt hp 
rrhang < t xi 
cee . \ ; Aiur oth. Mee Ln 
V- icon. if Efoc. aap a 
mt 2 | ely Min Lac i 

See a ee ta old Ccn aw jew ck ae 
. Cop ce 0 Lee 2 Oe. Ca oon Ae e Chiend Chat: 

LRM. all nee hoe e prrfirly Ct 
s £ thane, 

LOL aud eee Ly r ACCES ED ta le 

elerrued fo es LAE. eigeatiic 
Cf TPO UL. Weg Tor tty Se 

AG. Via Cfu Ff c. clei (Cull 

Mow pvsao Anal a Oe; pg aug 


uw, (Ce jracetiie calviil 
Hea Cor ct Me LU oliay LC. 
la Lay A. wttte- olv-ercl Qe. ever Ce 
MMirow— Ch ti o4 MAB SG COL ene 
i Sela rees heim 3 Ko is Co “ue 
eo aa eS Chi Bite Ate, Co oF 
enne wt Gheounrr crrd? Lee 
te cee ACE} uALaeGoe eleuceks at 
4 fp fire vd (an Clee: Ae have PE ; 


y =f —- Sa a a 
oLtTy na elie, KSEE CAA pitts 
Os he yy L e 
Caoee- wer ao “oo we AtOlAEE ss 
A, ‘ a is Bae, | . 
pa e- tare £1 Gh. ty Aaaeclto lirctidre t 

CACM ~O-0°0UL Ku CAG anti 

t S © 2 
et SEL ed AO. ¢ Cc 6. oe? 
ana CZ 



oe awrcvo- COM, 





He hort obuetulse meets Ue. 
Ba natiur OF i ee ee 
tudo PET ee OCT e fr 

Pemuel YH. SGerrell’s a7 ra 
_ OFFICES For procuntsa ? As Fat oN 
American & Soreign Hateutsy! pe 
76 CHAMBERS STREET, 4 Ue 3h f 

(B. 0. Box 4680.) ow Thy Eileen. 18 
ry aah a4 a 

pe, = 4 

(ie atiA clay ae wes MNO) lr. - 
Jthiy (tle @RAMDE fe GI 
yA cel te geeeCs ALALG typed — 

cattl eaard ir inrg bo. 
or a gp : 

(Wyte Whe, ‘Sab 7 ie a S% | 
KW os; es “AN eters 
pers a ao ea Otte oc LEE, | 
vith, He le? SOIR , BE i 
oes ica gee: bea ae 

Coeur ccd? an CLelree BA _- 


OlLtE go ipa ose “ ee i 

Ss fas Lila 

Wrakeg out OOS he 

Ue eS 

jens i 


Pentel 4. | Senmell’g 3 a i wl 

: ‘ ae as 
American & dfoneiqn Aatents, uae 
o Box 4689.) Aru York, oad Sra ie Diyas tees IE7G 


Ae mokvig app: fev Palit ms Lola dni, wv 
Telpohansy ji Coinped ac, ve Ghandi, 
Loss no. 13S. wD ol /50. /S1 152, SB. 5G. 1603161. 
ie al be Leede ole ed 
one for Cacaesa / I I¥7 ITF, & /6/, wb ode: Fabs fs 
Hey tenebiincbrn of the phones, Ancol rhe other t 
hr. Caen ee oe aan ee for Crete re ? 

Irvdeho mill be warnrltie 

ae ae 

of C Rene ple 

W Lrreth 


ai ih it 8 OE SUE a AEE EKA lela SSS ade Vit iainds mpeg Nat chaos 

ee oe ee ee ee ee Sy Bt ie 
: a . t ec: 
aoe Aurel an. Senrell 8 

Ce me OS American & Soneign Patents, | an 


axe st 

i Aen 

0, bat Aw Yorks. Bean rial 

Bice feet Soom 
ae CHAMBERS mee 
Dhan cr (a o 
ae ff ae (MAL 4 ie 
; we prs Aft acid tek-onl 
: rid WY ead was ara ise 

ae: Did will y ee 00 §: 

aor panto pocital TWENTY DOLLARS 

thw. ie Laaree, 4 ig bes abla itinuen 

fe race aut Hie QL nont: Do: ee 

Peruel 23. Sevrell’s 


cherie and Foreign Latents, 

(P. 0. Box 4088.) Yeu on, ay Leh. sed : my 
Sno “bi? or Coleab in 
Mec Loe . 
Lied AA Vopr lo tlt0 a 
te eliaryeo frereert ee) belror atte 
fe, — 
Offre Cuy list futit (bbw booke) ¢ 
ae We aa bbe —fewelag 2A 
See weer Zratuty ge e 
Te LoLALiDew , ianwame ak 
CouvcaY &° SE Sri Sane: o> 
ge aut teat xy - Ale vl 
oiitaie PACD At Lita Ve 
f. A, 
Lun fof ou = =C.aeee 17 Cleelicd 
6 Move 0K lee pitacad 
fog oF- ark ¢ Gow about Cis hase 
Peng ou ik 

eer 2. 
ae AEC 

Pennel 7. Ssengell’g 

American & adfoveign Adateuts, 


Pemiel 2h. Servell’s 

Ainerionn andl Soveign Patents, 


© (P.0, Box 4080, few font, a Lofeche re YY 

& Wer? Coe ae Cay 
w ag era. a: ( 
C PEE to MO aie Co 
Ott” . 4b G6 “eure Lueth 
Mas JE, Cereus a err lee erated et | 
le ns Coccat~ 

elt. Ze Ye Fe O CLO CPC. et 

po ae 1 errell’s 
Ls Doss de YY - a IP Ltr ag ae He nel Hh. $ rell 
OCC ghee (POTD CD | Auervicnn and Soreigu Patents, 
uve SP. Ole . 76 CHAMBERS STREET, 

Mie. ees Let LY co. Ltt : 
oe REEL LED ikea yo: VAiTe , (P. 0. Box 4080.) feo fen,. PM. Me. 1879 
Ae. sue fe oo ae: a CORY! | he? M- Echoow & | 
LY wie Beart - Ch Loar. See oy 

— we, eA 


e Was li . ia tr er packed tebe: 
eo 7 se tlle {2, PPS, 

es Cannalh Ser Ae eA de 

Loe oe las Lh ge, 
A puretlh pret ae aa 

“Heal 4. Ser rell’s 

Saris and Soreign Lutents, 

. 0, Box 408%.) Hew fot, x Bil. LL... 1899 
CA? UZ. Se eee 
cape wae? 
doy foe ane poe com 
Ae tee be trl’ fe Coo K 
Pain Gh FO 
—mneelore wet 2 CULT /tine—— 
HLA Le. cc tra. POSTS 7 sae 
CF. ig (our »~clas 

thes type to Fahskes 
Pas, L.. Fig zeae 
) eo eae 


aid a Se val § 


(P. 0. VA Aun = LLL A WY, 
| Sirs, OU U liluion by dene Cry, | 

Cie & tb, ahs 
line Aeattoutd Ke Le 

glithe fe (bebe Le hOLC 00193, [PFO 
eeeeieia Lins 

v3 so BF 

and Z a 
Gh Cg Lente) oS, ths, oe age ya 
; Cifter of thede ees esl arid the Yrcsent~t HA) 

Be gain 
Le Lee eo wars fr aU a 

American ir Soreign =e 

Se Daly bait Loli Nan oad iy bea ba Ale NAS il Ca 

eo Hane AU. Semells 
\ urn & Pare Aatents, 


ew Yd, Bl. JL. eg 

lidore by, 

0. B Ler 

GY Yyyad A 3 



yy oS, tui: vedlof cect L, lhe B, libdffece 

Led tere afifilee nbea CPL Hind tod ma Ge, Ceol. lew hale of 
Te awe 19, dey tee Dib of Moy. AY. gota 

Ld a alg bgt 4 ipleifoes wee l Gores epifle cecln. 
te 7, fol’ Seti, ihearded 

Lie CL | WNlaerereae Mleid pitelr COde- deguesed 
AS tbe felect; Lithete Gi 4 5 G, 

S7 Vira Oe ol Grell A wrwilvecl! td | ca: 

Pm . 
a She Covraltpruteore of tur Cleelia bias ses Wor. De 

Cinertihs OL are e411, and Lt 

chicelin (rccletce ab tee Dosetheyy At et rerih gute, Ze 
wertnlle (reagorelee allel torr We Cal 

we slectice WAVES» lege 1? Ctr ) 

to 40  olederte ol tH LC of pliaciin), 

2” ap, ee tebe. fuoriie Alay Cormfpoded OPUL, | 
Meelis Ae @ 2er, oe Cee pes 

i £3 Gee ah, a gen ve Ect - AA/ 

7, Cop? ~ 

At Na a apie Sr Ws Ae eek ay hosel 

Sis Ss Kink tia sgAE TEE SME ENCE igh SSN i 9 9 de Ls 

Le Yering, Care iby age EDS Catlerr cleaw df 
; C — gard a. L 
the Up ipo (Safle og : cesov_) 
OLred Pa ecclalin tia 

Bess: pre 00 fawtiwslas fev Mating cu kK ; 

Cttid gli : 

Pemuel a. Ser rell’s 


American “awl Foreign ‘SPntents, 

(P. 0. Box 4639.) | Yew {Joi th... hd 7g $4 4 
7. as cllte-w ay 
thy, a 

Cpa ae veccen lig ole eA 

OF we Fei ul oy Eliealivurs? 

ronal Che boy tte  tecattlti7y Cave 
Ma aefrclwoe be Aug, —— 
hae LY n10- yy ae Ml 
ents You Morne o- ChE ~ big 
ord Ave cle theater Gag 
ae. ae ag this; Cour, Aw 
(Uceck, ; afL ype a Leoutd= aes Pca 

eae aoa a 

Menlo on lee. Caatg , 

Menrgl aH. Sexnell’ 

x ° ¥ Jf ° 
Amenicatn ik Foreign Aatents, 


Au Yost, = ah vA , 1 DESIG. 

a 4. 

Wires is Sostete 

c, San Mey ee ype 
Aree SUES, 
EE pa Oo Goat ty le pteL 

eee ates OB wets 

Pan hs pil abi a cau! = ey 
a Jropnd Leeann stam ete em biunr fey 
Gh rr eed fe ig 

oe eee 

fey pat opin oy 

Penne YW. Geryell’g 


American ik Foreign Aateuts, 


(P. 0, Box 4689) | Av Yo, ae i 167% ‘a 

eiegtd seas 
¢ Cet pdt = ae! 
vA a Chteru bay 
oy LE CY e ee 
apt (ere icenese’ Va the 
on awn G vw A A ah ‘aoe fe SUE LED prot om of i ote 
Keane (Pele ut~- iy de Prt 4 Ley LOK, &. vag ee a) 
: p Ee Tre ae Creasy oe ee bis: aoa. ee eto LR Weivie, 
or a cart 
OG psipes Qreck 
KLE ee Lu Lapel, 
Lad A Lijethy 

OHfice, for Watertts, 

ofr Gort Leh LHe of ie 

Doar, ay ws, 

= The: ae — 

ifort SUL ond frail JT WENTY DOLLARS J 
thy. bab, barred of, Lew call ation pep 

Reeve: de with Q Bei towthd.o 

j e ors epucle 

Pemuel 2h. Servell’s 

avevicny. anil Soreign Patents, 

(P. 0, Box 1680.) Hew fou, sed eee: 2.1879 

Cag . Mee Gee PO 
Need tie 

G fpleativr 171 ov Levusfe— 
Otel bhi PbO OE. Co 
acl (ait TAG. JRAALCLLENMCL off. 
Octtty, pe 6 ELEC _ vet te wali foe 
teen. tig tie Redes: io cresyl - 
Any, (he -Cleclita. of towel, otiruto 

feu tw he CT. ce ft Lancet, 
Of flicatltiw % ce! this ~ Coe 

Ae Cf cuy one ee y Loe. a! 
CARA arte ofslreallou , ore Zuid 
I Mellie ie Mid (uralles flor 
bear ye jth Cétar ?.— 

Ze (Cr 
Cicadas es Pais 

i eer Re AOL: OH 0 anelle 

as aa 2 

Penne! iH. Sennell’s 


Tmerican & Soreign Adatents, 


Chore Yost Mloashr.. ro ayy 
o GR : 
4 6. clue Sy ht- Caa0) Sh Qo v0, woctle. 
carboto po-0 protiur Ml oo , tb 
Pata Gfier pays le Pearted 2: Fauryer an 
Marius & al — ROS IGG, tad 210,809 
ie C Clee wwetle Ye cuictuts) 2 Motives 

lace Jo ots ja etacle he te Ye 
Cau jf be tee ae “alia ~ A A £452. A/S 
Ls Oe MP: ee Mare as leans. Tita 
en helisbiua Ae Aereee a) 
(aa ““¢ 

GF ou Mae pwr ftase- ee sees 

cofuia tP-OtA- Ma. avo 

(P.O. Box 4689.) 

Ow uae --- 



a CLtLLY Carer jo Lhe? 
; ae oles ‘Ce. betty ta phar ferrace My —- 

Seis Cas ae 
Nicest 4 Le a 

ot Fa pat a WA eae Cina R ANCA CUBR. 

BUR oA nc SAS SES ARN ot pee 

AX , 4 
2 i t 
Vs Pemuel a. Senyell’s 

& American ik Soreign AAatents, 


0. Box 4680, Av Yd, Se o79 

iri FOC Aighes 
Serre Aa 

AL con 19% Chis Pa Seay Offese obficls te cewsin 

oo holy actiny by jnertie. (OE aranigs. thi. sheila 

elu po paid he Loo froad ue pres of Fug hrs 

O chy Cetan« cn, fo WS BHOF fo, pre and 

Cpls. Mele % Mead go Flue Mag LAESE 
. “pi SU ard DoLbheocnr BUHL LOU Foe SOG, 

thot bO wetUAY in pew tle 2 ae. 

wad p pe-fLoows pf pow Mice brat year Ss 

tase Quid ane ghctcll. via TitteaS 20 atecur oe ae ae 
| So haa 

eRees ash aaes i url Ph, , ec£l) 

Sete Lins lt 

aa) SS 

ies een ae ema 

aren 3 | 
| Tee ere wet 

iL aa oe Gene om Rae 
A ANA SOT AGB Satan indi ireland ten Pace FYB 5 han = 

. wv emul 2. Serrell’s 

American & Soreign Zlatents, 

few i}. weal. 
a “ye, (oleae G29 
Bia. YF ig 

See fee Pe 
Ag tile MUG, Phe CaM OBoeeL 
a a eae 
on Lk YZ fey wocne nla lie, ok lao | 
ad f Lhe coc€ coe | 

Lite, — Hii. 3~y_| 
Mbit’ ta ats 
a rlurelayx- area edgy | 

Lo FO fice | 


(P. 0. Box 4689.) 

IAE7R | 


. cle al 


Aen levees 

|} Solute aude he 
. cay re) (tk c 

EL {Star 9e Wigs He 

charcee wel etuotty- eretle es | 



Lo r- add ie 42 Aga. g enti | 
LA Lo AE ae. wetle tte ; 
piprarcitar “ete 0 wcll (LLL) 
A ge ; ane . x 

yi i tes tied 

we. L0--” (OL “a aitzad ts CAG ; 
MCE hae elas C&EN ane 01 I 

obycitiy Be —ath loge, Le Ul bcrd 
owe (Calg 

ees See ous, sgn wee you >: > 
z ee ee ee 
| i ae 

Penrael i. Sernell’2 


Fmetican ik Soreign Aatents, 


(P. 0. Box 4689 ) Aus York, ted (ett bh Jf ee: 7 O79 
: Z ) 
Yiu? DO inc ad on 
OQ Cour) nati , Mad, pape fr wah a 
yi wy Fa (37 ~ Cowal You Can go Cock ls CLW 
Conmrat-> / fry Atl he = nut Ata, OLELCCL 
pvt, Oex cecal VY Seats: Ma Mla ay ag Mav the 
2 Py Tome a renew prc, thi. Neh laron falas Me 
Qari wb enclrord ; Yates and haf ff clauurger 
(evade is jrucliaureat pow pct?) ; Gh vin’ LF pow 
rere Apr Ainhty ov Mi + he Peis claus well 
ht Cie bring, Mertot- ite fob | 
SN PDicirale ses counting, Wr Hhid eouiite, , bane 
(fore M~ Lriwslory baghby ee guott urcths un falter 
agains > Mee pwrll Be (MAeD. 26-6 pwelhe fll prew— 
heifer oe) Spec danny frstinforacd &a at far ALL f, 
“oly ji0F kro whitli. Ui aw ji be Ces 
oie line ww Ht Quiae te Ab hdr rn 20%, 
Doe ee a oenteto 
Ui ree a ie ao te KE 

Pemuel 20. Servell’s 

Muericnn aul Soveign Patents, 

(P. 0, Box 4889.) Oy os few fon, htnrek, ge 

ww bie oy 

9 . 
a fOU 

YB CAN eect reese Let a: COTO oo 
1 bee etlice Aeg ca Leo§ 

oS MOC CNED sn 4, a coed 

CAcen% fare. tOd--teAM 4 2.2 £0. 

S fice Braz) fy Cefe-el- Bian ae 
Priacle grae. tf ; 

nd to 

LE ha fiers 

“ere ant Peebvcen es Ii Bo 
7 # 

ae oe. Se Piagiae 

‘cae 7’ Yorerr lia 
Hi lesrete 

COC 7) ae Bi 

Cawae, €Cerrdec Le7e 


(No. 100.) 

Drawings of the references cited in this letter, ‘aie el with BLUE PENCIL, may be obtained by remitting 25 cents for each, 
Room No.. ws v4 a 

All communications should be address ed 
to the Commissioner of Pat 


Quited States Dutent Office, 
* Washington, D. C.. es oe; a 

‘acee, § Drrccagee FEo 

Please find below «a communication "OL the eo. VENER in charge of your 
applicetionmfor cPatent for IMRROVEMENL RY. 

. a 
AMWE/SOL OF F Matic faa ee Gyles f ae, 

Very respectfully, 

‘NS. (ee 

Commissioner of Patents, 
azote A ESE. pees 
Chien sures Ore ws er fgg Ha Wee 
: = tera aia (Clee api) tn 
OV acs Oe z 


99 BL! fad. fulet alee) pre res ore 
Pte O220 C-0e7 een fore. Crecen. age ee 

aN iia ik le ein ede 

eS ee a an ee 

otahu./ on 14 qv 

| Till 

Pemuel ab. Servell’s 

Amevicnn aud Foreign Hatents, 

(P, 0, Box 4089.) ew oh, Marchal... 87 omer s saa eal areal ica 
Ree Oe E, a a 

ee CHAMBERS yy al ; 

few e Meek /1 fe of. 

turk pei ‘ tel aA- aw | PFs, ye pleas | 
A = oe Wie oor Pole 9 
J eee Ligue); Clea Fae L age gar in 
bas ie a 
war ol 
“Ge Be Le Begs 

tdi oy wails oft WENTY DOLLARS | 
oe Lo ft) yeh l tenon 

ae 7 
eA = fo tii, Los a: BHhice fer Wartetts. 

Zi mee fot ee. 

| nee 

 ecevend within ei a Latte 
LY ha ate [A/ 

oc trnc ete cemey een etirent toe Aue cvanes mare ites cognate sentient etendemnenematemiea, 

itn RLS ek cid pt nye At ALE73 chennai ada site he 


wana, pod” | ay at yea 
eee ae h oy — ) tema a. Serrell’s ah 
3 i ? | Sis anil Soreign Patents,: $99 } 
VA ch, F0, “) 4 gs iy / 76 CHAMBERS STREET, et i 
Ree Ff 
‘ ‘hee oe) 
— UAE HS tee Boma) Hew Jot, Maade M87 187 
fr ao Lhw rhe eee ww se / 

Ciby . ree Z oS ( 

a coaw lh, Je Lippe - wilt G 
flrrads Kaa CLhuu Cee ME 2 wruttego 
ZY Lfoipariug fof hee ptevieil Yaw 

AM fpeprcdtr ug hee fafa Oe 

Mires COVLD 
COA L Liyjfiia Ar RUtCLodttw i) Whiiwo 
= re ; fefdiig “erver. Le CEE, bivlee : Goa 
. Jabot Spee Correct Way tle 

“0s hic Pan wlth 
SUA. nae nine 4. 

anid ial ar de Lee ey ast 

bet Aa (1 pur swan pre Chas 
ge ohiett Le ae Ce hey 
a ie es tial i aa 
ae ese 4 
_ XG wn, La en, 

et Sie See Faith 2 and 461s Jy Nain eb calor aatat 

Hormel it §e yell’g 
A caliiea. & Soci Aateuts, 


¥) y.. . 
- Bemuel 0. Serrell’s 

avnnevicnn anil Foreign Latents, 

(P. 0, Box 4089.) Heft, Méeasdh.. Lb. 01619 
Wa F4 boteoon b 

9 IWF ag ZA Loo2at tte (OF aheks 
fac Ll sa aay de Caaw (4 ~ 

Cloty , Co ene’ ath — Pong 
i euler ru — 

ie oe = oer 
olay Mg ce eer Teel, ANDO A11eL0— 
— @- fy, _ 0o~ oe eS) Lib ctlhic 

fickle, puns ae LOD ttrn0800 — 
— Olena rev a”, elroy 20) 
o. rm s Lovent7 

ty lhe LE ee gage 

(il? ees oe 
LEG Mrart Br saad pea 

esa Zs, CMO borereeeced & 
Gor Low 
Qotte taxa 

Reicseclte Patt 
a ae a 


Pemuel 20. Seveell’s 

American aul Soveign Latents, 


ya! Wie t1 foe. 

Sethe fe 

ack one VES al Gta 

| Cee ee 

Pemnel 4. Senrell’g 


Nineviran Se Boveign Lagents, 


ipa Se) Ao Yothe... MocheLhép G9 
Bar? ogee a 

peti Ole cet Me 
ot ? a S =, oY wo 
OTe oe frothing Ma ay well cual AW Oo 

" clati ff CHE \ : 
Oe funre My A000 Of MEAL te. CAL (Sf, 
Fawnd aes hale May wrcro peceured Ey 

MUL » af 30 [bY , alow Aa copy. ff COR 

7 clo ae Ft (7-CL7 eae (OCU Cassa’ 
exeeese 5 = 

CLarcwe xs 
ZL ae " we 
Bed Ce 

Ofoll bee Bree Pad age. Mife JA ‘i acdlea ae 
AVM TY -O-A e 3 x , ¢ 
IE MES e ~ eee Hla Chay OQLLOW WA Ae Pay ig os 

ee ww , Carbo’ oy. couse ce ortl-oww —_— 
Cie (Ce fret tan Pr oe ae Sey 

Jae (CAagueY FF AW enc eucuil~ Cp teove 

Mao anuncetaw curd ary Apr Ml canGov 

ov Hite auatiral jaw cw eeeoud Mlifbruie 

wieeee el ce . S$ (Ge Sa Ahi» 2G tiie om 
7 Aowiw1row— Co wwe, ber jaw (Cree 
Lh 4 , ; 
Lew ae cre atoll Mictire. Co-e17 ton a Fe 

eo Oe ‘ 
MEFs ee awwell he Cae y ; . 
orn MAG. “as 

Alegeagte Bees the Jeroen Atal 

-ifeand . Seva a 


we: Se iP evcign Patents, 

ony o. ere . Ag Out Yoush Loony 

Sha: LU, os 
Ha: prtatlie ge, 

ference y U Melick Gl? ease U iyaboaee Fp 
CObgtec Tay Mine Leailitbic — 
fo erie P| 

Wy han toni laa ia Les td le 
bleu poms noe G LG 
£5 nap — ve 

atl, tof =, ler 7 ea 2 Ce, ofp 

. [keer ies Ji gaat Rane Lt LE, 

lec erdeng, Waa fuicliorvirr lapreenl 
Vie Tike Dpideipeds De ab tls ps 
Lpere) we, BIAg ley wa Citrate L71 CPCL FL 
/ Sy? ] live par gas sae SFE! : 
pucrrmente Garcoece? getelals (C22) 

alle at olefie 



Coe y 
Pemuel 2h. Servell’s 2 eke 14 

amevionn anil Foreign Patents, 

(P. 0. Box 4680.) Job. Pe LSE eae 18)9 

ee Sol “7 
teow Mite” Lath aon 
Maer Y, “Cousyh Ce ave- ‘eee 

MEE Yoretee CCC CLL Morale 
Li wie, L w ay, 

bse Ce SPE aa Co ere, aro 
Jeitbacl, Te Diky canal lt be Cou ‘o 

LOOM jie Lecce tee 
foe. had bctler racewte- 

ee Ginn oO have 210-Po5— : 
Aen a” (lig ea peleliot 

wil gis 2, , ye. Mes Dale 
Ae el~ well brs 

Se Sy ee et AE~ tip te — 
aie) sao EEA t- will ou by y_? 

ef et pt Lt pail 
C* ‘ ; 
Crmelypir iid were 
4a atl pon cts tereloratp 
Q Aicte y 62 
Lt Cate Baee fttne Bex eke c1n- . 
Cheracder, HOC OOO OG cd) i 
Clrcef¥ Cas Cache. PIG ies . 


Dnt to Orel Mbt] 4 

Pemel i. Servell’s 

avneviena aul Foreign Latents, 

(P. 0. Box 4080.) Yew jot, wt lnel. a a AETY 
Powe elie Gee 
ee cir. oe / ; 
ie Attest eo ee, tee 
rare Jetx Mekeg a ee es ‘shite TE 
“Wows Vi is ttn Catus- (lo 
2 Heigd @ Fi. aa face 42 ty 
Clb. Gabi oz aa passa five eel” 
: /Woleets cue © LL sabieeles 
| Bl cthaa tr tte: atlevun,; A 

Ze re ttt Bed Dees 
eee 2 20% 1 Litenco Bh Alea 

Ow Cae. 7X - lhe ag Or har 
cre cla. OP Se ae Ae ———— 
Fons tacts 

SEA: Late 


oo sh 

| Pennel Uh. Senrell’g aa | 


 Binestéan Se Boveign Patents, 

mommy hea Both Aachen 


lb iin fee ( 
| OS, a Ctl spotty De ee 

C3 ira qu 0 ec (tGigr Bris tae MAeirng fitch 
ie ee DAL is ae aes pte vig co aoa! 

(Ha Getty? hic Y™ , well eee few fh t509 
ard Dance is ale Me eer Law Mower 
Ct ro tle 74 SO | MLA LEE Ore a vA LOO ¢ a 
ety ~ ey pete as el Meek hewitt peelrele, 

Au We pa; tM hibag § UMaiter lrg  wsebl 
te eas his tla, coed Seti oe MAD 
Corel eto Loe Aacev dre e Pe Cone, , . 
Bn. write” pis tle db prrlle cigar lie 
(e Logon Ma flix” puetl, curd Bhs a dl wien LE 
Ce clowe-: Sr aa SO TS AL! Bae. eet a 
— “goa ted Ll Conet pty et prll poe 2 fe ait ee 
tar Fe Ll, Ngneatek 7 “Mh fiw. ferilel?t™ a 
vA One eee or , — SE oor ee a ON, hour = 

cudrisce abo wyh-2 Min warally, » “wert ye ot Bit hai 
Ale (A f aud per yuo abou Wie a 7s abeaY hee 
Cis te 7 lurk - efi, cealiiw geo Clete: hy Lit lie 2 7 of 

“nw: ECO’ Le t Cou. cis 4 (Ce oS ferallo 

72 Sea e, . 
Le, cle. Ce ie ve wt . flu Lv Ville BF te tid 

Cote Aw au 7 Se 

Hel ty. (Ee Ho bn cig CeCe aii gy eS ae 
bal + © re eure forweed the ay 100 Cefirewoe Coa 
O jey (eli o a Ae pied Cagis tf 45 week v5 
wotify Hae prde ov A wu3cnt, Cet Bhs 
(S00 We F CaO ob y o~--—— 


Pemnel ‘UB. Seqvell’g | 


Hiuevivan Se Boveign Patents, 


now chou Buh Ite. Ea 
LIP fin, & 2 
Rice’ CLs 
w, Ta. See ie 
Cfecepec alex ZI tid yee ae. your Pr sy ea 

Gl YYZ BUY ELA? CELT? Ce ene Coy ee Lye CCL 

va Cece pues ; 
a Die DD ey: te -2vectleae Zea fetes! 
fc ee a elie. wee Lhcit~ LP  Aeftedintad” 

str “MDA. presse. 
She ae F aes alete z ay s22epela 

ir asme hee Z rd Fe. atincveblsz ' lease 
Let~ A9L- bOI 1~t0 SOP SED “Otc” well Zéetel/ 

OL” ies AL ged ee Ze Poe és es 
Pars, GOft2C AL. 

Ly [opto 

Pemnel a. Servell’s 


avmevicnn and Goveign Patents, 
76 peneeeeee STREET, 

(P. 0. Box 4689.) YM, Z 1679 

a es 

y aA Zier OB 0 Alene 
Cy LLL Ley ab eve. OEY or Bu 
a CLL beevwabh pM euch es, lif 2 5 
Aye THe. Wife leye 

“20D Era clas 
4 leo: alias, BS oho Cel. 25° SIO, 

A CLRP- (2-2 L7- MA AA Lyt> — _ 

£0 Dg eel rcele 4, Gfiervaes and 
MELE 5 LEVEL OLE oP (ae, eee Pas 

a Sate eve. LG LE. se SS CLM 

“a CEL 
Ce ade ae vg tipe SoM Gee 
ieee Mee y br” vole. heer Uy, CCL Co” 

‘Crgelet L4C- PLOLe, 

Ae cae Shout by, 

pllert (Wey 

a Pee 
Dagt eat mr ah, 177 9 
sik ee 


ificn for Botan. 


ig ae That 24 49 

hips ue 
I OP tat eLou/ Ls | G12, wt, 9 
“pon 4 atin Bid 

Ze, roomie TWENTY Beans 
thos banat Mhayab lb Mowery 

Joewved. parts Ww Loner ? ths 2D en 

De A homm | 



: eee ee ne a a ee Aenean eet 

are) neCce li 

Pemnel aD. Servell’s 

Sunevicnn and Foreign Lutents, 

(P. 0, Box 4089) eof. neds we, mS, 
(aT At 2h Gy tlias ve 4 
Ay Le 
SPD cufiy of enet) el Uh, 
By thut Me Oasis ge ee llou-~- 

CTT) tiie Raa) Ce aivele. 
thie) eee Annrotlitry a ¥ Por ta 
Gay Lo 
(been co ju- oe eon oe Coftrts 
Aud May, cur alltircoe¥ cell 

Ss see 
Osis4i 7 prao ella oY aad 

0H O-t11e corla aaa e WA el. 

fy. a4 : 
pu-Aao: Pho. jporll ally 
Me Lacartead dav a wu ef, 

ears Cll 

= ee ee 

ot a 
Pemuel TA. Serrell’s 

american & Sareiqn Patents, 

(P. 0. Box 4089.) Hew Jo, Mathes ALEVE IO, 
Mir? o Cease oe 

okt tA7 Kiccir- oh, ot 
whe tule 

foe the. elie leg iia Cle 
Prelate \ le fe Co LL COLE eat 

: 3 a I bf fo 
teotiee ew case. % . Meis LOH 
Clore. c—_- 

ANC Cia Meg 
Kee. Call Baw wie. ae 

he ii hy elo (uey (ep T ”) 
Khong ; 


Bee? Metta 

(eee Me fafur; as Aaa 

Aree Mis 

Scores “fate es 
- M5838 , se y fo pa re 
a A hat ay = Bie poe Pie 

tt 40 neo f— Mircte Maes 



6 La 
wee gees tye’ L1Ane “lect 

iucsiga OU LMourle. 
3 9 oe bale 4% caer. WF jurao Meath. EE 

Cut ey VOT eee) 

eis, Uae 
we = a 
Greene CH. rere incl 

ees. rom Cc. = = 

yy Wel 1ST al 

ht oul. 

) 4 
eq ard ns he big Core 

ye WIL 

Ce vie Wolltuw 
(iced Neel 76 Be 

re to 4 a & Ut 

( ot CEG 

17« 0 166 Pine, 

Pemuel 20. Servell’s 

qimnevicnn aad Soreign Patents, 

ay, dg igh War.g#. a, 379. 

Bear bet. 
ent Kaerrent-o CAAL GG. 
ie sen oe Arid tole - 
of i. kere a 
peervarea Mel Mealerr. yea! LL 
is 9, ofa aes 
ttc Bevetlel wrt cleede 

Lrnthe aaa 


ios cle da diss ix enna Iu ebitbisva denne ashict AE Nahi BE DL RET WR NS Ch Sas ok Ge Cases, 

ae ee eran 

fp / Permuel 2. Serrell’s 

 - Baevicnn, al Soreign Patents, 

(P. 0. Box 4080.) few Voi, Aaa LEY 8 Vi 7 
Thr? 7 Ecluoow) Ea 
; ky Pee Ge a 
th Boily, lcs ye nets 
Me, aud Pe ee Gore ceunu “ho 
Legere ? Go tnefensara we | et 
ME apeupee G Leelue. hight judtttig 
- tv as Cou linker Co fiend faete— 
-- tiselle ILE et tej, 2H hell. Hepa ss 
le Mierkas por Levaik wor fale: 
ba eck | se Le gttrto olor MlGdo 
hive CEES Care bow flat) side. 
aceltimu. _£- Perel; Mog any E*, 
RO. gp LEU gliowiug “li bias 
ee eo «paw MEE Gt AP: as 

ge fotofirly hess ee 
pe te = ae Mile eaprrees ; Go 

SS BSF aE ae wi3 9 aT ei BH Ste LSS RAE EBL ASKART ii cies Boi oni aes bs a vet bm Re Uae soe a 

Ki bs Lia dead Sn ws Nest dn ck bs 

Ln elite ¢ 

bs 5 itty a tewh ia BANG WES Ne saad was BVI cocci hb SLR NY 

Clrtie Gptt,- ont 
Bate Gtr inc re 

as en, oat 
ae puget lh, Oud Cyruecke whaK- 
to flo LA. Zag ecChauwhaG eA 

sulle br. Cout, — 20 sh 
(Cli bewran catthartics Card onelburols) 

a a 

pa ame agent S 
hueete Vtlae aurbyee te on phens— footie — 
(tlie com C4 clouse, of 4 

ane a : <— 

ii a ze ee Yn a, 

AE ETRE SAE i ners ess Vas bne nS epi eat nt jsuends iat nig it jisplinetA 

A RN a rrr oe 


ERTS elapse, 

Si ae ~~ de Bore Mae 179° 

“ale - LAN Ui $f. Shiciehs, 

Yolicitor’ of Qmeritan, & Foreign Patents 
76 CHAMBERS Srreer 

ies ao lees seh of Aen Retr Clie ol . egneg. 
: : on ww Bercy. BE yp on cls 
Velaeproteorve x AA OGL ag, | 
TB , Fees of MilPimsy for Starwars Wee 
Shaner se en 5 eS ae Boo ZA 
| , Jinn Jelifefeone Miloneges ary We 
h Li btw Ve, ett ft yy, o Ka/et 
ee fad. Loch es ieee 
B « Sine diiibons ofifeorstiins Serna Gath 
yp Perce VY foewiw Ate Cite Jog tee lech, Pe Sores é 
vo Lb Secroade tiv gia Bvt Morewer ¥ 
tefeort ow 
beh oo SEM, enle Lar bootie te 

ces y rem Oopey of eefiord. for : 
a bs Uellare ¥ ballarces. bu OPT 
L ls areunt- face Wr Pali. |. 

! a le es ae allover. or, gteocle , é 

Col rl By. back sae 


sh ill 


ies CARTES ies ALE zecLt1h- 
mall for Viv [edflas. 


Ngee iv 4d, 
I ee I x 
bormaniy 7 aan 
Waly Tex 
Space | 
LeDer 2,” 
Merri arte 



Pemnel 4h. Sells | : o | 


HKueviecan S Loveign Latents, 


(P. ye Z OWA, bef MLE y Came ae Loa 
Me OY, Cn ikon oe | 

Sear du 


“yo 2 weeeller aT few’ afoft adleas 
Q tafe LV Jie Cit Ge Lefee ceorg, Dt Mereit fo Ot. Y, olire Loe, 
SHE tee pevtee ee Ptorre ds TH. divhjes Bh Ho 
— fame wa ACG ho oe Bie @, Bt wl, Core afplieutian ve 
Eh Sine oe aeeee TEE EE. Chee 3 Alec Dratele #2. SYS, A200 
anryppleeatert fel O. Youle 27 Vln lt hbeies le { 
bchh G9. /VDE, She Githe e wialle ler betdt be ? ~ 
i. he ah f Lys ercllevcl ple: Llertially, 22 heaercbecd J 
wating blenect heel, Lou onicllifleeale oe ee ae 
Verve. pe er ¥ oraneky vA ig Prrenoirig mii Gree. Sy ae 
a sad Cornforae ad ortcrrrves get av fovea” | a 
Prete Cectirn 1g HL fuer Saleeving Genders GL ee Ey, | 
Cretecert “sf ae a mg cent Pay, fereraer/ WH? ality 4 CVO | | 
Gite reese cid oe 6G (cla ou eprerseentintel, 
Afr wa otercl, ae Ponrcfenting peonlr Lae oriacll. 
EB peccerranveb, if arate Wea MEF ok Tee bevita. o 

7 aeet hs Ce rae SG Yurerver. 
ae : ed are afiptlsar lena er 2 lence 
Hie bythe Cer Ure! oy (te: aa 

Ce eine en | 


ici Mcaab tit eda ae Sth tait LANNE 2 Ltt vee Linen eA iind pinion Lapa i pat 5 

15s bcs tho anit fh on cls dite hSey beset atom’ ‘ 
She ak ib i omer eer Ad Hanae b wl eadakann 

SS nck te ibe nhse Virgil sta nA SA a 

A, ee to Lyeeevalenty, b sae. te Zt CL Orrrrfiv2ned 

is CMM ALE alyack, PArcdperrne betting le 
front, pulelanbill, av cleaercleod, Cambernecl  _ 
ae dhe je Wh hliuSdY Ze La adapted ble Qpecece) 
by Me Ge aea0oy fa / 

BY lbw acligrafh. planet: theeV QullilEitill,, 

avs oltzcrclie Ufo uch flecate Prenton, , bre, 
ii perfor ese guetbe Bes haager (26eleoneo ae ls 
Lower Ceiface ee ee iy, F 
She ale) p-ccky rcA Orel Le L774 
ate a ore’ eve. at’ ClLatze2 ae Wea, 

@ e Walled: f C+Le ey) ACR ACO EAT BD Cliceer, Loy 


(a oF bar Gficer, Kea tly CLaepiad tee rz Gijpjlloaa ben 
of Cree gticecle fuer Ler 

She Jerclerriio fleclermiernts AL. 

& he fle before ise BIE 759 G, 

iP Jae Soe geclyect™ Qr2atlen | Lhd ae Vttarek. 
We corel) Gow es Ce. wz JavecL— 
Vis. 65, delet Sof. 78, 1596; hep elit Sth. aps kyr 
. Lona Ler PLY ae yA ae lng 
He clatle > a Das CA co Hynes Certee lhey 

cere cl 
Meee EG¢1CL7-U 7 

LCCC ot) 



Pennel 4. Serrell’2 


Hinerian SK Boveign Patents, 


cb : 
(P. 0. Box 4689.) SMe Qark LEE Mud a WG 

Yu Aegina @ hs CALILCL me 
de Si aad oe ee cre bye 

Care SIF, We [ECE EL a CUT Ga falert Gffece 
Nod easily: JZ CO es Glee loa, 

teerseetl, feces, ZH WES Lave Etta 

is ge i? bledline ce Norer mal ion Vie os gs 153. 

Nee AG AEC GOAP Giver cers Geeteld 
Creo av wtih we We Leer Aes OIL, 
eontlatii1tng @ wareaclble mars bore wn '\ he Matlab, 
Se ee Ge a Gg au 

he peatwler COL: Zed LET fa Ley a a 
io DE Za ssf es CIrLAut~ ff y ws cn0w te. . By 

 eurlis epee alec 4d aD eases _ 
rua; A bettlo 

2 eae 

tem an. Sera 


 Pinestean SX Boveigu BR otents, 


(P.O, Box 4689.) 

Shere, Eotam. & 

end ieee A 
dfuefi catline acco onauiug o Aer auflcate fre 

i Srp uw Lhrbre Key kb G, for Compleling | ke Porte 

| Calut-of Ccts 23, lack — : 

| Gack cofy ef afpee, PRG MMLA foOON ‘palpate 

a rE woth ey eas pees re pe pore om 
Fhe clLawue Vek ged BC WAlire, ‘na bey — 

. Let yne Khare there, ee 6 F.C Pete Kepersewe * 
at thes ones phet—ef brawn rhe, ALG AAL aw Aor 
ov ao Go firccek pe ee oS puact chowoes at 30, 

2 Shove pratense whieks pos worked pele 

a Mes polls wi, placury she beghla wh pth ple ares , 
Along fropot Ac Coss Mer $. and mb be marten 

Heron — 



: G—— OUWrgy 

| ee ae Lite 
| fee 4 1 Aasth, 
| j ae 

VG i As A eC baad Loa cin LSI asec se tad indo ehh SGA Seahtabin BN BSR 6 cfr sill ira se ie cai had oan aaliadh Cet sy rasan bikie big NA Nae SG ae eS Ce 

Mego Sat 3°79, 
PEE hides i 
os, Ue ae SOOT a cofs Ly ce er forliiiany 
elelerriuk- Aw Cane Chine cate ere: tiferuce), alot 
fey a Wie, ogee /S> L6H, aa eases BLED) he 
pied I 94. ae L963; Pz C47. es. Fina 
rok fhe over oud Cry Ue [elas Oy 
Satintibees, pie of ee pweck. , & Mh Ficarung » 
COot~uts < A re Awv-cele,. 
ie. Letee vtarttl wee Mal ae PEI TIITG J ees, 2}, (ENG. 
wie WM. & frat 1597, (61 wroe fli po, aud 
HA IS A0 g wb Excgtert, a fre teil“ Y 50. ee 
afputrid ) fe te cvawd (Ae rola a ee eeeay lien 

toGre tw Lp Cee ag WO pnnlicey Mate yaw Lh 

fruprclion f Loe F cK erotl- i povetd ao CP Gp rw 

ethics oe outedatte spot cue aoe ow. 
ae 2 Poriiatiog pucks, Ab tAn Ore: aAY 
frost Baar aA tote ie La ee 

arn pr” Jaa - ebony Aw ee ee 

lancer ars Aen att (A= aecwre rue — 

ew the wl an ao we eiclo: 
oy cur 20 oerOt— Aetrertbhir Whee Mlbeis~ wrinfferiuce 
aeelattin Aros lly J fr afrrr eal perre-e jee 

oa Rowdee FS ec esd a BViteinstddcinic est Seana a . 53 ‘ 
aN neni she con a8 cod vigion nbd seerivi gb Rete Sas Se doe tas ale da od ta 

ECE Ank Ae LO” Aravo.o y, and a frach wulitio- 
a an". TUL puck. til oe prreranr Ae force? hho 
Ox be. aren 
Ata Morn Cla prufr- rey me feta Mas 0k 
Hbav ig CL (La. eee 2 has “fraro Me Coa 
Ltt STE se. cents $4ateav ~ SS SFSO . Hag Je. Pee 
Gow cad awk clo Chas riclit Joby : OSIS- 
eff, oe ee 
y eaan- Cov Jw Lrarvre: Me ate Fac aft 
Bee Cie _ ttt Ge ur @ Ugg ea Cb wv ao ls FID 
tear Corea Abie Yarrwiee- o—— ect, Wbitinid 
(CEO Citi eZ His fortis BISCO, Gof 4- See nag * fr te 
a Cli) ~ Manna ft Lael go corer ectiut oF G MOL Cee ~- 
a ceva r bone CCL? oO ttn ferrntty pute t S| Abt 
fila are? a a creky pti cael i aotulivrvia ‘< = 
Be. “pe ee == a BE hap Ae) Mi Corre fe oer eft fleedlip, 
tt >be etiecl 3 Vitec toes) feorviwe by. panichameal 
a elinw r MEAN Supe a0p- perwveur— M106.04 
Mitericg, We Laveen. elceaat * bo he: ele 10.00 fread 
ato Ato to pe cfc 7, Copies cH te ee Pe, 
whiek the” flag e , a - 
7 Ltt OAL ‘LEAL. (Wao hipeled SOCOTLO » — wail 
Alita a oe he frre cle MG re Ato {Litt OCe anes 
(AT ya 
ZY : We a 
YOootang ~lractt 

bo sceirinecer aeteE SSLewnsetith oLonebl’—- 

2X JL J | | ae 

Ve “3 ) 
\ w=) “3 2 S : 
= 2 2 OAM LAS ahs el ODRMAA wD 
! 3 3 a as 
Seti yoy: eats \_ Fed 
® AS HE 
i = LENS = Wek 
\ ae Ss ere 1S eet). 
Ss 5. Wa & Feet 
: i a 3 3 SEne 

cig 33k 


- ifpane w. $ Sear ell’8 


Hieviran Se Boveign PE atents, 


(P. 0. Box 4689.) Aw i LL) hil, es a / 4. 

GEA Cause by a 

Near Bez, 

| Sede riddles af yoo afiple’ 
Sr a palin ov Y ae, cof MEd, Case No.l he 
ie iy Ki ek fla ed if oe lm Olitir Covttd 
“At (PILEALEY Aorlle CELE CF Lb fe & Se at cectetiatcliyy 4 
(eee evel “ate Le frrctfereeG Ef pect ~ 
eee “ 
Be MLL fotiié ely LE Lee ety (0 AtsOcls ae Caen 
y * 
fe Lua A jee eeaedler. ah, 
fs tL at Blas Aeacl? C0 he) ee 

o/; Curr critter wath. t le. uth e. TILODS fede Color dlew 

“CD wT Lhe ath: of a wheel, Lecliilamlecs 
" ag ned for y74 foofice ae Fort Ze. a a 

Gp vita dual 
\ View Lf, Sersell. 

cy LE HCL Pb 

Ee A) 
Lene oe 220 
: PIAS COUN al ale Ch 

me Yoh nA Chag Pe: cS [loncnee Pe oe —the 
C A | A, fren Fe Unetotk cout a fungqe 
eh nary cleure Cu; p< Che eae: 

the hag te producers wrbre 

Brann Ine. TAA Che 

Cua nwt he buAanre + Hy erage 

(KC Ahe wefrnte avin fe bie a rete sf Guy AW Ber ys ety 

oh tad 

ilaretimes “ef the verte 

eer (Cap rbeal « "rea cee RIL porpene” 
Wy pee were) (* arp tyr av Ant LU f. 000 
9 Uk that cA fr itee Y oar oe aH pon Que ng 
wr eb Gas b SAAS for eral To one— 
ae fa. Cy tubeeli rw ie a Cr-eb ce ote 7 acme, 
Es : paaaen vena fr ee ol ale | 
ge futon te : ee Pi ay.. Shes ee aw -tad” tan 
rant Lx ate ase 1” ( — Cr fey crhrel 


Key ook Ces otk OO We Be a) 

ef (aie the eve wg hbieg: Che me ae 

Oe. Sea ods pe. ae: be Gah te wel fan 
pred COs teat all the noses [ee nek. 
idy, Taba: <Cuinie> lle fey ethene 9 

4 ‘ 7 a as 
ford ot Ga ANON. eek fits al ine eee = 


Room No... ae 
2 communteations should be addressed . , rit 
to the Commieatoner of Patents, : : me . 

Wuited States Patent Office, — 
aa Veashington, G G, wh we 7ELG. 

fas sia mm Om The Aeprater OM fom Ms & 

Aine wer ne artanthg whcek A wtte ch. 

Penrel YW. Gervell’s 

Ameyican & Soyeiqn Patents, 

(PB. 0, Box 4689.) _ie Aoi, 9 

har? a Ge Modest 
~Sar Fa 

2 jA coz Sey) 
Cl bike “gat Ca“t ee ade 2 : 

% Lac, Go worl 1) Go it CCG 

Ces: ae ca Laitlg G twuatlinn aulitles “Jaca 

ceba=g- . ey Ae ov zuular yee 4 

ee lal Coultiiniy Pnaitite LE AML iS ge 

baed. ai 

4 v6 ‘ 

ia eetathes siete a eel eee Moca 

Pennel A. Scempell’g 
American 5g Foreigu AAatents, 


(P. 0. Box 4689 ) | ; Bow You, AAAs 
; ee 

Lear avr 
Lo, P), and “f gous Can Eeery oe ee agen 
Ah Cr , colo po, SA Soest races: Jes 
Yr— rly 

ee Ae) 


a a ie es zs aE ea ates ed. He ihe aie 

Lr Bene 70. Sell Litera 2 RL, 


Aes ik Soreign AAatents, 


| (P. 0. Bos 4089 ' 
Ip } 
ae | 

ie for Pats Ane . 4 7 
te A Rave! peaceaed, 002 CL, phot hee 
Coli: Aart Ge areas CO aD pore as, Apr! “ 
ll, A (Polat ee pat cond a cofiey of ee ae 
ames farnirka ce Ge the: Cap ee ve IOP, obs, 

ae Dheth. peu ov eofiy of care Wil; ea 
ern ao wt nD [oe whack. . wth be wt bona! 
a weet, and wane bathe. rs oe i eae | 

have ere sy lo 

y 47” a Can. a Lh add 


Vt, bs cut, y arene Q | Dice ore 
Marte dS, oe Wm. p. alee Se eg ae 
te cat wile rend by the Pew cnr 
ee boa on | 
Beanies co Ot tee Cy mre awe pe a Cut te 
Cae a 

Sp RA ia an, as 
Aimer AL frome. K: eros 

Co cee p AROS ek 
= we (he S 

cree epee or FO 

ee. aseoe Cae? a A eae els 

wee Deseo 

Pemuel 28. Servell’s 

aiuerican nail Foreign Latents, 

(P. 0. Box 4080, Hew ort, Sfiarl Me. 
Kar CZ 

A Cok Evite en pees 
ile oul: M8 Courtt— want 

ON iibet oS 

tee, v8 
‘ hee : 
\ ; | 
1 | 
: | 
2 Bes Zap | 

Pemuel an. Serrell’s 

Ainevicnn and Foreign Latents, 

(P. 0. Box 4089.) Yew out, be G ; LAS EY 
Het GD Cacs 

er hominis fev Acgrier tire 
7 : : 
Carnecals Ites. SSancdk Aa’ A aes Jertcl copy of 

th uevenga of " Caveats Mos £2, §3, $5. BENEG. crreck of afyn. 

he. 176. Tke cofiy of ofec. ue thea Lollin wt Ce aert 
COn162A OO, Yous Mee Ps cu wepy of ohh 
afifiura aud nen exe fling ok ef the Quagrule 

uneiwite 70ww beacg prsfarnwd—- 


Chis GHhryvw heave ot pou erly 

ake 4 tekes auc cles. rf line nratlo fen coun file live; 
Eng Ate Lh Ve biks PLey, A, Oud J. Eee, Lol , 
, Vocus” Ciel 

ae “tu, Soon 

je Okedplh, 

Permuel 10. Servell’s 

Awevienn anil Foreign Latents, 

(P. 0. Box 4089.) dew fob, fowl L oS. AE Vi 
> . om 

on Cee oe / 
Le Mytiay Coun gg Cock. 
Aa wed Mar = a re 

on th ke 

tt o ue 7 i 
tue ge CACO Le Coo 
Cae ? gee ree Te LAY 
i i ; LA. A 
Cov MO Ge 

Tht fim, thins Dt cro Ain) 9 da not Meow 
Wy trun S . 

ernnel ih. Senyell’g 


American & Soreign Adateuts, 


(P. 0. Box 4689.) Aer Yost, 
Yor? bo oleaaw 62 
oLeaw HE . 7 e 
othe oe Mic clin lar eu awttle Cae. 
a ve cea’ Ot coarderatiptv : A, ied 
Dy ee oo aie May wou. coull) 00™- 
ae ant 26 wuts © ls” aflaue Bike 
ay LP Youre ALLAD : es Zi Miclalarre de OG. 
af ptitatinn counters Ltt R eyo » whined 
au Coe Lo A ee ae 

cOeO conmr% —I. KG ard WH? perens 

ChrnArv¥é go. pe ae _ * 
Fhe ICA Gf Loe ctelaird wate, | 
Seige ae Bes. “Cee ciel prclut, mee 
Socube ty eee, pone fealbark, easy her aire Ae 
ge Aaccer: Weide te je eee earn 

Z Mba geet. coed — ay Seria aa A i 
oS OTe cz ec Ze oe 

. cy whe aa al Cate Mn Aeawes 
Mls phat ofatatina A ea ies 
Ciautl, Cy Cha Latiiy Spee 4a, tihkax— 
Mae (LALLA Elli Coruce 05% (OEP LE. ok ie 
ee curt ec, / pullag Ciut aes Vices aa " 

“e cantte, Mehta CHAD to ar Gattug* 

(a See on Poa A es Lo  Heten: 
Crk we Te 4 atc Ct oats or Poor 
hi las, An coreetiaiv wel feovrcaring bia) 
Ora 49 ALE Mage: ee ao Cen olor 
oe — Ltthin + wi Vi clinlotur), — 
eee BU PWE Mh auy 2 LUnaliny 
ee oa aga Ree a2. 
a Pivtintll 2 ESE eee 4 oo - 
“CLOW Lied peCatinuy Cer 
Was, LUNE do ABH IL es 
20-14 Mig Woe Ae he an 
CES - 20 re Ol ADL. tap 



; a | 

Mens Atnt to Kn 




s & 




_ = 

Fennel 23. Servell’s ; 


Suevican und Foreign Patents, © 

(P. 0. Box 4089.) ew fot, Yous. LS SG Wha 
Lhny? af Che Ceckeo te rom 

mS. Cenc eG, (ss 7 

ewe Os puta Your elles clo 

earl be Mere, Celli 1 <7 

£2 2)2 on 
ttt en et. OL ve. lt. CLLAALD re OO /MtMt1y— 
Cowiptrw A til 2h Ku ce. 
lay Awake etalk: cur es 
cite C2 a eel. elelecle, fr ata 
Ot ~tuP—, 
FS Siiccee tad Vita Cereyiully 
add g Coueey Mtlhey lyases 7 (tL 
Ate Cte Bes 00 LAB ~20- 

sipbiainchi weal ttixi 


[prvag ee Peay es 

NL) eS ae, 
dibs lanTi ally crnleds, ana thes toon oui 

Rk reference Loa PUTA a Cor Wikies ofS 
Me ede of BO a Ae 
Vee, oth ¢ ate aeere ol Car te AM nee ct es 
of Fae cade ana 


La one Hine CV corw, arn PAS Cree he 
Set wife wm Coete orePheciw FAs fol of tial | 
ae eW coe , eee PH 2reed tty Jee Oh. @ 
PLAMMEL, Fn a- title, Pha Prez, Le Coz = 

Wc Ctid, 222A Vas icetnanrete Poa ee pi 4 se 
eee fracd, praia LOC 20 oe. | 

lhporele aomnomecA Or plier 22 pons 
| be Cie wwrres ott cette VAs Cork, 22020 Our: 
Cntake Feevo.g A PRe Jame, Lo FAs errs 
Corner edad or plats ee Per. Fae; offences 

= [ertbufiorn Cort el Ader PelRLED 2, ee 
7 2, Pre eeveres t- rele (leew Tatas 2, 

Pint tontie D akan 6, ancet aatanyy fos 6 
lovee Waauce 2, My fotlowirg WE aviccer ch 

(| te Pounce Meat We ent Cia Cort ob a oa 

APs over, SS Oe a iia ds nt 
flower eee. BA Cteerend es122 CH Lav dace, 

Ba sf 
oo. Av COU, act inv The ror FH Pletot tv PAE 

Pere Mee iFioe, PRE oP aimerig Ra ay. 

Harn. e effect, Beto! PRar¢ Lo P20- Lreatl ee 

fucks ator wf Fhe tevvient; Whit Opereiion 

Took. One Comrnitdalor, Le force. ata 


eee :- i ps _s eae es bre 
WALA panes fracallel fprorDiavd of Freee” 
Pend, Jeeecesevety, Yor exroV rae Va 
coerce ee Jans IY. id everett Ae | 
ey eee VOB PRE LIL! BP We font ss 
prow AO oe ey pie eee 
ween, aeet frac ce ted Moore A, Buy S 4, 
Buel Tey: tev Vhs reverse, LerecDzee , a> 
Lo 12, Bd before , ae Fre dfrwng Ee, . 
(fiore 2 a, Zo_@”, Coy &. aitouv 
|Z Lo CLUVOLSELL , A fra ed foo. 
. Aefore , AAT Qragse2.9 <0 pees 

i era WBevweewy C21 te eae Lae 
i te CCEPS LUD Cf. 2d ek lee ee 
hereby Fi, eturttentls wre Or-aote, Hr | 
flow by Wie) teenage De ee Cr eT ! 
pee StL Ob bpd 20, feore Wie on Wore 
AOE Ce mas 

Pemuel i. Serveli’s 


—Auevican antl Soreign Latents, 


® AS 4680.) Jew fn, oui 26. 18 Vs 9p 
Yi? Eoliaor Go ( 
atten On 

Auf freee (rove ath Ulihils tan 
Cee ptt A peerrwmind Ba 

iy fix Pair thes, BE ae Pemuel 2. Serrell’s 

aes correerannnd) pe Cli” Gliliie Gmeviewn an Foreign Patents, 
Qettt- CO?! weth a pur te | 76 CHAMBERS STREET, 

diatr anangu Da 

te eo Oa 0. no te Yeuffon, vat. 267879 
eae : oF, Lf Mla Vas os ~ > 

Sow Aor ee. Lye tan 7 : 1 Slur? oF Gdvors bsg 

aes | thy Cla A ; 

we Lee ' to A Ze Moan . afit17 Sore Wa 

z seg aa ftemascand | Bafa Ane ae aa 
AVG 6. ota thathatilee Comat || Lgl yo a@ ceeds Yee yyocu 

a aes 3 ee es As M6 Ow 

es ltr —aed Le 2, haces 

4g ee LA 
Sie oa Sis Aafia eu thewotlay 

Sati Cite Cove wls chi “a 

Ge Ee: tA (be ha 2 pr OP Jott Caw, 
Hy ha 

i Company slowing SaeeOD pnts necnce beh tote conte Ite Hability, which bave been setented to by 
=e Sra topeceoe ea ten rete teenie te eevee, ont to mea om 
pot rats Meosage ves UNRATEATED D HESSAUE end tna delivered by roqurt ofthe eebder under the ommatticen nese c8=T=, 

Beo’y. NORVIN GREEN, Pres 

Dod ae Western Union 


Lhe —_l}uay VIG) pop 2 pg 
sana ck ca ak ba a 



‘Tale sanied toby ANG and DELIVERS messages a only on condition ry Heatel ue ite ja lability, whlch hay 
bei oy ed eat sab ooty by ra Gal vention beck to the sending ee foes pari se the Cor 
nat onl a meseage gel ven ts, 
pany mis acta sfc ae for tener oF d iaystn. Stranemladion of dal rier of Usrepen m fer goape 
. sing ener EPEATED MESAAGE and ta dallve ing request of the Goss cade Pie ondition 

A. R. BREWER, Beo'y. : NORVIN GREEN, President. 

“ent fon dbyfick 
Kea RMp Caco 

Noe we 7 
Ne etbatw® pete ped fe BOS 

it wep 

oe Levrerrey 7b traee nent le”, oe 

fe aes 4. rie Lie 
bs eredelfy ALi; Bee 

z a? 
bute t Fe v FAC Love a Ce 

7 , 
. bt ta Le. A etipeg a2. 

r 3 _ ; | Sa; Euckatns 

islet ail i ASG SRL ad ie Unc ADE tS Dai ls Ca dara ela Nn i Sk OI as ili 8 sc ch CA aceenin biasing Stenosis ae 

fey 4 


Pemuel 2. Serrell’s 

aynevicnn anil Soreign Latents, 

(P. 0. Box 4680.) 

ew donk, LL az... 5.9879 
Gav? ae X sn ae 

o Uy Lica [He / 

Ie Ie MW Early, 
albout—Pours . Jatt , butte . 
Ailigraptud Co ( belarw drawe 

on Jrevitin oud Heel po ‘es 
oF Qiund 6 gow (darttirtt aucta- 

oe apnea Oe oo ee Oe 
ae ‘Ler ow We jrtews— : 
CLL LU 1a¥kLiao Ge 

2 Fe bet 

eo ceeeeees ge “ey 

yay 714 
| i val YO a 

ent aS Sorrell’ i 

wieiian. € “ Horciqn Patents, 

(B. 0: bx 4689.) New oth, Lat... 18 
Ph 09 f- an. a G 
og zo 

eater. Ha 
Ee ee Ge 
—~helena E-C ws er GE ee i od 

oleu rcle 
afer, ja cow Celis eon 

be etd ww Fein t Ze 
aged Z 

uy th 2 R i q 

fo, Guu 
A : ; C fot: s 
Tuer coe caiccclaen 
; ‘ a4 on | 
f \ ‘vy a) Aco \y dat Vi 
vie \ 

(le prea oh ie ‘i perbennl 

{iy incd ool vo Os 

Vow \ ee see Bs 1 _ 

emul Bh. Servell’s 


avmevicnn aul Soreign Lutents, 

Box 4081) ew Hoyk, Aaa ADK cp 8&7 
Kh Theo? Ct ae ot : 

Dewy Qo 

ak ia 
Dhol Lhe Clecta, cord ROH Moe gee en 
frrvosded ili his Bi pletion | ae pg eam, 
Ct Gearkd Be AMAL IS Ao Age, frafiero 
eutharek Aekary — Shee qparfins for Unibiatoe it be ew yon ob 
Ce ee POY ae poge of Un t Cass 20,799: 
and Lorh ego of Rurean fee - Hhhoe, 
Meth afrurs At.agnetiin aud wilriiiiiing at~ 
flecs marke, Cry atddletcal paver of alli 
(for Come One ic abeo yocbrds: hes prirche 
paper bre by preliiin proth oD bby 

Bernal ap. Sevag 
‘Rsviean & Puasign Patents, 

76 CHAMBERS , t 

(P. 0, Bo 4680) New Cok aM lay, YE zal 79, 
“Of, ges Ge, 
facts of ge pen Peay is 

of se a cufie, 
A ee ae enn lor a Mustiale te 

ae cleterchio tiv aaa OOS: 4p Gy JOO. — 

caer? i ad 

Bees amd 

dinerver) LY 2 
ee aaa Pay eee ae et 
Ler afly Caace pe fore YS 

Tae cab amn cpaied 2 bd ne ene 

nwe- thaws. wee (nrodel. 

prrectek aa: plate Pars mearee ek He opts | 

otr, Or ore hare, arta th was 

B an iia ge aw Zaly, LaF 
a aw rece Aide AK: wher, tha? oe 
ner el Yael — Ss ox 


Pomel ‘Hh. Senrell’g 


Huevivan S Boveign Patents, 


(P. 0. Box 4669, Seu Qik. a tay JRE se M79. 

Nece Bee’: . 
er a LAVELLE | ve thar” 
Se ou en : aor YY Guenok Ca atenw?~ orw : 
See afters feo. SR4¢D 9 be ated ere Wis S57 oo ata 
Yee. GH SIDG aliothe @P ©? peer cely 
Milan fa atent oNtiorregs phy to tee 22, 
[57 F. 
CE eetrcere d arveecee lites WZ, beesell 4 3. 

and lak, #la- wn Oliadierig ly frerracs Ano Che focricta- 
Bhevnli le Cewr¥ pre Gee. Ls, Jail we 02 Aew 
LE ee 

LLeaae LAF Ce hrourgpueen) wE IM: Bie OA 

. G72 ctler . ie = 
° a A, ied 

a | OCmucl Zt LIZ 
aa Ge Relay 

> Hfhemuel 20. Servell’s 

amevicnn aul Sorciqn Putents, 


= , ot 
! SZ ote gone dimauags | Pemuel 1. Servell’s 
f Sie pene) tHe oth ; : jaa , OFFIGES FOR PROCURING 
y 4 a e ‘i 
1. : f, eee Tay, Ayevicnn aul Sorcign Patents, 

~ the oan : 
ta SiR BIN ‘ ° | Yeo fon, Lz Z, = ZO -TAE 

Herne a. Serr rell’g 


Rinses = Meg _ 

Ks Gail iffece w MAL pede, aH 

ofyfe Leallc. OG, faterit- oe Vagos, “ge 

base. S77. Aad bs Ho Corrbed | fated Ve WY ICE. 

Mee. S/SC,. Bd artiecfiatin EG Chater, axdD 

Wiles patent Ue L019 6F, i, X, U6 cca acaba 
par g& g2 yt oe 

buffers Pee AE Affereriees, 

ws Phase Lk OP Yr wot age cates Ate tu) 

5 aaa Da 

Pemuel 10. Serrell’s 
american and Foreign Latents, 


(P.0. oe 4080.) . few fJot, Hay. QE 18 7 v6 

IEA burn E, 

ry Clalpeecms (paltid- 
Cr on apts, fa. 39 5 site $s 
S096, : he ovarthe . 

8 Ob f a 
aa Coo tet h chs 

Penne! ah. SSenrell’g | 


Muevican SK Boveign Patents, 
(P.O, Box 4685.) A eu Cath... W. Mf... LE 9 

Mé of, Minow bo. 
Roa Be’, , 
yw wfratintne Pkonog afte, (use jto./y4%) we Ulalert 
tte LE tertile thet lhe grere apples tion of a LE 
wheel a a pelerrcognepte wetlpet Le¥ Che feteecce) ST 
Meberee Qoroct pu.cypnenY ancl ine kip een ae 
feecenltrr , arto Zecerclert AL, ce 1 Chet cw 
Attoricls flint ‘ F7 a 
hatte J olitfo ttheis baesr, with Lhe ty freelion 
zi Aeectre72 the. bare ty a“ fae Aes, Ceoreleod 
“ib Lee. ob Lv, ou phate P casey ct orvapifeats thes 
. {en cheep 

rep Ihe. yams 

A qurnel an. Senrell’g 


Nuevivan SK oveign Patents, 



(0, Brat Neu Bash, May. 88% apg 
7 a ) 
Yeo of Kocleame & 

3 7 , 

BAH lhe wratllee &f wy Ch cfifltcalion 

Vath Mlacliterfegh/- dhe Falenk Office Aofers bis 

preléart of Deca s ters Ye, L086. /94 Fi VA 4 K ed wentietfoa cr 
Oren: | Clatuw, ang te Siew YRrew 2/1 262 Veer, oy, 
vi 399 ad anttecatiung Bee er Lacie ¥ and GG he 
Sughishe frolent te,’s [9767 ao Mb lew 
y age Jrolewutl~ te. AG LO OF [57 8. ao eter CF = EG toe, 
2 Oy 
a Cettat- Cparretgee LCC (C4CP1CE A y Cert 2 Cet BILE 
Crore err toltca ee AEGERLO th dlifferenecs > G77 Spb f 

Yer pupeteg Ae sar dhe Yroatta, 

Grit yttétl, 

Ffemuel 0. Servell’s 
avnervicnn and Soveign Latents, 


Pennnel 2H. Serrell’s 
jOFFIORS FoR riceiw 

american Ge forcignh Patents, 

Fennel a. Sorrell 


Nuevivan S Loveign Patents, 

140 78, GRAM S STREET, 

(P. 0. Box 4689.) — . A ew Qk - Thay, Lge 17, 7, 


(hear Ber’; 

Mee ys poleles Oe oi oS areca wertoter) Was 
lenferetioon eye ye heew cerreesbiect.c cofey 
of Bai Cade’, Lo ay 5 ies Lay fe A 
ber€l LE Len O- Cee re aa 4 oe Lee. 
| Vaso Cegnatine Oe ats, ers Laced 
ark liar’ wrtaitased), I peliin thin, Lheriswrl, 

bitte ab Nad : meer OA Set A RA BY AN rial a SIS ihe ARE ICE A HIG Sh hig nl 
SES PRE Sag SES boii t Wai Ni SNA Od Wei Aelia CRANE haha el Miia yd eis AU at 

ny 4 14 
Core / 7 Si Beate ee 

free retin) 
ade a my 

Fennel 20. Servell’s 

Awericnn aul Foreign Patents, 


, Aor, 1 tho few | 
Sine, ee Pemel an. Serrell’s 


LLG Saw . Nenevienn nud Goveign Patents, 


ee ox us Weel. 18 vi bi 

| morkud pin pouch: this flaps naqutres 

Ofer, ry for Tnivacau/s aa Hharsdre 

Pemuel 2. Servelly f 
vei le ae Patents, 
N 2 


Yew ot, fears ian Z 187 J, 

‘dan Pe EE Cpe aiokis oo 

Kar Se 
Lot awd 4 ee (OE 0-0 Clan 
heer pifor oe ~G% cL wae 

en Ati correter Cee han ed 
Olin, conc eeiar “gy Ay Zi ee reel 
Che peferceucte’ ye Vane Latif 
VOWVO.221, bor, 23, 9S, “Clin bao 
Sia Se ee y Cee AIC ane dans 
eee i 

re Bea 
“Ce clu Ay a ae tay 
bss 49 a an ar 


beapriae fenrr cg ae 

ies Lei? 

® 2 
| re anata en a 

pn pM, Beye 
wo Aidagrjared ee oe, 

femal 3. & rell’s - 

Ameren and Sigh Patents, 


(P. 0. Box 4689.) 

Pemnel 2h. Serrell’s 
i * OFFICES Wie ‘tien 
American ant Soreign Latents, 


| Toruacle Cas Gy 

(P. 0, Box 

Blank No. 1, 


* This Company TMANSMITS a04 DELIVERS nicessgse cc! dttlons, Uniting {te Iabillty, which have 
taen assented to ty the ealider of the follow!ag a v.00 conditions; Unitus fd 

Esrors can be ralast oaly by repeating a massgre back to the sendtog atation for rompariron, and the (am 
pany uact bold tai tale tr errors. in (ratemission or delieery of Uareponted Mosnmgos. 

7 rr ary a 
an UNREPEATED MESSAGE snd is Salverea by Tequest of tue sender under Lhe conditions 

G sper altlee cl Me 


Blank No. 1, 


* This Loe pr He hengeeter perro aod DELIVERS messages only on conditions, limiting Ita lebility, which hare 
revs cha be paarded agaiash saly by Tepting stasesare back to the ending etatlon parison, and the Gan 
a a8! re . om 5 
.psog will vot bosd finlf lable for errors gr duaya le traceniicion or duliesty of Usrepediled Moga, 
meget on UNEP EA 

‘TED MESSAGE acd ie delivered by request of 



ae mae . S 
7 SET A Pe 7. fd 




SRE ee See ET 

Pemuel iB. Sserrell’s 
OFFICES FOR procuntsa 
- American & Horeiqn Patents, 

POBox, 4689. , Nei Goof ) ee Uf. 

Gi? -F. Clow) Ging | 

CUM, eeu Lar . . . 

Er nepadtls Hae atfelreccttiw 037 for 
PM tea vine Ms, clue ay Yee he oo. Ca) 
tril ~Zaeculs, TZ Malad Spier Soyfeeae A elt 
Mee ele y fre Mth Artlruty fA tr Moved LE0tLe _ 
dongresdvmly , Lit objets jth Ce clatuc u-\ 

i ; 
VEEL Afra . and [Pere Ciant= 2A, 3 
tre aP el“ tu ty we) Deng Goo Conde 
(Onl fl fotat 2 CHL Y ZF , CA MAL, MECC; 

“abe o— | alae | Lo ee 
Petit, aut Be /4bS09F wats, 43 a Mita 
UZ te wettioul—ec , see ou Mit Fea 

azo Peek: —_—— 

6s 4 4 = 

do Mb dt We pee aL aE 

pb iru be del 

Pemnel 4H. Seqvell’g 


Auvivan S Loveign Patents, 
(PS0; Bar 2009) Mou Qrashe 2 Don M679. 

Near Sex: | 
| . A, We teat ¢ EGS Case VY6 7 
om Selefchenes, the: Galir tfffece the liad a 3 | 
bucloaing ORE A, 1 at— 
LG ee 

Cneafbacice? wmiflaenee ano Was G td oe 1egarced 

berrply Mee kperecee) maa aaa akg ortenD 

a , Bae Clair Aeacto ao —_ 

eee Fe. ice. tate! ecalancng Herta’ 

Opeciae thy wv obleciniing ES Oe a 
whether Pohatl clish. ch ) 

ep ase ee eee eT ee aT ETE NT SE RE Nee ED 

ry - 

ennel 4h. Servell’g 


 Keneviean K Hoveign Patents, 

Vom Box 4689.) a Qroshe SLAC... Mf. £ MY. 
She. A Mbit. Ey 

ot a walle e 
Ore CARL /FZ3, hefiarens blinets ee ee, 
pecohtrey wredice. fon sia nia “Latin eet 

It blaptor Rin Livers oe, lucy at \ 

Goch eh Ctliveire Yardley ¥-oa2 : 
Bipot thay tate head leeen gop eo | 

ae fotlowa 
ee aE, bebo ¢ Vip 
Gila, aa ; ego 

Suceat?. “ ee TK. ts 
Tet becuse . fee dept, SS, ” 
j Getler ee tos S SO 

PO.Box, 4689. = 4 MEY, Goth a Wye 
Zé... “7 fo Colao 

wc Con A Ge 
ct G Gair- oe jas Cater Zirs Jlertabouy 
Pa ee. > TT ANaAo eae ae at Se 

Ao Lliid Coe. t00ed ae ste 
aisle, toa din Bets bos 7 ae 
AW Lite: FatactOfffecs | Leis fila Cas ane 
COKF-un.8d wel “CK cue ecg Sf Me Aasgpilrage) 
cad ow ME thr rite {CE carbon) bettors BGS 
ae a privy din Ct Creal a pilay Ceieute-— 

Mo. OWN Dy LI eS EO 
hcl! br tpl LEG) lee eT,  thrttic eB 

Gow A od 02 DO fuvir 2ie, — me 

ae Clatte¥ Celcernuver’ - LAAT C2. cote. ue 

fre os AVU0-F 
LAL Clee ze C24% mur y Se WW Cet 

at ees Be Maue DL 

MDa eae e Lee ee AS ea eA eR ETY 

AAO » well hte (CL ay wette vy ro” 
¢ : <, : 
VCC Ee cud” A cut Soaks SA a Peye i 
Ghee (OCA—C eto eu Cote COL Cetera ClO tree 
aye aad Cte eas away 4y ; etl B1gfon Apia 

PACE Gaur Conse tats Crra —— 

oe. ek phi ale 
Coates O CUAL Gta” Ly oe TEs Ete Coo —<— 


— Lata id abou¥ peen Cao ogy 
f CO ectirtea “Ctte 
——S oe 
> ee en eS 

POBox, 4080, of | Lobe Dene. 102 L pt ~ ML. 
Me fh, Leann & : 

eee, LT aad onber, Malen 
het gerbe Pleerroge se Rn A 
weeHler, Wtar. LG ~ Ty fot yt ae aes 

Vip ee Se . 
favre th a vatherch Frnt yore . 

; ee Peg nage 


. at of fiarieti i Deka caee) aol — 

nee aor 

L 4 i, ' 
Sha o 
7 ys sons Bp ee : 
Fee oUlslzer 9, Pay y 
alla st Sis LAS! 
D evs ty f 

1 X. Ney ea ili ih 
© Naseai — 
pao es 

2O.Box, 4689, Nii cite Goh: =e a ae = Ate. 


vale ae raises ae OS ‘nba 

7 evo of he, powere Qe for noe wi poupug. 

annuces ms Auchiainw ~ pociiids ae ere 

hate? “ei Phe ag ae for CH. 

Off Peer. peuty COochiv Eur Hin wre Jferousle 

not beng Artem ti formes — , 

A Har her Cte irl MGA Cynaclor Rice apices 

and a cav obfanr aw fecote, 

com be: acbnnnlets ge before ham ooo es 

he be sedds nw re Cely Oe oii ANEW’ prime) 

fT Wa. ph aufrouce A—-thas Leelyy - . Ba tity 

Puegrets Mackin, Vrblign — Lorruacl WwW, ie. 

Blank No, 1. 


‘This aopeny TRANAMITS and DELIVENS messages only on conditfons, limiting ite Mabiitty, which have 
Wwen assented to by the sauder of (he following nessaze. 

irra be guandat a: 
rep Hot hold itself liaht ni 
Is message lean UNNEPEATED MERNAGE and 
named aboys 

SS —— — 



LL Fheuwre Lok ie a eee. 
Bie tek = eles ean lett ge “up Credits Bus). 

: i} 

. ae aol AD. rey MY Leiang One 
| { 
| Paks ot fet ee ae 

tie L , fh ma Ge. Kapa wha | 
a an a pa cae ot Goth! L.- cae | 


ee ta 

Loe. Me. 

=< sane ABB bret. de Seti a 

oo Tgp F, CaF Sten be or a Be 

| ee ee oe 

» ep aaned 27. teh. Letsfoewe. PALO ta) 

| Che. ahh SO pit a th ot ps os 
i £U ne fhe 


i . eet 


Nelle ate D tae fifi ction A. He /Ep Bite td Caspian das 
on ee 2 a ee Prrctcerdle,. ny aa Hh Aus leet. 

t va eee. Pale ‘ao Cor hereon. b toate tai to atthe: 

oe King AOD tn eee eta how. Crmecbe nn akira ened 

her Coe, , LOU Crctg tly: 


fete Nfl Pot Us ge ae ore Comal” 
HG Oo Ct a ht PG ee ee 
1 5 ESI aL 

. ‘= EE 

entre aol 

ce Af lee we 

ee ees tas Aifatted tu Attic TO. 
pete ENS Fy tafe [AT-#@-¢ A Laem ill td at pacrey —_ “US Banta 

ea CPS Savon ey ‘NIN oe At... KW... (Cf oe 
CEM eae oS er ee OO fakin thtny... ae 

a — fe potnt 

Sma te Ke a oe 

Lk. — 

AL Pkegh,. os eine i eee 




ie Offence ye 2 feed bA | 
Lefts ed an OP Aen. ip gen’ 


rz vot ww aad ee ey 

1 aa ene (Ds oe Ye hor een 

“Berta fa flan ing: Off herativions ae Jock 

_ 4p tat eet aoe 


fe TE oe OE ii ue oh Bs 
ens wtb. AA ag mae Bbw... eee amas 
A, Agee. BAe 

; [Abtetldcmised€ _ Commas. ee _ Cache Crvtaat =; feat oat 

tear tin pore. ere 5 Mpg GEO este 

AC bet athps OOM! ae om 
p ther, de _ Latitnt Ot say 
Lay. eee 

| ue That ae Prefs oes ee ; 



LOM Vetet of bh a Zee) JS 
ed. iy 

Pemuel 0. Serrell’s 

y Sevigny at Goreign Latents, 


(B. 0, Box 4089.) or faarttcisfe. 

Gi? F Eotiarr Ee 
2Xear e' 

Pemuel 2h. Serrell’s 


smsricnn aul Soreign Latent, 

vA, YR ator gray ee 

(P. 0. Box 4689.) few fot, 

—— Of gS _ 

POBox 4689. Mei Youll fuk, Pa Z ad Wir 
J? IF z Colleges. Coy 

Cy Cf“ - 
ue em QAANr 

aie: fue Apo rehas ure HOY Lol — 
ZO + eS . - ae 
Ow i1g , NOU rer” uw te (wuclel 

Via Magee leet, Mathie Mii clovene Liv 
Lualeriy ertuik,. cur « lets aut tle ia 
ae fr0rte caused jar aagad, 5 0 Clan M0 ies reece 
clic furaclirues CUAL eed) Ma WMeltflh de 
Otiatle- ; AwE- oe waipured ov, Guru ? hi Cnt 
, anes MMAMUELE Lerueo sag Z 
iy. pagers Lewitt, allio A 7.06 
tb. MS AG pporwe with pur bbe le Cio a Chat 
(Clat laealto Hi (rte Mlairupae MOD a” ame 
els Attracts vy fic Cm? po jt: 
LEA 0 le Me QLD Qe pnaclure ie : 
filets Cd Cl COOKE Cecowwes oF —— 
teivingte Mie yiactiuwa jf Ch tach 

Br fioleriaed awed te: P x 
LOG J a ee “Avery fla nate ak LL At Core. a 

f- tl anagneia Ctririg pyrite): Mack hau 
—finr Ltao oO DABBLE ELE, Phaecks tir. (C2 tue ~ 
ett ne COED @ Kew tte: dMrarkinupg r— 

{tlie COLOLOUAROUS jerra.etltrued May ancuged 
tA 4 ACL os a fact fnraetiun wipe? 
Ate fe AETIS (ott. ) wa fer as becatinyg 
ECO Cees Ag vt tr Cleveceo AO, Bike 
et ee clout a fo Cal Food goo Ltheirde 
ie Marva em fealiwt Ma deere, wltetlity pes ee 

CY P&Lftcralo. (eb eeguery ; poe Oe Leech CE: GUGM, LG 
Fibre ate . e cr (rasa oe - 4 . 
Cote Aue Lie Wheels rR Mit. LU ag neti Che bites (CALL CCLUNL! 

% Norell. curteaem Greak enti Lig alka toe ye ( folanubly . 
- of hel eet, a G ee 
Hf ol -ELCOLAOtltt, AY Lieut. a MYHeiate pO GLAS oe 

Couto Le p2- weve. ba Gren alte “tw MES votes ee 

Cte (lr ciclirue ACBL} aa Cue Gf Ae ragorls - 
LZowe tint 

(¢ | Cg . : gD 2 ee a Pec 

Pemuel 20. Serrell’s 


Siumevicnn and Foreign Patents, 


(P. 0. Box 4089.) Yew Jon, nos te 

Flr? A, Ectoiw E 

“ w eed a prorternay? 
MCU f Wau O, Athy , Ci Wivitecr 
Heo ta etl ee wrt Mochhauoww 
hear tMhllers Pe Lo 00Y fy Cr. ee 
ou we CEEY t Lie Ae a Mee, 

cur Stijo-w" P 4 few 

Elen gis kee hae 

2? Lee a a 

are Cue Ar corse travel Fougoe 
Khaw jue tle 
cn Meoudars) ? 0g AVECEE. ow 
Pia) ae Zale — eraol 

yg. thillern , se tas ener : 
Fate lew yaaa ce 

tee NTT ee Cie 



Cuerpo Een A2Yerk: LE jif) 
sat ap oc “ @ Win Yorks brkey JN L- 

we enh te bang Char — 9 Yor 
dun BU pits Ga bean /e = 



oo aas eE I 

i Kitas A. A oct a Se leshone . 

4 ho lapthenie teandrtte. the rombcnuliin 
of a chiaphe gant aclapted LG webhost: sondiare 
Vhe nuprclee af Ake Soren drewves of Hamdard 
Orienivelet Le Segol obeaphr ce gon of an trmperfactly 
"lon tectng amredivem/ Pele Gites pe ee 
been. or fathd SHandocds ance or/cbiclanl 
| Cenreccetion terth a battery wirtk tl- a 
Wadleemient , tact Oerviees bevig atlanta -G 

hetng er tial orn B Perr ellr Cerne 
thet of the Cropd as tol forth, 


, . ‘ { 4 a 
Pemuel ah. Serrell’s utile ye 
SLi uel rrr ener 
a) { o Ss cote 

F v 
{P. 0, Box 4080.) few Jou, poly LB... 18 WA vA 

Means Bae | 

Cte boule , head, lotta cousin 

deci iinet ica ah 

seg aesdetini gti MBendi 


“eee ee = 
. : z 
O.uNASsa0 sak 
o—-—_ © 

ao a 
ara) Nii Yoshie Litdy Lip Io OL: 
; mh bidgie by ; 
| oe: Gide ffece crc acling ae 
eer afipeleerebion (Mel pg) for fale ond Mhexrofple 
H- 99S of JIBS av ce Meedfrcting apren/ IV CLatre, and ' 
i hee: fraleut of VbLertes HELIS thelr, 4. ASYS- geo 
nse y/ 
tte ge Claw: . 
CLP Ce leer es Dhivwias bide iS Eee) 
EF ore fervor on Baers lw Teas Qa, 
S enclose abeotiy of yoru (EIR ACGfrcrd 

/ C1 
ate Bov; 


sploe dic pthc : (Mivciguy 

& Sena &E Seen [sc 

POBox, 4689, ABU, Cou, fe Ay 228 Wf. 

” So appear te be rome 
ky Hes bioubly pr commnectiary wthe gow opplicolion for 
Patink-vn Grrvrwom Grmpira for Tlepokorss— Mow will rumem~ 
bern, thal Has cace xa oppor by one tb kdinghausers an 
pro mre afecifiratior, and cbaime ov thy grounds thal 
pe you opplealion fou pall, ann Pol Bon phases 
pe. Ae fret four ornw Ge broad — He havo an though 
He Behartinank ves. buying a cok lew pouty, olpuins oe 
Hale 0. puatimt:, xf aoa “evel wy contin maha yew 

ee lug CoV AS Ww 
pias Sgt Bar C5ccome Rarer yar Rckimeno 
trial Tlegrafhagens of Mefo. 61899, froge222, Gud 
leet he, ce fhe Finn ony aorbo / 

/ ] ; 
eee Ebko Anog ase rlharck auc Parnur 
Sf gue hows a cedy SY Ha pewmral cramctinnct) 

oft ee 7 fr nee for: rofaly Aetarw rat, 

LOY f- a > Wf?) . 
Vester! Ueuini Ldegraph Company 
/ / : 

Blactvtctitne . pea Mess 

fe Ramat, 8 tte ook Bratt 
ante, Sanepienene mart ae 
ke aoe) Saiuies eet." esaewas ig 
ai opplicotiors Arn Cavcots. a cao A 
Wi porto YY TN a eR ee” COTE 
of che ae net of Ra rertiows 4 a ee 
Creantiows.: . 

q- Site i es ts Me ees 
Deijelies aoe ieh oe. MEAG op Yorke eg tas 
feo groan sige once Lok yor tome onphiion po 
A Sie RE SE eens, HE eh fee Was whey tows 
has onplieotion Rasahics wtrors ahs a ee 
of ie clone. clloren uc Shaws application _ 
sla ete feeb. Ses Bit jest of han pote 
Offs ea. be eitheows. flow. ae (inna Onc ALAC 

crbeel cite te be cul Che al Oyen ov Gow 
wrent obetlen prrority Gre 

Gan Oro 

Who& I am wre Sy meaeane o Letitang 

ase es ale ShLork wrlh gre Reo patenré Ursiner bfnw 
on opplieotiow w aan “nos 

not te, 

bot ARC be thin 7C Kaa GTA esearch cconlv ah 


o Oe Own a) th Pitta thw code aati : 
se aday hide hae pnd tw ly 
ound) ease) tandards conmmretid/ Aa’ said 
da haa wy) dan) amypupect conductor nied 
qillid Ydul Gn whasdrpncneat) ow aud! standard) 
and and tacucal: convection) ) au al haley, and! 
ys pecusn ng arituururd ine aeneesd) hie ada, 
apna Ol Gal Uae. Subsection ? 7. 
poleeen th d pe eat wu adsl bs Hey 
a SH epee ta Sth d deathid mJ) the sitandatd J 
athached Ui is canbe codedlois ; arc th 
wh weuw canny uv ond ty arbor ConduAora 
4 hel) Ah SprLaw ud) ord thy canbor) (nay fu wand! 
ba) act forth! 
Wands Tho PE aired thy deapt hea Dy | Ho Hedads 

frst cae | Ii duok: 2) if bibs APNE) we) 
donicau) ace), and} thy douk! Connex sae hdl) 

sad huthon hes porrred) ow al eagle bis Ath av/ 

ie e dapd at fet 

; Pemuel 2. Servell’s 
American nal Soveign Patents, 


; | 
ee | Baeg nae 
me ’ “Ow Ada, | 
COMES Ae eeng) Ny 
4 . ; sss + j a 
thats Phe te ny 


| il poe 


10 Na ae oome® | 
— -—6Yf eo 

| CN cir lit? Yoh: Lifes G6! 4 po 

Bia see 

POBox, #659. 

A paisa EE ak te one Lebafohen 

be aad» eer Aeloiy— Coax, 18 2.¥/F 3, 

; eur 

aap ets Se ehhh hl 

aaa 9 rs 


Nassav sas 

POBox, 4689. Ati? Yoh: lig fe Uf: 

6 eat Bub, : 

. . Dy Be yoiellee Me Selbifiline. 
Lilet PREER SOM eer cle, Ys, ay chol y, ve (fereaen 
ee 4 erigecee f ess coves LE 10 ae weelic aa 
keeliineiy ex tbndey Gag. 1% , 

7 WL re 4% PACE Ye bie API APLOL ag foraae~ 
“hie, Lv Be ee foe Cah erg we ev Metliree a 
a) Ohualil, , 
Civile Detect | 

eo > oe G 

exis SMa 
; ae orn ty 
y i & TE se 

PO.B0x, #680, hii 2 Uh le Lp RE a Sip 

LA Etwin E. 

Miiee Bev: 
pans ini dees : 
Gos Mobi Ate ee eS Wee renee) 
Ve: f ft bee aes ALDee pee Pucctuce Ba wee eee 
“el the hifi CPLL. weleifetenets i 
iaeng a wea felled ff “you core ll) 
At plECE thea?” Becsetey The (96 we, eee Aaheus 
eG LeY A Cheick LOC of ot! LtelleT port 
pre LB ee Se A GE pee azc&te ZttLe, eer rw 
Btriven ng Tee dotecerk— . 

unas ane butt Se feylel 

Chas Batehobe 

Plemne! 28. Serrell’s 

A \y American & Soreign Patents, 


en {jr pr = ed é hs 

ea iad a a a 
woe JrrvCota SS gy 
aarp shee 

(PB. O. Box 4689,) 

A foe Gerew — yy eS : 

' Lowe a RE trite tw 
OL Aube » O49 Cth, 

Al) fice flay | atents, 


Moree Building, 

Aéeu Youths EZ ie ee 487 7 

. Beat Get - ‘ 

YY affords me pteasute te wnfarni 
fot pete ws z 4 
yeu thal on.Cltg LO SEG 
yout ofprlecation ‘fat Galen! av 7 
thhttd. duly attawed. 

Whe Gatend wut! te engradsed 
fet tAue an tecerpit, of TWENTY I 0ILILARS, : 
tee dalance of fae frayatile thelean, of 

sececued uslhuen ata mounts. 

Yorta tuuly, . : 

es Livkt W. SRRRELL, 



POBox, #689. 


actsn of Ul” oy $blA sy of eek 
dal, 13 ae 

| bbe fetud lad tfc Mena 

hehe Dobe laity LE LEW 
Iaep é Gs wheaore S 

heen Iho. [phe Tory ou fet 

pu febec i noth Jenebie YiinY Cifgecte : 
ee foe Ss Lace se ay re | 
fbb may ae Wiihe tase Be af fle: 

7 _ 

COA) fice 

Clolerrvents ate Aeg 

G ie ees are OS ie ieee 

oes hiclereer lt Ager tite Hof? pebe 


—— 6 ¥o—_- 

POBox 4680, Ait Goi: Gg. Lcbugg Wt. 
Sop ws bilegere & 

Pear, “o x . 
, MEE! cca Aeceever! 
LISS | yey ae VALE OL A! OF cew 
Dekiftifeere tfifrlieatiire , Gasca Jaf ~/F5- S7F, 
. OZ74 Lrtelotltol a ter~ Guartiis 
& Chen Cttde? » tee el WIE te eubgect, G77 ALLE 

. Ghe feelerreers Moertejseect we ba 
Cake, eases F ZO wn ac sana 

Bf errirel 40. Serrell’s 
OFFICES FOR pnocuntna 

ameyican & Soreiqn Patents, 

a tees nea 
‘140 NASSAU & 

(. 0. Box 4689.) , “ wv, “if ne LE" 18 £6 2 

Bee: Sie G4 of owe 
Ma Bacleinal P22 ne fy . A 
Aw runeltr Mla 2 tO 
Chi” (FOR clon’ _curll Gave 
Me bx fete urd Linen 

Executed Alora) Ltwenunt 

ofivindD ao cle a ene 
seg (x7) Shana Coune— 

Clerk’. ser "es aml — 

— Oe 

POBox, 46. . | Ni Geo fe Deh fee Wf Z: 
Ye of, ‘dea ae ies, 

Dear See, ey 
; AL. AertatnY co i 
Pan cetlinedt Se ve Li Cee Cae we. ee: @ 

ae cer , eleMecisien' Crew ie ape oe 
(a " , 69 ' leew bee Me Gale h Gf fice 

lem shaiey 

Befhilip ing 

pa Western Ubi’ Lelegafe Ze tify 
Coetge Gf Gawe oles SUEZ 
cee Hs 20 | N Vv é: 

as oe fis. eee pe ee ches | Si deaech 

| J hare o hitler. flew Le. Coeare- Ee Je 
wik. tay Ce zx the Pr d—-to fs. Quthivtiucs 

abort L-Y Ah- i 

Z hy a oo 
we SN us, Bowe 
NI hese odie geet ay dante BEES Bit | 


1S MORROW E NASCAR kA: Car rama 

. Wank No. 1. 

VERS messages only on conditions, Halting Ite lability, whieh have deen assented toby 

k to the sending etalon | been f comparison, and the Company wilt 

‘This Compas 
the gender sl ‘, the follo¥ing message, 
Era’ sofried against hf repeating @ measare bec! 
not fala ientabiee ‘or errovsor dgifyain transmission of delivery of UxaxrmaTRo MKs 
ile Measa, 1a UNREPEATED MESSAGE and (0 delivered by request of the Neuter tnder the conditions named above, 


Red ot Western. Union Building, 


sea 1870, 

™ ALAAAY 9 76 
IKK Qs PAS oc Boar 


dtlank No. 1. 

iy Tals Company TRANSMITS and 
image ite race and DELIVERS messages only on céaditlons, limiting itellabitity, which have Leen sasented 10 by 
rressare heck (0 the sending atatton for cotoparison, and the Company will 

Errot i by repeating eto 
Hot el esiiletistoreroveer “lays in transmlorion or delivery of Usvuraatae alse 
‘0d le dellvercd by requeet of the sender under the conditions named above, 

16 Message {aan UNR. AGE 
A. R. BREWER, Boe'y. : NORVIN GREEN, Pres. 

ll ae a Heed at Western Union Building, 



8 Sai € 



AE Yuk Mpa Lb Wie 

Cy MN ie eG , 

: Beha bet 
| eae Lebeplronre rcleiflawes 

\ To £689. 

Bete fey Leet . wet 7, Ll ave AS bee. frrcrezected 
Geet ee OL lleva heatoreny, 

wwe have Ao be Air ca pica patiafaclrry Holt 

Pee CLE wy APLE- Let if % ia well, 
WCE gpie ie pu thee pwd om te Za 

a nas Pee 7 


o—-— © Yfo— -o— 

AE Yh Dil Mei. 
Liar’ Dr’; 

POBox, 4689. 

apple aliires Ito€ 161. an d1GK ar 
Lie Palit Of fece Bola taal CREA. Bitten s 
pubyecs~agnetliv for ot Least hits, ealoner 
applrenleow , Aelater g ae ae Cartlorew 
ht arasaicller | ot t2 gp Cherireat) (eeeevers 
hilefpterre / Gere Bae egace LL Ore batlely, ano 
Ah ah Caee /F2. Covers Meo Mite be bbe 
Pes a eatlrr areerpcliong Chiefdere, aang 
ae pacecelact’ (nag Belews pececv~ns Melkefatemme, 
Arno Aboot aetionr 4 Lheiefore srrtifrencdec 
Aitete La forsfuer’ len-tieor te Gr1acl2£.. 
| ; ic ees Let» PICE Vesper FOES 
weeler Mas Li ee My a 

| Qo 
A Coben Ghigo Corre Oxyritttl A> Dr 

wae ER Oe Peak ee iy y 
aceite Sot, 


phe biter tt AAA say 
: Vo Garr go, ; 
: Pie 3 Wp) 
> eo, patty r} : 
7 EB astiH1HinSeS Ae it Bt Pats 


P0.Box, 4680. Ni Youlb ica oe (7 Upe- 

Ha Lie “Wh Lue. Ou 2 , 

Tear Bev, 
ar BOI JEP UUY A Jb dhe 

HE fon fen Mle ye ACEC LL? 6Oct-_ ad haw an y te: ey ; 
Jeo. LLE1 be - lteg : a: 19 G. Vie peels DAB i hhatleist wl. 
BAIN: ee ~ebee cedight | 
2/5: ¥6G lus a6. oe te ¢r 4 | 

5 > ; , 

219.593. th. G AD pr teasn a beetice, brakuids 

E, glist Fcluck Mo. 426, GEN 23, /%yF Claclive light 

hn " YSG2 Pov, Fs Ge h n 

" n «5806. Ge, 2 , noon 
Bllya I. Su DG's, 
Maltdn a. Pet aa ch WC ten 

Bivrcectie “ Heel, ry 
2 You cacligiky 

oferty Sriete a 

{ Vy "Wegscaance A “a TY 
Sad y 4 SND BD m " e =D 
v\e \p ‘ 3 it Rin 
Wed ne - : anes 
aN we te Nassav su 
res van d * A Satie oo. 
VF Ya ; 
Yok nv 
POBox, 4089, Ni 

"Hirt wien ey ; 
an ee oD. 

Bilge ye tetnente wi, 00° 
ae oe, aap kero A a pCi 
Cag, Mer, i wiphe mae tad by fe so 
= tree theo ater 

Cage EF ow 

aps BO of thee ge 
At. p- Lab fitew! aivtey . : 

[hate Lyfer tt Leng Wied 2 

es only ar Sf a cater creed of 
ane ‘ Ma Cala Ofc Se 
fous te we 2 Za oe 

ah Ae: wate) a 

: . : e eer ‘ © 
eS HK bLatetorsd 7) MAD’ 3°9* tH: Scat S free : 
Vigor boa Vr Teanneal TUR 5 2 en lovey fOr s 

Pg : * Ke me ee 2 7 ? oe: \ 
oy we 
No \ \ = un $ \ . 
Dee ro ; Sy ey YONG gk EN ont Nos 
: AN ee eae < hoe 
ren pa ae > yyee ey VSS Y aya 
& a N : : 2 - 
. ea n F ~S, ‘ ‘ 
Neyaete SN ey ae Da aseyo ote Sarid soy roy 
Dae AEs ‘ tt 4 “ , : ’ 
Seren ckt io hats ae Y SAP TES ™ x io ete Wa an 
. a - 
Sysyos yoy ty | VS EVaovyesoa ayy. PVR OWA ey re yeoNE 
Fa - ? . : ' ‘ , . ces : : 
MN Wyo SOM QHOV ES sys. le yy ag STAM SS ay. Wis yo 
£ : %, . ~ ~ ie ° Vos ., . 
yee Say SS yyy ne S CRIT ISR BS Yu On oa a 
2 : & 
. ’ 
Sod oy 
pee te ecnsg es Sa SE Lome v ewe Sov vary ae Ee SE ot ryt$o* cSraee ie ir aaa 
. noe : ine, 
a a ert ores 4 We Sey eg” ye i Ha ate . . 
ye oP Saray VN RE ON TPN DD yoy hey "OY LY oSYa ee Cae, 
Sy x : x . wa ee, ‘ : 
) < tawsNVecay 8 nay 3 ye Pad ayy on UN 
‘ 4% es . 
Me Cy ye a Nd yas ‘ . \ nN 
-. t 
: Sales ‘ . 7 NO8 
ee aes Re ‘ > ‘ peal yoy gay Sy y 
‘N a “ <S 6 a ! 
ve yy . i ee a y % ae Yysiy roo $M 
NS : ‘ 

\ | X. ee 
al ‘Ag pall: SOHEIGN 
< REM vA 
sea 5 I. aaaaacaae 
Ee -_ 

Seba Wy 
| Jhouae tog Lok 
! Aor oh Ep a a 

eden eR ITE Es nape co ok Pies LOAD cel ape 


buatea btar (Hin Geo 

Weaahengl oie Mb. befe 24, 1879. 
Chot LR. Extegerd, 
PGT wee Se belwee- tv OE TS se fee 
Me Clarnener ae aad owe Appleextemre foray. 
Jed for Hrrifrrimsed iar Prrctiemat Visfianns. 
leord fate oo dope 8. 1879 

Cont? PIE A datas Comoe lade 


AA wae Hee. ve a by Vo Bon: cv tifrarde difptunocth 

Mat a tangle oor frog Metre of: Pre Atte. eee Ad Lect 
et : a : 
ia tog Le Clatnd Shei te BOC Aare OMI | 

i Ke Leeson, Bie pee: . 

Ghe Deereeae Ol noise jer Wendover e eee 
a“ coiTaary Lo Wha oleetacn, tiv Ctlle tated Obede) 

10. 09, 78 Vhad Pa clan 2 A ear21e120 > 
2itt Pha crgnrdserids, 

tid as artatecoi fracvis, tr anenurcver arnrceslAe -, 
ad Load bain te Dy tor a CR at 
Mt aruxeire Here cesaradec adesnrtle ae a tol: 
Lave | We aWeel or emnfurncert prufraradecn 
Vintow2 ad pies oi poreiicles por orbit che t may) 
lebo fo 181, paw ue, Vy eo oat Job? 210 none 
Weetls Cnoyl (Shela 1872) Fan S200 be seg 

Litip beeaut- aadiuite Feat. Phe foroferrDecre. Oey vA ! 
wantol, Phin aivarcthetie may he antec, or bone. | 


of Were frag ent Paty “be. ReithengedwireR Ee: ce ie 

eae. seem Co lavelt Fhe. ford. char 2 fits whe Corew nm. aa 




Lert aees: lhe wnraterial, are clot for Fra frevrfeoee, 
fee Witre cd 10 resellaetk ferridiors, or effec, 
Aveloped eel a stinfile fenanraVorw oo 
Ma (pian ate redells off Fae Cones tet te Fore g eles evide | 
We eornfuoriavel co Lp ys “29 is ca ite 
Wersfore ww Ph ont foatndable omnurct tee 
18 OF 478, 8244, Ana 1009, 6034S. S04 89 : 
ant (0 09, 895° alto~Aeecserrrs 076 Bees ev Chief. 
tar Dot S$ Ja, Ob. Wrbtéuis Dot SOL G22 L¥.Le, 
Gardner, ana Bez, J. vi: fo are, | 

: She AhtanTes pit, Ld eeze cFact , 

Oi é a, HO q 
‘ Viste Upon Lbegrafh Company 

Guctge Lt Pateatt OG Yoke Lint 29' SIE. 
Obecl tcc: 

Deane. Cogivein' 

Gowns of cha, 267 Unt coime Cnty & Lone. 
oT ee US ene he ee ee ee ee 
roche che eirention whale Ub cores on toreg, 
Caney brent Cedi Cb eRe ines Te bongts c& 
bo On & pronk & : L& oben Corie 
one foray Peete ces ae ee rome fartuns of 
Cate Svan 8 O08 Aen eRe” 0) et ae we A Oe om two 
beaeieet i ko akop chron e he en 
eC re of the Conte, Orbhe chanpors Seca, 
pty lag ict ses ese ee es eee 2 Caney tntartae 
PO SEES See ES EAS PTO ORT pow oe po 

PmonA PP ORB aa tt nf, wu nanl anaes. UG . ory: 

Xo Pree se A Gia ae sa aaa | JID 

Oe Ee Te Ln LOM LY Ataris (ta OE ee jm 
You. Deel alse) ails, velop ae ee eee 
ty Chin. Glee pegs. wroveh, ght 2 aed 
atesbimasabont: ibaa cacore tee aia es 

“Porn Beceg 
Hg 00 tier 

PO0.Box, Woraen A Nii Go Youll | O tL VA fe fe. 
ho yee cas A fist 

Se presents D-cabll 
ea ee OMe. feet hia 

AAEL te2- ooo) weeesld Or 26, 127 FIF3 aw 

Bae et Ate lae Ler whee Gud Gffeias 

CE D pues ws Ze Searteucla 
tye Ag aiticl ee 

irk Alvee Ak. y -c~ ees Me tale 
peter” eaiae a Pipe ae aE oe —_ | 

— oHe Sag 




é 40° 

ib 3268. (7 

1280: - 


Beg. ad 
oLiclToR os = ys 
BE ili ee 


ie ae 
S anv aboot 


aaa 5 | 

POBox, #689. AGE Yo CoH , Oo OF eC me 4 ya 

hie AE, ig ee 

Dew Sur 
ne oA re Bia Bae a Pe be . 
ES NE STO TS a ey « epuvns here. Mebane loue- 

Lieu ee foufirts ralente, ase cee ra fhlleun 
Mel Mt fen BY. How. SE, beclix gs Te gg ceovraceely 
aie purer. PE 1379, arircvent weeluclin Ly fleraed Les> 

here tere \Ote-tfe tac ve HI4, becr. 2/. S577 liubSben tang , PS 
ftete. cooly Cte beter. Af “199. Levert tee CLecberr “9 ne 
FR. SO. 

Maal y. fr bibles. Itov./2./ 9 f- bteclivedight-- XE 7 acevieerty 
au Jpov, 7A. SQ G.~ Cereecer py Aeon: 1G S80 eae, Pee. 
Liman Sonfine. Jtor: 14. IOP. GheleéZ, Fae pee Aete., 
ae “eters fecha ll, clea lever, 12 Sl yg. Loree ren IP po oon 
sy) Ges 1b 76 Hunetstlaouter be tes A fry faa typ 

LCocse Leip ona Cypo-te~ a cae ge-cabee, Are ae ontallir; 


|, Reet sEWae | 


aA Oe 

vo oe | Ni 2 Yl Box ree — ef 
She 2, bum é 

Meter Oy Mey 
eA Thi: viialler of WE wtdlea, ~ 
MAtIt Cb _ Clas Sroaler + SeYiecals, Vatficacns Blenecl, 
Wh Bie ae hefeerr fr td Ledley 
OF pial Die ies Gevig GP20CL Acre Gace Sesisivs 
tact Lier hore , ove lie: se ae Mat hee cally 
Nise aa b flirvoe Gave ase ac 
AMtlvernrlig7e CY%EI Ceriveyece 4 Gat Jibees, 

Ve cose LE ane soe A aa oleate. gree af 

8 > of 
ae é tery toler OZES CLag | fervoteot ond 
i l, —_— t ‘ 
Ct2t Se frre Y Coney LOL. 

Wak Soe CCR nics E Ae Lamina ae iceectas ideale ‘ 

PO.Box, 4689, 

(. See docaaaeae owe }—-—---0- 

Mii Goth Wate ip. 

aes pee Cet Ze Weaotl- 

Lh titong, cammeK Be, de wen 
a= ‘ Fj ree 
nud, Lllaud % Bof-es lid 
Aecur et thai gratin. tes 
aw MMOCL) ; 
CAA rhage 


: ahi ‘ 
m iz = A st, 
A ree : 
4b fa } 
$Ok, oF / 
og RANE Ba, , 
zal il sin ad 
a2 4 <3 *s Y Ay = WY SUAVACATAC ACS 
= ‘x4 
Air. we A yy 74 00D 4: Ty 

PO.Box, 4689. C4 Nit Yosbes Onksten Gf 1 ve 7 7. 
Leow ge 

of Kineton comes afore: fee ere 
oe of he braweng anol sfer. of Oe cave; ae 
SG has eg gaan 
bolutions usec anu motunedlivatel.  Muieliined ee 
Re description embrace leche dgmanno rnachines anc terre electite arpponalis 
fa foroducing he chelate cumunil Bek tes hes mary akeo be tuved for other par 
poses. t urruld, by beak 3 prabe heporate afpbicatisna for Kam, Fhe mn 
oleacripleon erbracing abeo ede ried jh Ditonto 
ae eae ea erage 

Dead (ae area Aegard ke~ ae 
fort, — Do you rs pefarcte pot& ately vein 

Cae ell canner Ge pence rec wt. Ovi Apa otar, ) 
oy ers ath JS aticcke, ae gre DAfertnrcee ho tbex, 
che hagrameo Y COferme eloelite prevpchines, 
. Doss tee. 0s 
Lorie wo B02 


: _ VY 5 at 

; ke su 


— ya) X 
RGR NY (8 
qiaimeses.* 9) Be st 




Lr 727 Pan + 
tx y 


; PO.Box, 4689, 

Mii Go MALL. ge 

Ahnuich, Glee, 



) ae. 

POBox, 4680. AEF Dale tof, te Ipapee La. WS iA 

ee foc Rete ao 



Gas 4 
KX (ONS ) 

ANA Wie . GOW RRND Guyee 

Soa ®, 

fie ob Yule OW, ME , Mi. 

MEA Op len bs, Yi" 
ne ae) 4 hind tutlede w ce 

ie or pen a) he ; 


SoS eee ovr ager 20) 
Oct. L9G. 

Qu UArrarrwtleo Qe Qbetspaty tw 
UN offpbric DS (ered laleufoe 

apptlec Ps £2. pie a es Qurcasntl 
Carre bral beglirnote emelu ~ 
~pearw aaa af fileot B— 


SE Om, - Oothis! ip 

Buk on 

Car Fat, : J 

Pine fo nee 
Dias 6 LAT WS pees 
ecle eeF~ ae keelice, ole 
fo 4b S69 Jor; 2 

ie hrvsibe ic’ lebih pe 

~~, LIT, Ceru ier ees picethais 
tlie. ven, 

lac. ees, Cnlictctn oft 5 Bis 

Lec yey 
_ J que hAelour a cofey of 
a tll fom rhe Patt Burra of Quaboe wn 
ALg-ord—ti ade Lee = of COACH a, thors tor—Fro hers 

he matter — 

1G, 1879, aw Co eer ko 
YLT re ny asehry 
fer olga WELL -6P ere 

8 Glee ee 
lirt- Car of Qug, Ny (ESR, Carmet- be, RLUALD srr mes 
Heian D Caw ere met be, 

Me Nasaae ss 

fe Ne Gof Gey Waa Ke ae 

q 7 
tag Y 
t Q 
* EE NT Re 
: 4 LF, en a GINS seeses Sa SN As 
A y esr tHE SONI Ze* cee = 
EST KY 65 ; : R ‘PATENT ‘C2 
3 ee tt RABE 
“/ : i ¢ sg WW 
ne Pome < x ” i 

i ELLELI oo8 tb iy Hows fh ee 

Lite Ve eM 
PCL ie ae-bheort- Bepiies oa so ogy Gals of 
Qeerleers 4, FICE oom . 
Bence CP ie, cg Toren 
a! ee : | 

Pt ; | 
. iaae fasoirh OV. el har cae OU ods 
Ualirrents® a? larly Vecchi Stet 

P0.Box, 4689. 

Seu Cob. W864 
eee LAE. chives bag 

: bear ar/ 
AS eS peg 
é. us CAyTn oe? Ge Gg 

Qubswed ly Os 
io ‘he ag 
a0 — erliwat a ae fomieh. nek Athen 

ee Office Sov Mae pe Con elernr 
saa Ayng Hea annil7. Fee 

vs wert 

l ge jo 
i Waban 


Ai isch cc gc a A paella Cacia dada ss a eealon sd 


Vea 2 35 

| : ‘yZ | 
POBox 4689. Mie Yoh MO#-7S-E Uf. 

yp © 
’ Ue ff, UWtadur Cag. 
Qearv Be | | 

. LLtbd ihe ee) 
ahs utc the woth weg Ff VE hiyear frclils 
te Lh stent led “ie: Clee wworbeed ee ae 
Wie corte teoretheing Claw; Curent hy 
of 75 Geto: 22 gtoy wwebee cl ae 
fre Levernk yy Ld, to aeet pegeccred bLe) 
fooled txt aw, Cefete ange aworkec 

Lhilewfyere, 7 | Y, —- 

Bina pith tay Say das ia Monat asi eae AW pcb lech tdi es etic aan ens ns ae accietnbi iy ince 

de, t Soa 4 
1617 OR oS LS 

x = 
egw FESS Rit 
Ti} LTS 

Se)" PS, a 
Sein minmssts 


POBox, #689. obit Isle Ont tg Wf 

MEA age be 

Oar iy 
oh Ze an atler, Khiiloe 
Mle Cettes , LAE the YacawnY, eZ Cot (peewee) Uf % ioe 

Cle. place geet Leay welaLinws 4 
= egos gpovie eslatnery a ouech) frm 
Bare Cs ve be CAwre/ (yy LID 5 

ofc ¢ Charles S, Wittiman, 

Washinglen, Y. 6, Zed Lk as a 

Me Bes, bles Sey 
Visccls. Fae 

aa bi ie 

Ta 7 se bie wien ples, ie 
0% 1699 he ges sf aap as shifirene 
pete Lhd — OK dwg thint— F pod pr 
Atlee Au Z [Chwew ye Ae Lue 

Clerk, Stn cate of aarreng meetin vA, 


PLE ; ange ee 
YS 4. Fae 2 
Prieto fee Dt 

Law Offices of 



« (Fist Froon.) 

Washington, October let, 1879, 

sii hia cit sid ined 

S a OS eee for datents 


Mores Building, 

aoe had any... AR MU on ccotnoncesiene. fhosacseghasaccc te lebcccartauff cciefbeeiienmcoess: 
wi se ee is 

tMhita as Waly alin 5 
Ve Galent ull te engtaaaed 

ft tasue an tecedfd of TWENTY DOLLARS, 

the dalance of fe oe lheteon, of 

sececued unthin ata onontbed. 

Youta luuly , 

2s ‘ 

j LLG) fe he. 
( i) Lott eu Loa, his rr Pa aL ol), 4h ie / 
( t av 

jg 152. 


Reap Vele ¥ WL, {ration 


—_ at Zi) 5 oacdan 

cents ane has ew olay oeesg 
Pee a se 
ee oe 

oe ee alitene Cy Tab Beads 

P0.Box, 4689. 

Me a4 LEG WEL. 

a KO Cie eo 



J ee rt Ad Wo pe at 

putrronds Uerripertucs 

PO.BOx 689, ey oa he Doh By a) fee 

Roe L Fe co 

CLeae Dr Let,’ V ZL 
vce D atlvide Yor 

hil ae Ae I crerely « Gr ty Joe PtertOle fe b eit 
o. 19. [i77. Teo (atbiy, (Blifhio Vhinagtefh) 03 
hee ee 1. SIYG. at: ic 
| ea eee ae 

We ae Ctr7e€ Tre fees Was Ss be ttn? 
flows ALCAL. faz, for, RG. ge CUAL Lo vise au Cees, | 

Yovtso Agty, 
NLL2 2 mo, oad 

iy Nev 5 Y 

i POR 
yh we Orrtucuctins 
: Wench pets 
urrott Pcidtna Vo tt 

De Sul food 

Aw [che hook 

@. A. BDISON, 

Tiuurdevk YY 99-9 am, 
Nie ae 

adinat yi 2,-fe 

Gat finds bork t 
af Lrbor th 

fl JOT 
cay | 

; he, Sea > 
my aes 

$ i See 7 
TAU i : 

en one eA 
Nac ASEAN so | 
P00. Box, 4689, 

oii Yop Litive 10. 10fe. 

SAO, YE clwor @ 
Boe LC ae ( 
Ll tc’ lating joy @ fo bive Laie 
Le CY tes pore OO ee Wcn Mi. Jaf 
eee Berurer. Si Anwase’ bao 
a“ Chevredlet, of -Btie net te, Nevill cabte 
Phas, COctcey « ber Wis dss 
jlo Celene Cel 7 Agee 
Mie Leona Mg. OC rllriial fg Yiu 
Gor Elalits Lite, thy pnd be 
(tad, Blew: FIO Coan? entcute at 
on fay tiene Dee eck. 

ey roe tttetl, 

SEN eT 2700 
ao. .  O >D 



eye NS 7! 
ne BT’ ve 
ies So 

= = 

te Mju LO Weep 


~*~ . 
Menlo Park, N. 1» Lerner pg 


Yes ~~ whe _y (E. . 

COOK. Par . bs [eon Cer rrl Loe 
a Ketel 2 (é- wel pacace ey i‘ 

ge: Sy. oS eeeg Se ya - < eae, 


Ze Z a , Beat 
wrorry 2 Care 229247 Rel < 

Fi \ ™ Ry xe a Sac * S. 
ety, aaa ace <A 
ca oe Ww Ww? a * = 

j , V Cujo LK? ea ta Roe: a i >, Ss 
Di DG POEL TI ta ee MS oie ae 



ia Se sntid Sinsascd uy bps aaa aicatich Tine toteeen acter ee ge 
Leet ehs tenet A RS caeg rine id Toe see Bea neonate 

fc fey rin 


Morse Bullding, 

eeu Yate, t. ML... Ae ea ta 
Qeat Get - 

A afferda me poteasute la tnfatomn 
you hal DH aa reso LE ae aw A ier “Ee ae 
, Aes opftication ft Golenlt 2H 
thd. uly attawued. 

We Gatend wll Ze engtaased 
ft tusue on tecedfd of TWENTY DOLLARS, 
Ae dadediee of fee payatle thetcan, of 

tecetued uuthin ata ononthea, 

G ant liuty , 



Menlo Park, N. ia 

Lou ea uy 

TE Cis, 

hes Js 
Sb bse — “Big ph 

eae c pce De ANZ, 
Te Win ht 

r “o» og Go Ped hut 4 © fy My. 
of, es wre Yo? 

Col a Vag ihyets; 

me & weet oe Jbew: Loe 
7 WD oter. Len Gg Cade fer Iierdio A 
afl’ Go We “intel fee Ve ie lrtewcenced . 
LL at fy Offices, a Oates ee sabia — 
meas Utewore ole Legs Ah b, bo whem aes Aen goes 
Cace Cre Toke yf | we v4 1g. 

My tt ateher_ec Lo We eae Sea cue 
pee Gold pe ies Go, Please a ee ee an a Peccle) 

oft cove a@ trarofe fon Beas Witter oricer.. la Le ba, 

hike br b. 

Vuuatity | 
‘ te Mise 

Aiea eoFiv 
Aes Abpeioae Va LMbr. AG pana, ret 
aend by. fhe pox Clin“ cope oe grow 
genet denrrcal, ) Cet 0l- eee, CUMS pale ute 
“fe 4 Go coud) pay (had ype GB C10 
Haur.u.ed ° CHAtttes Cauot bork vas Eabcliis oLtigreel ted - 
6a Af feutt wn Aes aud” HON Jearliihar 
A AAAtAAA gy . ir filly) 2.0 ao Wk. Ctrw~ “That f 
bi “Were wars > flay wttinltou fe 

(POUr coun LAF jure lleve Jlbiiy ou Cloudy ash 
Manto does per Ke Clear. 1 a5 

P.0.Box, 4689, 

CH blo EBs 
ee con ame — 

aUSES! ae ae 
<S a Ay 

P.O.Box, 4689. AES: Voile Noa Led) oo) MW 7 
Sere Hie Cay 

Dear Ov 
(Keforning Ae the, lawl 
bag hh es Cale ww thud how. ares S*f- pagers of Hawn, 
Pref Le tor Claerls cre. res Hoek Hfizy . woe 
so Pea leo tes ade Oa ak Debate ses Dein i 

reece’ obrection wy yr Be parhminl we poking ccfeplre.cteo 
pe Celdiak: mr Sern. wt, for Ts. Senet ie: 

eo B7, whoksa rhe frat en fou? F 
1 BR Qh amore dattiilecl claacripelisn of his dig. .tr neqearid, 
Fo What ure Vee poteataniiy ceplndwyrda $°¥. SH Lor, 
une pie Pe i of Mein whello ye) ed heat, ees 


pug nek wvethe Lvereo ae ’ 
Ph Aan. Cl news kare fea fily Co Leon wo pao bh, 
cud-  Yowrs bcc, Ay 
Doped, enrol, 
J» Cubtinds . 

Pr aeareneaias er ae tn ne 

Nov et. 24 
1 s | Baw 
7 oer OB’ 

\ Wo 



US i Conrmrnt Mon 

| rd phos anv a ae ay 



K oy 7 

Menlo Path, N. Joy aewnte 16 

ee et ee 


Chee aes eee palace 

sey —, 7) : the Cadi. 

we —CYo-—- 

je Y, Gp fl Ab Yoo LE WEG. 

cd eC a Ne 

LBP A Gin. € x42 
Dear fu y : 
pas wotg lite hog Yess? lewllene, Kole, 

Mon y COLE En Uflevaicore paler? Wipes glifuel. 
Lh. = ore Gecpley. r Qicactsafiley hla tafls, Pe ee Ge 

be ee: ovat Le Ole. fel. 77) "ft pas Yew Me tes 
cl “H are Oo é fietanec. “tad hbase 

of fireay of woken Lod. 

bofore LF Te, Ye a a tave: aed? Care ok 
office Cc tes Aaaeien CS teen Flaw eif BAe, Leo Be 

PS YO, Meee a OE wie free lie: fave fos actuvertigece) 

Ae. war i. ecLlooK, _ 
St lewke Lek poe. ReIto-to- or OD aes “ha well an 

Zl ay / ou whee Pee dreq (oe, e, frost, Pe Welt). 


ee Vishey 


jj Wk 
George” Di aldol 
Wi. President > 



i) Es Uouton Building 

Neco Gok te 1 es IE1G. 

Berne “oO. 

Peestsee, Ue =i Abe 
fins a 


R oN 4689. . hee Veh Yue Vice Wg 

anew, Oy, 
IL Be alee Le you ed caneseecllie 
CONE’ OCtLE ore as yaaa fra lexrtd, p FEQIFLE ce, ak 
‘oll ters | = 

Vilgeaisr Dh hike Yani. M1575, TF! cores ceeley Meee) Ue Ut: 1ih0 
a. evel p / 2 aetladenrg 1G G2 ‘ieee Changers eae boa 

Wal, by Selopbeore. Jan 19 19. i i Bore pe IQ 1, VAL 

SE Sas Xf Vpeieee $¢o.- a4 

i Midi Se A ee an. t. ADG, a des “Crise, @ iba, “lH, 
/. /580, LT ee at 5. ey Ane egfer tpeda.- at i ne 
(iatitx ' Paws wea fle fom af 95 y of esr we Zz2 

itd Orr oven ren Chacding By faeprsed a= 


. te AunclO for me luelies are Ler. peatoeloes feoulo 
L Le glee oe Bete, Wee 10% ariel. fee Me. rhe 
4 tee 4G, Foy, Cotcliw be vu tte Zee, : 

o ade Let ye Bree JE; oe Ln pvenli 

ot) ia ms ee OGuitly ‘ipphidhe 

A{) ice fey delatents 


Moree Buildiny, 

eur Yfash. eek ae 
Dear Get - 

OA , 

an thal aH... 

thitd Maly Uyned 
Whe Gatend seer te engtassed 
fat wsue on tecedypd of TWENTY DOLLARS, 
the tatance of jf? frayatele Uhetean, of 
jieiuéd wilien ata tbulia. 
Yareta tiuly, 


DiS dey ae 
Jolin K.Vorter. . Oli: = MOY, OCCIL Ze LOWE 

Grosvenor Ft Lowrey. 

nae te re Mer GH fe W snoll he Suv 
Geo, S.Mamlin, 
Wun.L.Porter, . aon Ss 4road. Ye. 7 (2: York. ht. 
Hoh ie y 
P, 0. Box 1836. Kee 1 ef Cie MUG 


. A rte ae Cae “Yorn — buy LOR apes 
loreeh ar Grud afp beret Moker tae 
es LS. fowe KER hewn ; the ET oe 
of Vin i alokel f bLE- for GD opis oe dew, 
sae sisltcrt, Cee Crit ha Ce w/e CA Les cas 

uFece 3 Lo leret Hs Us Lhe beter kre sn ome a oer 
Ur aere eed —erccete. 6. Jes th, eee: an ey eet 
finches Eletive Lh Me Lea roctel” fp pel 
SA crn elete rhe it is, hort SA¥Y OW dling See 
ee oe tt Ae SA refer ke, Le Caw vy A chen a, Ta” 

lax fee 
WTI Cottle tN 

Ce by rtrd BA | same 
\. Cc ae es ME, : 
fo Bea: rKery San WK o | 
; Si (llinn tf 

ee oe 

ia y. 
Be ok 


Pom rt 9 {0 Lchbiick. ¥. Ob pRRELS, 


RE-ISSUES, >. q (ae 
3 Rea Sus Sera, icy Soliditor of American & Foreign P. atents, 



sO YWO— py 
_ tii York: ess 
eos Sp leaks ‘ 



P0,Box, 4689. 





nee ne cna erat a nS 


GDL \ 2 x Howe Dee. Ang 




REJECTED =D APPLICATIONS, ; =o Solicitor of Rmerican & Voreign Patents, 




aoe SrerUat : pone Solicitor of Rmeviaay & Foreign P atents, 

af git a 4 SERNAME REET: 

|i a mat 9 Gots ‘td it. Wy. SERRELE,, 

-- RO a et = tesineces one Seti ney, iad 

y - 
i= Llasaetie Abe Ae o 





™” Soin Ye @ Anekiaan 

Editors and Proprietors. 

aie Yoid, OP 7g 

Ge Baim By © 

Gea & 
Vi; eg fa temind 4 you tal the 

lime f calenston- f J you Neng 1 fe halenl (“ 
ctl’. ite On y 9 3D __ My rt, toa 


he blel cafecnse te celend te Vi halenl L fet ia 

full f- hettod of Va c yeas wll be J F0- inl ‘fat 
j ten yedts, poe. 
| Ve 2 auld be bepify la allend ba the be pened 
‘ f 2 yet; and an tccoipil g hd of ? Ube BLellers Polenl, wilh 
fees aw abe OULG 4 wll fp of toft hate and send Me 5 sare 
fyjfiets z deguecle ZT) 

Dhee Gli full wcmed, obclfe hations and tesiilenets 
of fucsenl ouncis must be fwLen2 

Youts ‘wely 404, peelfully 




Se me ame mT ET age Nt Ge awe 



_ 94, Markgrafen Strasse, 

pe Shtanras. a. Ebieaee 
On Menbe Par 
Vives, Mv. Arerdbe 
Bertin, 18. Qerecater 839. 
PH MG 18; 
Vir unpdingern dir Giirnitin win 

Mevenber wr, 

Ee) eee bint prcl gig in dee 
Auideknumns Ou wn Une tearitagter. 
Patentes hatin manic heine Ceeintralshtegemng 
Cher terechsighen Ontrfen beabsiohtege | 
tondin wir pater Paterrtetrertighedton 
ont Bhovine verheg en trvllin, ESET ae 
dim duterken Onterty cx chee A tterecl cere 


Cnrtvag anf gervohttiche MSichtighecnertlarund 
Cnn nthwllen Cn vertes wegerr mangitrder 
NMinkiit be Fir iMnibeng ceerg hrarit 
werden hanm, 1 A906 ume Ecnipruct 
hens gut om Chern nie on wren 
Pnterepe peschetan | Ja tt Oren viele 
Auhe and Kesten part wenn mtn 
yor der br therinnd vu Vatenrter dp w2- 
hatttaren Cnapuithe anuguhirdion merdic. 
View deh wn Yhnn wteeniwtifer. 
Fundachighect gegen V2 bain keto, bed 
tein Che marben une ain Veyonthercl vet berecd 
fordin, Dre nirttichen bfinbengerechte and 
leyrrinndvton Cmneprtohe we ucpectizin sand 
von Mer Vuh recknen tu deepens 

' | oo OF THE _ 7 : ; — 
a uinlje Minotien. 

MUNN & CO., Editors and Proprie 

| oo gum | as Gud 2 1S” — 767 G. 

Pinta t nd LION Fe Hac at 

Du. motion. ae flinch beyrardin 
“Ty SOA, a) = 
_._- No uo gt ail een A. Bdirow, Terme 

SN we seer aire 

cee bv tana dah 

AVE, co_foaigan emeaaeammaer tis ~ _aaraste= 

— pe 1@ De lantinn nat Asgannasatal 
Sass sibdiplat ely an: o-_teaead an The suntal 
Jens balins as eat ae 
ee ener en uote 7 notch: 

—n4 mth pope a pts 58 Aina 

Me x WAS abs Ar 9 on . 

Mt. Bye: Gey 
Dear Fu 
Een api winter 
VIER cw Ll flurrire Ct 
ott eee gee auaee t pe NOS 

BO Sit Gites Gere 

P0.Box, #689. 

Ss ceases Ont 
we 4 

ur ennk 

| Prewer aoe 

Reagan ante ravcra's Se A 

! ica ges ie Aw i Cue RC Co oe a 7 
| | Puchi ooe: At, we wenn fp cece 
| Ale wedi acta Ge lg : 



U(ven . odin - 

({s an pets ‘vee 
Aut 5 The Lure ; : 

[ rows P parlert 

; , 
. Fees ey Ces 5 Aave pales 


“a f fiw th 
wr Curr Grae us vice . 

: (Bt9-12.-2%) 

vate a ae toch. 

asa ha Ahi ec i A am OS agi ca RA 

Vy Loan 

poe ve 

PO.Box, £689. 

o GE ae iy 222 ip. 
Huo? pice Cay 

g Clue oe hOtw trea 10-7 atelier 
pA Ut Ye oa (ea clowy wlll fOr 
he fi liad clawed y aes as 
Ce peda Ota foo ae 
Tew y ciet Zleaiag os: poe 
6 (hilee: Jlitiin , "“Cehuro pant~' Liauiodtay 
reeds," _ Nha purus py ecw-Chettorw, 
a Ze, over trotltin ao % 
ype Ce. o% nt Mia Mer fafa 
{ a. ad Ment RUN. Lee &, ote tv 
| abl hee Cored Us COrUupUET, 20 Lhay- cout 
tall. tights Cae Be" 10 le afin. 
i ntoere att Ms Saucer & 2ttode k 
Mech | fe are aad, on farhat, tu— 



Ltnctisur wre ge Lee /E. ay 
GEN star co reed ao 4 P| Gliw 
_ WR Le wlowt) EL aoe. r 
Warn aorrr, Pgs Cn jue X 
AOE june Ritouabouk- "Zhe 
Gervfirer biurOlrea tOinD. tte: 
es Loewe. 4 fee hattty eS aaa 
AWwortk- a mw Aougen ; oor 
pool Ue Cou lb pb, 
&eufe-; es wen 2g ow eM 407- BuL~-- 
fame La igGecuut ys ene — 
— C8 well, bo Caley ce’ allow~ 
Mle “uve (a iw MeeZe) ei 
Carliir Mihi . la, Cdr 
Chew wy. ev Wiclrreo ty)» Hoty 
ao V pu. Liat tunpttiag. car Or; 
Meo ANAL : 
uous Coby 
Lire Sa y 

beeen eee ee 

| Hic fa A atents 


Morse Building, 

you thal on LMALL A Ld ae 
yout afftecation ft Gatent an 

bapibed duty attiawued. 

She Gatend ed de engrossed 
- 4 waue on secedpd of TWENTY DOLLARS, 
te Heise of fee peayatle thereon, of 
seve wilion ata EES : 

Youta tiuty, 



_ iA 
dir HEL be OY 



= * deae LFS teen) Mea, peecenen a 

stil, ears 

bse pe 

140 eS ehe ee 

eeu Gout Ke ot. I= 

Qeat Git « 
ee are La ee 

Dit thal aM... rhe 
yout sph loadin fn fe tend ae 

thad dab ee, 
he Gatend cle te engeadsed 
hat iaue on teceifd o of TWENTY DOLLARS,’ 
the tatance of jf? payable Uhevean, ff 

secerued weblion ata eee sy 

Youts tuty, 

: , Cow Bre Veet wee plore ou _O+ Wu rffree ; 
: oct meth Uo oii” hora 
Oe & Sven tad a ees: 

Rs ane 

SG GAL ah SLA Na Re Sete WS Wake oi ent se Mt NA RE be tb as aie Fst bia Suit 


ae Leoercben. OD Aesvpte- phon U ferctvtaw Bee ye ae oe 

pevsaihly Ae amnaght peta. berad Olavin for isiAarent” ol 

of Art, lef 00m Cee tint LE nt fetes a MR linet 
Glee Ahir taeritte Care Me weseet UAfbBif Hea 
pvpeg feted new Dat tg Gt a, I Anke 
Ae eg anche forte, ull Cin ol he Deteote Cpl 

| : Vey bool spree 

. . , ; ; 
: soi ae. . 3 
ws) Connemiwden Ss aan on ed eQan Ly Dro 

h Cortexcacl, Poisrtn since ao Re reco, 
a WALL, 

J preset wrCe th ow - 

| Guk FJ ean pro’ to have 

ised S SAE AI Rh as pti en SSA he ERR DEEL nt We wie an hie DWE Mba oa pho dat fas oi hata 

Mr Pope» ee 6 “hikes peau - 
Oe ae 


(oge f anche ba Che Preasure’ oa: Se, hig oe vypoon eorch 

ae ree aera ou new 

Nhe Pape? meee Ts. Ge Awon saan corte aapcbee of ee, 

Ae) weheh hates Foal) tp oe: 

pekKarge', for Mme coin 
Mo b— © chau exacll, what Mr Pope oo , 

hen G hun dee: “4 sie a eos AA ge 

Prerestl book poy StH ~ 

Chip Lone aa ie wa eek aa ek neni Ler 

hun of a0 Lv Chie rrccon', 
ia Ureas Eee ee) sind ee ark un Oe ournok alta 

AA he push Gaeta: oie ba-for xe 

wR he op nete Grro tenet, Chea aumy 



Si AS ON a wi GC Mm ogni oe Feet Ad wk pee ebtbss poten id ry kee tlt wae mie des 223 

a SS Katie Rd et Abd st Dini ae 

a a crak Bivier ons poodrot Sethe— 

oh heh me dog. Acs ag Oa. 

thle ev Oh f Rs _er,, Ura ot fL10,d0¢ 

aaa ee 

eee ae il : 
; ‘ + ae es ae _ | 
tae ee) i eis | S. ts rebuttal ‘ ad 

Ae. awe (re io i Belg LuUAS! aon aa . 

N res Conte cheng So 

ae so caphagtte ees 

ete (lic one gape ae 
Nise: el pt0 w,. Lp | | 

ed! te fe Dee A o flere oe | 
Me | f- ow 
pe SOC Ge. Ake - ee o 

= Cees f pens depose, 
pee unk come raat cok 
Chrionmeck o aac — 


v — C 4. aioe es — eZ 

iF i 
Comba oA with LA. elie - acon fe 
Case SS ower t tose ae C3 see Rags 

Sr ea i 

cited acael vo Jo” eno 

(oem bse fodln. ae | 

hse 2’ sun! npg 

i 7 fa 

eee ae, 
Ke 8. 
kb vena ae Je ridin Cce.deD fits 
Le" Fteno ma ed 

ooh bates +e) ae De tote Coe 

ot feotiied 

f G de Loiense® off binds ac? branes 
“9 bad Hbe htafiadeP en bruv etiepit? tt tte A Le Oeeres- ey A Le) 
Ge tte Sten sodpod Lirtesecd cervecillaro tn dtfoer Beet 
ow cae Lotih ber, Whirled b for tbat van bearded) Cette) ond 
(nd te one ee  palet; ees goles be Givi? 
— ae py “AIG LY, 
A pooper bE hecte Saeew, ac® teres 
Leet ae eo of percernes cette WALD oor IED 
A fee go Hod tito rer Cee a tO 7 WA eos of PevlDee 
She ceria ad Lt onueerderting eee 

Qoutrollen 2 ame a hp hase e) : 

a ge Gunes a aul loddbdsate alesiD 
Po ss sae elect Luydiraneeoti ltd 
Yee theta His ae SA res ip eA 
a ger ih electives Cretteccts Cee D flor foe pers 
tit Sm OP, Mpa lette BAe stirred | Di 
On @ CX aececveceLEveD wk cred ty f Be? hak: 
anewteGneD fo Ghee bade tit eogtiteo A of easd | 

Ca) that the bdlrutevert te yg Yeah Yoartf 

Aelats Ar he lvvittiztetiitiw afc i bd ter Wheohh Ther. 
C1 tabled eciueo ufo The, Catbewd ey hee be AD By SAo ca | 
bey tavern Of ruthie wil cla, end aD onlin to Ms 

I GO a Oe 

sern othar® of fetefe ele pe: Shas fis iter fis La) Weed pe 
Cade LadeecZ ie ee ewe Lito ion lout ah 4 he Qe) 

On yeflrasv tive fo eed alto Ma Lavenybd Le thr'ehe aa ao 
g yt Coy SW OY CcShrer bt oxy wh bor Epc? 
Off f Ak 29 1S) OP a set ¥Acay MMe a Ma',D 
. £70 areal ofl arty Go He PLA 039) ; 
Aeoliece Shey Ab: 26) oe ee 
Spf fg arti GLO afk XS bho “ 
CCtrbwthe bletin den 0) 5 CG oes eA, getty Crcks tect” 
Cd thy faé2 wl lad #22 ae Oth eectobie bay bebagi 
Bik uP Chay dearPtrroruthe o gi ft te fs Lats 
LD. tle Leet wue_etillie C007 Dvegea Cr | ee ties i es 
LO%M02 a. ten ttt ectlea ec? sae a Lat Celia? 
01) fratiint- ae Ytert® flor eX cx éxd ees eo) 
Mis Ike, slhae LbeteoD Bee Dieplegd cated A, 
SO AL, bie TS. SE. SS, KISS. ae pss 
bef tne y ho Wover LeU 1 ghar y oe ee = 
Wefle ase Oe Cartbord, aoe GK tee GS _) 
pred Yhowee ody etredit, © 049 CF Sisio flrore? 
92> Lagu af. Le Dy bdtee) cheer) Lf Cacadene, 
(6) bidh toxbo ag bert of tl” Aoidtver 
oe te eet wigs he 10010Hb® a Litt octeey 
Sbo Cectteec plaud f ee Atod tet we Beate LTE eles 
He ef witislling 2D p14 avid ad | 
7 CAS objet? = wee Loge il CLES 
be 2D bai Lhe Moet ois fill a! | 
os len Be ed SKI Atcc®D Log 4 Cao . 
CE OF aD y a) a ales htgithe 
K at Stow ‘again B (eae how any decrtial » 
YitdiiaLevizd Phat tal? Ce fare 2- 

(0) thar 7h wfgpllatin, polis (aby) 

eK hla ticl novel Ji Cttttresrg~ 
2 0 fp Cie P- oe Lovie, Jeger Pilate tet 200 COLLIE. ef 

fyfaceud Co ew) Qe Leg , dD Moke lee, 
C0 Nti2, wis fyi. LEVI OY t A To SA ile 
Aad oO we ance Ly aS ee, tefbes/na 18) 

BIG bo DO JO LEERAN tte re Gobauuocd bor cede) the Shese CuLCteray 
add ie “7 Se oiccaHee Ape ay has ‘| 
Ly Gieg yb be 22 tevheo. bane | 
LAs aan Le tle Bop eed p20? 
erro tite tthe cp op i AG Lo | 
i ee Cfo ir-cowd) bi DAs atbyeefe, Atta sity J fad cr - 
C OC) bftat the Dy maser habe bo sete Of tng lefbtatucteD 
by, By OF? Is, ad Ciheweeid lho he Fe ea): 
aS ee Joo Z, NS AGO ES Bertil Liver 

tit # cere) Geter. 5 aio Cotte. be ficteax€D Os 

baila Wo hetere€ 
Aptating a aphids 

oversee cex%eo 5 ar® Baer Pibre AWLs Lire BA egtrte ioe 
CHweies Mhat The he glide ap. HG hua, hese hes f Caf CLE afer pe) ° 
nthe Vile fobe hod, Hho levied Hirde Pte) thd ofl al hey 

Go Oe re Ma Has ei P37) BLE: teteg? CL? leted DEH ED, 
he Daiiwe, Lug 4 Len Lest) oO Ob pac be ca 
ssord Eigb.rerte a Bi att olor aD dis 
Ce zpaTuate baat woweitias %, Puissete fi bk 

auP oy of LleLAT afl tuDicee | 

(ee) Otoa tA te. sarge (tle elect rr) 2. (gy accrered ccs ate “oft 
Steve? by Pde Vig as K Sere | 

| by any ¢ 5 ee eed fg 
| oe rz Zak Corvth ages Stier LO 00 cis feDtececel~ 
| Lov tow fiby ee Wl oh Aten 
| ate ti Gerbod ete DK tittd tz, PD floc’ 1 teeeeee- Lhd 

ee Ore 0d, a aes leer Sbeeyllanbie> 

C5 >, ES, Ke ofellactieD Lihat: ofl the, HD 
Corte cate LD She clots, Sea 

Selb Let Dac CMY o ZS POE eS SY Fey 97 ad g&, 
ms Agta nu Gas Catig ate sai 
: OH OWD. 

eg A000 Ae baked afk tho ahead: ternrarkd S% | 
Cocnecl of btaPe Bee) scstein Meabted Slerd QZeec2AQD ‘ 
eA b totsteceeD Do etl? GQvrd, 07 kloue efeainles~ 
ih Sie hit télecceD Gort ettitedtiieg anD 
Sea co Creve Loe pc Dy necced 

Tliuidl Liye? flor Dae 2 articles G/ ys 
ioe os a Co 2.74 hE XT eihiaD 



a ae ope - y; 

| i “Fy re a Oona. 
gel oe Saar ia Boe 
= ae. LO Ot Te 

LR. ea) Sa aatrere 

aad | 
Rani Us a) Rev /F7 EO 

ee Engbishaame PP nne HF 
au The 2 Den eladn te drew 

POR ie oi Che Arn Cu Lcty 
Pe OF ee fete: entire 

hela Me Ocean CON, Haake) ey ae 

1879. Patents - Patent Bill (D-79-030) 

This folder contains correspondence about a congressional bill concerning 
changes in U.S. patent law. 

All the documents have been filmed. 

ne Sigs 12 es t Meshiug Toe & : 
, san, a 
Los fe ng. 

IC Be Loree ee 
Eihee rill are. J 

| oa ; , Mettl ty ute Pe tele. 

| ee Eulece Uf acegss wae adbfrefh oes 
Yow ft flew Le Le Woe fees OG sie eR 
7 Leche Yorterde! CA. oo le Lee, cd hee hak Weg ~ 
Tuan) ate feria Fema Llc.’ (‘Ger be. 67 e- Ge 
tid Fhe fee ae far Sete Be eS ce heey freer 

| Heelhtn 2, Tbe daorn Pagbes io | 
hes lek ee saad -Shevecd fee Teale Le, 

Gee Sed Pita ltieg. eee 


Sor vcdh Of .t OLED bc AecéTEcted ae lop Sle tei, 

ene, 9 i fd flee Weta ee Poe. 

on & ; 
Li? Uke Vie Gor Wee Mthte JUL EU Le 


Bee Qe 2G es 18 hegalin a Jeena 7 



Eee LIN aise: 1G. fr  C-€. Jee bitey, Cf ALI R&. 
la = 4 

. om 
ee Led Lett. SCO. 2 pee Ge. Lf, 
Zee A Mpeicreecsectiariig fiat hea Nok 

i nee eee cer ete ce erreeeeneatteenncntnenen angeemmartege are AL nde Be he BET eA Sen Sa a i i potas tale Sai 


edhe Ole ACES eS eet oh. f A Cer AO a: ae ae 
the, Lise ea Gil de eer, le ra ? Hoey, 


wf, ere ‘a TP ce i. / By 
bbe @ Efe te fly MOLE” Tex Ya cag tl. FE t8 

proke/tece iy we ee Sele Pee LP Me LORS OL 
ee feaf Phere co re Pe , fee: in hae Va Lihue 

a, Ks, 2 we ; Z 
| er, a ae (CL 20S Ox WA Ve Civeg flekeat 
Lites La ee wee Le? Tne oa he ye ee C3 Sore rtect bit 

“e ce [Ted tie Ler ey lee 40. pc fe VI te YT ie, we 
LCE AM € z 


GAEDE fisaks. OE. wknd /## Yah, 
teers of fiiifibiee fica pies 

en a A ee a ee oe 
CPM % ia fee fe Lees 

i “Paz roe Lecl feedlot! 

; A 

e . 

y COE Se fay ee f, Te 
fe IL“ pip. & a 

C3é4 Le anes Cpe, t Lo Nt SEZ Wig es oe Likes 

: 7 
ne / aja: z. Te LTT Aikaeheate,,é Leh cv er Fin A, De 3c 

ty le. Mt Skee CEES. Le e x LLG ple, 
Rane Le Gide Wins See fol: leg Lictaad.teeel 
he Vakaey ae ea Goregrefs, le: de Seton 

* na eet ee eee wepeceen Sop bein Past teks aap paacesnh ces paloma age a se 
Se SAS A Se ert riptsteae ane einen ane pcan ct 

“. go 
Sons mf) OF oe ae bhte <P ES » Tt Wetlé CS vrs tele, 

ada FE Pe ee Jo. a aes J i. re ie LI OG CP bk FF 
vey He POS: ewe £7 x Vey GLE: Fle Bec’ Nicag 
ae Pee LO 9 X fee we 20 fe o- Lh es on fle? 
£4 Ke ra 4 Even. O Sheer vegh kr. 7 iff 
( ber Co? FC pref Fie i as Dees ps Ly A 
fe L&E Lede C 2 "hee ¢ as POAC, er Oe a 
eee Lee. hog. 1 leg Cp Die, Ly é Zeerbylicud 
Ble e as is thee et ie LF. CMEM: LEE. Mong 
lace Ercle tf TE tlh tbedd> Le MeECwes, (eg fhe. 
ae “tye che beh We bree clals Phe, re 

Cagucss a ota CS see 
free Poe ee re Ti Ga CAL. E.G EE PLETE ive I 
$ ‘ f? . 
MIL CL CME LC P3€¢ “ee Levey "ey “S58. De 2d Hteg. f 

€ “ee rx. 
Lise LEE. Tas etf— a: Yeh CW Pl CL COLL | HES ts. 

th eece Mine.’ Or Pp ITF Ee oe A ip beet aa 
nie MT hewtvn. thal peer eee. ce. Hees. COE, | x Glen oa 
o . . 

pes v Mort. PCCEC-CLL ose OK: Ovibe LCE, fe . 



CIS Crepes utes 

Only eo, fecvrene Sheets lest 
Lune Lie COIN My Ce- oe Shall we SL GEL WU S EK. 

ie Cee Za ¢- psy Ved etet fers heft, 4 
Pie S pel, Life. Lele Wi ee a hee a 

Jecve’ Ber Lie Ir ja whe. fee eas i its 
Py goer ape a ars fer<, PLEEE DO pata eS 0 Pe 

eae ~f$e pote de. es Li tp Khe, LE ve 7 ae Pe Ten es hg ZO, Le 
seakl, PB ee ae Mh «4 7 Lede ec hy Bibb : 
lecét- Sites. AY jeey Y Tee tg fe Cte ep VO 
 GaAfecdhicl, a wa /r bed “Es ety Vee ehg. ZR A 
JL ge peas rte kad f 
ler 7 Y fe Lire Tfer Th bigoe: oe : 
: | PY liag have Gente P70 GEA! = ne 
lee or ae 7x Pee GOOD. CEN FTIR Cepre 

pon yi ee Efe 5 eee Plt. ft-ee” Fes § Heese Lee Brusrae fee 
a oe ae C TUE Viaaee Jie c. Bore fr Le heh : 

AA CTs leaf AT e890 DIE Gov D IE: Gel VE K thrhn oe | 
STE Gh Pes Led) fn Gn eee’. ; ea ee 
Wiese. Cf C-ERN 7 tpn rth 

aeleclbec cr: Ap peppeileg tes fir & , 
Js, a nual 

(HS L Jleasy- fale 

U OG Ee 
ff Who Pa fle an ies If 
LLEZ fai bain eh lect Devas Cee lam 
Pipe tact Te Up Ve Le pee ea Lee. agg 

UL? cee CC Lop ee) LAGS 

deem marrige na ny ea ge Sains ace oat 

eect pe ee NH RR, AE A EE 

Yew) Mertt hopes ae 

Lo i: a SEG C ae 

Rare, hry jth 

: Cm 

Wi S006. be 2o vas Po a 

Bo DN ap Tee et ee ie i 



The Edison Speaking Phonograph Company, 



Wengen cn. Grab Wh 

a7 ates om ran, V 

OVnRaS Cee 

Me Ge 

lpr tn_ 4—~ 

The Edison Speaking Phonograph Company, 

Ls , 
2 Secty & Treas, 

—— New Ore tte Oackce Ra, 
jo) che he Carte ee CK Wnrg_Se \ ae 

frea® Om re. Ye7 - 
Ee Leberg? 

[allan Oe ban (tte Sergo 

The Edison Speaking Phonograph Company, 

President, r Secy & Treas. 


Mew: Yorks accaviaaaincaeinaan 1879. 

“The Edison Speaking Phonograph Company, 


” President. 2; { Zoe. cia Secy & Treas, 
Z ve PLU ; 
: MB 

a. 1879. 
Ve ee 
ee Hs degeved Std 9 ie peveecal Loli Pell fared 
Jp Ltt Peover Ha ye aC ce tog pve ae CC oe 
Laaler Meat tee tog 

aie bs ye) p arn aA dai Zs 

thrged Bile les te Pate: lel) , eee Gece: On 
m4 L 

| ‘e Jeveutea te) banglerrt Sicko fialial: ions Kes tow 
bs Meyjea Ky) balecited 4 Breath pls gem Vig @ Geren 
Hill Ss) Ben fog Pe PA es 2p fecluieg D aaa 
ob agasil Ue pala pleceeL> yas (he pevike 
of the ee oe be, toddler 
| freniny pling, be Gate PIA cig 
prin Werden ee Pe EA Dar. 

oresfeaefoce Gs ai K 4 Son C4 laxge ren, ee 


Lie Ee MOO Se Beveot, OL ee oe ae Miputy 
AG lf Lond anger YErrtirl, 

Ba lcd. ae AD teed f FHCRC ELL to lett heey 

Care Gy s clint. lead, J ti J bo eck bey selaler., 
Bezels. XK ee Ke, Céew Catece@O Was ep Che Lib cede 
Gay i ca ae ee As Kha eee ove yall BO, i pals 

Le eww Gf ‘Life tecabef Yee Lbs, sy Pe 

in aa, lace wis made ff Faragecss to 
var ale « See, CetlGecy oo, ee . 


ope IIOP, we Peace 
Cet Oe fot Li Te Cele Ga Lali 
Artétete, Corld. rot ttn) rrled. 
Bededeat. Ge Us Rontedienent hy ky 
gel Cork Oe: Ze eee os Corcleds 

The Edison Speaking Phonograph Company, 

i 66 READE STREET. a4 

President, Sec’y & Treas. 

7 he Me Vig paedag e fit LM pelo 
com 2B. leecdecey/ yA eee A tle Gifevecteeco 
ital DEL RO De sa BAI viet. 
EE ee TO Ee oe os 
Doe * WI as. 

foie, Ketek Le Lal Loh Lee pe oe Ze 
tart he Pall Peer Eee, $8 Fesbuieg 
{ghee ey ae ~ et 
is ae ee ae 
Met if Le bn blag ee Ae eG 
ee ee Bie PIO LOGE 5, 

Gr. peel bn, of ye LS pevcleres, ad 
Meriter YOhe Plat rr # , ke ere, 
Offa fore rl LK cea€ pale J Meee 






A Ceee-t Ye Fee 2. 


ip a a ae ey oe 


‘SALE WO Wiser 

ae ae a a ¥-sehoe tarot 
gs fea anit nln Bg 


yaa Cpe LORE WAP CL Te pele 
I “F 

nts Porepeter, 
@ ALO ag 
Ate ; f Shu. 
‘ SK ‘ 

pea ee = Doreen ee nn en ca ee ee ne er, 5 ats 
~ : 

ON se hs es a RAS a LSE aiid Fann Wb Lene ONT AS dS 

Mn are eRe Ee OT PE ee ee 

SR Wy &1b75 

- 3 fmm A 
; aah fortes Bee ae Hence Aeneid 
. La chloe? Misra ds po 
| Cll irg a a Lng Leee Bey 
FR gn ar or Sie en Ps ae 


“one Ti 
Qont ae Chetrey ies 

ae age Ea iar 
18 pre oe he i, | 


ey te ode es 

ke RN ae M7 
(ae se lina Deon flaraye 
el eas) ee 


| AWOAlyoh 

SAS gett 


Mrerafe D2 
Flog 2, | AG? q: 
hyp —Sros th. Clu s- 
| ta 
Me Rabe paket Coun 
PPh Berne ap ah Ce 
Bintan con He, 

Rouse of Benresentatines, 
Bushington, B. Pay ee : 1877 7 

Wes ae ee a 

Mebico Park AS 

Brae So 
DY gevs 

Wes J gies: Go tas. are 
Ses GLE. Poo, cots of 
oe Zot forced eres 
Are. Dies fee CL Grulla, 

hes eI AGE C2 3s 

Con tiualay Cte, 
SGP" va Se, 



eagle ME hg aah 
sions fear Ei 




cet 7 


Saad cee, 


1879. Phonograph - General (D-79-031) 

This folder contains correspondence relating to possible uses and 
improvements of the phonograph. There are also two letters concerning the estate 
of James James and his contract with Edison. 

All the documents have been filmed except for a translated article from La 
Nature relating to the work of M. Lambrigot. 

Sou Yay MMP Cy of Mate WOU! 

Busca oe he Llbbin iG, aia 

Le AI Backnow Ge 
a & 

ebeier rae Ua AIC", » 

P20: ng ‘e Wore ere leo 

Ee Loo 7 te pe2e- oe pea rie 

EA ON 6. Pee Cnt, Mette he eee eae an 
bth flougaphis Upsnafule oe tated 
ace EP SAY, ly Te ace: cet 
Sn Ne AS ican Ain 
Attache Goh Aeupdey su ho irasT igre 

IS Hdd 

PRD ae heme tee 
Frouge Ue,§ Coy 
Bec ae 

Biddle as 
Pus feces, 

Gilani wn 18 dean i na iat nyse 


Lin D YL pnrtnont tbh yp YU, Y buf 

Z Sucveutt,of- Lie E Ae Lekbe SD i, baimdMaletl 
es fe 49 Bebnan Se 

KO Pe 2 
CNV ce otk, 


Pwr x1 Fo 
Come tut KKa ur , Aha. Cidecss pin ees 
Fone Rei aac 4FF8 , Zur Berry YE en a A 

ape Jom Cc ee oe Conon aay K Ko eee 

ae ee ae a BO he PK pre fk. a7 Aft KA 
Clarchr Kamat , 
fran Le file eet OKaorn~ 
Go AT wnat (7-7) y ae ee on 
Deritess : 

gan iD wh Cech 


7 Si 
Nets To Nes Rp 5 
: : HRs 
ty ji 
Gi Ree BEA OWS hae 
. : oh re ee { 
= \ 
s Aw ‘ 
\ 2 
*y ee = 
Ate = 
re Aaa = 
ty : vy 
aa SSE TA, A reer 
4 ¢ 
% » : 
WP go ous ue orf sa) shay aeletit- Bax 
" an Ft Meee 0 y 
N . es 
4A _ 4 I : os ee 
za," ¥ Nee) ‘ ahs REAR CLAS ail ak. ‘i 
BS f Vv 
NG caret : . a ; :, 
dong RAID oes Vode hy wat rcs 
4 vf \ 
ea | 7 4c 
; oy : ‘ ‘ 
See Oe CO eC) cep 
\ . . 
E 4 
. I 
eb 1 NN cae eh 
Be . . i- 
=f om 
? SVE A So y\ + 
= We Sy 
eet Te Sait a. le ee ee i bhatt “fe 
eas ear esas baie Lians bs pn ets a taiibcn gies 

i i 
ye Ra ee ee pees j 

The Phomograjeh: arrivect) peufly 
Sou greaithy obtegecr for 
fru cortoay. ae TK ‘ue eee 
Strate hope Pr be able Fo ucate ney. 
ute fT tolrcernennl of parece eae 
Pgs coe rete xe af tunlicial’ I my - 
es ST pupae Thad frp 
emer Asana, oe SF frarse lian porep 
over The of reraicens of Jw keger Ou ek 
Caitng ance eilicczere Mii Thanngh- 
GY frwleges atala Theat her peor 
as teph at- brout oo the piylk: pox - 
tent in hes Upercuctinn of lkecqohe - 

ky Frac, wth S veuust 
a, Onn es Hew fe be Toes 
“tevevoles flan slate, 

hey , 

Poa dy 

é W. bales photigreph sof pp ereusalt 
go Frthevr Heol hie oe pve of the 
curelte ee epopecchs rrtock 
cue ust Pres elect uy he Phurwe- 
prayph ome ve eppeak pemane 
Gehan Pie ee eee 
whi: Gees dekeh op th olen clin eB, 
brated of He oule, Sue of- 
poutiete, ab cu vale hr oppor 
pores PR ae LM vr Cie Weds 
wr una yok ba fore Sgt Posty om 
nett The epperuent® Cut J oboe 
wel ire of any Thay cline Weal 
Qs of value or pease 

Settee yell Somes 
aes [ties : 

oN inlA ARLE A pnd cis 

ENS Dh si eo Loa tsi na te S sc te nls To 

pasa a yaa anon Sead ce hy Lawl 

E. A, SCOTT, eo HH pen 
SieoanasaEe: tt C0. 7 

Room 16, Ledger Building, (see 
Vitaliatiffebet, ~ OS 2076 


dro Sr. 
© SR hee Le 
een os Bra oh Mat 

ROBE ie qoute yo Go KS 
TU wes. eee PU «C8 ad Pees 

Zhe. at hana tee ew om th 

: * ‘ N 

‘ : t ce » 

Karing, AMeAillan & Glick, 
Gomnuellors at Latw, 

domoustrata-tbe action. 
fItustreite some of the. 
counected with tho sole: 

Bea ay 
(orK ANABE Syn). ! 

ab tigi 
Macouatles, oF 


aio tes be Egy ty fy Cains Aes 
hin a. pleowty GF Gites 4 
i WZ Gero Gf YA sf De om . 


saan oryprton~ ci 

at uf se Anette, 

Oe ~ follss, Whe the 
ene i Raa Zo 

wn Chi deren 22 wr LF 

Morning Jaernrieatr—ho Lvoung Journal, 
Weekly Journal, SoméiWeokiy Joumat 
264 Washingtow Street, 

ee an al 
Thorens -Gdeern Bap 
Been Sr: 
ob in pat Greek tw Se 

Prine Glee v locked Te apne SE 

we Cerny, Mu, Carman ark Wane Mec ‘ 
Cha ean Ate Ural T Were 22) Jrabliahe 

we ror (878 J Sate Ce Ufinnen Ey 

pret “OG he (ptr ‘ie aan 
|e boa ott that (Brenna tH Siad 

: Fe Fi aac potty” 
Vinee Aw oe cine re os 

Office of 
Mounufucturers of Clocks, Experimental ‘Machinery; Models, ce, 
180 to 136 FULTON STREET, (Commercial Building,) 

E ye %, 
OLE of 


iD) Mame) Aad Goi A ee Z 

you ib ia eH Kee 
r2 Loroeeteomee _Yoro ee a, ’ 
Koo 6 Linen g Dons saa a 
. ae Lees Lerdbre fab : : 
| hima ie es Che 

1879. Phonograph - Edison Speaking Phonograph Company (D-79-032) 

This folder contains correspondence, agreements, legal statements, and other 
documents relating to the business of the Edison Speaking Phonograph Company, 
which was formed in 1878. Much of the correspondence is by Edison's associates, 
Edward H. Johnson and Uriah H. Painter. Related material can be found in the 
Records of the Edison Speaking Phonograph Company (‘/ompany Records Series). 

All the documents have been filmed except for duplicate copies of 

. The Edison Speaking Phonograph Company, 

Las Zz. ae% thecr-t (G 
im ge YIP CC @ Le po peey 
; MCLED @ ee Aa ig qe : 
Joes ale oo ae tyes Z 

Feil 5, oe 

torroted cK 

CN K Moti hs tine 

BL Onan. 

Fhe. A Gortatag <a 

The Edison Speaking Phonograph Company, 


New York, ww... 00... Pees (at 

Chacwtanud: F120. EPA 

Blak WC Yer Aalaeee, 
See Of vou Wa 2eK 
Sees Qh Ziv: CYCA =Lete. 

wwe — 

Vi, lttls, clr dl 

ia ; 
AX GO airy gi 
| ae Mi hac 

C cK 
bhizwcef{ Jitadecé a os 

The Edison Speaking Phonograph Company, 


New York, .... ..... 18 

Gt Evel, bette. Fb oer en 
Cb torr bale Yea 
ad ip Se ae AMO CHI 4 eer 
EHe WNaonatlh te sip Lig 


EB Hhex ACHE, Cecig, 
phat Kh, Lhe Hf oy 

a4 Mh gug Fs Lorde, 5 

Jiszy ee 


The Edison Speaking Phonograph Consany: 


New York, 
P, O. Box 150. 

A Ship. & 

EAL oP ap 


Zo ae ae 

Se ae one. La eA ss a 
; Ny 
ees KE... tend. 

Ve ar 

ad oe Rs oe 

= Pe-wen ste een 

aba ida ia arin LAN Da isa a ics 

OG of, Meme York : 

Sey of Serr York 

y, One &., Pussctt Seong clecty Bren. 
lo cleberae. arnet say, Ahok: mecther J mer any ome. else auttorencat. 
by pone tacwee Guat Bbed. Oa oay, Sey or Coys buch as 
are cleanrcbedts en. She temtiack entered tants belie Ol fave 
2. Gcksen. ame. ong ac Lomy YIBTE. 

One. ferther Mhak- clue. oleligenee th tas Seem. ytnladl., anol. 
oy, sett Seong enlertddls, = xereler the Phe cmop afk offteeatble. ea 
Ihe Outiles encomenoleds Shenemn., ame. lhal ie, 
buce anol correcls nelarnrs bhatt. be mace. ctrnrcler cath every (monSA. 

«CS he sack Seteserv ofall Aokes of auch afparalits ~ 

—— sess Jit 
. Ae4 &. 192 h0~ 

Pe te ene See eee ee EE ee eT 


The Edison Speaking Phonograph Company, 

66 READE STREE’ r, 7 

New York, “E664... F.0. Goon. 

Wee et COL eZ pe 

Q He-featie “~, - aor dtecis hr 
2 z EEG 

Ors - Cacevcce the Kecdle. O- 

Gy ; 
CLUB ci — 
oie ah sa as i aay eal 
LE Albee d a Bien Mas Be Olin, 
eli noe Gicfereah MOA RLEY, Oe Oa: 
Cue Cece ak Exco-ceghe Mace 
ae A 

COLE 21 aed 




Tne Edison Speaking Phonograph Company, 


ee 7 ; 
Nei Y Of keg cessed, teal Soran 8 
P. O. Box 150. a eo 

h = 0 | 
OE. Tans Ua~ peo Proare DIY 

ae: : 
ae eee! WES OKs a GS Aol Spe 



Soe " pat oa tw 
in then & OU Go, IZ e 

rx’ wr [ote A Tie 2k (Pete Une nes 
ale nh i ees taine. te Rowe, Mort 4 Mean 
(ore He hove Cun, be AMA S 
q Ioke Pty) Als Pl ieces ne an > 
NOVA is Orica Gena ah NE 
(CNA © ke JR Pe ap nan 
e YP lle me ote Uf Cree Wis 
JRE & PAvro! aloud 
at Gis Pe Seca yl Cea Se 
wd us AE ek 8 : 
F a 
DAtra paves © ESP Ly 
Mp mele iia fae i any Crain, seep 

~— — ~~ ~~ _ 

CO Vikings CA Me Lette, tev Beep trey Pees 

eRe é ~ tu Se 

The Edison aceite Phonograph Company, 


eae cx Sec’y & Treas, 
New York, G@ee...2F% %.......1879. 

The Edison Speaking Phonograph Company, 


Ai DEO Fe tte Sa th AAA ANIA inde dba Earehaee z 
2 ss si Aa NL oe PE he La ON a tN ob Na sea Ssh 
= Ee sat eS a Ss ona 

se NEB LUE Ck yh tT Ste SSL po au Rand Si akc ai 
Sree AL DAS ist Ek et Saaadcanan 


The Edison Speaking Phonograph Company, 
V4 hay 200 ayy 

P.O. Box sag New 

tpl Met 

Vo SLATE pevecace CLA Uy ee een 

| aes: Cones ak ES ee Cz. LC. 
paw ish tayo Bete CecexX ge at i. 

. SL Gu GCs Bee. 2 2 

; is ae 

& Yr LE ae 7 i a cen. “Cart ors 
a fied Se MOG AC aS LLY ticlg, oe 
Kita fidget lA Lae ones ‘bm Atha lili; Meee 

Cn o2.6. a LLLEA ae CN Le et th x 
ae Lo. ee 

Mb Mehicah eb-gec€K- 

yar, Z 2 YLLK ~ Hopes v7, oe : 
Lb ae ce LEC. | GC Chee Lik 2 | 
On a ee, By tr Ka Se appa He 
(pbc a, Uru Kaeo eee © 

ce r om ee. (ea _ 4 | 

Suhre Aes feces ecte _LC% 

Si Ba AIRS ina a nh 

The Edison Speaking Phonograph Company, 


-3 En. ree 
President. cA a Treas. 

* aoe ot. ae Cons 


“ol Lae O. ds reaenal YES foe Mere ec, 
EXZ. PN or sean eA £7 S64 SASESEL S es Mal. 
Lee | oad ie ae Ket. LOE plod fer Go a 

ear 20s AOn ae a Cleve ae a 

— L ee ap CH. we tert Mee oes 
(sy age POLE, OFF Eoravvstansrie 

- an allr: reef) — OAL Coy b= peta 
Ce VI brwe poll, fr we blo pee fH: ee ee 
po és Petes oe LAr wren once ae, aan 

gid wed aa, wis ae oe RE Pa Born 
j Lan 

HM Ae ctere XK LA for 
ee a ee 

fit be mn 
ee Toe CE 
yf aca ld Gul Ge 


~The Edison Speaking Phonograph Company, 


President. Secy & Treas, 
IN CW OTM Baccarat eee a 1879. 
« A J < ay 


wR 7 ot Unter sroeenaeniers sc semcne rrr cessrsnems ester mmeeeemamemmeitteneneemer em ccs ce e 

The Edison Speaking Phonograph Company, 

GARDINER G, HUBBARD, ; E. H. sevens 
President. Treas, 

New York, ci iiceceneeene nee 1879. 

a Datu Bp haurg 1874 

OA LE hat lard 

QG-- a el 

SS e- Lave 


204 Ate lame 
OL. 4 ee, 

The Edison Speaking Phonograph Company, 

66: READE STREET. (aw 

President, Seety & Treas, 
New York, (Gat FE 1879. 

eigen iG FH 

Si itn 

The Edison Speaking Phonograph Company, 



New York, LE Lacon 87s 

The Edison Speaking Phonograph oe 



Sey 6° Treas 

—— Cncomae es 
Gh Bae 


MY Pt ene 
liege pb 


‘The Edison Speaking Phonograph Company, 



Para a ale a Nia htt KG Ail Bia att Ra ee SE i Lh Sa rel Sota Maiti lari a el 

belj of lem York \ 
CumnG of Kew Yorke 
L Obese &: Ristekh, beng | 
wey borer clo defose anol day thels, me veys | 
peccte os are cleacrcbed im She. entiacl emnliicde 
tie bee Chon Oe: Sas ongpact? 
wirtam'y. ca Paes: GUIS cnn ol 
Thrale olives oleleg emer on Been % 26 die bung 
yorlic da herder te Choneyn oft ofplecabte 
AG lhe wliles. numenolede there - 
| Olwer ©. Reareth . 

| Riv yon97} otee 
| Gat tho 

The Edison Speaking Phonograph Company, 


President, ‘é tht e Sec'y & Treas, , 
n J 
N Py eat 1879. 

4 “ 
1 ee a ee 
’ tH, ( La 
f a =~ : ; ‘ G2 
. 2, Pp) 4 Lug ee An -u& 
¢ Ve ue ee ro Pree ‘g : 
an a 1, 
Dn. Hh 
. ara c CAA OY Jeg 
a rrr Cove Cee pe te QQ UR I TR AAL te 
votes 9 aoe x » 4) eee aN | re Aas TIAL Ri Ia OM a) Qe ‘ 
- es — ; : 
‘ . Acs a. ptm sa 4 
Win ™ eX S29) creche, ee tO te ONE mL bay é ins 
ee * , ~_ T™ ¢ ' ¥ 4 
4 ce 4 oss oa ’ 
bas’ OR avy ie Pe I) ee le RE Yorne Se Fav te ea 


e : &, f 

re me, + 
— Lee _ che. cae | ener e Cee ecleud oa CAL We 
~~ : va ‘ oe A In fk een 
ues ltt Lite i ~ co Gon Me vette Whe we TVS Herre 


x Cis re a nee oe a fe alae, ne Ase Ape 4,9 
} : i / ae 
Pooks vo Ae AKQD Am pian? = Pre Crane c pee a Pele, 
™ he. /. Re Oar ara ie oo eee doin, J Aa ea Amu “Ge ck 
2 dh lee phe ae rete a a Visited ase ‘ 08 Cote at TOs 
. fe Cae Aa pind Theis ie te mE Lepr ht 7 <r Sei cond On 
aes . a. Mel, 

: , ae iyi bax 
See AD Te tee SE MO | 

wet f4te Ire e 

~™ 1 7 x 4 
Q or de A ae Le CO Aet#eep flo Qe tee as t de Pow Goa ae 2 
=~ & ou, 
‘e = : by 
4 er, he. > [my Qee te ee Cb xy le Lc (1, Ce 4 a 
, ‘ a ‘ 
‘ < 

- CMS nwo Went bering cone CLF 3 
ok wh wD eee a Col Map eee i 

Bette: ; OA eval. | 

The Edison Speaking Phonograph Company, 


me New Yorkj.j.0€ 722 Ce, 


The Edison Speaking Phonograph Company, 






The Paice Speaking Phadeeeh Company, 

President, Sec'y & Treas. 

2 ee ae Ye LIL 


AE, i . 0) 
Lo me Ce a ae ve 

| "OC Cees Wa 7 a 

a Jb ln ; 
Be@iw 5 


eM ampeaem 


. belj of Hen York. ZB 

ee grorn/ oer cefore one. a Thal me Jays 
buch, as wre cdeaercbeds em. The umbioeld entered 
UMNLa : rae 7 (eenn i 

ha ne Z Yaad ad 


The Edison Speaking Phonograph Company, 


President, See’y & Treas, 

ete te eae ee geen ree mee ene 

_ The Edison Speaking Phonograph Company, 


President, Treas, 

seit Sf @ LC 


The, Edison Speaking eonosrare Company, — 

GARDINER G. URI RD . : : , ‘ EW, caine 
ident, & Treas. 

. ct 
New York, G2 2Z.u c snunicrrcinnnee 18.7.Qe 

Jo A Extuk. “Ju Optp 77.2 
— By. 5 EE ED imme Loe ; 

agprere NER 

. oP , G (70 
fh fe og Ww prt 227 5 2 a 
, 4 i LR ele 6F at 2 
| Adu. . &¥S va 
YC heed tS FOP — 

The Edison Speaking Phonograph Company, 

President. See’y & Treas 

New Yor Miter 2S. 1879. 

The Edison Speaking Phonograph Company, 


esident Seely & Treas, 

poe age 4 rs FE ar 
/ 2 aa | “Eine me | 
Ienstaze * 

Only of Morr York 
na a 

dedly arrerm/lo-dsfirse. onl fey: Thelme dove auch. 

“eh ane Weickekecen She. contract entered onlee 

4/1876, have. eb Cities: 

- The Edison Speaking Phonograph eee 

ARDINER RG Bai ay | ORS adams 
ident, reas, - 

New York” Abe. L <t2— 


Shave ase Cece cccerccO 
Kin picade ite Cee ene 

g @ ee as ae es gis? pia 

Og" fe Coos 
tips tora 


The Edison Speaking Phonograph Company, 


Sec’y & Treas, ~ 
we NeW Ol oi te ch adanthar se 1879. ~ 

Mheek Glatt Geecre At ~ ea Cmacgs 

The Edison Speaking Phonograph Company, . 

Sec’y & Treas. 


DIN SW VOr atest tara errata 1879. 

eG. A Peat HE LG EG 
Ae Cee, ee, 
i vcet a, Ca-4 I 760 —-AS— 
gp OE Hany 

cicet CLL. 

The Edison Speaking Phonograph Company, 

President, Treas, 


24 Z. Beer atl PhecHicg a iil 
Ce, Pes ae 

ne he ae aa eb dame 
PEEACELTA Bet 2c. Mee 

HAC Cb oie eae, Zeca ng Gea—, 
Bae tecee Ktte rf eee on 

tiny Arty Greens 
Len Fane 

New York 20026..cZc.i-.1879. 

l= 2G 75 
gvreé) . 

Cha Le gies isp 

, ohn aoe AVS o> yar ~ 

Bk AAG VAR Man i iery Otarn f 

O tee L AP pot~ ERM ay 
Nv nC ~ f Ae wrote Ke Ve 
efare. ey es 
md 4 q > BS 
RiveectY f PEN ae 



Behe ech. g het Ta tn, 

2) fo i es $lio 
i eaten = ides AVA ak 
Keg pened 2. tm 

Freee eee CY Aten Aen 
ar Cn WMA ole 

Ba nr€ AP Rag clay 
ig thar I te A he Gum 
nt Ly En 

“Mnatete: lem! ff 



(pins Cur pole 
om Ad / Va Vrms M2 Cyn 


nw oo 

pe aaa LON nag on es of 
Agece fre Uy Tr, ~ Js ™ Be 

’ a bey 

fect Pew le Wrinkle 
Wyn te oie C07 
mae 2 
a (Atews ao ew (M12 Cot 
Incl hot Mad 



i ao a. Pax se 29 
LN WX, se 

ley Cain nrt4 Ae 
| Cornu oy Bee to q? ar pipette ta eT ae gerne ad ete: 

Sata mat ae, 
ber he Mead oh ap lirneen re 
ere ue 5 a ae ; 
0, He, foci : 
20 Wat i, We C 

oe clo w af | Linnehemal tom A ee : 

tubal, “NS eli s be i Bo oil 
Gua > Pepa - 
Ip oH | ened : 
S, awe! ahi st 

Wise 00. a Mn ae 

| feof (A Given 

) <3 . ‘ oe 

<y es Cay Tnectin'y af ea 

¢: Jo” nop peo Mone oO 
WAkElg go KE Lefto« 
ye yo Oe [EA mate 

spe | 

leper ial pone 

Lt ‘ = fr E90? 

The Edison. Speaking Phonograph Company, 

Secty & Treas, 


New Yor iscsi pnemasiandinicronc BAGS 


ees oe ee 

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The Edison Seetas Phonograph Company, 


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The Edison Speaking Phonograph Company, 
GARDINER G, HUBBARD, E. n aaaeaier ee 
President. ely & Treas, 

New York, . mn 879. 

jhe C6 Of foe Keele. Ueteaet A 
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The Edison Speaking Phonograph Company, 

President, Secty & Treas, 

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Letloroceticie, 0 ls Box 

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The Edison Speaking Phonograph Company, 

. President 

ae New WOT cs sachin ine 89 O, 
£- as A LOL 2. ——— EB PO C 2022 eS a 
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Kore Le Ff 

Lr WVg He TLE 
alge ag 

. Figgas REDPATH, Gen'l Mnneuer Edison Speaking Phonograrh a may 


Office, 208 BROADWAY, NEW YORK OITY, .. . . P.O. Box 6629: 

I. Ober ©. Reeaaett 
bung Aaron! Le LYficrew ana. aay , 
Theol me- Joys , Aecete, ed C12 lererbel 
on She. corrtliael-enlerecd nls Ebelireew 

Or LETS, Rowe pl ber orrade, anc 
19 ulerlead> & renoler Whe. Phonrep raft. 
i Afpleabees Li Vie. anrlieleds erncomenreleod 

TI. ALL - 

, GH. 

WO Yo Hltcci? 


The Edison Speaking Phonogiaph Company, 
$i Sas 66 READE STREET, | ~ 
Ge gen a _ 
ae [ws New York,. J (lke § AM Wis 

P.O. Box 150. i r 

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The Edison Speaking Phonograph Company, 


The Edison Speaking Phonograph Company, 


o. New York®... dint tac ReneS 

“ee : reg ee | l— 
urine ee 
IRTP AE, Re 7 fe 

AD tet ene Te Cad 

[POSTMARK: JULY 15, 1879] 

From JAMES{REDPATH, University Building, Washington Square, New York Oity. |. 
oT : 

D7 Her York Ss 
BeunG of Hom York 

cleeky Borer cle-clefosss andl 4 Chol, 
nx Joys Adcech. as any lnecbeds iN The 
conbinel enliecl nla helrrien. Jhurncs 
Q.Gdleaow ancl omyastf damncaary we 187%, 
tron. yet beow pmace ,oncl Shale hae olelegence: 

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hry A acter unr Tpke Aad And 
Mine Se Yorn, F Urner lume Ix do alg 

Sthenigr hee 

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From JAMES REDPATH, Gen'l Manager Edison Sp ing Phonograph Exhibitions. 



Orricr, or | 

The . Edison Speaking Phonograph Co. | 

oAnOnER 0. HUBBARD, ei 7. , | 
TwoMas & a ‘EDIGON. lun®ef, file ie J 

sn H. i JOHNGON. z NOP FIL. rrr R- mee Vist 1 877 

Bar Tinh Sk on Wry Pope hts : 

Bee Lt _ ere bre meg, 00 Oe 
Ld aiw> ace Yon): | 

SS A Ea ode nie i Sepia is tan SA wei is oe ret 
a x ba ait hee viii 

Orricr or 
The ab 8 iy Panag eaking P honograph Co. 

aasionen ‘a. "Museano, £ « $ 
TwoMaa s epiton ree es fe = 
oe H, JOHNGON. ae “Pet NS Mev Fok, nl R-/S7_ 18 79 

me he oS 8ed hk kota 
on pet RAAL U-ar, G fem fm 
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wees pe Ze ww Paine’ ny rm aot > 

(Hone eBeubed om Soo AALe pios- 

Woe UWrclt ip he dire with I & 

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{ ae al poe [ewe Phrte be onW £) 
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Sy: Aavrovw der clear anol Chat me- 

Sogn accck vs are. clerercbects cur fhe. conrbiaaly 
intehedds tule belies Jhemias 2. beac’ 
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i ees. 

Feeney | 

nee ene earns eae Rin ead ETT 

SEN ENS ce eS Sere ey 

Orricr oF 
The Edison Speaking Phonograph Co. 



tary and Treasurer, b 
E. H. JOHNEON. New York yeu, A 14 ys 


nn nr tne re nmenenemee + 
Orricr oF 

The Edison Speaking Phonograph Co. 

oanonen ‘ uaeano; 

THOMAS. iN ran 

pasta greet New Yi OPK jb 2.1 37 9 
di Ww fel. -P 4 fue. 
ero S49 
- Hsgo 

A ao 
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« #208 BeAer’ [bong 1P.o9 
ot 20S. 7 of Eel tyre/ D1 foo 
uo % Ube Bahn IO. {6.00 — 
lad ~  hibthe Pus, 1, 200 

g 72.00 

PT gs #798.00 

bel of Hew York 
éhg ean ‘ma 

4 ctever &. Recanell, Seng 
. clely arrern clo defroae andl aay, Shet-mo 
Voy aeih, os are. deaercbed. pr the. conbiaels- 

— onliiecdenls blizeen- Vhrrias Q.Colesosr? %d 
ry actf. ence YiIBYe, Thave. yet Been 
nace, arr0l Shak hee olckegernree. Teas Seen, 
anol. to atiees Beng perlaoh LF fenrcler- 
| Arleles muniraliod Shercennr’- 

The Edison Speaking Phonograph Co. 

i ident, 

relary and Treasurer, 

N ( Vs 
MY Now York wun mhlb->.189 , 



- v Ten PN” 

., From JAMES REDPATH, Gen'l Manager Edison Speaking Phonograph Exhibitions: 


: fo. 3 a . 

t . ! 
a - 

TY, -. fC USPLO. Box 5629. - 

5 hho ee 
Bon G of Hew York 
aay Anrory SS Qna. aX, Theal- 
wo Joys deeck as are. Ceancbhewb Man. 
The Contact enlerech els BRpeGirenw 
Ti een a. Gdeacu ey ony acts aorucary 
EYE, have gel been onade , anol Mhal> 
Oleee dileg ences 7a) Seong Area ha tender 
the Seurgraph A fleeable Oo lhe rlieles 

nermeueleg> Oe - 

| Levore Lb Defers me oe 
| eg Oktay ropa Le 
: 2 boge 

Fic sill sae ae a 

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" Orrice oF a : . os Bs 
i The Edison Speaking Pisusgant Co: 

ie ‘ 

Sceretary and Treasurers ‘ New York, poco AY. ei.) seihacbeenc, 18 7? 9 

tay bee 

welt be hack 

lie ial cae pa 
denn V GUR mer 
Bowe Mur UR rans Palm tual 

dit Hornur Hotel, 
Maison Bynare, Zom Zork. 
Hiteheork, Parting & Go. 

Mov f1-7G 

| iB 7~ Maly 
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re itis Sn I Ae 2 
Lulabi Syste Cudis as ibisabline’sidabias:taibih 



: CG a Hom York ss 

1 Clow ©: Padé Seimg 

ly My orn Xo defhoas, ane oF Shab, Mo 
Togs Biteh, 66 are, Leaerched> ant Ihe con bkaelr 
tu freed aks bebyreenn ee a. eto 

| Was ar acca Ti EAE, awe sel 
Bear made, bul fh. ete» cleheg envets <0 
Seong Lerlecl MF tinder Lh Shonograpt 
Of flee cble Lo Fhe Akeekes meunmenalicl Mere - 

Olver ©. Rirsetl, 

Noe 20 79. 

Ie hawd peceivedt al Ahler- fromm Clete, 
whirl he “he apne chaeupect. 
She fireck. models had tent veg, et well ag the 
aA model tod have made goa! were oul faced on Mart 
Ni.are Merefire sorry tale that te casanrt co Mhees facet 
vf Me tol unless yood shart agree tat te thawte do 
Maoh and the ferrite Alnhand teggetl-we thrall 
anw ©b6 Sd ‘ neeclleg, hee nechlet we have ded, 
are *€. Cad nung sreelled rd a ohawy 

i Wwe Cargist Couree. Che firrut ve Gronuk ad 

of, onodlel, 

with Mant nese F sibs 
| @ F redone Mlrwe, 

i NB ERS I Ot Lab ie le EL Ay cris ian 


+> eR. <te——~@ 
- ~<:¢——_~© 

@o-—_—_—~ eo - ere 


Sole Makers of Heyl and Brehmer’s Patent Wire Book-Sewing Machines, 
Behrn's & Brehmer's Patent Millstone Ventilating Apparatus, 

orricns: 82 -S0FFICE AND MACHINE WORKS,<s3- 
Uniren Sratres—N. W. Corner 12th and 

Noble Sts, Philadelphia, Pa. fo Bo Gorner 12th and Hoble Streats. 

Exarann—No. 19 Cowcroas Street, 
ondon, FE. C, 

Gersany—Oflice and Machine Works, , Bec 
Pingwitz, Leipzig. : ELL, elite, EL. i TL. FES q, 

ca Vp 0fe we ea fe ees 

oar ht, ) 

Pe Le Ae le wadlbruclocu fore the 
te. a SK Lo ee she oC rfer ne yew Wat he) have 
tak gree JOO elle Khrnograf hl ea ly for 
Jour i ecko and tha Avie 250 “gr Goo oe 
* theta aca-hy ae, ae few? HAGE, 

Ss BO it: dowd Ha Sor Byjrroe or~ 
LAI GOM Ces te geladi tu Ua ee farrnrele, ed er 

He he ware x Theo male LO Biieeti iy yes 
y tA 

ole CLOW , 
(fort avd Mbfccdfilly 
a - es Ws rchsner tod, 

MN EN e ne 


yer ae 

‘daRkeute BROS, 
Coa <$e-——- 


Sole Makers of Heyl and Brehmer's Patent Wire Book-Sewing Machines, 

Shea’ Ss & Brehmer's Patent Soles Ventilating Apparatus, 

eee cite Sn, Viuladanes, ae am 
Exaonann—No. in Coweross Street, Hh Me Gorngr ath andl Loble Streats. 
Tondon, F.C. . 

me ee Lapa Mildbr, Gn, Sle. 1S 1E 79, 

bear ver 

_ go ii ‘a x. 
a aoe 

Eel of Now York ss - 
Aorevy olo- afore and dey, Hes mo Leys Aceh, 
a6 are cheacr che cls ou [he teonbracl-enleLecls ante 

Serrer PL AB7E, have yeb ben/anace , 
anel Chak Aue oelegerrers has been ev erleob 
to renoler te Phonugrafoh. ahplratte 

ko The. Akiba trnmeretinds Hhreun - 

tarere Mo Mepers nee Hes 

nuao WRENMER, 



Sole Makers of Heyl and Brehmer’s Patent Wire Book-Sewing Machines, 
Behrn's & Brehmer's Patent Millstone Ventilating Apparatus, 

niten StatEs—-} Corner 12th and 
re ee Cee Oe Golle phate 


Grnmany—Office and Machine Works, 
Pla bashed eee  Ldadelpden oy bee /j AEP 7A, 

g LH Etteton 
fof oe 
of: cute man te Ct fiecleal 

nt hte t ede alle Tor 

el tesla tis bh BO if Aet8G iak dais : aii ae 

/ , / 
dw ork < 
Cu Cher 03 ahehfyn 
CKaucyea AV-6. ole cee Li he. 

Aert oe au a OY 

Hi A ete a 


ieee Bie fs bes 7 Phos vl Gy oR 4 
Sey. ae oe 

‘i re ma 


‘By Laws, os 

“ comrrm acm, es 

r, sy hy 


He foe 
ui REC 

Contract with T. A. Edison. 

“This Memorandum of Agrecment, 

“Entered into this thirticth day of January, eighteen 
hundred and seventy-cight, by and between 
Tuomas A. Eptson, of Menlo Park, Middlesex 
county, State of New Jersey, party of the first 
part, and Garpixrr G. Husnanp, of Boston,  _ 
State of Massachusetts, G. L. Brapney, of Provi- parties to 
dence, State of Rhode Island; Cras. A. Cungver, CU 
of the city, county and State of New York; TH11- 
borne LL, Roosrvert, of the city, county and State 
of New York, and U, II. Parnren, of West Chester, 

State of Pennsylvania, partics of the second part, 
witnesseth : 

“Whereas, The said party of the first part is the 
inventor of a new method for recording and repro- 
ducing therefrom the human voice-and other sounds, 
by causing such sounds to vibrate a mobile body, the 
movements of which are recorded by indentation, dis- parons n- 
placement, subtraction from or deposit upon ANY Spenelni 
material, and the reproduction of the movements of PMevograph. 
such mobile body, by causing its record or a copy 
thereof to give motion to another or the same body, 
and which is more particularly set forth in the specifi- 
cations of his patent for which he did apply for, in the 
United States Patent Office, December 15th, 1877; 

‘Wuereas, The said parties of the second part are 
desirous of engaging in the business of manufacturing 

Opject of 




or having manufactured und selling within the United 
States of America, the Phonographic apparatus and 
method invented by the party of the first part for every 
purpose to which it can or may be applied, except to 
watches, clocks, toys of every description : 

“Therefore, beit agreed, thatfor and in consideration 
of the sum of ten thousand dollars in hand, paid to the 

Consideration said party of the first part, the receipt of which is 
oe hereby acknowledged, and for other and furthervaluable . 

considerations, stipulations and agreements hereinafter 
set forth, the said Edison grants to the said parties 
of the second part, collectively but not individually, 

‘ the sole and exclusive license and right to manufac- 

ture, or cause to be manufactured and sell, within the 
United States of America only, and for consumption 
and use in the United States of America only, and not 
for export, consumption or use in’ any foreign country, 
The Phonetic apparatus, covered by the application 
dated December 15th, 1877, as herein set forth, for 
every purpose to which it may be applied, except 
clocks, and watches, and toys, certain rights and license 

to manufacture and sell within the United States the © 

said invention of the anid party of the first part when 
applied to clocks and watches having previous to this 
contract been grmited by the said Edison jvintly to 
Daniel N. Somers, of the city, county and State of 
New York, and H. S. Davies, of Brooklyn, Kings 
county, State of New York, 2 copy of which contract 
is hereto annexed, and certain rights and licenses to 
manufacture, and sell within the United States the 
Phonetic apparatus of the said Edison when applied to 
toys for the use of children, granted by the said Edison 
to Oliver D, Russell, of the city, county and State of 
New York, previous to this contract, a copy of which 
is also hereto annexed, which contracts, rights and 
licenses the said parties of the second part hereby 
agree to accept, from and recognize as not herein 


granted to them (the said right and liconses hereby 
granted to), the said parties of the second part, and 
this contract is to continue during the existence of the 
patent, providing, however, that the said parties of the 
second part do separately or collectively, within one 

- year from the date hereof, furnish for the purpose of 

the said business a capital of not less than fifty thousand 
dollars, to be used for the sole object of manufacturing 
and selling the Phonographic apparatus of the said 
Edison, within the United States, and to build up a 
permanent business in the manufacture and sale of 
such apparatus; and the parties of the second part 


Capital to be 

shall woll.and truly pay to the said Edison twenty percent. parsons 
on the actual. selling price of all apparatus or articles Po¥sly- 
made, sold or dclivered, and shall make truc and Report 

correct returns under oath, on or. before the fifteenth 
day of each and every month, of all sales of such 
apparatus made and sold or delivered during the 
previous month, and allow the said Edison to have 
access to the books and accounts at all reasonable 

. tines. It is expressly agreed and understood by the 

said parties of the second part, that the main consid- sfatn con- 

eration to the said Edison in this contract, is the 
twenty per cent. royalty on the actual selling price of 
all apparatus containing the Phonetic invention of the 
srid Edison, to be paid by them, the snid parties of the 
second part to the said party of the first part, promptly 
and at the time herein mentioned, and that the sum of 
ten thousand dollars paid to the said Edison is the 
consideration to the said Edison to enter into this con- 
tract, and grant the exclusive privileges herein set 
forth to the said parties of the second part. 


“Tt is, however, understood and agreed, that the said ratson's 

sum of ten thousand dollars is to be used by the enid 
Edison to perfect the said Phonographic invention so 
as to render it of great practical value for many uses, 
such as the reproduction of speeches and musical com- 



positions. If the said ‘Edison shall not, within one 
year from the date hereof, succeed in so developing 
and perfecting » satisfactory upparatus for dictating 
lettors or reproducing musical compositions, then, in 
that case, the partics of the second part shall have the 

aPuoniae, privilege of terminating this agreement, upon written . 
notice to the party of the first part to that cftcet, and 
this agreement shall then cense and become null and 
void, providing the said Edison shall, at the time of 
receiving said notice, or within fifteen days therenfter, 
pay to the party of the second part the sum of eight 
thousand ($8000) dollars. In the event of the said 
Edison, upon such notice, failing to pay the eight 
thousand dollars, as herein above stated, then, and in 
that ease, this agreement shall continue in force the 
game as if said notice had not’been given by the party 
of the second part, I¢ is further agreed that if the said* 
Edison shall not return to the party of the second 
part cight thousand dollars ($8,000), as hereinbefore 
provided for, the said party of the second part shall 
still have the right to terminate this agreement. 

pitigencoto “ It ig further agreed that they, the snid parties of the 
Ticwusees, second part, will use reasonable diligence in prose- 
cuting ‘and establishing 8 permanent business for the 
salo of such apparatus in the United States as herein 


“Tt ig farther agreed that if tho enid parties of the 
Fotture to re-eecond part fail to render a true and correct monthly 

Edt : 
portio maison statement of all sales for each und every month during 

the continuance of this contract, as herein provided, 
after the manufacture and sale of the article has com- 
Follureto pay menced, or fails to pny the royalty of twenty per cent. 
on the selling prico of all articles or apparatus contain- 
ing tho invention of the said Edison, as aforesaid, at 
the periods herein mentioned, or do not use reasonable 


* diligence in establishing and prosecuting the business 

of making and selling such apparatus within the United 
States, then the said Edison shall have the right to 
terminate this agreoment, and it shall be null and void, 
and all rights and licenses and the said parties of tho 
second part shall have no claims upon the said Edison 
for any money that may have been paid to him. 

“Tt is further agreed that if at the expiration of one 
year from the date hereof, the said parties of the second putea inte 
part shall have failed to furnish fifty thousand dollars fortelted ir 
($50,000) jor the purposes afuresuid, then the said pala up| year 
Edison shall have the right to terminate this agree- 
ment, but shall have no further claim upou the said 
purties of the second part. 

“Tt is further agreed that the said Edison will, at his 
own expense, protect, as far as lays within his power, gaison to de 
the anid invention from piracy or infringement, and all "4 Fates 
improvements upon apparatus for the recording and 
reproducing of the human voice or other sounds, except 
when such improvements relate to and are for specific 
use in telegraphy, and solely adapted thereto, and 
clocks, watches and toys aforesaid, which may be zrtcensreshave 
made by the said Edison, within seventeen years from Wyuments” 
the date hereof, are to come within the provisions of 
this contract, and the said Edison is to reecive the 
percentage before mentioned, upon all articles con- 
taining said improvements. 

“To enable the said Edison to receive a just and 
equitable consideration, through the medium of the 
twenty per cent. royalty to be paid him, it is hereby seuting price. 
expressly agreed that the minimum selling price for 
each and every appuratus for the recording and repro- 
duction of the human voice or musical sounds, shall 
not be Jess than eighty dollars; but, if at any future 
time it can be shown to the satisfaction of the said 
Edison, that it would be advantageous to both parties 
to this contract to sell ot a lessor sum, or should any 

6 devise 

other person, at any future time, desire an apparatus 

for a similar purpose, not an infringement of the 
invention of the said Edison render it necessary, by its 

’ competition in the market, to sell at a lesser sum, then 
the said Edison shall name a leaser sum, to enable the 
said parties of tho second part to compete with the 
said other apparatus with profit, but no discrimination 
‘in the matter of price shall be made between any cor- 
poration or individual, when such corporation desire 
to buy and use in their business, and not for resale to 


« Tn witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands 
and seals, this thirtieth day of January, 1878. 

“THOS. A. EDISON, (suat.] 
“OHAS. A. CHEEVER. [szat.] 
“ GARDINER G.. HUBBARD, [sxat.] 
“U. H. PAINTER. [sEzaL.] 
“«@. L. BRADLEY. (sEa..] 

Additional Concession by Edison. 

« Opice of Tus Episoy Speakina Poonograru Co. 
: 66 Ruapy Streer, 

“New York, January 18, 1879. 

“The Edison Speaking Phonograph Company is 

NowTerritory hereby authorized to manufacture and sell Phonographs 

to any country except—India, Australian Colonies, 
Russia, England, Norway, Sweden, Austria, Germany, 
France, Italy, Spain and Belgium. 



« Ofice of Tus Evison Spraxine Puonograrn Co. 
66 Reape Street, 

“New York, January 21, 1879. 

“Tt is hereby agreed between Taos, A. Eprson, of 
Menlo Park, N. J., and the Edison Speaking Phono- B,8.%:,09; re 
graph Co., that the party of the second part will, and (pats to.” 
do hereby waive any claims they may have on said tn the sin. 
Tuos. A. Eprsoy, to return any part of the ten thousand , 
dollars paid him by C. A. Cuunven, ef. al., on the 

signing of the contract for licensing said Cieever, et. al, 
jon re- 

‘to manufacture Phonographs in the United States, and feng. 3. P 

said Edison Speaking Phonograph’ Co. are hereby re- ing unimere 

leased from their obligations to suid Episoy, to pay up eset 
any more capital for the purpose of carrying on the 
manufacture and sale of Phonographa. ; 
“Signed this eighteenth day of January, 1879. 
* Managing Committee of Ef. S. Ph. Co. 

“ Witness: 
“§, L. Gnirein.” 

Edison's Toy Contract. 


“Entered into this seventh day of January, cightcen 
, hundred and seventy-eight, by and between Tuomas 
A. Enisox, of Menlo Park,’ Middlesex county, 
State of New Jersey, and Ontver 1), Russeut, of 

tse’ f°" Wireneas, The said Edison is the inventor of anew 
. method for recording and reproducing therefrom the 
human voice and other sounds, by catising such sounds 
to vibrate a mobile body, the movements of which are 
recorded by indentation, displacement, subtraction 
from or deposit upon any material, and the reproduc- 
tion of the movements of such mobile body, by causing 
its record, or 2 copy thereof, to give motion to another 

a patent in the United States Patent Office, December 
15th, 1877. And whereas, The said Russell is desirous 
of engaging in tho business of manufacturing or having 
manufactured and solling to the toy trade, apparatus 
adapted to the following toys : 

re q te ny am gan GP Fes samen es if 
‘ealijeats or First. To dolls to speak sixty wordsor less, or make 
License. various sounds. 

“Second. To a toy musical box which shall produce 
but one tune, either vocal or instrumental, and suitable 
only for children. 

“Third. To a toy speaking box, which shall repro- 
duce several sentences, containing not more than aixty 
words in all. 

the city, county and State of New York, witnesseth: 

or the same mobile body; for which he did apply for- 


“Fourth. To toy animals, birds and reptiles, to make 
various sounds, and to male and female human figures 
to utter sixty words or less, . 

“Lith. To toy engines to whistle and imitate the ox- 
haust of steam. 

“Sixth. To toy targels. 

“Therefore be it agreed, That for and in consideration 
of the sum of one dollar, in hand, paid to the said 
Edison, by the said Russell, the reccipt of which is 
hereby acknowledged, and for other and furthér valu- 
able considerations and agreements hereinafter men- 
tioned, the said Edison grants to the said Ruasell, the 
sole and exclusive license and right to manufacture, or ricenso, 
cause to be manufactured, und to sell within the United. 

States only, and for consumption and use in,the United 

States only, and not for export to any forcign country, 

the apparatus applicable to the articles enumerated 
heretofore, and numbered 1, 2, 8, 4, 5 and 6, which 

license and right, and this contract, is to continue for Pred of 

a period of five years from the date hereof. Providing, 

however, That the said Russell does invest sufficient 

capital at once in the business of supplying the toy capital to bo 
trade with such apparatus, and does exercise reasonable °°" 
diligence in prosecuting and estublishing a perma- 

nent business for the sale of such apparatus as herein 

provided; and shall make true and correct returns Heturna of 
under oath, on or before the fifteenth day of each: and 

every month,’ to the said Edison, of all sales of such 

apparatus made and sold or delivered during the pre- 

vious month, and at that time shall well and truly pay 

to the said Edison ton per cent. on the actual selling a” ‘° *° 
price of all articles so made, sold or delivered. 


“It is further agreed, On the part of the said Edison, 
that if at any time during the continuanée of this yew toys. 
agreement, the said Russell desires to apply the appara- 

on Licenses, 

for dee, he. 

Penalty for 
falluro to 



tus, herein mentioned, to other toys, not heretofore 
mentioned, then he shall have the right to make and 
sell such apparatus for that application, and it shall 
come under the provisions of this contract. Provided, 
however, That the toy to which the application is de- 
sired to bo made is strictly a toy for the use and amuse- 
ment of children, and which shall not be useful in busi- 
ness transactions or in the arts, seiences,,or for any 
useful purpose, other than for the instruction and 
amusement of children. It being expressly agreed and 
understood by the said Russell, that nothing in this 
contract shall be construed, to give him, the said Rus- 
sell, any right whatsoever to manufacture, or enuse to 
be manufactured, or sell, or grant to others, any rights 
to manufacture or sell any apparatus embodying the 
invention of said Edison, herein set forth, except when 
such apparatusis applied to the toy articles, hereto before 
mentioned, or which may be added thereto as herein 
provided. e ; 

“Tt is further agreed, That the snid Edison will grant, 
and does hereby grant to the said Russell, the right to 
make three speaking phonographs, to be used solely to 
produce original matrices, to enable dies, or electro- 
types or ensts to be made from the records produced by 
such machines, for the rapid multiplication of such 
records to be used in the toys aforesaid, and these ma- 
chines are to be used for no other purpose, 

“Tt is further agreed, That if the said Russell fails to 
render a true and correct monthly statement of all 
sales for each and every month during the continuance 
of this contract, as herein provided, or fails to pay the 
sums due the said Edison, at the periods herein men: 
tioned, or if the total sum paid the said Edison, on 
account of royalty, shall-be less than six thousand 
dollars in each and every year, commencing six months 
from the date hereof, then the said Edison shall have 
tho right to terminate this agreement, and it shall be- 


come null and void upon giving three months previous 
notice in writing, or the said Edison may in that case 
grant to any other party or parties a license or licenses 
to manufacture such toy apparatus. 
. “Itis further provided, That after the termination of 
this contract, it may, at the option of the said Russell, 
be extended from year to year,during the existence ofeontruee 
the said patent, for the said invention, providing, all 
the provisions of this contract have been carried out in 
good faith, and the royalties paid said Edison have not 
been Jess than six thousand dollars in the year previous 
to the date of its termination, _ 

“Thesaid Russell shall not transfer this license to any 
other party or grant to any party any right or privi- 
loge thereunder, without the consent, in writing, of the Transferring 
said Edison, previously obtained, but the said vights"™# 
may pass to the heirs or executors of said Russell, upon 
the conditions herein contained. 

‘In witness whereof, the parties hereto have hereunto: 
set their hands and senls the day and year first above 
written. ‘ 



& Mento Park, N.J., Nov. 5, 1878. 

“The partnership between O. D. Russell and Chas. 
B. Harris, in the matter of the Toy Phouograph Oon- 
tract, having been, by mutual consent, dissolved on 
Oct. 16th, 1878, I, Thomas A. Edison, hereby agree, , 
that O. D. Russell (being now the true and lawful ; 
owner of snid contract), shall transfer, in consideration 
of the sum of one dollar puid, and othor valuable con- 
sideration, one undivided and unencumbered balf terest to oe 
interest in said Toy Phonograph contract to Hilborne pen 


EB Pca. Le Roosevelt, of the city and State of New York. 
ner Said Roosevelt may associate with him as partners the 
i Edison Speaking Phonograph Company. Iwill waive 
i} Miumaa the matter of the payment of six thousand dollars 
ee ($6000.00) annually as a minimam sam for royalty, in 
New royalty. consideration of a royalty of twenty (20) per cent. being 

paid me on the selling price of the toys, instead of ten 

(10) per cent. 


Watch and Clock Contract. 


* Witness: 
8. L. GrirrFin.” 


“Entered into, this seventh day of January, cighteen 
hundred and seventy-cight, by and hetween Tuos. 
A. Eprson, of Menlo Park, Middlesex county, 
State of New Jersey, and Daxter M. Somens, of 
the city, county and State of New York, and 
Huzyny I. Davies, of Brooklin, county of Kings; 
and State of New York, witnesseth : 

-" Additional Toy Agreement between 
Russell and Roosevelt. 

“Articles of Agreement made this day of Novem- 
ber, 1878, by and between Ontver D. Russent, of 
the city and State of New York, and Hizzoryxe L. 
Roosevett, of the city, county, and State aforesaid. 
* * * * * * 
“ And is further agreed and understood, that inas- 
.. Newbasisof much ag the said Edison has, by written agreement, 
“algned to dated November 5th, 1878, wiived the so-called six 
~~ thousand dollar royalty clause in said original contract, 
substituting in lieu thereof, a royalty of twenty per 
“4 cent. on the selling price of all articles sold under said 
| contract during its continuance, this agreement now 
H referred to becomes a part of this contract, is attached 
heretd, and shall be equally binding on said Edison, 
' said Russell, and said ‘Roosevelt, their successors and 
assigns.” * “* * * * 

“ Wuereas, The said Edison is the inventor of a new 
method for recording and reproducing therefrom the 
human voice and other sounds, by causing such sounds ynvention. 
to vibrate a mobile body, the movements of which are 
recorded by undulation, displacement, subtraction from, 
or deposit‘upon any material, and the reproduction of 
the movements of such mobile body, by causing its 
record or a copy thereof to give motion to another or 
the same mobile body for which he did apply for 
patent in the United Stutes Patent Office, December 
15th, 1877. ‘ 

“And Whereas, The said Somers and Davies, acting 
together and not separately, aro desirous of Applying opject oh cons 
the phonetic apparatus of the said Edison; to clocks '** 
, and watches, to cause such clocks or watches to call 
out the time at certain intervals, and to reproduce 
sounds, singing or short sentences, not exceeding one 
hundred words. Such apparatus being actuated either 



Duration of 

Diligence to 
be used by 

Returns to 


‘eontract is to continue for a period of five years from 

Limitations. be construed to give them, the said Somersand Davies, 


by the clock or watch movement itself, or from a sub- 
sidiary movement placed within such clock or watch, 
Such words and sounds being solely intended and 
adapted to replace (or to be in addition to) the striking 
and alarm movement in clocks and watches. 

“Therefore be it agreed, That for and in consideration 
of the sum of one dollar, in hand, paid to the snid 
Edison, by the said Somers and Davies, the receipt of 
which is hereby acknowledged, and for other and fur- 
ther valuable considerations and agreements, herein- 
after mentioned, the said Edison grants to the snid 
Somers and Davies, jointly, but not individually, the 
sole and exclusive license and right to manufacture, or 
canse to be manufactured, to apply, as aforesaid, and 
sell within the United States of America only, and for 
consumption or use within the United States only, and 
not for export to any foreign country, the invention of 
said Edison, herein set forth, when applied to clocks 
and watches, for the purpose specified, but for no other 
purpose whatsoever, Which license and right and this 

the date hereof, provided, however, that the said Somers 
and Davies exercisa reasonable diligence in applying 
such invention to clocks and watches, or clocks alone, 
and endeavor to establish a permanent business for the 
sale of such apparatus in the connection mentioned ; 
and shall: make true and correct returns, under oath, 
on or before the 15th day of each and every month, to 
the said Edison, of all ‘sales of such ‘apparatus during 
the previous month for such application, and shall, at 
that time, well and truly pay to the said Edison ten 
per cent. on their actual solling price, which per- 
centage shall amount to not less than one and a-half 
cents for each clock, and one and a-half cents for each, 
watch. It isexpressly agreed and understood by the said 
Somers and Davies, that nothing in this contract shall 


any right whatsocver, to manufacture or cause to be 
manufactured, or sell, or graut to others any right to 
sell or manufacture any apparatus embodying the in- 
vention of said Edison, except when such apparatus is 
applied to clocks or watches aforesuid, and only for 
the purpose specified, 

“It is further agreed, That if ‘the said Somers and panurete ro- 
Davies fail to render such true and correct monthly "monthly. 
statement of all sales or apparatus, manufaetured or 
caused to be manufactured, tor each and every month 
during the continuance of this contract, as herein pro- 
vided, or fuil to pay the sums due to the said Edison 
for royalty, at the periods herein mentioned, or if the 
total sum paid to snid Edison, on account of royalties, . 
shall be less than three thousand dollars, in each and Ati tmuna, 
every year, commencing six months from the date : 
hereof, then the said Edison shall have the right to ter- 
minate this agreoment, and all rights under it, upon 
giving three months previous notice in writing, or the 7/734" 
said Edison may, in that event, grant to any other 
purty or parties a license or licenses to manufacture 
such apparatus. It is further provided, that after the 
expiration of this contract, it muy, at the option of the 
said Somers aud Davies, be extended from year to year, Extensions. 
during the existence of the patent for the snid inven- 
tion, providing all tho provisions of this contract have 
been carried out in good faith, and the royalty paid 
anid Ediaon has not been jess than three thousand dol- 
lars in the year previous to the date of ‘its termination. 

“tis further agreed, On the part of the said Somers No transfer 
and Davies, that they will not transfer this éontract to mthout eo - 
any other person or. persons without the consent, in | 
writing, of the said Edison, and that they cannot grant 

“any license, or right to manufacture to any other party, 

but in case of death of cither Somers or Davies, or both 
of. them, the rights given by this agreement shall 
extend to the hoirs or executors of the deceased, upon 
the terms herein set forth. 


; “Ti is further agreed, That the said Edison wi}l grant 
Fhonoarantié and does hereby grant to the snid Somers and Davies 
; : the right to make three speaking phonographs, to be 
used solely to produce original matrices to enable dies, 
electrotypes, or casts to be made from the records, pro- 
duced by such machines for the rapid multiplication of 
such record to be used in the clocks and watches afore- 
said, and these machines are to be used for no other 





Be it known, that we, Wiuuram H. Haywanp, Trt-corporatora. 

ory Cornwen., Winttam K. Apprepauen, Winnarp 
L. Canpgr and Antuoxy Gner, Jr. do hereby associate 
ourselves 2s a body politic and corporate pursuant to the 
provisions of the Statute Laws of the State of Connecticut 
regulating the formation and organization of Joint Stock 
Corporations, nnd the following are the Articles of our 
Association and Agreement. 


~ The name of gnid Corporation shall be “ The Edison yyy 
Speaking Phonograph Company.” : o 

“Tn witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands 
and seals the day and year first above written.” 


The Capital Stock of said Corporation shall be- Six 
hundred thousand Dollars, and the said Cupital Stock shall 
be divided into Twenty-four thousand shares, of Tiwenty.2°2***- 
five Dollars each share. 



Tho purpose for which said Corporation is formed 
is the following, viz: 

To manufacture, rent and sell Phonographic Apparatus, 
and lo buy, own, sell and deal in any Patent-Iight, or any 


ation laws. 

Conn. corpor- -The Statute Laws of the Stale of Connecticut, relating to 


interest in the same, and‘any real or personal properly ne- 
cessary or convenient for the prosecution of said business— 
and generally to do all things incidental to said business and 

to the proper management thereof. 

Joint Stock: Corporations, ave hereby particularly referred 
to and made part of these Articles, and the Corporation 
hereby organized and established, under and pursuant 
to said Statute Laws, shall have the powers and proceed 
according to the regulations described and specified 




The said Corporation is established and located in the 
town of Norwalk, county of Fairfield and State of 
Connecticut. ; 

Each Subscriber to theso Articles agrees to fake and 
pay par value of Twenty-five Dollars ($25), for cach share 
of the Capital Stock of said Corporation set opposite their 
respective names. 

Sunsoripers’ Names. No. or SHARES, 

W.K. A ohio Five. 
Wnm.H. Hayward, - « 
Timothy Cornwell, co 
Willard L. Candeo, “ 
._ Anthony Gref, Jr. “ 

Dated at Norwalk, this 24th day of April, 1878. ; 


Stockholders’ Meeting, April 20, 1878. 

Enecrions aNp MEETINGs. 

A meeting of the Stockholders of the company shall be annua 
held annually at the office of the company, in the town Mecluse. 
of Norwalk, Slate of Connecticut, on the fourth Tuesday of 
January, for the election of Dyrustees for the ensuing year, 
and for the transaction of such business as may properly 
come before them. 

A notice of the time of holding such Annual Meetings, noticon 
signed by the President or Secretary of the company, 
shall be given in one or more papers published in the 
town of Norwalk, State of Connecticut, and such notice 
shall be published aé least jive days previous to the day 
of holding such mecting, and a copy of such notice 
shall, at least ten days before the meeting, be sent by mail, 
addressed to each Stockholder, at his or her last known 
place of residence, as entered in the Stock Ledger. 

In the event of no election of Trustees being had ony, dinctiodsc: 

the dayappointed for theannual meeting of Stockholders, 
the meeting may be adjourned, or a special meeting 
may be called as hereinafter provided. . 

At all meetings of the Stockholders for the election of 
Trustecs of the company or other purposes, the voting baton 
shall be by “ballot” for the choice of officers, but 
other questions may be decided by “yeas” and “ nays,” 
and each Stockholder shall be entitled to ns many votes 
as he or she shall own shares in the stock of the com- 

' pany, and the majority of the shares represented, in 

person or by proxy, shall decide all questions coming 
before the meetings of Stockholders, except as herein 
otherwise provided for—but no meeting of Stockholders 

shall have power to do any act, except to adjourn, quorum. 
unleas a majority of the capital stock is represented. 


Special mectings of thle Stockholdors of the company 
may be called by the Secretary from time to time, and 
at any time by direction of the President, or a majority 
of the Trustees, or upon the written request of three 
persons who shall be Stockholders in the company, 
owning at least in the aggregate not less than eight 
thousand shares, whicht-mectings shall be ealled with 
the same notice and in like manner as tho annual 
meetings of the company: at such special meetings 
any business may he transacted as at aunual meetings. 

If from any cause the “President or Seeretary shall 

lect or i d 
ual {oc refuse or neglect to give the proper notice required by 

the by-laws for any annual or special meeting of the 
Stockholders of the company, such meeting or meetings 
may be called, and such notice may be given by the 
Treasurer of the company or by any two Trustees, or 
by any two or more Stockholders of the company, who 
shall hold in the aggregate not less than eight thousand 
shares of the capital stock of the company. ; 

TL.— Trustees. 

There shall be 2 Board of five Trustees, who shall be 
elected. at this, the first meeting of the Stockholders. 
Those Trustees now elected shall hold office until the 
first annual mecting, to wit: the fourth Tuesday of 
January, 1879, or until their successors are clected as 
provided in these by-laws. The Trustees elected at 
or after the first annual meeting, shall hold oflice until 
the next annual meeting, and thereafter until their 
successors aro chosen, 

It shall be the duty of the Sceretary to notify the 
Trustees of their election, and of the first mecting 
which shall be held as soon as practicable after their 
election. They shall thereupon organize and elect 
officers of the company,'as provided in section 8d of 
by-laws. ; 


The Board of Trustees shall hold quarterly mectings Quatterty | 
for the transaction of such business as may come before Trustees. 
them, on the 15th day of January, April, July and 
October of each year, of which written notice by the 
President or Seerctary shall be given to exch member- 
of the Board, served on him personally, or by leaving 
such notice at their several places of business, or send 
ing the same by mail, at leust six days before the day 
of the mecting. 

At the request of the Trensurer, or the written 
request of any two of the Trustees, it shall be the duty 
of the President or Secretary to call « special meeting 
of the Board of Trustees, in like manuer as herein 
above provided for quarterly mectings. 

Three of the Board being present at any meeting of quoramot 
the Trustees, shall constitute a quorum for the trans." 
action of business. No business shail be dono at any 
meeting of the Trustees, or votes passed, except to 
adjourn, unless s majority of the whole number of 
Trustees are present—and a majority of the whole 
number of Trustees shall be necessary to pass any 
‘resolution, except to adjourn. ; 

In the event of a vacancy in the Board of Trustces, Yacancy tn 
by death or otherwise, the remaining Trustees shall Trustees. 
have power to elect a now Trustee to fill such vacancy. 

At mecting of Stockholders, June 5th, 1878, 

Resolved, That where the word Trustees occurs in the 
by-laws, it shall be changed to Directors. 

That section 2 of the by-laws be changed by inercas- 
ing the number of Directors from five to seven, and 
that four of the Bonrd being present at any meeting of x, 5, 
the Trustees, shall constitute » quorun for the trans- Directors, 
action of business. ; 

At meeting of Stockholders, November 28d, 1878, 

, Resolved, Thut the by-laws be and are hereby amended , 
to enlarge the Bourd of Directors from seven to nine.. 

Trustees, | 

ne : 

Eleation of 


of offlvers, 


Duties ofthe 



The officers of the company shall consist of'a President, 
Treasurer and Secretary, who shall be elected by the 
Trustees by ballot, and for one year, or until others are 
elected in their stead; and cither of the above officers 
may be appointed by the Trustees, to serve also as a 

Manager of the company. 

In caso of a vacaney oceurring during the year, for 
which any such officer may be elected, the Trustecs 
shall, fill tlie same by a new election for the unexpired 
term. : 

The Board of Trustees shall have the power to appoint 
from time to time, such other officers, or agents, or 
managers of the company as they may deem best, and 
with such powers as they may think the interests of 
the company require. : 


The President shall execute all the sealed instruments 
to be given by the company, as is provided in section 8th 
of these by-laws. 

All business done by the President for the company 
shall be done in its name; and all documents signed by 
him for the company, shall be signed in the name of 
the company, by him, as President. 

The President shall, at the annual mecting of each 
year, make a report to the Stockholders, setting forth 
its business, ‘and giving such general information as 

may be necessary to keep them advised of the general 
affairs of the company. 

In the absence of the President, the Treasurer ‘shall 

pérform all the duties of the President, as provided in 
these by-laws, : 

Tho Deeds, Bonds, Contracts und Agrcomenta, and Buttes of the 

all valuablo papers belonging to the company, shall be 
under the Treasurer’s special charge. The money paid 
for its capital stock, as well ag all other money pnid to 
the company in its transactions, and also all notes, 
drafts, aeveptauces, and other evidences of debt, due 
or to become due to the company, shall be under his 
special charge. [He shall endorse for colléction or dis- 
count, all drafts and acceptances belonging to the 
company. THe shall sign all notes on time or otherwise 
to be given by the company in its dealings, He shall 
keep its funds on deposit in the name of the company, 
in such bank or banks as the Board of Trustees from 
time to time may direct, and draw out the same by 
check as Tyensurer, and to be used only in the trans- 
actions of the company. All his transactions on behalf 
of the company shall be entered on its buoks. 

In the absence of tho Treasurer, from sickness or 
otherwise, he may appoint some one to fill his place 

Sproat Mrrtina or Srooxnoupers, Dec. 28, 1878. 

Resolved, That the by-laws be, and are hereby amen- 
ded to empower the managing committee, in their dis- 
eretion, to remove the Treasurer and to fill any vacancy 
oceurring in said office by removal, resignation or other- 
wise, subject to revision by the Board of Directors, 

The duty of the Secretary shall be to prepare, publish 

and mail all notices for mectings of tho Stockholders puttesatine 
and Trustees, in accordance with the by-laws; attend 8eury. 

and keep a record of tho doings of the Board of 
Trustees at their meetings, and at the meetings of the 
Stockholdors, and transact such other business as may 
be required of him. : . 

It shall be the further duty of the Secretary to keep 
a, book containing the names of all Stockholders of the 



company, to take charge of the Stocl-Certificate book, 
Stock Ledger, Transfer book, and all other books ‘of 
the company, cansing-the necessary entries to be made 
in the same from time to time. In the event of his 
absence, the Presidont or Treasurer may appoint a See- 
retary to fill his place temporarily. 


Datica af ths The management of the business detail of the com- 

‘ pany shall he carried on by two managers, to be ap- 
pointed by the Board of Trustees. These managers 
shall have such power,as may be conferred upon them 
by the Board of Trustees, and shall be under the con- 
trol of the Board of Trustees. 

Juxe 5, 1878, av Srockuoupers’ Muctine. 

Resolved,-That section 7, of the by-laws be altered 
by substituting the words ‘of an executive committee 
of four” instead of “ two managers.” . 

Meetine oy Directors, Juty 6, 1878. 

ftesolved, That the by-laws of this company be amen- 
ded so as to reduce the number of the executive com- 
mittee from four to three. be 

Nov, 28, 1878, Srockyonpens’ Murine. 
Resolved, That all the by-laws providing for an ex- 
ecutive committec be, and are hereby abolished. 
Resolved, That G. G. Hubbard, U. I. Painter and E. 
- H. Johnson be, and are hereby appointed a managing 
committee, to have all the powers of the Board of Diree- 
tors, subject to the direetion of the Board of Directors, 


Orthetooks All books and papers ot every description, whether 

and pnpera of < ef 

the Company. or not under the special charge of any officer or agent, 
unless otherwise ordered by the Board of Trustecs, 
shall be kept in the office of the company, and shall be, 

at all times subject to the inspection of the President, 


Secretary, Treasurer or Trustees of the company, or 
any one of them, at any and all times during business- 
houra—or to any Stockholders representing at least two 
thousand shares of the stock of the company. 

All sealed instruments given by the company, shall 
be signed in the name of the company, and counter- 
signed by its Secretary or Treasurer. 


Tho first Board of Trustees shall prepare and adopt o¢ the geal or 
seal to be used in the transactions of the company, on ‘¢ Company. 
which shall be engraved the nanie of the company, and 
such device as they may decide upon. 


These by-laws may be altered, amended, added to, or 
taken from at any meeting of the Stockholders or Trustees $itqalions of 
at their diseretion. 

Ar Mrsrine or Directors, Juiy 6, 1878. 
Resolved, That after the present meeting, the by-laws 
be so amended that they cannot be changed, unless - 
notice of such changes be incorporated in the call for 
the meeting. 

1879. Phonograph ~ Foreign (D-79-033) 

This folder contains correspondence relating to the marketing and use of the 
phonograph in Europe, Mexico, and New Zealand. 

All the documents have been filmed except for duplicate copies of 

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Peoowrial Corse, ohh pereacttlag Sverre et. whore de of’ 
Ctca le va Oo segs , CK Hoes & Mee. “L¢, 

Bhs CP Sep, er“ 
COCE OCR ee AOC CY Chaser bee fate Cf fee Y 

wie ae Mee fed Coriseel,, 
sir @ ny pes Mr ie ane wef, A-0e8 Ey Cl L. 

APU A beet 

va Pere, ot Sante ‘6 

Bo Aiteh- Lok, te. 

oe” lin fe, 
LEO Ga ft hee 

Bee Lepr LEM Cane OLY Borne Et te CE 

AY Cl aenig pee 

pag LOSC , oF he G0" Wo Foresar? < Lilie. clomdourrciud 

« Cc 
Loe o>°z" C4 Cn 

wa COM NG een GZ Yee ete e Lhee YOGA LE! 

. id yf 7 x F 

Padiu tle O04 4b: fe idee all oe ove Lee Vetere t. i. 
v ‘ . , ‘ 

ete tease Che bth a Ad tenes C74 Veg Mee: 

a: 7 : 4 ; 
feller A Are Aa eT eT ee OM Cote Wbtate, 

A Aire ve” revert le lles thle St Ole. 


slen / Arla f Lew ; uw” Mg Coet dhe eZ caro rele CLL 

y O pons y sot my, 
OVW ti May Crier COC Ber. LCCC Ig Meter CCOr- 
: ’ ! ee es 
AALA pe Meare CU, ASL ee! oe Aer ae Lé “fete 

ae ep ieee 4 ee A 
so crew FF MeL e, Metaececlrcle ee eee 

» i . Z 4 
: ; ‘ j go 
rs Sarelvree Clete ton Leh wee OMPP ve Hrsecte A 

Ahh 00.7 OC PRG Ra OY woe! test lly 


v7 o 
a “ ye s 
Bie fee Wh eRe: 

oe taco tee nina en tt etna eo a, 

pettatts tess eee ee 


THEO: Puskas a PZ vam ee end ae GEE 
TF, 2 he ehivinic?} ; ; . : : t . 

o hu of. Cea 

a Cont, Cd eo 
eG eR ontaL Veg ees a fete? . Jat te, 

Certs ~ Chatts A Gonetigee. 



Yoke ch Sete CLS, ut erenbes peistelion et 


LO green ee ee : 


t : a ‘ “ % 3 
: ; ccgetl AC lorie RE, eee, 

fran aed ef en bbe Pea ee, TOO eet Sein 

vCucltd eects en ‘rere fed ee ane “. 

Dae ie 

Meee ¢ fn Oe wae thereg biinae, 

ey. CMA ie a oe Zz ecthle es ae eth dt xc - 
(een Ghevet ome hele dew 1g Blecmlre I IF Ex” 
ee, J Cte ME IG Aeris (eee tel te ote of eete!. ae 

yA Z are 
Cov COS Ly POMC, WVbced. ov che. es ce 


‘ i % 
ALCOA tet Cl bare lie, OL CL To gs 
oe Cm cone es tl, he Corn Cae a Accly 
LM ERO L- we Ate. ew CAS 0b et | 2006. CISL. Ge eeL£ £. 
ches cae CAL Sato Otley eee Coed hee Cddiatts a” 
ms ae ds Com ef Med or riers lee eee hee O08 
“7 Bone 
Hew MAM Sab Oe ed wt, ioe os ttey A 
etd Core 2, rm 
Bertvrantey Lael ay ep. Zo escud iad La oh SS 
eteetes 2% es Meernd Cae cl : oe aa 
fet he COM, eg 

i DP AAC UH3 Et ge 
' £ ae if ee oct yonn. Sar 4 


gaucte, LO Cif aLeiel- ae OE ue PACA! crararel le. fo 

Dx Atleres ABELL. cay FRESE hee’. i 

or doaes ye ae CAG CE ee ae ore jie Lo, 

ere bre Lee. Le. Pa as Vs 

Celes et borer Sfecrce 

Oe Cettetreh €tees 4 

eeee ds le. 

Gweky naveees. CE? ‘ On et. Pea CPO, COM Lat ©ELAL IY C. CLG. L€ SL ee. 

” ae. Lie Ok a Mb Lecce. a Bis es ‘LeLe, he ere! ebsepaces “Cn fo 
ele. See oe MCE Ok Ceced 

ate @ Cree 

a, Clore fe: teow @.dbee4y POD8 8, 
es en eects Hear et g ck ate 

en Aen cae COM Lt 4. Ceeced 
oo. . 
Led ee eee Ate. 

Posy Se a4, MOS vee tet oas Sei 


PEG OMI pee Oo OLE. tLe. 
Le. ” pie, oa A 

7 a oeag ¢ Oe ites CeCe. Coy ee 
pe Ck sage ved ee oly laser feet: 

Sec“ ee Le ee. alee. 


Oley 43 _ ele Tigo 

tore ty 

oer Vale o fo Og delie Cte ys 
w Le ° oe 
OOS ON OLE Med «. ele, alee. leo Le eee. ot keen C100, 

’ 7 4 
ere? hee: tle te PLL tancdl res ; : o 

C Aen laa ne : | 
ae a hig ge! “0 | 

ae OC. crete ele, . 

a ee oem ent SOR eA ON EUR Sor Pn ne ee eT OR ~rohremeecsaprpreemnnenrnn ad 

a cn : ; % ; Ze "LF be 
ata: all Story. Reve Le, tee -(F ere | 
etuce 6 bof ia ef ae fe. neers th bath eat wilede nye | 
ees AL pegiedt Ste! te et 24. ee Coote Va : 
eas a 7 Of CALE Kee, « i 
“ ee oi : 
‘. N. 

— : ela. = anmmrenitwonmet sgscstarpr tt 4s 
, ~% ' vos Se es i‘ : 
. oy 
: a ag eT 

he ep 

Sy : Lh . — 
THEO: Pusixas At, LManih hee. 



ro Maes ak. 

Ls Usa al opi 

yy ot Baa ve. Bes 

. Lae ma iff. ~ 
‘ : ee oe peated tore antes VAM 
i gen tye ba Anrrw erntink, or. atk 4H ‘, Aatit 

“0 eimennou pin es: POE Lee oy oe : 
. 7 2 aww QuUcke weetlatin "HE A0B ort Che 

ee Awe we haunak a Orr CES, 
like Sr ee wher Che abe ton peorted’. aero 
oritst eo pug A ents ‘the tet tlt orl, Cates eo 
as Jateut— Ant a0 “gt are en tees alto o 


scala Ofper cro-uts “ptt eye tree tA. tf 
Goi ae Acta 5 alas frtw Phones aap le Cor 
that @ vr favre Chenr mach, A ee 
ee er J Mhinte we) Aether: Wace ht gentler: ne ee 
PUNT Ce At ocaiurr dren f the y arte to cereal Coua 
Chevwnsloes at Me ee pele gentle, AW 

Berg did ridh te er Bites tan com fled foot” La 
ee Ate as AOA BL oe os Ae Gar efhal ao eek — 

atest Aafi ry ft “C. ao the Fe Ae Pacer 
Foe: ae Let. po a: a 
ees ans Aces 

pees fee. 

Lerten tte ’ 

oPhenae Ctnd tre tbe 
4, a leseP” Che Pe ae ca ee Le eect 
bs, Aoake YOu All Ae sueces 

Lo Jain fe oi 

colts Gauct Ly) ads Mle $pe0 aed 


So Fin Aaa dais SAB fend hE oC AN 

Sad aha yi asi rt tatecad Stidanbe ance pcs Jada 


et core 

i Bor eee L 
Ath : Pa ate SES pees 

Ve pope rer et in wr aint 


mad Ca SA De at tA Ue esse Caer Se i acy ts Sandton ee! sacs 24 if ham, hh Bde Toler wasicaakisnsae a ASB rae Bot CLL TAG ISI RUD AHS Licht Suid So hh dss pr hal cand asia diac cesC itiniin abetd iN ig bh A eRe acdant bee fied oa in 

The Edison Speaking Phonograph Company, 



Seely & Treas, 

\ ' a 
New York, NO yee 1879. 

177 este 

f A. SOLOMON, : 

ee santo 
Maes sd 4 Ellin -& 

Moe aa 


. % i fs y yy : Ms a . ERS ' : : r 

. rod COSTER Cree 
o ici 

é ix a ee eee ect © 
. | Pe ee ae a 
— ae ee pecs | 
w) jasc” ps argh En eae Aa 

 Phsapsip: a 

| ngiey OF tieadern a AS oe ~ 
hikes Whe nore bp 

NaS a. we Qe NO hl Bl arth ts auf : aia 

; i x Ses aes ene * Molle eels (pol Nerengs aed pe 
Sy, Ger aie ae eee he anrithed beeudo Ma rae 

coat Mores © Vasa pas Nou Sas Do ny 4 viel elt 
“a5 WWedasme os ts al 
sd tite Oy. 

aco a 

‘ AR a : 
walk 4 yrs ok. : ar cid iY r = get 
\ SS oo = nfs LLowrh6, rN Gas 

RN See 3 RSC? 
Yad, ~\ 4 ~~ DN ae x, LTP, 

i oe a Aw ehshzis b-,  aloowe. 

AS ree Lb ce ire I er Gaara 
ear Sar a oa or ee font me 

bale, Aoi 's ef “Jo brn altun4 wes Bi 
tn. Titian she 


pee : BAR plea: oak - 


fai asa Gsd bated ice 

1879. Railroad - Port Huron and Sarnia Railway Companies (D-79-034) 

This folder contains correspondence relating to the business affairs of the 
Port Huron Railway Company and the Sarnia Street Railway Company, in which 
Edison and his brother, William Pitt Edison, had invested. Some of the 
correspondence by William Pitt concerns private financial matters. There are also 
company accounts, which have been filmed after the correspondence. 

All the documents have been filmed. 

Vrreua aed: Vacetid see wage p oee ‘0-0 

lay wesseut peg as 2 
Fez, Seale” . 


(Zoo) Thence lellare ee 

oH < all hay ecertt have beeen gee ; 
Foo thoe hence ee 

Cuads air a LAs, yy j 4 
aca. we 2 4 I00°C0 
| = a Kgou CO 
hots if F* “at jp S Greig ltrs bing 

jr ted dillare au Gk L. 

| YY | JOO 0 

ve a 

Na ca 
er ae, 2 See 

dR Wk $3 " 

Foe COpseie Va, 

Nt Q Yow Abwy pyre eae i 
PACer PI _ Peta, Cart ot ’ 
WP ek nae 

PS hah 2k NERS Rati tee TR Lilo Eh Riga 


The Huron § Lumbton Loan f: Savings Go. \ 

ep ete gutnia, Wore. SE 184 

Doan) Lor 

We ) VOWEL | urd) es dur La 
\ou eer Ww ag a Dewan 0. 
ee ren aneiae ye} a ley. ho. Wurrw 

. oe 15 } rite eorere Marr 
pnt oy d ie ies ly vere j 

q \Nev- ales eaineare re bak hen) Mothin 
Jha, WE Gos. uth UA Hut uw A. he too 
byt A Hoe ch } pu peal ain eee Hi! 
red, br oe pura vba al 4 AY Bau 
Que dleleruy boul Ho Quark dul nba 
ee Jan | Owe Fu wh Lele houe b rake ion 
on word Pd tuwrel aL ee peers te | 
ere ag Duh WE bata : 
Vs halk a 4 WL han Thu ! 
edule ri ‘ea ly + ole Hor pone nehad 
Yur Haak 4 AL Onde wer i i i "i iV Cae Bae) 
aL Hud Abode on t Hw) ree 

by baosty of Hoe ls ak did $400 Ie 

PARDEE & GARVEY, , 4 are ; oa 
She Muron f Lambton Loan f Savings Go. 

Barristers, Se. : ws 
Surnia,... o.. B 

ia B, Panver, QC, 

re aoe K v: Ow 5 whol Nae wut a 

aera eee bbw LOW Aue tu 
‘A \ \y WW A. th A Bo se yt 

AUP. Jove Awe oe Po dor Shale | A) 
CSW Iw Jaw ba Rew) Jr Lue usd we | 
Quwtuae of Bo elie by Ju dw Suva | 
—— rie Agta ee Mee na ‘is ewe Leuven 
fee Main. ate | eater LH nur buble 
Lif ee wouy mw Jpn tu Les ob Hat 
vine Dude Wo Wa paw by Hae bot lakes | 
Vou 0 rr Sue Por Sunwy Hf uk, a Ws WA 

“ ne Hic t Www Ayranighr WU We A 

Ree Ieonde dru gl | Ho eu bear i 
wuld Laelt cv Huse : ite L Wow ae Cun 
Wa Mal Bide ue” our Jat Duk Prak! 
roe ate bevy ae bay uaw br Jrrwe | 

Que vue by Jou Bie porta DAY UAV eee 
Audorecdsur oa hee OW edu My Aye | 
Janta kig OA ow Rae i uf Idole . Thy 

aaa RARE 7 - Ba, Auron f Lumbton Loan f Savings Go. 
Darristers, Sr. : 
How, as 1, Panver, 9.0, O, M. Ganvey. : Sarnia, = > , a eo 18 
i : . | 
aa At Daal rt Se wae os “ab gid! aL) 
1 ‘ | 
Va 2 BUNS es is a ne NP A WMG we Pe Manin 

rn | _ 
LH A NAe Ast vad IAG a AL re JAAS we 
thueb ‘ust rd OAL av oe Le OLD ULL th UM bby 

2 3 at re Sune cr ae seen woul Rut Vu 
Sad a) 
a bia one na ete Abuady Cryer wa hud 
S S bee mar We ve UNL Vo vice Lea Attu 
By tio ot ue, He ban | y Race 
oe ase ave DAs be uy aaron - ue ae 
eucns ease AN OU se SLSR. hy wASUAL Lut 
Ay eae eG ae uk, oe Bak wll he jul 
JBO Wee Leu ‘ UD teperloa. 

Ai Tate 2 ee 
KE Sader buy ee 

oe er 
Heh Sua | Mecolex rata 





| bred Aye b S ceceLrone cles Ov00,c0 


Re cereraones ee eee ae eee ree Vig othe 2 igen | oar Po Vil 


| Stim Naw acts SOSG 0 

. | c0"ler lo wey te2t) (edn ew 

ey Crrlelesra. ever 
VR Aart cy bast 
7p ote. Leet (Gitte Coord 
lost id Bio Aer le Core Bere 
; ucttetbe Bee cet re Geetane fo 
“tte JEeeeu- Hs, Bagh Awel 
ag~ Jlatl P peow. Cstl wo Or | 
a ley Sa pho forse Cewek, , 
\Cortu Iman Lhe foxes G9 Foon, 

Cte rt Coun ch a 


2k Fao Raut fe Wratlee a, 

“Qunh Sagdenel= Bs Bet ate: 
eee: oxi ead Oo Veer 
oo Wo feck highs G~ 

Cletus: op wete Click Jo 
SUEEM flor TRALS Pf Sarees alte 
tects Covi CLI 1h,” Fh 7224 

Mifib- Bicves) je Be Pisa 
cee A bfler GoW 
Be Fe Gees. Bk, 
Ceeres Jrerum, Glea) ore Crd Se, 
i KA C Ont @ 
ws grok Shae yet 

feeewr CL kel. 
i SAS SAE LAD eas ad 
Lee Ttrthwe to wtleo DG tages: 

et Gl a eS Zug 

acting yr gow or os Zr ove) 
yr ae AOGTE, Cretl What. 
frivbOy) hel, bo fcr. to Cargh. 
lExcvw~ Clo aor Qs Ger Buh Che 

Mf EL~ 


i pS san 
2 (yf Jucnta ‘L Of May LE0L9 OR Tee Moree. 

hry Lite y ~ Je eave, b-tfm see a weet Js aoa 

: Ze 
A Pe ea LPL D Cor teite Cc PV Vet, ate Ge le 
ad ae y , 
Crecet. } of” ‘ Uke 0 ak, es 
ce aa LA teed C. OFC TY CLA pale 
{ , Went by. 
2 ; f : anal c 2; 
7 PE Ltd, Critter dit Va Hebd PP LEge /- Lee Ol eril hee 
5 aa) an J Aas , ae - & - f f 
° 2 FOE LO ca tsteqn O98 £04 R7ard/  Cloecl for ofl. 
i ms ‘ “ 
Cope. CG wey mone ae jew ny oy 

- Pies DN pC 

Go eo -4 ‘o Se CG fe ean Ne i cals: Le my ae 


Oe Pin ae Ohler Ee des bon See, co 
: r tte. tte, Fiasis pee far jr/y ye os 
x £04 Cyne a & TU-LeEge bat SOTA, 0 
he (et lei Say a nied Cini 
S Hi ltt bd | SHU.C 
SN : Jiican 
qi Loele GP tim vie By 0 On ee Ctectlh, bbecel 
5 Ope beg by He aon Oe Ce Letithy 

Aled go ph hy § OBL nit jen Ofr rel ieee oh Cee 
conele AMAT L as iva Lik es can ete. pie coe 
Vices frome Ca @ il : aA du yo des Ok fe: veliey ae 

breve rhe bd 

wi AAs ink ih be enh Sila lel ESL Sahara tt 

wa a . Viol bors | Buby #02 
Ye 1 ho Yd 90," fue “Ae 

, Z , : | Bite: one : - ae | 
Wrok | caine eet ia resillcorere 
| he ra Sf poets ee be 
AEA yor ge Se era 

| A had a Tit wil Hho S gong 

 Qerrece “heer et elo b~ Fear chee. 

ea | Pete Both 
s 009 wh. MOA 7.0 Ow GL ints (D0470, law YER/ 
BB felustl BEANcro on BY, 
03.4 Ut thie | SISO nn peor 
Vb Eclhedenrd : V4 468" Chal~ rung 
OB SV AT acd C2 S\cro | eo 
W329 02 tee Bat ow I 1.00 720\ a0 . 
Saar 4 Jd ooleo! : Weil~ 
firole > Sapes) Jis\oo | 
G 7? eee a Soleo, 
Ae Ge YL Sloe, 
ies J Dyer SX \ co : N i 
QD pute, PBcreh. fro N SY 
Mee Sarth reef Ooo / glee t 
pe CBM Sancti, rd ae j 
1 OS Monee, Do a / dire B ¥ 
' i orem SE aie eee Colao zs j 
Chao SEvif, Rimes met 1 2|\c0 
oo age. as- J b\ero Ys 
ao & Gol vw fli ~a 17\c0 
! fa Dotigne ee S/\co 3 
a ey em o /@ |e 4 ae 
Meret? Dot laren OB Toh 7o|coX§ ; ; 
| (G2hbds Sauberw FQ Abaclver FH cd ~~ | 
C G PUtLeeclt KDp-e, ee os Jol oe 
IGW Cormroy Fatty Sate /O|a~o 
| lect BG” fan cod Gal bor bee, | solo cle Bll $y 
; iQ SA Bec es Armee odsice 
ey te eee Votigclc Wow 
JR Keelhey> rey /B\o~@ 2 
| OD Cleuelé Bey / blew 
|W Slr TC WSiarseh hoff J \eo 
. | MW Khrone. i ee aN oloru . 
» AD parry ey CELI Smith /\vo 
SB kadg ! "wae J bora Sjo-~ 
Adlacey ee ° Deen. 3loro 
Sirnan THe atstae Gree Atlee 
p 6S~ 
Deuter eifleek. pf cornut-4 lp wo by ann atl Loa, 
frowd Tay Sharlilers oy b kee Ang Light. poneetlany mboer of + ry tweectels 
whee oo tae Jr 24/58 Oud uv the Wreoet jf erect 

Can Alone Ofer mec zor th fttooo” I Hab trhece eee Kim, Flom 
ge preg ett, wel A muck. Sareler. 7 Ched 
pf and Ceiutbh Urlle, urte be uth ws hevg ceed : 


: A, 
Su 2 i! Serle 
i ‘ TI 

no a) : , 
Yi fe fool. . on ee | 
Cand (6 Gelhee Nb siacd rant 

/ : ae 4 Loe le Se ak Ate 
fie Jylree Cited vara es eaten fie ted adh Ce egies 

bee 4 : b 
of, gow lOc! b% 
f it d 
af s * 

‘ oe 





Dee on hand, MB bate aA | 

| gz 
| | Passenger, Baggage and ‘Tickets, — 86. | 

| Cartage, oy 

Commission on Tickets, @ Br aay ¢ 


| Other Sources, Y So Sh “a 


Office Expenses, Wa 

: | Labor, : A 30 | 
: Superintendent, Lae CL 

| Horses, Cr Merde . bSve 

Feed Account, : DSY 3B i 

Dahes Arig 23 a7 
Car Repairing Account ; VA LAp- 

Track = oat : = 
| 4 a 
| Incidental I ' Je i 
' neidental Expenses, i j 
| Pe, IW i 

|sercesGets 1 Ge] | 

, / | Ly yst— 
GathC thy bab: \ S09) | ! 
Blot. Y, 20) ADA, 

| a a 
“og. 7 a th helt fo, Ol : GA het 
nt 0 GG Vilar d for Siete BSE 

1 nn WMlnofflillbs, fred, boeo 
ng * OC Socket bso Poy | SOIT 

rol tv eke Volo Hiannnssing batt Sf OO 

fr uw yu Mi cparlze LO 46% | SALLP aa a 
oe e.g. | KB 3 
i ULI yo. b poli s 
MP hh. : F 


a ee 2 Avia Go Shit’ : Wig 
ww oe Labor e ban yr Bi AN 

uw a 

eis | 

a nT 
(ft Peabo hn ; 

BABAtEr2. f12- (Fees is 

4 | ig 
i" | 

th | \/B2 a. oy 

t { Zed sic eA. 

uv “a yp LE : Wa! te Ze. 3 3 
uw 1 ow pth. VAS Lk Lb, py a 
n Ls “ tir lat 4e2 be le & 
uy | 4 Vins ooo te Mtr ‘\§ yd | 
” Pod ne azg y oye SL oe : 
% 4 Oo thei. Agree ce iP 4 ae 
" 2 ia Meh /leHp 6 a 
y | | 1 DY» : i ae we 
' 9 tg - Mita Coheg 
Y iP ” bag. Hoop | 
nt a fo CS yoy Qats 
". VU. 4 lof, rw 3 . 


ry ‘a zt 
bigs oe : TT 
ite Bi 3 1 ott rhe Clee] 


Y [,, | WS pez LZ. /hover | 
4% 14 4 Gant” 
yo Wy te Lent 
; g LET a | 
0 ah» Aoflerzg hoy 4. 7 
De - 

dil | fcenhe  LE| 2h 

y bs M4, oenreeLe i por Maistey, ot | 

v Ll yy > é i 

: a lest 

; ay | 1 bE. : Lue S 4 Pe ! 

: iG q eS G Ca, : am | | | 

' If Mt 24 ‘ : 

0 lal 1 4 bel? bb duethee Iori : | 

4 ily | a Ot elac b : | 3 i | 

it 7 | ow, HOlaee ste I] & | 

7 | eZ [lalle— ol | | 

y wt ei ‘ : : asi | 

eh es 2 yoruba, \ aba. | | | 

Y | MW Vaverea ULM Arwi MSc EL 58 f2| | | 
ere? alee ate ar a ds files 


-_.. | - . | bobo! 

: \Za a ge. Goyer, cht - =) my 

. (Ulta G L . £» és i 
Bee, 7 

” lar Fey ) Po Ney 
(thse Mkt bone Bat 

8 '. x oe 

7 é 
hs (eel Aad» F 
woe te é Ss “> io here 
ii 7. ta 


Ge. OLeer gel a 


face a 


Pics. Cee. 

bhivitel awk 

ett. Povo 
£ roe 


as 4 Aber olen bis Remo 4 

Led. : 


eividie Gx feb bet 


Fg UGA MIE Oral 5 
nN b " SUIT tes i ws 

: d 4 th fay Latha, || SOL GL. 

Ge? G9. Ay . 1 Are ePbe | Ad oz * 
4 4 4 7 | 7 se : 
t AS 4 : Avr EMD to reray bile 4) 60 
he ATES My We igs. | PGE 
wt AG ” Ln AéoCE_ | 4) Gs 
‘i " a On! Dy oe 7é. | Ad, JF 
: ” " tn eed f | J5— 
a won Let A | (oD 
a " 1 lo (02-02-27 } LLG 

6 nob Ln Bf, Ge tg | is 

ff " ‘ a ; J 3 Sut f 
eee ae 

Cola SSS pST 
6% ete fe | ODES: cee 
“u 7 2) 
“ 4 VSS ae ve al SIL? a 
7 n /Ba Cngpe tel, BL WSS. 

" Lh V hese ob, os 
”. " ale AO O122-, Borie of Lost of 


. OO hcdeh we a z 

tg, / an W155 O-wE— 
a a Proc edey y Aa 

fe od | t Kay Flic Pbiiit 

‘ : ; : - ions Gane cae one 7 Syn te ee | ace ibe ba | . 2 
log : Goh le ae HOP A fraberdl L | ghtiddah/ 

; i 

, ‘ pre 

f Go tenet Ee - 

w " “w cae? srl a beg ; So ; 
QAOrwn y | 450 


el a Hendin de Loaivcetlon | 24.86 
: ae n “2 blit for Cee & TCO 
Jo ae or eee ae eee so) C4. 
e witht he Buyers oo | Sew, a 
3 ig Cie fda dara ae Fi em AWD, 
F ” 

- A breis Mana : lest 

" in. | 72 ele ei ON, eo ehst pos 

; * - ‘ poe 7 i 7 

Wetlousliid vin ila ie 
4 iM Ba bs Poot Of 


AibtY faaecia ty Sle Pn 3s ns el acl 
col, tintin HEY / O pi@eadlen a a eal by Hee ROLE 
i Abe ivind bE Do D LU fy, 

be Poithale Cis Povical . > SbOLL 

eee Pipe Ge “tr SILA 
“we ; . | SIGN. 
a . 4 a4 THI | Vib 4 2 
. , | : 

os ; 
“ fg GCI? GAS? 

an Seas 3 ; 
te . "4 ‘ Yee rd Ln Per VEN) 

& . , 

" Cine fe tee Fe Bane f 1 f0bak 

“4 " oe he Ge we pore , 
lt . ft fs PAs Bes heel ts Nis 

Gu plo Ly 
ae cee eet, Gy: sical 

ge ? . i 
a emo ccel / 8 Pas | 
, EMC / Khel MGbeé Pr ae He Be e Os, ae ci SSC 
5 eT Tye fal Wee EEO HE t So 
eS ae ” a pt Goel: \ 4,5y, 
a Oo ow Le BU eee Cer Ree A ful em 
*: of Vs ON ay dpe gee f 257 

a. G Y Aehiy IJ eee (92 obey i ss ee ! | 
a 4 HD SBOE ee Ae i 

pe 32 ath AL ie a ae Ast cig| Z oO 

a a a2 LONE STO, Seay eee s ‘ 
iy a aa /3». Dpeede mes we Se Mad A 
4 a - jlo. Fetes i a 5 2 
a . ae fe Tew CCeas 2: 1 ae fe 
iT . dH lek ps— os. a3. 3 | P11 @ 3 
oe tn WE Caer fetel | Foe 
is we hoon hfe Oe a ee ee o 
f; a “wt UCC any ¥-Cov, F.Lee-- G ow) 

lo aia tbs | be 
vo pe ee if Gaus < fo; 

es BG ota ete | LOS 
Ct  barnceel. L for Fi Bg, af 

oY: eee 


( sei Mestad din 38s: 

cr Fn octane gee aren areeneee nes ~ ee ed o ig & . 
: , t 

Niffe | Chief (Opp a a Jule} CY 
a a | ne 
i | | : 
} | 
| MSE ar Cyt bef, ‘ 4, aS ah Ye > eee vel > Bb Z a w io oe 

vb ed— G bal ode OC hte Gan, 4 ig 2 

t wr Wt by ee ce WMlen Pa i : L5 " 
az is Pa Aas PO he : LES) 
h (5 ow» ja ths. Ab, Guat i SS- 
, SG 14 4 ay 20 Orn Ob gee es core. : 3 
to Maree Le. IZ es Oa 6 bes: i VSO 
S§ on 7s rae aoe C5 i 2, 

Des i 
fa wt Sf eee Ge tee P i Lhe z 
ee. é Yeh ha tlrs Ms Lire ra ae i Die D 

tt. ott Peel iran . f 
VO y Je & Mes t Cer 
! f ‘3 

G ~ 4 i 
tt " Ore fore. AT | dof . 
; as 
" a hives Mle ecg ud 5 
LL re ees CNS Noe LO f 512 2 ‘= 

‘" ” be Lv Dre Cs wt re f LC hee 
a : S 
tn no Jews Be co 64> } Lg 

, Ds ' i . ! 
Al It Wy Pied oaths xB 220 ' JE\oe 
PUP. 0) x a ca in eine fa 
ot " c Bes Ph lo | ‘Lo 

n — ae ae bil Iinshid pox a Z 

LE. ” [Sb ex Ga. a-celZo i 4 y/, 2 
ep). t toy tba € Cun G68. 
" a Lor : ers ae . AbD ae 
UP on Af Sa bute. Se 
Bite VRELL Peafeee. . 
a bg VAT as Cal. Bis 
fs5 an Maeve Hick TEAM whee, Via cll 3 Neve 
ja O46, Lb v3 Luriy bor bbed 7 bak 
PF Perew a Bo 2. f 8 Sas SCM PIB.” ug 

Stlenuptet Hes Vebccfiter sme gif 

: Pot Pad Dhl aden pes 
_ LPF. / Worth of Noveubey Lf heii = 
Mw ly Batic On. A ie fOG jo 
Hiscn ‘Fd ce Hifi op aay 
" /O aed 
" M9 telaw! MIST 

a ee Ae i en | | pye3} 
on * barbie . —— ! (8207) 
Se Na _ Joioay 

t o Wack 

. Lobb ! 
Nev _3 Fak SEC Wenccten Terk. |) 88° a0| 
” h gee Fede” | Fee | 
ws | 420; 
HEE Ho bsg 
Ss" Course. CaetltloLtletl /\eo 
b “ Mt wa 2 be oo | 6S +00| 
on edu Cre <Ghh I 253), 
on t ge sB16-4-— 2s 
| — err | ony 
,: a re ae ee | Hee oe 
a, Bee eae GP = 
aloe KC Wh eae ae 8 “fie oo 
fie avert 3 24] ee 
ie . ie Prelate || S00 
re Prot Jive 

lg Ta Tics tlth Qnikd r May 
tg ons Sg POW ids 

tie | ke 

*Teick!¢ Mee cl 

1/579 ‘see: xt “My 3 
Ah IS™ 

apis or: Midi cet) Forel or erae . | 
a ie MO. Wea, te leave 
" ”" Fish, LL Us iw 

” a tr De Kisieh Tie e 
" & | Pl Bese ie Ml 

1 4 Toruking Blucktus pol Js 

” 2 Y 4 Co oi « Bh 1 
a” “ ’ ‘pat ive CL, Ke ; Cats, 

y : Ey Lub ae 
‘ 7 . Wx, 

‘ A bate is 
” has Yep Lita G Lalt— 

or : C1e pbc’ 
A a7 é Cu_-4 Se ae 

es dhol VO 8 0 orce ben “Wa 

Ashes, J Prec Bee PEO a ot ae WO i 
: Kinet - Yoo ialehas” aes . | BSSSO 

Sips Ff OM app pe— Es 
” 4 Cas cfrod 

y Oo Pp 
7) ny - CQ0/Osy2 200244 or 

t , tl atl, : 

Soe al, Ae ae reel. ole Zo a a 


ov pos Lente Ofer oy ee ae 

Are, C tiich an Yibat te, NLs f CA) 
tn" BY, Kha. Ce, 2-atl> l Pee 
Y h Apasg Cet Gite four | BOO 

A A | 
ir D t Kibo. Law Lect DSCe | 
“" & ny , Yay Slot bo. i S38 IS 
uw ”" 4 Phoh Kobe: 73 er ee ene ee fo: | 
7 4 oon Lot Our Atul. | swe i | 
mw £ n Wathen Wiese SOSO 

” | “oot Yp leat A, Qrk > By 

he PER Meri Mb bane = | 

or / 4 tn purge ¥76 Ce ph. LLL 

Ne o Porn eed Ji%ark$ Lo, here : 

; " “tt haw, Le Clow oe 

OF a. Top Coffe Il Gea 
Ls = 






‘ a ee? meee 
. ae " YY . Yr Ay ate Ql 
”" ” “t 4 Gas fy 4 Live 

y Yet Ral. 
: ods Qo rE a ee fore: = 

VaR aR ce ects a ak 

| re : ee ey 1B 8. as ay a 
dele Bly w Tong ay oo | woe 
4 7 ae an ve | ore 

ae Aa oe t BOY 
(Rak. KG Bruvsai fea Ginwt ye Bole Eg 7 
V4 po 

Vby able whic AB einank LA fol Kea Shek oro 


7 M9 L ie bk vette Sinaav a, “5A iy ® 
thre Dae. Ya a li ‘a f0,5) 
a me fo Mer ere | side 

‘ . na A Cprfbefelet whoo for 2 ot t E 

” wy n oor ttrr wee &e ae ee! pos 
j tt “2G . Whe es een. Kor, Ove ve ee 
| 7) ” ‘ 2h heal aa f Se 
e noon Pa bis tbs Ot. | At 
rn fon Mawel, Fe s SalortheclCclt J pice 
” “a 4 ee Shu oly: Oy ae | aps a 
| wa ee, Crees | Soles ; 
ao now . ici OM OC iiseue Ze . Ace | 3s ~ 
_ ae OC ae Vho », Wea Acad 
' ” " on Sn: ecler-ze Ge : ar I CLI 
; " ‘tn owt LES Sect SS ices SO 
Beg * po YS sls + Porclrals ae | SEGS. 
4 4 a te Cas, ed. We " | AS S20 
peek Moesphs 06 Bice. | Ah OF 
" bal: : 4 Cw ef or 7 sl oo 
tt ‘elon G lor ofc, ! ave. 
y 4 & ° , riare 2 Die elxeteeos bt | Sivv 
" a ! no een Soc bed Z 7 Bi oy 
| : e. i Mey Melle Aix, D) (Onsctsbst del) £90F° 
: ee 1 BirttiBaaler baat - tte -—, i 
{ . bel 

(80 Gath of-flhes 4b Srteyfordwv, |_| A eSpehp 
>. ] [ 3 
oe id Bee Wop | 7 
a” 4 VCP neh el, his GB: LLNS 5 T/C y} 
" 7) VA Wugltl a“ Cl > ue SSYa: 
" I Pte ~ es Slaven bivele tab Ads. Pnzlz) BT? 
tt iy Motes Ar &@ CA, ae elec /ole0) 
es oe ae Cevrerts ZL Drewes Moise: ela A 
4 uw Y Dhow ie Lo A EEE Gee ? 
" ft @ is Ae 73 ae eee CHO +t | : An 
4 on FB lc lhe Ll, bLE te pohan & t Wb ve 
, Shot. & fed WEBS?! 
la A 
| ae a: 
: rT = 
| | 
: cals 
i - shes ies | iE 7 ~ a4 


pee a 
Srv save Erbe IL eRe 
Sfoil a ae a 
easter hu trhute fy on 
Ce "AE 
a 7 Sm 
ira eee 
fr ss a 
Gale ihe Ce BF 
P-pegomn en ; eed 
a | jee 
4 pees ae 
Le S of 

atheod taut mn aie Go Ong ae 

1879. Tasimeter (D-79-035) 

This folder contains correspondence relating to the sale of Edison's tasimeter 
and its use for various scientific purposes. 

All the documents have been filmed. 

or very Description of | 

eiheads Aalgieph (Defy iplee, 

No. 38 South’ Fourth Street 

Manufactory, 614, 616, and 618 Filbert St, 


CD Vj wedi 

$ Soo 5 fe 
DLO VERE a oe 
| Gt frwnd Chg 

Jeule VEL. 


a Cte, BD LAGI G 

Viewer Z 

: ae 

Af cece = 

sin ini a Xk ds cg eis ain: Ratan Says Viton elma hibidthtade See ee a Mee hte . denne 


And Professor of Mental and Moral. Science. 

And feanor of Natural Svience, Harmon Professor of ‘Bittcat L eras 
Robert Stockweit A reseeaer < afte’ Greek "ranguage frincipat Preparai vy diaparimeht, and 

alructor uD Weathers 

Professor a Pe tatine Sonanage ‘ahd IP ytterature, Efnatructor ta Ai eed id 
Professor of Beites-Letires and Mlstory, fates Satie peri SEnguad, 
Tev, JOHN E. EARP, Pit, Dy, WHEELER, U. 8, A. 
Professor of Hodern Languages and Tebrew, Profaaan waitate Sclence and Tricties, 

Professor uf Mathematica, 

Lan X } wUArA precentreaes 
Da haee 0 OT A Sep 

Gone Eo ae sotegge ey: 
Ln fee oe as aaa J oe 
Aalives. Hh thaws tT” i che 
a ie as Via _ ole ee oe oe Bib 
Hare. tre ns Ua, arr fiprrat . 
( teint. Bevin Are Bu. Cals tenet F tet. 
& ret) erbery gor ae, Fe dashed 
tele. Ae Yh. link 
C ctylhtY oe ef ut Onn Ce frees aba 
Heats auesaag ie Bria heret GL, se 
Medfacey lagi Lath ho gan tm 
a talid/ blog OF, pe cid fe 

en a JPY 

fast pe 2D} 6a aR aE NI IT a hn Bt wi 9 ia SA. boood LS.) 



ailzdaid, end Telegraph Supplies 

g6.- ike SOUTE SEicons: RD_IT, 


We a are yy receipt of your favor ce BE nse 


tn ee pee et ce gente ae eee od 

Lert ee. 

tt Some io 

[EXPOSITION aa Mlrisatl,, 
ous Vere, » COL C. Corie clei + ffaul 
ae Pome aus & SAL, atiey 
- Ha, “Offrares L oe Wires Aeman Oler Chey 
E tmeny fete pegs ‘ies 
XS hn, aoe’ teres 2 en! peat ite 
ay Ka 4 Gale hens APoresre- a teers Eton: 
PS a. £, pend ee ae a LZ 
AS A fu is he cup pom gies 
Hy heat, Van “A Zs, te 
N Gs elFias ee Mbxtél He. : 
ya cra pegs dl 

Nee fe Quttmus Y aoe 
. Vitis tains Papa: ps fas aes V5 Fo i 
Tlty tury Las , ae ? lofkc, eng VS pr WP. 

Ny Jim Cites & hod Prof ttetwr, apfraruhe eens” 

Oy al ca cn KFais A alfeate & he 
Be Sette etek feeeey ites eration vs 

Mb aie ees oy @ Ble oz a 

ces is 6. 2 3B 
: ma , mete 

4 a fon we Cheouy)? ve noir Yell USA. 

| 9 7 Allegheny Goaguontoyg, 

Allegheny, Pennsylvania, Z 

re ? os Cep 77 79 



Cte Maltin ovis, afar ok Bh of bie borhan, a aoe, 

Ash cies Ae Wik arn Wie Innate pf e 
‘E.DUGRETE Ts: fe Lt : Kak Se Litho” gh 


inf uments pour ies Se Pls Gi! f wal 7, Mkt “ Cus ae cae Reagan Ai: 

ba _drue des Feuitlantines, 73. 
y (Ancien N°89) O- Rr Q 
pelle i ester ee Meg a a aa 
AS eR 7 he Oak if We aang 
UL A, 

Ml rstun? 

2 ee ee teonfis tw tins ls, Ajtombo 

7 cleruer” , y Say aid Servifd Me, ares Jirrren eat clan Cee 
Na LY hu, oo Garks borren Guta tes es eur Co JraucudTHe dts 
Ore A ul Ly Sos of frurter . <ccne ote’ as fav 0 Corr trettnune 

he tsmttfod frac Fe, Li fait ee es srombho Ahengd - 

Cog “er, baie an, decison a ae anaes oe aaa 

Reo serbia ee forren aut Dl a 
eS Pee, ee “alec paloat aude wae oe Currie. be fed auteel ;— eel : Seal ag 20 hws , 
cell Uae tur poe sae 136 Moovaste > - Iter Cur, berry, 
Aes . ej; aria jl it cot js 
. to 7 Ota va! pee sac ph uy ; he Orpfinciiry , 
oer fas To er oe 
ay a Lo leer tol Ae a Damas Clanflco a'4 
ae CLF Leceh, sy ag tag Gea 
cee ‘GZ pia ie aun fape Cafifgarut, ter averriie, See fet CEE 
ho asia "7, ay tame Cae” wise tape 
; , eae fy ty tha tne Gp) ry wnat ‘orn 
fou poe CAG & fretaoy ge A es, 
alt ee avers OL eae ee Sosirwrs 

et as 
ei ee tobe outtt nae Ce a eee 
se AO ROE e7 8 fn mt, Oud te hee dae Be 

Sia te ia Ca aes 

flo Ga arene ‘ 

. : Du scans 


See A Ve 

ee ' Sey ss Ae tees Fore feacienittng, , 

ak Ba pees) 

OL Sle oon baleen taal 

Cosme guile eps Sine 

Drrreg Altern, cers lag ' Abie fo’ 
Coneettrin coer ang a. heat: 
hon ras Flidlrao (eben, wo ts 

 Cuke 4 pb thane nn ng lei 


role tan 



2h bay, tens er 

ZW lontr: 

‘ j 
; an Ce juny a ann, , Aiden? cha ccs 
 & 2 Car wns Slrs Jaws Anite poe e 

bree vr Centr tHE | 

ipa re) Seniraf . Maes tay, 
Out Pie oar wher opastll Gone laste. Cousttcarne?n ae ae 

Satiis, ? 




5 p Deeg ate Av US te 
| a Oe Sa, Se Le oe 
; ‘exe. fatto, Hota log AOS 

Ae See ey Foe 
Whew fate gf hist, alma te 
Hs O) 036 ce Ob 
\ Ab Geto Gy’ a. a0 Bet te - ae - “) 

v0 tes ( 


AIG TR ge 
Jib Fisk. yy Lalita gee ty 7 Ae 
Uhlicnget-f ooh ieis Ficbarde. | 


save ee ee - 
uo Age ae 



; 3 
-75,ruedes Feuillantines, 75 
(Ancien N°89) 

tH, aApoends a Vite Att fy” 

' Eecefp ‘die. Lary uso ser Hoot. A Saag Jute CorTinaee- 
| Aonfiant Ou Ouidefer do tobe Cornefidte> ; | 
SZ foie. oles ficls Hare. Checlirgutl a Chenevid : 
(opfeel anunt pill, Sadne,) on RES er Oy foto 
fees ein ed (fete savrdel, ) rarer Cor Abt braved tee 
ofiinitue aune fil a, Tad : ceftudont- tra eee Jen? 
(fre ete matiian foot Ci Avanfsygu, En? 
: Blan 2 Fuse Ad nelGuanpntud! Critesfinnaut— a 
-7 om £ 1 a Oauicll Hike Cngewmrte Jue 690 Lil 
Le jroelora ea’ A bene, Aa ter difamu ead foregut 
gle on ruh Fees nto Paunrcous Gy fartieiter,’ frowtlaute 
| tans Creed, fesevee ie, gu DP faudraite Conifer Yoo 4 
foo pug» - Danley sang elise ge sity Carine Poe 
Gu. ots Uitutntn one ton sede fila fislit ana 
Cubelpretescrn tied Oe foune 1s0t1 dane. oud 
cai a eben us ten eg. Paden ME ho ulin 
Ma nuug firm elton, 0» offfealec tite alfttdy , 
to Gs vote walt deo mail 1 Fits i, bey Lehi : 
Hrlinao Ppui'e orn an. A 7567, ols urtine 
Catahaguro !) Wacom Talib, fhangaise, sta, Egnif. 
eu fc fvuis, du Catelequs eoPorroni J fost Hote ase ben 30 ) é LK. 7? 

PARIS 1878 

Aci tas 6c RL SEBEL ALON A BCS AGC aS Ald eS Tc tc cae atic iota’ so hatin hei 

pet cist ocvek as oh 

Rusk Dinka ne : oe 

inalldee Mltwkey Ho. Cail sageieur, a tty Yoke 

Berar. « Amd, 1 tlignapher qu Jeo [bya ‘dane)d 

ae Cola' ig hosting sffients , ce Catan 
i, a frame cles olesnp evel guiee hepapla? 
a Pauli. « A tus & oleree , tan Hous, Cortianr.- 
Ma berbene ove I! an Qeun tle 1. hdhtipaphes, , 1m. 2 
Doan Patlinte tir tr ban, tenn toed 

hein Mein, be calor flea dite 
a : (LM : 

Bi fie Le et- Bune tof Lede liidur! dauy Fee | 

1879. Telegraph (D-79-036) 

This folder contains correspondence and other documents relating to 
quadruplex telegraphy. Much of this material deals with. litigation involving 
Edison, Western Union, and the Atlantic & Pacific Telegraph Company. A few of 
the documents relate to acoustic telegraphy and some concern a law allowing 
railroad companies to own telegraph companies. Much of the correspondence is by 
Edison's associates, Josiah C. Reiff and George B. Prescott. 

All the documents have been filmed except for duplicate copies of 
correspondence. 2 


ey hla a 
Yur awe Geer ees Neen LES Gane eros 
a eae - get ian 
Ee Or ee Kotte aso 

Vi On you Fert | ARAM Parr 
VAle ok Mary, the rll —| COR Kha hy EK 
Coe Panag Gu Ad CURE 7 OG 

bE 3 hate Bea Goole 
ie i Fe Pas Ey Iau4 3 = lEY9 

Xov Sa) — 
Prete he be geece Bes ge 

vies Baca Age pee afte 

ae Prelate a 

alg a 

aap ani Clectiivand Offftee 

- Clectuctane Ute? a Tz ge 

“ae Miitedne Upuire Lelegphaphe Com Utiiyy 
4 / 

ad, Ser Voy iy suuy “7. Kid 

doses, Mare Seow Caley TeHley/? Ae cb things CE 
Higeteite . Mes DENN DGB oy A eR 
vpn tas tects Venus (Eo. ey ee eee 

SA FFed mon 

oS 2 
oF oy a 
ba os 2, 
< wd ny 
ie & 
So Skee 

CoitlOB OF tap) 
4 Sek. 




At . AMbrmtieal, 57 ¢ Seucttsyyr._ /GPF 

Gosvence ZGewrey? 
Gour Yet Sotend ; 
Le Feeneet Sone: . 

i “ / 
2 hig boys al Lewy 
plod Yi, 47 (DREXEL BUILDING.) 
Y cy, yn Va 4 oe 
LL, a a 

ihe the Luadiptley Cates penclng 
ww Wathingier te Grunt cleeicdel Fico or re 
marths ago that it hak no priadiefarw over 
tarde oe: Ahe pect brought an the nome 
of- Morrenghm KyEbisow, atfplort}fa, f£ 
do not profets Ae—tote «ste Wechinveotl 
asheabceca | wrrhkaotk wras’ cloned P be Aub. 
Ah feet Your futiictierw «1% feepecl Ae 
perfectly Corctint pon behalf. of thy Gr 
~pauy , Aho You Mowth)' mrriaintaer Yours | 

tHatthe HMe theuth—hawo fratids 

Yet, urhere we att fie, nee estas LA ip dal 
Troe Cee ORE SEE | arccd kets expense te Ler 

new , ta Actes «mn questa CBs eh. 
Coes Ga ; 

ccd AMa Be 
av Wa TA, ar ad th, AChlo_d 
Cor_eeramedJ HOF is SP AG MAioafise poi 

thea ang geate ; but it Asta 4 Vd on I 

: ee 
toh Company net Av pF yey San 
ca, say sake A702. « 

Very iat /Yours! 

heii oan nica 

Ty GD ul fo 


WiburtouD CUE. Mp 


“e Ah Willis Hotel! A 
YU on to FE; MS, 
piss ge 
ate aoe a 

a SOS fl G 4 a ae 
| 7 Fie. ‘ Conran? C~ 
| Prec”, : 

Lae | fg we mctecints 

(Fae nee on Gera, 4 


iffcrn ple eee Mean: 

tee etek Come. . CHL mace — 
GE pew act ae Cen La Ga. ratty maGirne 
-Verecei Ee He Prec Pr GE arre dk LIV pre eerecee CO erevya oe 
SPwe bx Meeuy/ whey Prag rote Fey «ee tk, Axe YTbaLhy,. 
df Nee Yorte Pgn DyYfKfin OO hha aryn acl L4 A Owns 
Aina eit Kein, bd Ben, Ce ae ee 




Tadety pe 
oney loaned £S 
im cites 7 


c ar ation 6 he E 

ark Sarto i a 

; Cormar 

ein the city... 

73 LOAN. 
fees ois 

3 (OnEN 
if 5 

the LG Preys» ae 
Po pes gf Sidle e = a AR, 
raw 220) Pa ieee Koy preg hh 
Karey GEVEL s1W@- BrrrwetKeie gy Ja 
LL ee aw a Sen Pro Leceg 
Wa. hey eS ry Lf IOS Tick 
ofl ena? Pe i ¥ rte Cr D tee Ct 
he, Dg e grt ia: eo en 
Pri d~ HEL Of in Ene CO Get 
ae ureg SJ) Me. Anica, , Le, Boe) 
ndkpin “ke. @ ea ee ae 
ke Sv Chany, Pie) GE ey, Bie 
tech ae ae ise sa at uy Ct. Cle doh, 
ey Fes ay A “2 atotly onflaceece,) f 
ef ae ba ee 
Mac Hh Gee F 

BZ ae 20, 

oes e 
ae: ne tee ce (eee, culy. retorted 
ko fH S- PAraery i pis opens, aE e 


< aaage ay Kad “7 4 
GEVE. Fe: a a et Kove Sou 
a a pene a aon CL tceg 
Wa a>, “ee, hon LS Lh J a. Met. 

Mi fLirene? sy wy Frle Al dice Cc 
Chey Le hee fF rt OY (278 oy ow Ae 
ye Ter vte Lf. f- A au eer a Gee 

wee frie ea he Vik. =) 
oo Awe a fA parrints: — 

Sf vesstlea, xed Ko = ye 

“f Ve, peace tf cee Gls Pike, 

the 23 Leas tug , tot ky onfacgeben)” 

iy ae Wie ae acs Senedts Peed 
Boe a the, HC 4 



Geoige Lh Peascotls # 
“ Clectuctinl 

| Youn Wun: lapigphe Cootyps say 
Soc eo : | Miw Yok Pobuanye WALD 
chon He pisecbias, tek te it erady Ce fay 
ada the Batacten Seams fligho 
osu thas Aoithe Plan Fl se taupe of th 
peut te badges Ce Che Pao Lice toed 
ae one frenoled £t eefeat> of ths ene of 


Bresiin & Cooker, Proprietors. 


CL, 2 


Ita nent nice ee ne cantante ee Se OO ee eee 

G G: 
: > 

" btw 
5 ai a 
% . 

WinbARm’s HOreL, 

Brestin & Cooker, Proprictors. 

pha / 
ed ig Aste 


prio HH] | 
ha mpl | 

iat WeKtelw Unine Lelegtafpf Company : 
MN York Mbarche 24. AEP. 

GD PE IOS ensiy tes | 

Kigpdvsiiesigbecas ane sad thst 
Echt tai gd eet eee Ea Awan tn ean eee Ee 

Me York 
mM GLY eh 2g" Ong 


Oh fhe alate 

Merls hort ee Ret pers 

Ake, vata of ‘a note a or Ane dane Gas one 
hi aay Atak, fn wimeds aA ma, your “vafilecliona ” Rawtds Rowe boon 
addneaad ti ME pure refleclel afin, a Ahoranan Mae LM. not Geach 
firms — 

| J wcanthe “ak iy ae canna a) wens gacolu selprten, 
ee ao Athy “etpnsatel vurbak Ae hotles pe a MIPERestl, Mak 
nether of ne wvilling Ae creecfyh co dum whieh avonld, J Hirt, 
eae ne snasfack AT beth wwon Ueughy nat ample, from wou wilende 
poont;= and avlick Ke sas, aa Aker tated, Ar apr tray preven die 
proeure, ot ov home when J flrecoouur Afeks mela avire Lely Aa gh 
whe auch ohepe thecls mot only I ave he promealeaa di hele pur, bak 
Ne founespale ani Ae Wanracliens touth nol, Mhirnaskues, do 20 — 

Oo) has wanes Tad Meas saad ne ars Gad algrer- 
reaprnaxtte for pe fare Air rake oud “f # ihoinahen Tipe Cen, 0 Beband 
Mat Oh de. Pak ws ihaake Rites of sem sangnocious Mga Ae" dawg Ae, Realy” 
athacly Muff Rove soud of me, “f ah oh ou anole” remunda one,-wind whiels 3 Kren 

me. cee ee 

- Opeliuds Kol, 

Lt Ee cee 

WY M/s Mult, 

BRESLIN & COOKE, Fropriecto 

i eae ose G. Gx Ca Mla W. “078 
Mey eae ee é 
Cs A Cs Seecpie 

ie fru (Ltt, leaner Ne Saat 
Saas for ate cit Ponti! Teng 

| Ae nb Q MOLAR, 
at, 04 hs Co lioghs ay Ae alee, 

Oky oe ee er | 
oa yn at Leak Fix HE for tact 
Bien Lil Ke Picea, Act 

| Ar we Pan ava ok felt, 
prPreveicen 2 OZ, es ve KO SOct-tiny 

Zke Cf bay Speen 
CU beds ete: Cflfeue JH 2 ai 

Lig ctvwicg, rth ME Mod rsa | : 
(atleueig 7 oe 

bs mite Conn, Cele 

Satis tad acter eee ner bene Be eee eT 

| fats” te ak he teeters Caaheig 
hal Ke fac AL Jas Kafe 

Pircer for ate ce Han abcety 

fe Ar fPovncech & AG Hecekef 

ty Abbiatin, VOC Gail Eide, 

Y See ee ae ae 

ha oe a (PHL A [Ae se 

Yon phere bVe beak) 2 7m, 

nn ee 


— Yad s HOt, 

Ct “ 

Miisgls Gi us byt hehe 
tht aruy at eae ee SPO ee 
| fike rath, Aten tey Hl ce ee 
Chditl- Pegg (Iw: Jirclecked 
Patio Prbeak hoes As Cole, 
DH Cs. Pipes ge JS2LoE, : ’ 
Cid t oe a, oe Mer the, 
Plan Be rit ck Att tu biyfre 
Mens Prrarieg at fC Cato’ 
wth O, ae. UGS Lawley 

Bee Keugag einen 1, (ECE 

72 2 . Se ven, Phin | 
LEG LI ogee OF | 

paras trea ota Tae TO eR NC ESCORT 


(Cn 9 


On ee o-eLoek Voewen 


‘ . 
[Geese Qype tec 

4 B Resott~ 


ela, as a se 

/ Me 





Ibenl- Lys te A ule’ Ared{ tices 1 eee a 

Pe ee SM asline OP btiebs, Sh Ae, nee Aoi hes [fran eteee et 
SO ; t, weeeek Marge Le fer 44, Z, Cerf FO 
come l OME E__LO SLi ces HS, - / per ae = : LA 
ie ZC. / / pees phew O Lele totes Msatbe ort 
leg? Qo Exteteard E0gte, : Jn fetit~ Gp Gas as Pasties 
firerrtlo Je ' am 
: oon : bute ees PD tote ate 

: agar: artfest fo KL Precrter ee Zee : 
reo ve te Precast eS . aie os 
ces hacak/ a? geet # eenterety 7 tae et S have en 

o (Apes geek fis ee L, Le 
Pe a fuer her feorprmerict} of Bic fees Ae” ee cores rae | ‘ Af fret is Wee AE 
[rotiwrteto Atri afi og gad ple a Mee { As a of, an 3 oe 

Ce Pipes 
re ca lw 
CG ee ge paces F we! 

Dirivlnceinesils RAE pPasez, PR RPEA IT. “Pig Pees ei eileen 
aa anor CT, lheaf~ ey cana Ahr hees eee Ce — 

ae ok 

Aires “Mo fo Vian tawnefed of cele. foreaene 

“ arte 
: s quien 
| i | 

. J.C. REIFF, 

ayy Lesdourd Vpsin WEE Zeyh bh ¢ Comfuny 

© iu Y Verh dessa S AY. 

Congo Poesevtl? . 

Ed Centtictue 

Gig Goto, ; is ; 
Plane rand thes pusstoecd, GLE 

oo Jabba, 

= oda ing idee ad ve Ua | 

\w ECS worn « 
i pan eee : a vow a ae, the Lak Rout Fok 
ee ads hice CAs ol 

, (herr oe as Wy hi Mat fi eae rs big 

: di tany who- dw “ be Won = o Cru 
vis ventas ee el all (ae 

ay 7) \wha Www a ASOy ~ Wee okey: et ce UNO 

wel Atty Me eee Inalle a. dele... ytd Hoe ot CAL 

ioe thy Ply ag ed palais [preyrnar-af. po neectely 

Soe een Ere emer eee Te 

Geo, He, Burts ~  dwin a Worn 

Fe, ods Lg 
Cu PZ Por 

Attovucys & Gowusellors at Law, 

21 Park Row, ; Rooms, 59. 60. & 61, 


Ford Aaa : c Si ¢ = es 
Meiers a hr Cen 

Me, laloz eu pny ptcia, oO - 

Pe Fo gee 

an cyt og 7 oR 
‘Geo, AG, 4Guriisp Ga divin Se org, 

Fa: Lge 
Cul L Daa 
| Atlovasys & Cannsellovs at Law. 

21 Park Row. .-. Rooms, 59. 60. & 61. 

fo Ao Gah 6 
fi alle Bi. Cle. Vi 
a baled Son: yee Lat an nes 

aed age Sees ? Pea) 
one ley td hebiwrered Cy. Lay Gracter 
lwtey go ueae ba at? fa 

ae ee Ute pees %) eae 

Ain Oo M6 Onecdernztoar.. atin Aer 

Stahl Sas Tors hase tk prt wile Cie alg 

i Sina Sascel t A Nala re NASA a Ni itt 4 

- wy : ae 
Geo, He, Gurtisg 48 duin “HE, horn, 
ere LO 
CO. wided L Aa wD 
Attorneys * Gonuseftors at Law, 

21 Park Row . No Reais ‘59. 60. & 6. 

2 eben 

A fEfcer thar 9, v 
fit Mish CLE, £06. Be 
(haw Jets FYE | francSBacrn, E), 

sid dewede ig Cts Coun. ogg 
ogra Ln a eon 

rae 4 dha ingles! - Varo 
Vitter aa Mf fe tite... Fans fo-ving 

esi cadena whi Sebi 

So Kiar @a Qe £9 (Aen A cotze 
42 tl th ale (uatky Jor Prae ao 


oh St : «tis , Pry 
£Gea, oe Gurtisg HE divin e/3 teh OneD, 
ine 1 é >, > 

Pee “ny 7 
Cutt & Gare | 
Atovurys & Conisellors at Baw, 

21 Park Row. 

Rooms, 59. 60. & 61, 

la? Coa» 

ia aR Ct a ie ai 

SEER Geta diitns . 
Ofteincin— Cereigerrud Cry Gurr + S Agi Cts Biay/ 
aide. thes bares cn OS grrndrejlon Onn Pw ) 
je. Laser ck Maly) ak he Ras cuhy a Cea 
thorn ton wally, porns en ton HO 

wy | 
J J af . S Say 

ait ’ No. 52 BROADWAY.. PH ¢ 
: a. G atte, sae Ss 4 ta a ATP 
Je va ee Eé¢_- Oa 7, 7 

| Le a Sag, b Cae Se ee 

Se Pas oe 
WT ee Ie Ae ae FF a Bete 

cS, See ae ee a cane Ly 

co ly Ayu Aer « ene Ce On La dhe h 

MX yu c Cree ee, sia aca 0 e.- FEE 

o Li as eter. 

iifeo, St Burts Ganin i. Gr | 

Cyd E Boro a 

Attovucys & Conusellors vt Baw. 

21 Park Row. , Rooms, 59. 60. & 61, 

lime? Brea eae 

Fan. ied eae, ee ay Wo 

ow Ny : ‘ 

rn YS WB Pau 

TPR Rae + saute Fae ‘ 

Ss LL ee 
i: tee dy UH 345 
ens yee we "ee ee 
: Tea Qe 


os erin Gat on Bac onihs Le 
Gli Ueirlaranse Mab doing Ge 
ale! or, 

Cate nasa weeded man Ee EEN 

feo, Po Burts , - GB awin a arn, 

" Atloxneys & Conusellors at Law, 

- 24 Park Row. Rooms, 59, 60. & 61. 


ere a7) 

- -s eet eee Tet a Le. 
putt Grr nwelpee Mttccres, feat. 

Aniet dHeerrmttt, Cae 

tery Mange. Vide Chafee, Cord 

atusted Le fr Cheor an ee a 
Mat?” Vee Webern fir Bere 
Mes Catr meet Seis Pi 
tary daa f aco tf frtaeA 

(hes (AEE, jody 

| apie A L- We | 
Eoadigte IE in per 

fla win tee CF D4 

Heo, ra Carte G ain Yi oe 

ais Wz Goro , a 

Atiowneys & Gomuseltors at Law, 

21 Park Row, Rooms, 59, 60. & 61, 

phe ae wy 2 . Oates a re 
a GO 


Conte be atvetlg. » asitg ac 

oe cn 

SE. Vth: ’ , y 
Geo, MN, Quetisp | Gann Me Ban 

Lt, a) LQ” 
t ides ep ILE 
Attoyneys & Conusellorvs vt Daw, 

21 Park Row. Rooms, 59, GO. & 61, 

fe Gi, Zz ott te az 

LA cece 2 
depts co awe Fgp: 
te Wo arers 
ob hegreyoh C5 CK Pes 
QLD te Bk Gu 
OR DLis Aalla ro “ed es 
Av tr, os Hay 

pacitiaeh, SIS a 
7 Centra ALE Gotinis 
a sates K2rr_ea Guy oben. oa 



br tyffe. ws ta tn P Ea om 
Bid ewnreler ebthar GO Cece aA ining 
fc Paw. Chae pelea 
Sac Chk-m.. Aiar~ 
eipver poe. Vim oe 
ripen Ce Vist med 


sh sy ; “3 ea 
Geo, Me, Gurtis . 2 dmin Oe hour 
Ct, ER 
Ces i are 
Attaviens Corfusetiovs ut Eiw, 
Rooms, 59, 60. & 61, 

a bide sa herexg 

DP heve Bat 

Yel ee eteire dD Grey efor v y lias 
Ant y freed Cen Ce Pn aller ff CE, 
Ze aAus Z, ee as, Sa, 

21 Park Row. 

pes pe sees 
és Aan, not yes flied « x 
= yee ow) ew teeny 
‘2 Veott es pool 
ay Baw Aarcys Uundin efhin. A : 
ae; Crm elaiees lle Sif enh 

ahkax Qu thine Wee. need 

8 palin ce ee 

alto we a eae aad 18 Caer 
despre lis 

on wg he BA 
(Pht. Ga mine khaate Ckivgo Pay 
Awe Ge Apress Lian 
utes, Zz OfE 
mare ht 3S Ale hee Baws FF. 
eect era wrt 
ae oe ane ae“ fe os 
aed asin JPrbL Yor. crete dha. 
Gi ty Car wn ¢ Gelhu. Ge cf 

to Cathe TS” Maas tec panes NV 
Ct hice fp 


ALCL Seam 

CZ4 y! Py 2 
Galil O Ae CC. iliiytiyfhe ae WUTC, 

iz) Ye FD , (Piooupy- 
aoe ; 7 (Mitta Mavecoe’ Building: 
AMervivGrecnd Husitet, 2 
i“ George: With 4 | y : 

Y oe Gop ees Goi AS, LP. 

ven ye 

ee an ee cen eeeane 

ea tre ee Pet a net meagan ater see orem Bn 


Sieo, ro Garis 

G dwin Mi, Gor ws 
oe | OP. 9 
“Outi L Giro (uw! 
Attorucys GaniscHtovs at Zaw, - | 

21 Park Row. | Rooms; -69, 60. & 61. 



SA ; Aoi Yfashe. SANE. AK AE. y 

vas NA % 

“> 4 boy WEN , e < 
~ y is 
eee ACLEN jo Lo BRe sd 

a Sirs 
Me Set 

SN Ks 

Wy go: Yop Hs ae SRO Ss ‘ ye. ee 
“fA 7 uN roo) vuTDy WS sais pm a A ~“ eyes aa wr : 



YAW UAT 271 yp pe, 
“ET Dye 


) Wy 
Q ORME ai 

By Wk 



< ~ 

% we \ nop Soe Rae 
Nene ae 

woe SS > 
on : 
ee foe EK ee De LYN, gets syiy\.. iy 
la - 
a oS “y, IVY 7 
. ap EY ere 

as : 
omy a . ; 
ey att > 
: A cen 2 e > mab ee 

SOLAR | ¥ 

A 5 eae eas 


p STATES RAILWAP pega 5 SES ty: oO 

GAIT Rta oe ae, Sy 

> wy > i pRORRS AN) 2 ik Bras \ \ 
& NY ‘ x . 

sd oe YH Dy YX’ oA 6 Da $9 © Yt OSs 

\, ee NN \ 5 
aS EN DEON. Pn RE De ‘ 


CON Ned > ) | Ns ~ 
aN ‘ ony : Ss Be ‘ i a 
> WRITE Kaa care YRT “pa demas 

Sesaeece YQ oe OAD 
6: . 

ot eee eG 

PP Ls osA AS “y eae 

ae Wass OS iy M4 [am Ll 02 
ya ey > Sosa > “OR. ee ae : YQ 
SS. EE... CI, 6c Koma he VA. 

ceo ~ 

‘*. mM 
as clas >> AS ey 

Ss q 
! D x 
Se Saye ts SY 
2S 2 


ih aa ESN gD i aces Wad sad ter hb i brad nary sat 

Sinan nai aedye leis pti al iets RE 


PET oe: bese +7 
ue al PC A \ aK 64 et Ce G Kh ce seat 
S Jose yd foe WW. my Ro YO Sy =) A. ogee ae DEE 
> op SSF “pF mn wey ~» fe. _ yo 
Yas D oe 
2 Sneed aN” S35. ND 
A. a nee . . a : . ; ‘ ~ NG. 
. —<¢ ‘IER Qo Y.)- 
tat. uliccké Vt : S Ny S a 
aN 2 NS; : SS ar S\ Pca Fak, LE - 
Sy n. Sy 

whe A QIN bare 

“a, N "Ay o , v 4 a <> : 
aN a ‘ x. Sl * , ( : \ . 
re Haws 2 soh TY oS Ba<C= > ee » 
SAOND whe <. > W 5. Cea AS Sy Iss. ~ X \ereSSN. 
a ee : ‘ 

* ‘. 
ce Mer ie oo 
bye ean Co pace er cee x KS al rc as e YS 

2» Ne 

Ro. Mhaniny are (MWe) 
7 pe 1699 

Me Arceecvreddt) out” 
—— of he ¥ oi Sa a CltoO 
LEP ee: «0-0 from 

avr the jue s 
Ti eh Pingel The 

fi - z zi 
- A : 
: V 
; ‘ 
i 7 
' } 
, e . 
‘ é Hex 
; 7 : 
; 1 A 
; ‘ 
’ i t. 
> : 
1 2 i 
o* a ‘ : . 
” “t - 
= <i , ue 
‘ ’ se 
hn, Malt ’ 
” rt 

aE Ora RED Ene Ee PERLE TERE ne at eae 

/ MN ip 9 ey yy. Ve as ZL, ? 
Vedieite: ys tw Debey tafe Geom “hyp 
7 | wg _ 7 

Geo, Me Guriis & din KC a i 


Coeuth fb. & Grro 
' Attovucys & Conusellors at Law, 

24 Park Row. ~ Rooms, 59. 60. & G1. 

An Pa hea in A659 

hy dear ere 
fae ies eee 
Abn dla. Mae Paes — 

oe Loge Son 

ow eee fake’ Green, 

Sa A nah wh ere GB a Ab Sadie Sa ibah a hos be ah ene ede tarnish did bai 

Sis trong | Ie aS ioe 
J.C. REIFF, soe Se ra Ag @c © oO: Ne, COGS 
No. a , BROAD t's hen 
Fohalgiel? ricninicheticatetnnalicin cM eiticewcniieaitsenate MO: 


ot, | “ 

NS Lid ok Sho ey eS 


5 dy C. REIFF, 

DD > aN 33 

Ne 52 BROAD 

OL Bs eae ee, Sk 

> SF 

ee See oe teed foo, ae Pi% 
tare Of a ee 7. ie Conve en. Beirficg dey 
q dak terre rreithel Kenutohin, Arch rasfrtcerandh Sibeninse 
| hls gat, Hane cael fh -Petboe estoy i ; : 
Se Go nF el, ah. mery aut wes Pe ee 

| Ae, neve, srearleewted fon sreth Aecerey, itl, th, Chiru 
|Z a twee mth Cte, te tr tren, bet then Ker 
Jocranad! pf. 71M oo whew ei anew the an ee 
Cay footy. ove ange ointanl B Ber eleanry Ne eas: 

‘ iif, Coes : Aare eae aoe ¢. bse Ae virnetre ),. Peers erecbag 

: tf. : a. & 
te Ais, weed) spn bia! Khe. Dhan, cody (lag Sermo. 

JAVA on. sevice. Fo 76/5 >» thes. bs Be SP tv trettbe 

. : oN 
fares ste tH Chey be. E. yh ye Piven: tete Pa 

firey  Crards eet a Po ae’ Seon Cyn. Pete ntolone) Lee Perens y 

\7 thay 2b brrrueh Mews 1 Mebane (T. ute thes, he SELLA eae 

bfidrel: Bho aeaiine Toe o. im Lb rg pe) wme.. we OR 
Con feat 2. Ord, Prose. they fl ke ee. _ Aeprsettdescty 
ce oe aod tert ee nf __ Leiria. eae erate over oe 

|Z Fee re 20 ene Ye aes 4 he 
|. hecbriceuily Aude Sie. pe fetishice Ahab, es LR sce meetenien | 
; Batotije SAME incre mere | es 
i) ee a Poth» aeok cae 
mat, at hi fad hs eh BinHe eg cast: ake. tee 4 
PEL Oise) ce Ot se hibi idirn a 

Shag: ay, Ee peer hed ee on ‘ ee 
y Ardecant, Ad  Orenu 26. | 

fou be : A eyih Lotintd... Aya, Lhe er Crug Abe, 
LIne athe trey 2x St oe a. os 
Tice ide Weg te: eae ee Li Penne 2 a fect 

fee nen EB 

of bbe eee | rhe nrmle Ge (oa ae. 
tte a ; 
Mien. Chay. vig yen. oe. went eilent, ws, : 
Pry et glare of ey Fea. All omg ery 
orm oe, Chiyeerenfhrkal Hom be oe oe: ry Chay 
Aye ntact. Ba.. by the wstuly Fosuarf/ 
Wemmbellel ime k ey ho Ue, mehen, crm, nay i 
Pecans, e hit, afer theage? nth. bli cps = a rahe 

. Kibet tarlerchinig fet Ly fey e oe wh brorerr Chup. - 

| Ul Miran) vA the eileen. er list foory Aig) 
Ino, Oy Eke, Oe me atrcde Ant, ois: 
een. a retell fe eee ehiacés no th We eae 
rind fh ye a qr aePrtibeee paler, Bee. . 
Cree ee gee Le Besa lifle. he by Arey fe. 
eed Athan, waz incites 
li, 4teG n> Yon, Wj, beet Casbpdived Oke ae 

. hen elelny, jee SOLE eo wrth, 2 erred 
LOA frsl Us they tudiuder. hai, exter eouef 

[A dom wih Sn sees 
cas OM. oer: bugil WP en Ane eT thay 

a: ay ely. Gis, — Stor Siew: moves 



| ha oY “Ht Dae pre oF wf ai 

MepMei Me. hh. oe. buat mesial! 
Ae enenmner, th thi, of AIP thet Me aun 
[ood 4 Cbsof, Hh, os otae lee baw ap & 
een te. Prod,» Aid fy a Copvose 

ape be or Aa, Retetrhed 


nn ~ froton, bn ce a Bia) eae —2 te eee we 

th, & 

fn Atte net y i ae ZS ; 
4 s 

iin Ke ven. ph axe. ae VY tr arf. on Sse Sn S 
| ert et. Met of yom 9 ascny Chiney Cevial- oe 
eee. Ay? Ained elrrnnr. Soren eee Ahan AS fed, 

| aw ML Erne Het) pel ug he ved, 
lens. Aen Ls Gy ee Gf rb frrrreTeug 7 
ih bel eg. ft co etm, Yen Conn ae 
Lf fol mathing Feremally re teri) ae ie 
immer fo Pil eben me 
Ke crtt.ct okay che Moran aclete ae Henge J 
Let 0 teed Aorta pL Mad, a : 
| Ker “Bh “oO : 
| hed ml ted ket, OL ha Chenyhh. hs Sony's : 
PA. GL if Tram ym Eni san : 


Get ee oe, Yer, 


ce w4 
a ey Ae 


PEf AL PFS! Cork 

see Fe ee hha Lida | | 
ay ) ieeet hes ete tay bid fea. Aas os Sn) 
RS oe © A 
iS. 1 av 




Tt apace on Ne eset anne | 

Wl wr 
ees i W iisERN mo ypanapt COMPANY. 

a . 

Wr reece iolcaf ae awe, 
Cresteal led Vorocr’ / te Lp 

Behl Vaded im 

: bbc f YELDIHL 
“se Me i Ye es Me: ? 

a7 MR Covent” 
“Yow [eco whet—urae Ace | m 
ms PR re °f Cony to Close 
ie Res (eee Lef - Gut wy ote 

: Wad wer fer Om vn dapinct 

trea, ead my walter no aw 
fewrmge t cut hous ort alts i 
y Com not binned ft but eae 

ae 5 yo Rake baa 
a ae ete Be 


aw a 2 
> pune No. 52 BROADWAY, 
N] ee: ew Yuh, seinen Plo 

p7 AA Lan 
Re Pe ae eee A~KA na rom Ho ous 
\\ A ctly KS AkeWtz AM BL _ 

: a f+ fey 
ley AV i Fre An fees 
\ = 

Peal Te | as sais La} 

Ligon pe Pritrrncte/ o— lhe. 
Migs Ke AKA Sev fo 
foe kee BIE RLE 

a Mitesh ok 



We | | ae as 
- ie Yash AKL 16 Rigg 

BE ee P 

RAL gag ad tes Cio Py 

Mey ee are ee Ot EC en Pe 
janes & ee Pee Xie 9 Stt1tegy ee 

On eafietiy nag G . ree AOY -E 

pte Got ohe/ x i 4 Ae, aly eran 
Aaeiael. | ie es. En le, fired ~ 
bf arm 1 oo Pe a. ELLE 

thy, Hea f 

Sekt. et AL Kore Gizwepes 
a TF. Pets ce ee ea Oe eg, 

Ae Aa) eae pe 2 

An i. AI ape! WE twee 

. A tie a ame Ta ai oe ee } 

pind Lop ze pee 

Aricceged pucll w30 Kx ee 

kas pinta Hepat atens, G9 Big ee ‘* 

4d Co Ca es Ome LY Ct. ee ne ee A 
Wate LE et. Pega ao Cra fa 


ee a io ee . 
tales Sto oh eh = Prong aie Mer... 
Widisie othe ae. a eae * en ene “Cs. Kets 
Et Ot. cea: 

mec iore ewe 
oo pA Corwen tint as Oe SE Ai Cotes 
ifn “Ta3 corer, 8 dade woe “hgh eg os ae 
ORK. pored... ‘leak ae “tne hl Cale. Da tread. Cae 
buf rn LOY ee, on Soe oes ~U Ae ne at, 
Fe Irtactinise. , ee a ee foto 

eee rch = 

eee cee i veer enti ene pg nea 

T.A. Ore 
“Menlo Park, N. J. i ta 


ay ue nts, ak NM. a , 

eee PO ae: ia St Je 
Gere ETE oe nen henry es Aes Mone 
Ae CS: Avett: acon Date Cee 
A: the : a repli tA e enw. Kos Hh, secs 
ona SA cath, Peres: petinntonn® aaa 
baat Pees" Rae tps 8 Pee nf poy. 
cle. Reig eas 



te Oa ny he Ott, ca peu £9 |.  Rocenetaiter i he 
We IS ohana a tease tes) A Hit ae 
: f ge Pate af b ter nee : 

Vt lo. as 

Ei eG 

Co ial egy SE go 
Oar te very thee TH Gun 
om Co Le iy lea Sheaii Ga, 
See. re 
‘ie ae a= © 

aA She np nnn ee 
pO Ga 
WMT e Le ee ee ipaed caress 

Be ats ee — 

neat Ub at VA 
eet | 
| Z & “2, owe ge ~~ 

3 wt Ne 
nn ee : Te eae TT ae 

Che Birect Thrited States Cable Company , Linrited 
MO Beoad: Peak: 

yy Vu" | The Direct Cuited States Cable Company, imited. 

| Cte? - | peel AM Elswad Sal 
(ur UZ Le ae 


The [Irion [engae Slat, 
aaa fading Auer & 264 Sr. 


etna tee ney 
re rn ame re oe tee 


bi Purller te Zuerbas « 

Le ae ee 
(“6 I. Heliates) 


US A. 

Viaw 20 1 F4 

| : Sot a ei 


Pa el ts youn Matter of We 

| 9 wilh state Rat ua m 
ofpenion Re Game aout 
oft vent we weufdl nofahand 
ao mowent Gefare Ke Counts, 
because Ke cParmnes awe Kor 
| speep poser’ ; and ne chen oe macle 
for Me wmecRanrtom. clerencéeef 
: wR afone Me vetoes 


Cowl Cohen ou Come Khe 
a ah Cowe ene 

sa Or Celrson 


‘ . 
( The Direct United States Cable Company, Himited. 
ee eae 

cc: a ae 

hd Glin ten gf 


zis a cen aia een 

fr SAE, iS fh nee Bobo 

ooh Siaieepe 

, a : New YorK, ? ' fas : af ZL. 
3 — : 120, BROADWAY, \ Pvetinini Ling 
: MeM mite Dutty J Al, c 3 

. Cotnevyy S*Geilfens Lane, : 

: | ‘ ae : : ae ; p : ce . 
4 ms Ie Hb! hel (jeu SPAY, Pees Yew 

| OComeig, LI, Lone. fv, > oa, 
ee fe Eee 
ame 14° At fees ae a 
co Meee 

£36 ¢ ee ‘cg a heeen en : ; 
AZ eos sthetid : , BROADWAY. 

Ap ee ; 
SEA, ol 



BE eee 

oe tata Ofrecid 
ov 20% Bue 1°79 

| Bhar Gr e 3 
| Ses Gorticer. 
ae kU achpuividiye Lk 
J Yh A2 te MAUMEE Qed 
| te b, Lhe spain pir Carr, bans 
|S fare arty Weal ilk 

l tcclevceele Qita 

colt my afoul. OF 

“gt aud Lt- 44 prot wis ss oye 
AM ts ssi Lae 
lee ote Baa. So” — 
LH gfon yo four kKliwy feaigprafte pour 
yrealiug li Lk Grow and Allee (Tha 
[wn rid Lhe (rtadoev above foaled av 

AKU pr7Yy: prot A, Ly Kel 
regard Lhe nent A ay 
1) ds ytudd Rive 
uae yr ge 

Ske, LEVY 

pwotifprg wie Compacts se I wertl Witiv 

ie LUSirt” bo Jeera Ved over Yer pyced: 

| (Ore t LP Atteg we Fhat- 
ee ZEEE 

Shea Ctare 

62 OS twa 
Nev York, 


Reel duplication of the whole or of 
any part of this film is prohibited. 
in lieu of transcripts, however, 
enlarged photocopies of selected 
items contained on these reels 
may be made in order to facilitate 

A Note on the Sources 

The pages which have been 
filmed are the best copies 

available. Every technical . _ 

effort possible has been 
made to ensure legibility. 

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Alfred P, Sloan Foundation 
Charles Edison Fund 

The Hyde and Watson Foundation 
Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation 

National Science Foundation 
National Endowment for the Humanities 


Alabama Power Company 

Amerada Hess Corporation 


Atlantic Electric 

Association of Edison Hluminating 

Battelle Memorial Institute Foundation 

The Boston Edison Foundation 

Cabot Corporation Foundation 

Carolina Power and Light Company 

Consolidated Edison Company of 
New York, Inc. 

Consumers Power Company 

Corning Glass Works Foundation 

Duke Power Company 

Exxon Corporation 

Florida Power & Light Company 

General Electric Foundation 

Gould Inc. Foundation 

Gulf States Utilities Company 

Idaho Power Company 

International Brotherhood of Electrical 

lowa Power and Light Company 

Mr, and Mrs, Stanley H. Katz 
Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. 
McGraw-Edison Company 
Middle South Services, Inc. 
Minnesota Power 
New Jersey Bell Telephone Company 
New York State Electric & Gas 
North American Philips Corporation 
Philadelphia Electric Company 
Philips International B.V, 
Public Service Electric and Gas 
RCA Corporation 
Robert Bosch GmbH 
San Diego Gas & Electric 
Savannah Electric and Power Company 
Schering Plough Foundation 
Texas Utilities Company 
Transamerica Delaval Inc, 
Westinghouse Educational Foundation 
Wisconsin Public Service 


Rutgers, The State University of Nationa! Park Service, Edison 
New Jersey National Historic Site 
Edward J. Bloustein Roy W. Weaver 
T. Alexander Pond Edward J. Pershey 
Tilden G, Edelstein Smithsonian Institution 
John Gillis Bernard Finn 
New Jersey Historical Commission Arthur P. Molella 

Bernard Bush 
Howard L. Green 


James Brittain, Georgia Institute of Technology 
Alfred D, Chandler, Jr., Harvard University 
Neil Harris, University of Chicago 
Thomas Parke Hughes, University of Pennsylvania 
Arthur Link, Princeton University 
Nathan Reingold, Smithsonian Institution 
Robert E, Schofield, Iowa State University 


William C. Hittinger (chairman), RCA Corporation 
Edward J. Bloustein, Rutgers, The State University of NJ. 
Cees Bruynes, North American Philips Corporation 
Paul J. Christiansen, Charles Edison Fund 
Philip F. Dietz, Westinghouse Electric Corporation 
Roland W. Schmitt, General Electric Corporation 
Harold W. Sonn, Public Service Electric and Gas Company 
Morris Tanenbaum, AT&T 


Reese V. Jenkins 
Director and Editor 

Thomas E. Jeffrey 

Associate Director and Microfilm Editor 

Assistant Editors 

Paul B. Israel 
Robert A, Rosenberg 
Keith A. Nier 
Andrew Butrica 

Assistant to the Director 
Helen Endick 

Leonard DeGraaf 
Alan Stein 
Jacquelyn Miller 

Research Associates 
Douglas G. Tarr 
Mary Ann Hellrigel 
David W. Hutchings 

Grace Kurkowski 

Student Assistants 
Joseph P. Sullivan 
Karen Kozak 
Granville Miller 

Thomas A. Edison Papers 
Rutgers, The State University 
endorsed by 

National Historical Publications and Records Commission 
18 June 1981 

Copyright © 1987 by Rutgers, The State University 

All rights reserved. No partof this publication including any portion ofthe guide and index orofthe microfilm may 
be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means—graphic, electronic, 
mechanical, or chemical, including photocopying, recording or taping, or information storage and retrieval 
systems—without written permission of Rutgers, The State University, New Brunswick, New Jersey. 

The original documents in this edition are from the archive at the Edison National Historic Site at West Orange, 
New Jersey. 

QO, Editon. pers 



Thomas E. Jeffrey 
Microfilm Editor and Associate Director 

Paul B. Israel 
Assistant Editor 

Mary Ann Hellrigel Douglas G. Tarr 

David W. Hutchings Robert A. Rosenberg 
Editorial Associates 

Leonard DeGraaf John Deasey 

Joseph P. Sullivan Barbara B. Tomblin 

Alan Stein Jacquelyn Miller 

Karen Kozak Maria Antonakakis 

Student Assistants 

Keith A, Nier 
Assistant Editor 

Reese V. Jenkins 
Director and Editor 

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey 
National Park Service, Edison National Historic Site 
New Jersey Historical Commission 
Smithsonian Institution 

University Publications of America 
Frederick, Maryland 

Edison signature used with permission of McGraw-Edison Company, 

Association for 

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